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09-03 投稿



emancipator 发音

英:[??m?ns??pe?t?r]  美:[??m?ns?p?t?(r)]

英:  美:

emancipator 中文意思翻译



emancipator 网络释义

n. 释放者;解放者

emancipator 短语词组

1、emancipator bandcamp ─── 解放者乐队营

2、emancipator sf ─── 解放者sf

3、emancipator when i go lyrics ─── 解放者当我去歌词

4、emancipator soon it will be cold enough ─── 解放者很快就会足够冷了

5、emancipator define ─── 解放者定义

6、emancipator when i go ─── 解放者当我走的时候

7、emancipator dj ─── 解放者dj

emancipator 词性/词形变化,emancipator变形

动词过去式: emancipated |形容词: emancipative |动词第三人称单数: emancipates |动词现在分词: emancipating |动词过去分词: emancipated |名词: emancipator |

emancipator 相似词语短语

1、emancipate ─── vt.解放;释放

2、mancipatory ─── 管理者

3、emancipations ─── n.解放;释放

4、emancipates ─── vt.解放;释放

5、emancipated ─── adj.被解放的;v.解放;使…获得自由(emancipate的过去分词)

6、emancipative ─── adj.解放的;有助于解放的

7、emancipation ─── n.解放;释放

8、emancipating ─── vt.解放;释放

9、emancipatory ─── adj.解放的;有助于解放的

emancipator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to brush again, is eyelash always insufficient fine grows roll become warped? False eyelash is your emancipator! Apparel like change clothes all sorts of eyelash are not a dream! ─── 再怎么刷,睫毛总是不够纤长卷翘吗?假睫毛是你的救星!像换衣服一样穿戴各种睫毛不是梦哦!

2、This group is what suffer one part person very quickly to refute, reason is: Change demesne had become England the emancipator of a lot of industries, gained huge success. ─── 这一行为很快遭到一部分人的反驳,理由是:私有化已经成为英国许多行业的救星,并取得了巨大成就。

3、Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator. ─── 林肯是著名的伟大的解放者。

4、Abandon sink be besieged on all sides in wave Er when, an accident emancipator appeared. ─── 就在波尔舍陷于四面楚歌之时,一个意外的救星出现了。

5、Burn with righteous indignation, martyr sacrifices for equality, do the mankind to liberate emancipator. ─── 热血沸腾,先烈为平等牺牲,做人类解放救星。

6、However, what they long to come " the emancipator that help deficient up " make a person however to one's great diappointment. ─── 然而,他们所盼来的“扶贫救星”却令人大失所望。

7、Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator. ─── 林肯是著名的伟大的解放者。

8、Power is the shackle to shackle itself while love is the emancipator to emancipate itself. ─── 权势是禁锢自己的镣铐,爱情是解放自己的救星。

9、The key of the problem depends on, inspect Alibaba to be medium and small businesses " emancipator " appropriate? ─── 问题的要害在于,视阿里巴巴为中小企业的“救星”是否妥当?

10、For his effort in freeing the slaves, Lincoln is known as the "Great Emancipator. ─── 杰克逊总统的民主主义路线又使国内的民主空气增涨。

11、A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. ─── 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯

12、A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. ─── 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯

13、In Obama's speech next week, he "cannot escape history, " in the phrase of the Great Emancipator. ─── 奥巴马下周的演讲,用“大救星”(指林肯)的话来说,他将“不能回避历史”。

14、the Great Emancipator ─── 伟大的解放者((指 Abraham lincoln))

15、But, if inspect what its are break out of an encirclement of mode of medium and small businesses " patristic " or " emancipator " , have some of exaggerate. ─── 但是,假如视其为中小企业模式突围的“教父”或“救星”,就有些夸大其词了。

16、But now, to Japanese company and political circles, china looks more resembling is an emancipator, the economy that it appears 10 years first for Japan anabiosises provided power. ─── 不久以前,日本公司对中国崛起的前景深感忧虑。但是现在,对于日本公司和政界来说,中国看上去更像是一个救星,它为日本10年来首次出现的经济复苏提供了动力。

17、Art thou pure air and solitude and bread and medicine to thy friend? Many a one cannot loosen his own fetters, but is nevertheless his friend's emancipator. ─── 将对于朋友的同情深藏在咬不破的硬壳中吧,如此它才有体贴和甜美的情意。

18、a term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person,such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln ─── 绰号;用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯

19、" Satan [is] the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds.He makes man ashamed of his bes-tial ignorance and obedience; ─── 撒殚,永恒的反叛者,是第一个自由思想家和救世主,牠使人因其卑劣的无知和顺从而羞耻;

20、Right now, network credence can borrow money emancipator. ─── 此时,网络信用能贷款成了救星。

21、Yan son died for emancipator tiger, star tiger evil have been fighting fire heart! ─── 燕儿为救星虎而死,星虎邪火攻心!

22、the “emancipator” strategy includes that of transition and of creativity. ─── “解放”方面的如迁移的策略、创新的策略。

23、Meanwhile, media company also regards electronic book reader in succession is the emancipator that lets them cast off predicament, strive to be the first captures this technology. ─── 与此同时,媒体公司也纷纷将电子书阅读器看作是让他们摆脱困境的救星,争先恐后夺取这项技术。

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