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09-03 投稿


binder 发音

英:['ba?nd?]  美:['ba?nd?]

英:  美:

binder 中文意思翻译



binder 网络释义

n. [胶粘] 粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;捆缚者;用以绑缚之物n. (Binder)人名;(英、西)宾德;(德、俄、罗、捷、瑞典、匈)宾德尔

binder 词性/词形变化,binder变形

动词过去分词: bound |动词第三人称单数: binds |动词现在分词: binding |动词过去式: bound |

binder 反义词

undo | untie | loose |unbind | unfasten

binder 同义词

tie | knot | cinch | strap | bore | weld | tape | solder | gird | rope | hook | quandary | restrain | staple | pain | wire | fetter | predicament | hold | tie up | corner | splice | stick | compel | hitch | coerce | unite | chain | wrap | clinch | constipate | obligate | cohere | hassle | border | lace | truss | adhere | join | embarrassment | muzzle | cord | connect | glue | stick to | force | pinion | bond |oblige | tie down | nuisance | muddle | attach | intertwine | hold fast | require | conjoin | combine | dilemma | fasten | drag | string | shackle | bandage

binder 短语词组

1、core binder ─── [化] 型心粘结剂

2、cereal binder ─── [机] 谷粉粘结剂

3、corb binder ─── [机] 心型粘料

4、carbohydrate binder ─── [机] 碳水化合物粘结剂

5、binder system ─── [经] 活页式帐簿

6、binder's board ─── [化] 书皮纸板

7、cold-setting binder ─── [机] 常温自硬性粘结剂

8、binder course ─── [机] 沥青路面的中间层

9、air setting binder ─── [机] 常温自硬粘接剂

10、binder board ─── [网络] 活页板

11、insurance binder ─── [经] 保险(承诺书)活页来

12、calcareous hydraulic binder ─── [化] 水凝灰浆

13、hot hardening binder ─── [机] 热硬粘结剂

14、add binder ─── [机] 粘结剂

15、binder-hole card ─── [计] 装订孔卡片

16、furan resin binder ─── [机] 夫喃树脂粘结剂

17、acid resisting binder cement ─── [化] 耐酸水泥

18、hot box binder ─── [机] 热匣粘结剂

19、book-binder n. ─── 装订工人

binder 相似词语短语

1、blinder ─── n.眼罩;眩目的人;n.(Blinder)人名;(俄)布林德尔;(英、德)布林德

2、bindery ─── n.装订所;装订工场;平构数据库

3、bonder ─── n.连接器;顶砖;n.(Bonder)人名;(英)邦德;(罗)邦德尔

4、bander ─── n.打包机;打捆工,[包装]打捆机;n.(Bander)人名;(英、罗)班德尔;(法)邦代

5、cinder ─── n.煤渣;灰烬;vt.用煤渣等铺;vi.用煤渣等铺路面

6、hinder ─── vi.成为阻碍;vt.阻碍;打扰;adj.后面的;n.(Hinder)人名;(芬)欣德

7、bender ─── n.饮酒作乐;扭弯物体的人;六便士银币;n.(Bender)人名;(英)本德;(西、罗、土、德、塞、波、荷、芬、瑞典、匈)本德尔

8、binders ─── n.[胶粘]粘结剂;涂料粘合剂;夹子(binder的复数形式)

9、finder ─── n.发现者;探测器;(照相机的)[摄]取景器;(大望远镜上的)[天]寻星镜;n.(Finder)访达;n.(Finder)人名;(英、德、瑞典、法)芬德

binder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Binder and Wiesel used their consulting backgrounds and business savvy to start Pet Airways in 2005. ─── 宾德和威斯尔在2005年利用他们从事咨询业的背景和他们的商业头脑开创了宠物航班。

2、A method of producing sand binder by blending rock oil resid and vegetable oil resid was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种将植物渣油与石油渣油共混生产铸造用型(芯)砂粘结剂的方法。

3、Duplo USA offers the single-clamp DPB-500 perfect binder. ─── 宝美国提供了一个钳支气管炎- 500胶订机。

