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09-03 投稿



tedding 发音

英:[?t?d??]  美:[?t?d??]

英:  美:

tedding 中文意思翻译



tedding 词性/词形变化,tedding变形

动词过去式: tedded |动词过去分词: tedded |动词现在分词: tedding |动词第三人称单数: teds |

tedding 相似词语短语

1、snedding ─── vt.砍掉;修剪

2、shedding ─── v.去除;(使)落下;掉落;蜕(皮);脱(毛);脱(衣);具有防水特性;散发出光;造成伤亡;把车停在库棚内;(意外地)散落;切断(电力载荷)(shed的现在分词)

3、Redding ─── n.干熏鲱鱼;v.整理;清理(redd的ing形式);n.(Redding)人名;(英)雷丁

4、sledding ─── n.乘雪橇;适用雪橇的地面状况;进行情况;v.乘雪橇;用雪橇运(sled的ing形式)

5、wedding ─── n.婚礼,婚宴;结婚;结合;v.与…结婚(wed的ing形式);n.(Wedding)人名;(德)韦丁

6、beddings ─── n.寝具;(建筑)[建]基床;(家畜)草垫;adj.适于花坛种植的;vt.把…栽入苗床(bed的ing形式);vi.睡(bed的ing形式)

7、bedding ─── n.寝具;(建筑)[建]基床;(家畜)草垫;adj.适于花坛种植的;vt.把…栽入苗床(bed的ing形式);vi.睡(bed的ing形式)

8、readding ─── 阅读

9、-bedding ─── n.寝具;(建筑)[建]基床;(家畜)草垫;adj.适于花坛种植的;vt.把…栽入苗床(bed的ing形式);vi.睡(bed的ing形式)

tedding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ted:We need your signature on the contract. ─── 我们需要你在这份合同上签字。

2、On Sunday morning, Ted and Tim played tennis. ─── 星期天的下午,特德和提姆打网球。

3、Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread. ─── 弗雷德喂特德面包,特德弗雷德面包。

4、Ted: So true. No one ever quibbles with that truism! ─── 一点都没错。没人会反驳这真理!

5、The invaders gut ted the village. ─── 侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。

6、Let's invite Ted -- he knows how to bring a party to life. ─── 我们邀请特德吧--有他到会就热闹了。

7、Ted: Which do you like, spring or fall? ─── 春天天气温暖而秋天天气凉爽。

8、No, Lily. Ted has a football. ─── 不,丽丽。泰德有足球。

9、TED STRIKER Surely you can't be serious. ─── 很显然,你不是说真的。

10、Ted, what do you think of the novel I loaned you yesterday? ─── 昨天我借给你的小说你觉得怎样?

11、We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it. ─── 我们一直等到特德保准听不见时才讨论这事。

12、George egged Ted on to steal money from their parents. ─── 乔治鼓动特德从他们父母那儿偷钱。

13、TED CONOVER likes to travel. ─── TED CONOVER喜欢旅行。

14、Ted: I'll ask my lawyer friend if he knows. ─── 我会问问我那个律师朋友看他知不知道。

15、Ted: Are we talking greenbacks or NT dollars? ─── 我们现在谈论的是美金还是台币?

16、Ted: I got thrown out of Sea World for humping a dolphin! ─── 我因为上了一只海豚被赶出了海底世界!

17、I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage. ─── 我相信大家会愿意与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。

18、He is our new classmate, Ted. ─── 他是我们的新同学,特德。

19、The doctor says that he will come at once. I'm sure that you need an X-ray,Ted. ─── 医生说,他马上就来。我确信你需要透视一下,特德。

20、The girls don't like Ted because he makes free with them. ─── 女孩子们不喜欢泰德,因为他对她们粗鲁无礼。

21、When she was 4,her parents,Barbara and Ted Wells separated. ─── 四岁时,她父母巴巴拉和泰德·威尔丝离异。

22、Jack: Do you like summer, Ted? ─── 杰克:泰德,你喜欢夏天吗?

23、Let's invite Ted-- he knows how to bring a party to life. ─── 我们邀请特德吧--有他到会就热闹了。

24、Pat : What is the matter, Ted ? ─── 帕特:怎么回事,特德?

25、Treat everyone as you want to be trea ted. ─── 像自己希望得到的善待一样善待他人。

26、C)Ted: Can you come to my party? ─── 你能来参加我的宴会吗?

27、Ted was standing at his locker when I asked him. ─── 我去问铁德时,他正站在存放衣帽柜前。

28、Elaine and Ted, co-workers, are eating lunch together. Elaine stifles a yawn. ─── 伊莲和泰德是同事,两人一起吃午餐,伊莲强忍住一个呵欠。

29、Little Ted, playing on the bed. ─── 有晒太阳的,有在床上玩的。

30、The ink blot ted on the paper. ─── 墨水把纸弄脏了。

31、Barbara married Ted Andrews. ─── 巴巴拉又与泰德.安德鲁丝结婚。

32、During the two years he was there, Ted rescued a dozen butterflies. ─── 在那里的两年中特德拯救了一打轻薄浮浅的人。

33、If you ever catch sight of Ted anywhere, call the police. ─── 地方看到得泰德,就去报警。

34、The girl's capercost her a tw is ted ankle. ─── 小姑娘又蹦又跳,结果扭伤了脚踝。

35、When she was 4, her parents, Barbara and Ted Wells separated. ─── 四岁时,她父母--巴巴拉和泰德.威尔丝离异。

36、I miss Ted horribly. I shall not be able to endure missing you. ─── 我想念台德想得厉害,我不能忍受再失去你。

37、Not exactly a boy scout Ted, he was irredeemable filth. ─── |不是个小白?

