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09-03 投稿


Croatian 发音

英:[kro??e??n]  美:[kr???e??n]

英:  美:

Croatian 中文意思翻译




Croatian 短语词组

1、croatian capital ─── 克罗地亚首都

2、Croatian War of Independence ─── 克罗地亚独立战争

3、croatian center ─── 克罗地亚中心

4、Serbo-Croatian n. ─── 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语

5、Croatian State Archives ─── 克罗地亚国家档案馆

6、Croatian language ─── 克罗地亚语

7、croatian capital crossword clue ─── 克罗地亚首都纵横字谜线索

8、croatian rhapsody ─── 克罗地亚狂想曲(歌曲名,CroatianRhapsody)

9、Croatian Defence Council ─── 克罗地亚国防委员会

10、Croatian Republic of Herzeg Bosnia ─── 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那克罗地亚共和国

11、croatian citizenship ─── 克罗地亚国籍

12、croatian flag ─── 克罗地亚国旗

Croatian 词性/词形变化,Croatian变形


Croatian 相似词语短语

1、Proustian ─── 普鲁士的,普鲁斯特的(proust的形容词形式)

2、creatianism ─── 创造论

3、strontian ─── n.斯特朗申(英国地名)

4、Croatian ─── adj.克罗地亚的;克罗地亚人的;克罗地亚语的(等于Croat);n.克罗地亚人;克罗地亚语(等于Croat)

5、Gratian ─── n.格拉提安(西罗马皇帝,359~383);格兰西(12世纪教会法学家)

6、Grotian ─── n.崇拜格劳秀斯的人;adj.格劳秀斯的(荷兰法学家和诗人)

7、Croatia ─── n.克罗地亚(南斯拉夫成员共和国名)

8、Sarmatian ─── adj.(古时东欧地区维斯杜拉河和伏尔加河之间的)萨尔马提亚的;萨尔马提亚人的;n.萨尔马提亚人;[地质]萨马特阶

9、Croatians ─── 克罗地亚人

Croatian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (HKDI) ─── 克罗地亚化学工程师与技术专家学会

2、Croatian politician has been swept to power after promising voters he would rip them off at every opportunity. ─── 一名克罗埃西亚政治人物因为向选民保证,他一有机会就会敲他们竹槓,结果当选。

3、Croatian dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with the 1250 (Central European) Character Set. ─── 克罗地亚文字典顺序,不区分大小写,用于 1250(中欧语)字符集。

4、The Croatian showed why grass suits his style of game. He has the court speed. ─── 克罗地亚人在草地场上显得相当适应。

5、Croatian Democratic Community (DHZ) ─── 克罗地亚民主共同体(民共体)

6、International Conference on Reconstruction and Development of the Croatian Economy; ─── 克罗地亚经济重建和发展国际会议;

7、Croatian dictionary order, case-insensitive ─── 克罗地亚语词典顺序,不区分大小写

8、"For me this means coming back to Verona but it won't be like a derby for me because after experiencing Lazio-Roma, even if from the bench, nothing compares - said the Croatian -. ─── “对于我个人来说,我回到了维罗纳这座城市,但是这并不像是德比,因为在经历了罗马德比之后,即使是坐在板凳上,那种感觉也和在维罗纳是没有比的,”这名克罗地亚球员说。

9、elements of the Croatian Army ─── 克罗地亚军人员

10、"But it really is a Croatian name; my parents were born in Split, Yugoslavia." ─── “可是真的是克罗地亚姓氏啊。我爸妈是南斯拉夫斯普利特市人。”

11、On a cold January day in 1962, a Croatian music teacher named Frane Selak was traveling from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik by train. ─── 1962年1月,在一个寒冷的日子,克罗地亚一位名叫福瑞恩-西拉克的音乐老师乘火车从萨拉热窝到杜布罗夫尼克。

12、MPRI developed a multi-year program to provide leadership and management skills and a personnel management system to the Croatian Armed Forces. ─── mpri制定了一个多年计划,以领导和管理技能和人事管理制度的克罗地亚军队.

13、Among them, the second seed, famous Croatian athlete Yivonisvic and the previous champion of the men's singles of the US Open, from Germany Beker both failed to enter the second round. It was very much beyond expectations. ─── 其中2号种子、克罗地亚名将伊万尼舍维奇、来自德国的前美国公开赛男单冠军贝克尔均未能进入第二轮,十分出人意料。

14、He said he was trying to the reach the factory, which has no Web site, to fill a Croatian company's order. ─── 他说在执行一家克罗埃西亚的公司的定单的时候,他曾准备去那家工厂看看,那家工厂没有网址。

15、A crowd of Croatian reporters and photographers gathered around Angelina to ask the American star questions. ─── 一群克罗地亚记者和摄影师在向美国明星安吉丽娜问问题。