4、Another one is improved wax-based binder C: 65%PW+15%EO+ 15%LLDPE+5%SA. C binder has optimum properties. ─── 一组改进型蜡基粘结剂C:65%石蜡(PW)+15%花生油(EO)+15%线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)+5%硬脂酸(SA)。

5、The loops are held in place with either one or two binder or tie yarns, which may be of either single or ply construction. ─── 形成的纱圈被一根或两根固结纱固定,固结纱可以是单纱,也可以是合股纱。

6、For each group of concocted binder and reference samples, the element constituent, rheology property, thermal behavior (TGA, DTA and ... ─── 就引入与其应用性能直接相关的评价因子的可能性进行了探索。

7、Their results indicate that normal heat treatment by the HAL has little effect on sealant adhesion, and it may cause the binder to become brittle. ─── 他们的结果表明由HAL的正常热治疗有对密封胶黏附力的少许作用,并且它也许造成黏合剂变得易碎。

8、The ink material comprises a UV curable screen printing ink which contains a resinous binder, a hardener, and a fine particulate filler. ─── 油墨材料包括可UV固化的网印油墨,所述网印油墨含有树脂粘合剂、硬化剂和微粒填料。

9、It plans on a new web press and, in the bindery, added sewing machines and an 8,000 cycles/hour Muller Bolero perfect binder. ─── 它计划在新的网络媒体,并在装订说,缝纫机和一个8000循环/小时穆勒博莱罗胶订机。

10、Hannah is such an organized person, you can tell by just looking at her binder. ─── 哈娜是一个办事很有条理的人,光看她的文件夹就知道了。

11、It features quick-change adhesive modules that permit the binder to run with either EVA or PUR adhesive. ─── 它具有快速更换胶模块,允许运行粘结剂与长荣或任何聚氨酯胶粘剂。

12、Application of APS Type HT Binder to C. V.R. ─── APS型高温粘结剂在直立炉上的应用开发

13、In slurry made up with sodium silicate binder put into octanol, which can improve the coating property, then gas cavity is repressed or decreased. ─── 在水玻璃粘结剂配制的浆料中,加入正辛醇可以改善涂挂性,从源头上遏制或者减少气泡的生成。

14、The title contings has been developed based on aliphatic PU elastomer as binder,mixed with superdispersant and nano ATO conductive powder. ─── 以脂肪族聚氨酯弹性树脂为基体,透明纳米ATO导电粉为导电介质,添加超分散剂,采用物理与化学相结合的分散方法对纳米ATO进行预处理。

15、Invokes the dynamic method using the specified parameters, under the constraints of the specified binder, with the specified culture information. ─── 使用指定的参数,在指定的联编程序的约束下,使用指定的区域性信息调用动态方法。

16、But then he took the leather binder that Amazon sells to cover the reader and flipped it open. ─── 即便是用增大的屏幕浏览缩小版杂志也是如此。

17、The final operation in propellant manufacture is the curing of the binder. ─── 制造推进剂的最后操作是粘合剂的固化。

18、Tiamulin,Flavomycin,Pellet Binder,Phytase,Tiamulina,feed binder ... ─── 位于嘉兴,生产畜禽饲料,水产饲料。

19、Water based binder with basic defoamer, wetting agents and other additives. ─── 带有基本消泡剂的水基粘合剂,湿润剂和其它添加剂。

20、Mary Ann, his wife, passed by with her bookkeeping binder. ─── 他的妻子玛丽安捧着出纳簿从边上走过。

21、Effect of the binder on flacking forms a strong mold after burnout at higher temperature. ─── 在粘合剂作用下,铸模高温烧结后,强度高。

22、Instead he was apprenticed to a book binder, from whom he promptly ran away. ─── 不幸却被送到一个图书装订工人那里去当学徒,很快他就逃跑了。

23、We have already encountered the precursors of this process in the dialectic of binding and in the character of the binder bound. ─── 在捆绑的辩证法及捆绑者反被捆绑的特性中,我们已经遭遇到这种过程的先驱者。

