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09-03 投稿



embezzles 发音

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embezzles 中文意思翻译



embezzles 词性/词形变化,embezzles变形

名词: embezzlement |动词第三人称单数: embezzles |动词过去分词: embezzled |动词现在分词: embezzling |动词过去式: embezzled |

embezzles 相似词语短语

1、embezzler ─── n.侵占公款犯,盗用公款者

2、embezzled ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

3、embezzling ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

4、bezzies ─── 零

5、embezzlements ─── n.侵占;挪用;盗用

6、bezzes ─── 没有

7、bemuzzles ─── 贝苏兹勒

8、bezzles ─── 自由的

9、embezzle ─── vt.盗用;挪用;贪污

embezzles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of opening modern Olympiad since Puluomixiusi embezzles kindling , Coubertin. ─── 自从普罗米修斯盗取火种,顾拜旦开启现代奥运会之门。

2、The residents worried that throws the vehicle is frequently the property personnel embezzles . ─── 居民们担心频繁丢车是物业人员监守自盗。

3、Is precisely is not resigned to the body quilt "the civilization" to press shrivelled, the boorish quilt "the culture" embezzles, the humanity has only then created the sports. ─── 正是不甘心躯体被“文明”压瘪,粗野被“文化”吞没,人类才创造了体育。

4、4) An individual who embezzles less than 5,000 yuan, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention; ─── (四)个人贪污数额不满五千元,情节较重的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;

5、This awfully recollection, completely embezzles actually me. ─── 这要命悳囙忆、却将我完全吞没.

6、Among them, 22 are put in the malpractice, enterprise that embezzles bribery problem, bureaucratic.. ─── 其中,存在以权谋私、贪污受贿问题的企业22家,官僚...

7、Causes the country and the collective suffers massive loss, creates national, the collective property the serious consequence which personal massively embezzles. ─── 使国家和集体蒙受巨大的损失,造成国家、集体财产被私人大量侵吞的严重后果。

8、Be aimed at static road by the technology, IP embezzles the technology had new development again, revise IP-MAC address in couples namely. ─── 针对静态路由技术,IP盗用技术又有了新的发展,即成对修改IP-MAC地址。

9、“embezzles the bonus” event's another litigant Zhou Jihong maintains the silence, has reporter to attempt on this matter to carry on the interview to her, but has not obtained the response. ─── “侵吞奖金”事件的另一位当事人周继红保持沉默,有记者试图就此事对她进行采访,但没有得到回应。

10、Article 34 Whoever converts and embezzles the cultivated land reclamation fee for basic farmland that constitutes a crime shall be investigated of the criminal liability according to law; ─── 第三十四条 侵占、挪用基本农田的耕地开垦费,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;

11、An individual who embezzles not less than 5, 000 yuan and not more than 50, 000 yuan shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than seven years. ─── 个人贪污数额在五千元以上不满五万元的,处一年以上七年以下有期徒刑;

12、And expressed in the hand has held the evidence which Li Denghui embezzles, when the necessity will accuse to and adjustment. ─── 并表示手中已握有李登辉贪污的证据,必要时会向检调告发。

13、Our society is to have developed , the corrupt officials foolish people propagates and then self embezzles wantonly. ─── 是发展了,贪官们愚民宣传然后自己大肆贪污。

14、Where a judicial personnel embezzles, misappropriates or disposes of on his own any illicit money or goods or yields accruing therefrom, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; ─── 司法工作人员贪污、挪用或者私自处理被扣押、冻结的赃款赃物及其孳息的,依法追究刑事责任;

15、Of opening modern Olympiad since Puluomixiusi embezzles kindling , Coubertin. ─── 自从普罗米修斯盗取火种,顾拜旦开启现代奥运会之门。

16、you never guess by her smile, but that nice woman across the street embezzles from her boss . ─── 你从没想到,那个住在对面街上看起来和善的经常对你微笑的女人,正在从她老板那里挪用公款。

17、The residents worried that throws the vehicle is frequently the property personnel embezzles. ─── 居民们担心频繁丢车是物业人员监守自盗。

18、This article through to embezzles the crime of bribery the concept as well as the present situation analysis, proposes the prevention embezzlement bribe strategy according to the actual situation. ─── 本文通过对贪污贿赂罪的概念以及现状的分析,根据实际情况提出防治贪污贿赂的策略。

19、or the financial manager who embezzles money from his clients. ─── 挪用客户金钱的财务经理。

20、Exterior supervise must build union to rise with the system of governmental interior, ability from go up at all keep within limits embezzles corrupt problem. ─── 外部监督必须和政府内部的体制建设结合起来,才能从根本上遏制贪污腐败问题。

21、As for these money is the money laundering obtained, embezzles obtained, that is the true-false question, speaks “the friendship” the human, cannot ask. ─── 至于这些钱是洗钱所得,还是贪污所得,那是是非问题,讲“情义”的人,就不能问。

22、For instance, a mafia that embezzles vast fuel subsidies is said to be a big contributor to his campaign. ─── 比方说,某个盗用巨额燃料津贴的黑手党组织是他竞选总统时的有力支持者。

23、Embezzles the bribe, is evades taxes. ─── 不是贪污受贿,就是偷税漏税。

24、”Song Weiqiang disclosed that the same day's hearing stage, the appeal side cheated as well as embezzles the state asset aspect to submit the recent evidence and the material in the letter of credit. ─── 宋维强透露,当日的庭审阶段,公诉方又在信用证诈骗以及私分国有资产方面提交了新的证据和材料。

25、judicial practice, because embezzles the joint offense situation complex and the argument theoretically, affected has determined guilt the discretion of punishment to this crime. ─── 司法实践中,因贪污共同犯罪情况复杂及在理论上的争论,影响了对该犯罪的定罪量刑。

26、Article 46 Whoever withholds or embezzles funds or goods set aside for earthquake disaster relief, if the offence constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with law; ─── 第四十六条 截留、挪用地震救灾资金和物资,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;

27、Article 32 In case anyone forges, falsely uses or embezzles electronic signature of others and commits a crime, he shall be subject to criminal liability according to law. ─── 第三十二条伪造、冒用、盗用他人的电子签名,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;

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