16、Ministry of Family, Croatian Defenders and Intergeneration Solidarity ─── 克罗地亚家庭津贴由家庭、军人和社会团结部

17、A firefighting airplane tries to extinguish fire which broke out on a Turkish cargo ship, about 15 miles off the northern Croatian Adriatic resort of Rovinj on February 6, 2008. ─── 2月6日,在克罗地亚北部旅游胜地伦尹15海里处,灭火直升机正在尽力扑灭一艘土耳其货轮上的大火。

18、Croatian President ─── 克罗地亚总统

19、A Croatian complained Chinese burp. ─── 一个克罗地亚人抱怨中国人打嗝。

20、Porto will also take heart from the absence of Rangers' Croatian striker Dado Prso who damaged a hamstring in the morale-sapping defeat at Celtic Park. ─── 为此曼联主教练弗格森将本场比赛喻为曼联“近几年来最重要的欧洲赛事”。

21、By 1995, the Croatian army had been reorganized and strengthened. It launched attacks on the Serb-held territory. The Croatian army recaptured most of the territory seized by the Serbs in 1991. ─── 1995年,克罗地亚重组军队和加强军事实力,向塞尔维亚佔有的领土发动攻击,克罗地亚军队最终重夺塞尔维亚人于1991年夺得的大部分土地。

22、The Croatian parents are very loving and confident they will make something of their lives and be able to provide well for their children. ─── 克罗地亚的父母则富有爱心,自信他们将从生活中有所得并将会有能力为他们的孩子提供良好的环境。

23、Croatian Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees ─── 克罗地亚流离失所者和难民事务处(难民处)

24、Croatian Defence Council ─── 克罗地亚防御委员会

25、International Conference on Reconstruction and Development of the Croatian Economy ─── 克罗地亚经济重建和发展国际会议

26、Croatian Ustashi ─── 克罗地亚乌斯达莎

27、The Croatian parents are very loving and confident they will make something of their lives and be able to provide well for their children. ─── 克罗地亚的父母则富有爱心,自信他们将从生活中有所得并将会有能力为他们的孩子提供良好的环境。

28、International Conference on "The Reconstruction and Development of the Croatian Economy ─── “重建和发展克罗地亚经济”国际会议

29、Adebayor gave way to Eduardo and though the Croatian international was not directly involved in the goal his introduction brought purpose and more of a threat from the left. ─── 后来阿德巴约被埃杜达尔多换下,这位克罗地亚国脚虽然没有直接参与进球,但他上场后阿森纳左路的进攻明显变得更有威胁更有成效。

30、A fatal bus crash that kills two Chinese nationals and involves Croatian rowers is cleaned up on site within half an hour, and never mentioned or written about in the Chinese media. ─── 一场涉及克罗地亚划艇队员的致命巴士车祸,导致两名中国人死亡,肇事现场在半小时里被一冲而净,中国媒体啥也不提啥也不写。

31、China's 57-year-old Croatian coach Boar Milutinovic,a master at shepherding lesser soccer nations to World cup success,was elated. ─── 为中国队效力的57岁克罗地亚籍教练、大师级人物博拉·米卢带领弱队走向了世界杯,他自然兴高采烈。

32、A court in the Croatian capital Zagreb called a four-year-old girl to give testimony about a traffic accident which happened when she was two, a news report said. ─── 克罗埃西亚首都札格雷步的一间法庭传唤一名四岁女童,就一桩她两岁时发生的交通意外作证,新闻报导指出。

33、He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships. ─── 希望他能与克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚两国的领导人举行会谈。

34、Croatian War Crimes Commission ─── 克罗地亚战争罪行委员会

35、Croatian defender Igor Tudor is being offered to clubs in the Bundesliga, and it would appear that Borussia Dortmund look set to renew their interest in him. ─── 克罗地亚后卫伊戈尔.图多尔正收到来自德甲俱乐部的开价,据传多特蒙德重新看上了他。

36、Croatian Peasants' Party ─── 克罗地亚农民党(克族农民党)

37、As the only one appearance on the first day of the seed, Croatian Mario Ancic handsome look forward to get a good start. ─── 作为首日唯一一位亮相的种子选手,克罗地亚帅哥安西奇期待取得开门红。

38、Croatian Association of Landscape Architects, HDKA ─── 克罗地亚风景园林师协会

39、Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations. ─── 的克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子。

40、Croatian player left counting sheep after scoring spree ─── 克罗地亚球员收到特殊奖励:与自己进球数目相等的绵羊

41、You can choose between English or Croatian language. ─── 你可以选择英语或者克罗地亚语版本。

42、Croatian Rights Party ─── 克罗地亚权利党

43、Library service for print disabled children and youth in the Public Library of Koprivnica:isolated case or a model for Croatian public libraries? ─── 克罗地亚公共图书馆为丧失阅读能力的儿童和青年提供的图书馆服务:克罗地亚公共图书馆的独立案例或模式?