24、Application: Be used for binder and Separating of cable core. Be used for bedding and shielding under mtal sheet. ─── 应用:用于电缆导体和线芯的绑扎、隔离或在电缆金属层下面起垫层、屏蔽作用。

25、Dan Wiesel and Alysa Binder claim their idea for Pet Airways came from their dog, Zoe. ─── 丹.维尔和阿尔萨.布琳达声称他们的想法是来自他们的宠物狗,祖儿。

26、So, now I've got this binder with 35 pages of names and contact information, representing potential interview candidates. ─── 因此,现在我拿到了这本35页的人名及联络信息装订本,描绘出潜在的采访候选人。

27、Example 2 illustrates how the crosslinking technique of the disiloxane can be used with conventionally used binder materials. ─── 例2说明了二硅氧烷的交联技术如何和常用的粘合剂用在一起。

28、Rabbi Binder's hand flicked out at Ozzie's cheek. ─── 拉比的手突然挥向奥齐的面颊。

29、Your book is still at the binder's. ─── 你的书仍在装订之中。

30、A clear correlation between the granule porosity (ealuated by X-ray tomography) and the binder concentration was found for the mannitol granules. ─── 对于甘露醇颗粒,发现颗粒多孔性(用X-线断层摄影术测定)与黏合剂浓度间明显相关。

31、Tar is a binder for gravel in paving. ─── 在铺路时柏油用来黏结砾石。

32、Application: Be used for shielding and binder of conductor and core of Power Cable. ─── 应用:用于电力电缆的导体或绝缘线芯的屏蔽和绑扎。

33、Something that binds or is used as a binder. ─── 包扎物包扎或用作包扎物的东西

34、One pellet was completely encapsulated and did not react with the polyurethan e binder. ─── 一个球完全被包覆,与聚氯酯粘合剂不进行反应。

35、An ultra fine cemented carbide with tungsten powder and binder cobalt. ─── 一种由碳化钨和粘结金属钴组成的超细颗粒硬质合金。

36、Conventional stabilizers are added to the binder system as will be discussed below. ─── 如下面将要讲的,粘合剂系统中加入惯用的安定剂。

37、The experiment showed that the phosphate binder has general technique property and can satisfy practical use. ─── 实验结果表明新型磷酸盐粘结剂良好的综合工艺性能,能满足实际使用要求。

38、Should avoid premixing with the binder as it can cause temporary binder precipitation. ─── 应该避免和粘合剂预先混合,因为它会导致暂时性粘合剂沉淀。

39、The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating. ─── 涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。

40、Effects of water binder ratio and mineral admixtures on the volume stabilization of HPC were studied. ─── 分析了掺矿物外加剂高性能混凝土体积稳定性的特点;

41、The amount of additives of PVDF binder and acetylene black conductor is studied in the paper. ─── 对PVDF粘结剂和乙炔黑导电剂的添加量进行了优化研究。

42、For mannitol, a significant "coating" period followed by a slow granule growth was obsered for the case with the diluted 5% binder. ─── 对于甘露醇,在使用5%的黏合剂溶液时,有效的“包衣”过程后是缓慢的颗粒增长。

43、The change of the colloidal silicate in heating and its action on permeable cermet have been investigated and compared with the ethyl silicate binder. ─── 对硅溶胶在加热过程中的变化及其在透气性金属陶瓷材料中的作用进行了一些试验分析。

44、So, as my son,Adam prepared to leave for college,I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder. ─── 因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。

45、It is usually used as additivity to paint、dye、resin、cesmetic and some of binder. ─── 也可加在中空玻璃复合胶条中做干燥剂。

46、The AZS complex binder,being appliedin the unshaped refractory,showed good performance and satisfactory effect. ─── 复合结合剂应用在AZS不定形耐火材料中,具有较好的使用效果。

47、So, as my son, Adam prepared to leave for college, I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder. ─── 因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。

48、Briquette binder as a main part of briquetting technology is of very important effect for the quality and the cost of briquette. ─── 型煤粘结剂是成型技术的核心部分,对型煤质量、生产成本等起着举足轻重的作用。

49、How much for that binder? ─── 那个活页夹多少钱?