38、Much to his surprise, Ted won first prize in the raffle. ─── 使他大吃一惊的是,特德在抽彩中得了头奖。

39、Ted was delight with seeing something with"HIS" name on it finally. ─── Ted看到终于有了一件上面绣有“他的”名字的东西,高兴极了。

40、Jack, meanwhile, drives Ted Cofell in a limousine. ─── 与此同时,杰克正驾驶着载有特德.科菲尔的豪华轿车。

41、Probably Ted ought to come down just in case anything happened. ─── 万一发生什么事,或许泰德应该下来。

42、Hello. Ted Owen here. Is Mr. Mark Price in ? ─── 喂,我是TedOwen。MarkPrice先生在吗?

43、Several things led up to my getting to know Ted. ─── 有几件事使我逐渐认识了铁德。

44、Well, talk to you later, then. Oh, and give my love to Ted. ─── 好,那么回头再谈吧。哦,代我向特德问好。

45、"Can I stop up until Uncle Ted arrives?"Paul asked his mother. ─── 保罗问母亲:“等特德叔叔到了以后我再去睡觉好吗?”

46、But, there's something about Mary that still bewitches Ted. ─── 一别十三年,泰德对玛莉依然并未忘情,遂找侦探调查玛莉近况。

47、All cases were trea ted by postoperative radiotherapy and pos... ─── 全组总的5年生存率75%(12/16),10年生存率50%(8/16)。

48、The paper recounts treatment method after converter is pollu ted. ─── 文章叙述了一种转化炉污染后的处理方法。

49、George and Ted threw together a cabin out of old lumber. ─── 乔治和特德用旧木料匆匆搭了一个小屋。

50、Mayhew applied to TED's fellowship program and was accepted. ─── 梅休申请加入TED成员组的请求并已被接受。

51、Aim the suppor ted shelf toward the base, and put in position. ─── 将置物器向底座对准,并且放到位。

52、He is besot ted by her beauty. ─── 她的美丽使他如痴如醉.

53、The management of the center is integra ted and efficient. ─── 实验室管理综合化、整体化、高效的管理。

54、Will you please get Mr. Ted out? I have something to talk with him. ─── 把泰德先生叫出来好吗?我有事要和他说。

55、Nab Ted Kennedy on a DUI, and the nation's problems will be solved. ─── 我有三个孩子和三条狗,我们将会吃狗食和变质的肉。

56、Cherry and Ted were unhappily married, but each had determined to make the best of a bad job. ─── 彻丽和特德的婚姻不很美满,但他们彼此都决定随遇而安。

57、Good evening. My name is Ted. ─── 晚安,我的名字是泰德。

58、Hello. Ted Owen here. Is Mr. Mark Price in? ─── 喂,我是TedOwen。MarkPrice先生在吗?

59、Ted bought many more books than I did yesterday. ─── 昨天特德比我买的书多多了。

60、They had exp ted me to go with them. ─── 他们原本希望我和他们一起去。

61、She speaks first, sensing Ted is dumbstruck. ─── ”她说首先,遥感特德是dumbstruck 。

62、Some problems of the orifice flowmeter in use is poin ted out. ─── 指出了孔板流量计在使用中存在的问题;

63、Ted: Where do you feel McLaren are on pace compared to Renault? ─── 和雷诺相比,你们的车速度怎样?

64、Neil and Ted searched the place but didn't find the ring. ─── 尼尔和特德搜查了这个地方,但是并没有找到戒指。

65、He was abet ted in these illegal activities by his wife. ─── 他受妻子怂恿进行这些非法活动.

66、Julie's mother remarried Ted Andrews, a Canadian-born tenor. ─── 朱莉的母亲改嫁加拿大出生的男高音泰德,安德鲁。

67、He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle. ─── 他想拉特德入伙参加那个骗局。

68、Neal: Hey, Ted, long time no see. ─── 尼尔:喂,特德,很长时间不见了。

69、Bid to Bid, with gros s in come re in ves ted . ─── 按买入价比较,总收益用于再投资。

70、Ted was ten minutes late for work, as usual. ─── 如往常一样,泰德上班迟到了10分钟。

71、Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall. ─── 吉姆突然伸出一条腿将特德绊倒。

72、I don't know if Ted was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery! ─── 我不知道特德是否真的对我们的房子感兴趣,但他肯定是装模作样的。

73、Hat. Ted, hat. Ting, hats To supply or cover with a hat. ─── 提供帽子或用帽子覆盖习惯用语。

74、Ted &Nora Wu:Thank you for all your prayers and support. ─── 宣教士消息:邬瑞德弟兄夫妇--谢谢你们的代祷及支持。

75、If you eer catch sight of Ted anywhere,call the police. ─── 87你要是在任何地方看到得泰德,就去报警。

76、Tomorrow will be Ted's birthday. ─── 明天是特德的生日。

77、Ted Williams was 83 years old. ─── 去世时,特德?威廉姆斯已有83岁高龄。

78、He graf ted a shoot from a good apple tree in an old tree. ─── 他把优良品种的苹果树的嫩枝接到一株老树上去。

79、CF, ADF and NDF increased as the decrease of hay moisture and tedding moisture content. ─── 在苜蓿干燥过程中,其纤维含量不断升高,且大体上随翻晒时含水量的下降而逐步升高。

80、Ann choked up over the flowers Ted gave her. ─── 对着特德送的花,安感动得说不出话来。

81、Down in Atlanta, Ted Turner was fighting his battles with the networks. ─── 在亚特兰大,特德特纳打他的战斗与网络。

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