44、His Croatian counterpart, Stipe Mesic (right), responded approvingly. ─── 克罗地亚总统斯杰潘梅西奇对此做出积极回应。

45、Croatian Party of Rights ─── 克罗地亚权利党(克权利党)

46、Croatian literature ─── 克罗地亚文学

47、Croatian War ─── 克罗地亚战争

48、The Croatian government subsidises the co-operative with the aim of helping them to re-integrate into society. ─── 克罗埃西亚政府补助这项合作案,目标是能帮助他们重新进入社会中。

49、Croatian dictionary order, case-sensitive ─── 克罗地亚语词典顺序,区分大小写

50、He speaks Croatian, English, and a bit of German. ─── 他会说克罗地亚语、英语和一点德语。

51、Croatian Democratic Party ─── 克罗地亚民主党

52、Croatian Radio Television ─── 克罗地亚广播电视台(克广播电视台)

53、The Croatian international then spoke about his promising defensive pairing with compatriot Robert Kovac: “I hope we can play well together. ─── 克罗地亚人然后提到了他的后防搭档罗伯特.科瓦奇:“我希望我们能合作好。

54、Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development ─── 克罗地亚重建和发展银行

55、Croatian Mine-Action Centre ─── 克罗地亚排雷行动中心(克排雷中心)

56、A Croatian third division footballer got the shock of his life when he saw a flock of sheep waiting for him at work. ─── 一名在克罗地亚丙级足球联赛中效力的球员最近收到了一份恐怕连他自己都会感到惊骇不已的奖励:一大群活生生的绵羊。

57、The Croatian government has said these records either do not exist or are lost. ─── 克罗地亚政府宣称,这些资料和记录,要不就是根本不存在,要不就是丢失了。

58、Slavic Croatian tribes from Poland arrived in what is present day Croatia in 7th century AD. ─── 公元7世纪,斯拉夫克罗地亚部落从波兰迁移到如今的国土。

59、Five years and a war later, they were driven out of Krajina by a victorious Croatian army. ─── 经过5年的时间和一场战争的洗礼,他们被克罗地亚军队打败并被赶出亚克拉伊纳地区。

60、He said he was trying to the reach the factory, which has no Web site, to fill a Croatian company’s order. ─── 他说,他试图以达到工厂,其中有没有网站,以填补克罗地亚公司的命令。

61、And about Thursday's game the Croatian defender added: 'I don't know who Sampdoria will play but we will have to be wary of [Fabio] Bazzani and [Francesco] Flachi who are in form and dangerous. ─── 关于周四的比赛,克罗地亚后卫说:“我不知道谁将在周四的比赛中上场,但是我们必须小心巴扎尼和弗拉奇。他们状态很好,非常危险。”

62、Croatian Democratic Union ─── 克罗地亚民主共同体(克民共体)

63、A string of tiny islands scattered off the Croatian coast are up for sale. ─── 一群散布在克罗地亚沿海的小岛正在出售中。

64、The Croatian Government is the supreme executive and administrative organ of state authority, and is responsible to the Assembly. ─── 克罗地亚政府是国家政权的执行机关,对议会负责。

65、Croatian dictionary order, case-sensitive, for use with the 1250 (Central European) Character Set. ─── 克罗地亚文字典顺序,区分大小写,用于 1250(中欧语)字符集。

66、Parliamentary Club of the Serbian People's Party of the Croatian Sabor (Parliament) ─── 克罗地亚议会塞尔维亚人民党议会俱乐部

67、Croatian Prime Minister Racan said in a short statement, asking Yugoslavia to make an open apology for the incident. The Croatian TV station described it the severest one since the two countries ended war in 1995. ─── 克罗埃西亚总理拉侃在简短的声明中,要求南斯拉夫为此一事件公开道歉,克罗埃西亚电视台形容这是两国在一九九五年结束战争以来的最严重事件。

68、Croatian Christian Democratic Unio ─── 克罗地亚基督教民主联盟(克基民盟)

69、Acclaimed Croatian pianist Maksim Mrvica has returned with his fourth album Electrik and fans of his trademark classical crossover style are sure not to be disappointed. ─── 克罗地亚钢琴家马克西姆带着第四张专辑迎接欢呼啦!深爱他标志性的古典演奏方式的乐迷们肯定不会失望的。

70、In case you enter some Croatian text, let’s say, this website will tell you that the text could also be Serbian or Slovenian. ─── 同时,大家一起对问题的讨论也是最佳的学习方式。还等什么?请现在就注册登录译言,开始眉批!