50、It was possible to substitute bentonite by isolated ignin and synthetic fat by isolated lignin or red liquor as a binder for foundry core. ─── 实验表明,分离木素代替膨润土、分离木素和红液代替合脂油,作为芯砂的粘合剂,可以达到指标要求。

51、The paper discussed a possibility of sodium hydroxide hydrolysis corn straw as briquette binder. ─── 探讨了以氢氧化钠水解玉米秸作为型煤黏结剂的可能性。

52、Only change the gauge set &attachment which could use the binder of flat-bed machine to offer standard tape attaching. ─── 全能型机种:更换导具规格组,加装辅助配件即可使用原平台喇叭,产生标准包装车缝。

53、Industrial test indicates that HFX-1 compound binder is a good waterproof industry-briquette-binder. ─── 实践表明 ,HFX - 1粘结剂是优良的防水型工业型煤粘结剂。

54、This kind of resin could be used extensively as a binder for making exterior superstructural steel paints. ─── 对影响涂料性能的各种因素进行了探讨。

55、A vehicle is usually a relatively neutral or colorless material that acts as a binder. ─── 展色剂通常是相对中性或者无色的,起混合作用。

56、The binder with a high neutralization degree and low density can obtain better stability by the compound addition. ─── 二者共同作用能够使高中合度下的粘结剂在较低密度时具有良好的稳定性。

57、Binder Magnete Gesellschaft m.b.H. ─── 从事 磁铁、磁性的制造和销售。

58、The effect of water binder ratio (W/C) was studied. ─── 对水灰比的影响进行了研究。

59、Complex ply yarns are usually composed of the following: a base or core, an effect, and a tie or binder. ─── 合股花式线由下述纱线组成:芯纱或基础纱,饰纱,还有固结纱。

60、In this paper .the main research process of oxidizer, metal combustion agent and energic binder at home and abroad are reviewed. ─── 介绍了当今复合团体推进剂高能化研究进程中国内外在氧化剂、金属燃烧剂和含能粘合剂体系方面的主要研究成果。

61、Save saves the sections in the binder to a single file. ─── “Save”(保存)将联编程序中的节保存到一个文件中。

62、The effect of fly ash during the hydrating and hardening process of composite binder was studied. ─── 分析了粉煤灰在复合胶凝材料水化硬化过程中的作用。

63、If an exact match does not exist, the binder will attempt to coerce the parameter types specified in the types array in order to select a match. ─── 如果不存在完全匹配项,binder将尝试强制types数组中指定的参数类型以便选择一个匹配项。

64、The experimental results show that TPB is an ideal curing catalyst of HTPB propellant binder system. ─── 实验结果表明,TPB是丁羟推进剂粘合剂体系比较理想的固化催化剂。

65、Alternatively, the web can be sprayed with a binder following formation, and as the web dries, the binder seals the fiber together. ─── 另外在网形成之后,可以喷洒粘合剂,在纤维网被烘干时,粘合剂将纤维粘合在一起。

66、The binder of GSF is a new binder made by mixing the industrial waste residue of gypsum gangue, blast furnace and fly ash with a little activator. ─── GSF胶结料是利用石膏尾矿、高炉矿渣、粉煤灰等工业废渣与少量激发剂混合配制的一种新型胶凝材料。

67、The visocosity of PW EVA SA MIM binder with different ratio were measured and the flowabilities were compared. ─── 对不同比例组成的PW-EVA-SA金属注射成形粘结剂进行了粘度测量并比较了其流变性能。

68、Phenothiazine efficiently protected the polyether-urethane binder but accelerated the decomposition of nitrate esters. ─── 吩噻嗪能很好地稳定聚醚聚氨酯粘结剂,但却促使硝酸酯分解。

69、Where do you want to save the contents of this binder ? ─── 您希望将活页夹的内容保存到何处?

70、The moisture resistance of water glass binder can be improved by adding a little amount of ethylene glycol acetale. ─── 介绍了在水玻璃粘合剂中加入少量醋酸乙二醇酯后,其抗潮湿性能得以改进。

71、Standard binder, folder for flat-bed covering stitch sewing machine is available. ─── 仅需另行购买一组规格件,即可使用原“平台式三针绷缝机之喇叭(边器),提供如平台式绷缝机的标准包边缝。

72、The tie or binder yarns is used to attach the effect yarns so that it will remain in position during use and care. ─── 固结纱用来束缚饰纱,这样在产品的应用和维护时,饰纱可以得到保护。

73、Our priority is the pets," Binder said. ─── 宠物是我们的头等大事,”宾得说。

74、The method includes applying, to the surface of the metal, a coating which comprises magnesium powder and a binder. ─── 所述方法包括将包含镁粉和粘合剂的涂料施涂到金属表面上。

75、The functions of the binder in casting film is to make the ceramic powders well distributed and bound together. ─── 在生产多层陶瓷电容器所需的陶瓷膜片中,陶瓷黏合剂起着将陶瓷粉料黏结且均匀分布的作用。

76、You should see the object embedded in Office Binder. ─── 应看到嵌入在Office活页夹中的对象。

77、The influence of calcium aluminate cement(CA) content in MgO based castables as binder on total oxygen content(TOC) of molten steel was studied. ─── 在实验室内研究了镁质浇注料中纯铝酸钙水泥加入量对钢液总氧含量的影响。

78、An underwater corrosion protection coatings based on epoxy resin as binder and a modified aliphatic amine as hardner has been developed. ─── 以环氧树脂为基料,开发了新型的改性脂族胺固化剂配制水下用防腐蚀涂料。

79、The labour of the author of a book is equally apart of its production with that of the printer and binder. ─── 一本书的作者的劳动和印刷工与装订工的劳动同是生产的一部分。

80、In other words, more than one visual component can be bound to a given data object, but each visual component requires its own binder. ─── 换句话说,就是可以将多个可视化组件绑定到一个给定的数据对象,但每个可视化组件都需要它自己的binder

81、"So don't go acting like I pulled one over on you." Jason opened his backpack and yanked out his looseleaf binder. ─── / "如此不表现相似我拉一结束在你身上". 杰生打开了他的背包而且强拉出他的活叶式的缚者。

82、The effect of densified silica fume on low workability concretes under different water to binder ratio was studied. ─── 在不同的水胶比条件下,考察了凝聚态硅灰对低工作性混凝土强度发展历程的影响。

83、The obsered granule growth for different binder concentrations was a strong function of the binder concentration and the excipient solubility. ─── 发现黏合剂浓度和辅料可溶性对颗粒成长有很大影响。

84、One pellet was completly encapsulated and did not react with the polyurethan e binder. ─── 一个过氯酸硝酰球完全被包覆,与聚氯酯粘合剂不进行反应。

85、The drying shrinkage and self-shrinkage of concretes with different water to binder ratios were studied. ─── 实验研究了不同水胶比的混凝土干缩性能及自收缩性能。

86、Kendrion Binder Magnete GmbH has decades of experiences in producing elevator brakes and elevator electromagnets. ─── 德国康卓彬德公司是专业生产电梯安全制动器、电梯电磁铁的百年老厂。

87、Film forming binder usually made from Biphenyl-A and Epicholrohydrin. Characterised as a Polyther. ─── 一种形成涂膜的材料,由双酚A和环氧氯丙烷生产而成,主要是聚醚结构。

88、Kendrion Binder elevator brakes and elevator electromagnets are well-known in elevator industry with the approved quality reliability. ─── 康卓彬德电梯制动器及电磁铁的产品质量及性能可靠性在电梯行业享有盛誉。

89、The binder has strong affinity for investment so that the investment is easy to mix and vacuumize. ─── 与铸粉有极强的亲合性,开粉,抽气容易。

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