71、Last year I was unseparete with Croatian Seric but he left for Panatinaikos. Now I hang on with Rocchi, Cesar and Sereni most of the time. ─── 噢,去年我和克罗地亚人塞里奇基本没分开过,但他现在去帕那辛那科斯了.现在我一般和罗基塞萨尔塞雷尼混在一起!

72、Croatian Helsinki Committee of Human Rights ─── 克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权委员会

73、In the post-Tudjman era, the normalization of relations with the EU has promoted Croatian economic development. ─── 其二,后涂吉曼时代与欧盟关系正常化,可促进克国的经济发展。

74、Patrolling off the Somali coast, the French warship "Jean de Vienne" captured 19 Somali pirates when they tried to seize a Croatian freighter and a Panamanian cargo ship. ─── 公报说,19名索马里海盗试图强行登上航行在亚丁湾的一艘巴拿马籍货轮和一艘克罗地亚籍货轮,法军的一艘护卫舰成功将其截获,并缴获了一批武器弹药。

75、Meeting Michael Llodra in the final would be either number three seed Czech Jan Hernych or Croatian Mario Ancic. ─── 克罗地亚人安西奇与捷克人赫内希之间的胜者将在决赛中遭遇洛德拉。

76、A Turkish cargo ship carrying 200 trucks and several tons of hazardous material caught fire on Wednesday in the Adriatic Sea and was in danger of sinking, Turkish and Croatian authorities said. ─── 土耳其和克罗地亚当局证实,一艘装载有200辆卡车和危险品的土耳其货船,周三在亚得里亚海起火,有沉船的危险。

77、No. 2 seed, "Chile steel gun," Gonzalez, the Czech Shi pack Need to get out Tappan Jelinek, veteran Croatian Ivan Ljubicic will have a smooth customs clearance. ─── 2号种子“智利钢炮”冈萨雷斯、捷克型男施泰潘内克、克罗地亚老将柳比西奇则都顺利过关。

78、Gilberto also welcomed Arsenal's move for Croatian international Eduardo da Silva and he is confident the striker will do well at Emirates Stadium next season. ─── 另外,吉尔博托对克罗地亚国脚爱德华多的到来表示欢迎,他相信这位前锋会在下个赛季有出色的表现。

79、The Croatian defender said: 'He didn't behave well, he elbowed me and didn't apologize for it. ─── 他说:“他的行为不敢让人恭维,他用手肘袭击了我并且没有道歉。

80、He speaks Croatian, English, and a bit of German. ─── 他会说克罗地亚语、英语和一点德语。

81、The best of Croatian oilve oil is being showcased at the first Croatian Oilve Oil Festival, in Zagreb. ─── 克罗埃西亚最好的橄榄油,都在国内札格拉布市举办的第一届橄榄油季。

82、Commercial painter Momir Zmiric, 42, from the Croatian port of Split, decided to go on such a diet without consulting doctors. ─── 商业画家莫米Zmiric42岁来自克罗地亚的斯普利特港决定不去咨询医生而实施自己的饮食规划。

83、It was announced three years ago today that Igor Biscan would be joining the reds from Dinamo Zagreb during the Croatian mid-season break. ─── 3年前的今天,比斯坎证实将会在克罗地亚联赛的间歇期从萨格勒布迪纳模队加盟利物浦。

84、Zagreb district court ruled Thursday that Croatian President Stipe Mesic should pay about $12800 in damages to Ivan Jurasinovic ,a lawyer he insulted. ─── 克罗地亚首都萨格勒布一地区法院23日作出判决,要求总统梅西奇向遭其侮辱的律师尤拉斯诺维奇支付约合1.28万美元赔偿金。

85、The Croatian striker has not played since breaking his leg and dislocating his ankle during a Premier League game at Birmingham City on February 23. ─── 克罗地亚前锋一直没有参加比赛,因为打破他的腿和踝关节脱臼他在英超联赛在伯明翰2月23日。

86、Croatian Peasant Party ─── 克罗地亚农民党

87、This May, Croatia signed on to NATO's Partnership for Peace program, significantly safeguarding Croatian security. ─── 其二,今年五月获准加入北约和平伙伴关系计画,有助安全保障。

88、He liked to use the glissando as his hallmark, which he probably got from listening to Croatian folk music. ─── 他喜欢用滑奏作为他的标志,这可能是他听克罗地亚民间音乐时了解到的。

89、The Croatian defender was very harsh against his former side who just let him go on a free transfer this summer following 8 years with the Bianconeri. ─── 克罗地亚后卫在跟随尤文8年,并在今夏被允许免费转会后,对老东家的评价却非常刻薄。


很多啊 我喜欢July的my soul,还有动漫CLANNAD中的潮鸣,看动漫时音乐一出来就想哭,很好看很感人。再加上Otokaze的夏恋和Hallo的曲子都不错(*??╰╯`?)



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