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09-03 投稿


goldfish 发音

英:[?ɡo?ldf??]  美:[?ɡ??ldf??]

英:  美:

goldfish 中文意思翻译



goldfish 短语词组

1、goldfish bowl of publicity ─── 宣传的金鱼缸

2、orange goldfish ─── 橙色金鱼

3、Goldfish scooping ─── 舀金鱼

4、draw some goldfish ─── 画一些金鱼

5、little goldfish ─── 小金鱼

6、my goldfish is a wonderful pet ─── 我的金鱼是一种很棒的宠物

7、goldfish bowls ─── 金鱼缸(无法躲开众人耳目的地方)

8、goldfish boat ─── 金鱼船

9、here comes a goldfish ─── 来了一条金鱼

10、goldfish bowl n. ─── 金鱼缸

11、digital goldfish ─── 数字金鱼

12、putting the cat near the goldfish bowl ─── 把猫放在金鱼缸附近

13、more goldfish ─── 更多金鱼

14、goldfish bowl feedback ─── 金鱼缸反馈

15、goodbye little goldfish ─── 再见,小金鱼

16、putting the cat near the goldfish b ─── 把猫放在金鱼B附近

17、goldfish bowl glass ─── 金鱼碗玻璃

18、purple goldfish ─── 紫色金鱼

19、fantail goldfish ─── 扇尾金鱼

goldfish 词性/词形变化,goldfish变形


goldfish 常用词组

goldfish bowl ─── 金鱼缸(无法躲开众人耳目的地方)

fantail goldfish ─── 扇尾金鱼

goldfish 相似词语短语

1、toadfish ─── n.蟾鱼

2、go fish ─── 去钓鱼;找别人去(生活用语)

3、goldfinch ─── n.金翅雀

4、codfish ─── n.鳕,鳕鱼

5、cold fish ─── 态度冷冰冰的人

6、goldfishes ─── n.金鱼

7、groundfish ─── n.底栖鱼;底层鱼(指生活于海底的鱼,如鳕等)

8、wolfish ─── adj.残忍的;贪婪的;狼似的

9、goldish ─── adj.略发黄的

goldfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The large Chinese-style dining hall is more note-worthy, however. A creek is designed to flow through part of the restaurant, with goldfish swimming inside. ─── 偌大一个中国风情的大厅装修的韵味十足,一条人造小溪在大厅中蜿蜒流过,溪中金鱼游弋。

2、As he looked at the azaleas through his blurred eyes, they seemed to be transformed into his daughter's dimples. He looked at the goldfish tank: the fish had turned into gold bars. ─── 同时幻象在他润湿的眼前浮起来:那娇红的竟不是杜鹃,而是他女儿的笑靥,旁边高高耸立的,却是一缸的大元宝。

3、After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about the fantail goldfish. ─── 听完演讲后,彼得给艾米打电话,告诉她有关扇尾金鱼的事。

4、Goes to the spot product to be possible to wash off in the goldfish lamella's melanin, such mysterious many people have witnessed in the advertisement. ─── 去斑产品可以洗掉金鱼鳞片里的黑色素,这样神奇的一幕很多人都在广告中亲眼目睹过。

5、Hello. Today I'd like to tell you about the fantail goldfish. ─── 你好。今天我要给你们讲一讲扇尾金鱼。

6、The Internet society, like a goldfish bowl, may deprive of the privacy of everyone. ─── 像一个金鱼缸一样,互联网可能会剥夺我们每个人的隐私权。

7、Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black . ─── 八条金鱼都是桔黄色的,只有一条是黑的。

8、We should keep an eye on the goldfish whilst the owner is away. ─── 主人外游,我们帮忙照顾金鱼。

9、The ice storm got my hibiscus; the cat got the goldfish. ─── 冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。

10、Fancy goldfish, too, are collected more now. ─── 奇特的金鱼现在也被更多喂养。

11、She returns to the huge carven desk, takes a goldfish from the bowl and swallows it. ─── 她回到大雕木写字台旁,从鱼缸里抓出一条金鱼吞下肚去。

12、My homework center: I like my teacher because she is nice, funny, telling us what to do. ( End of Homework.) I had new snacks they are goldfish colorful. that's all. ─── 中文:我的家庭作业:我喜欢我的老师,因为她很好,有趣,告诉我们做什么事。(家庭作业到此为止)我有新的零食,是金鱼(小饼干),彩色的。就酱。

13、A jar-full of goldfish was then taken on a long sea trip back to London in 1665.By the late 18th century the fish were widely popular in England and soon the goldfish bowl was seen in many homes. ─── 于是在1665年,一个装满了金鱼的坛子经过漫长的海上旅行被带到伦敦。到18世纪晚期,在英国喂养这种金鱼已经很流行,在许多家庭都能看到金鱼碗。

14、"There is no point in a loach trying to mimic a goldfish, " he said, comparing himself to the whiskered, mud-dwelling fish. ─── “一个泥鳅尝试去模仿金鱼是毫无意义的,”他说,将自己比作须状地泥生的泥鳅。

15、The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. ─── 一千多年前,中国人也饲养和研究鲤鱼及金鱼。

16、Now you can catch Pacu,Goldfish,and see Convicts cichlids along the banks. ─── 多年以来,我在附近的湖里钓鱼,里面有大量的大口黑鲈,双刺盖鲈和其他太阳鲈(翻车鱼)。

17、Mike: You just said that you thought your goldfish...um, you know...was bad luck. ─── 你刚刚说你的金鱼“那个”了......嗯,你知道“那个”意味着霉运。

18、A few minutes later he ran from the park, a royal goldfish flopping inside the crown of his straw hat. ─── 几分钟后他从公园里跑出来,一条宝贵的金鱼躺他的草帽壳里。

19、Lovable Goldfish disappeared, the murderer who in the end? ─── 可爱的金鱼不见了,凶手到底是谁呢?

20、If you put a few small goldfish in Monstera wear to wear to edge, is very interesting how ah! ─── 如果在放上几条小金鱼,在龟背竹边穿来穿去,是多么得有趣啊!

21、Goldfish later changed his name to s goldwindSamuel Goldwyn. ─── G很快为他更名为:S.

22、He keeps a lot of goldfish. ─── 他养了许多金鱼。

23、They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. ─── 从它开始,久而久之,人们获得了种种不同外形和色彩的观赏鱼。

24、There are indeed a good variety of goldfish. ─── 大牛:在这里金鱼的品种真是太多了。

25、The public at large, pedestrians and pederasts, goldfish and spun glass palm trees, donkeys sobbing, all circulating freely through quincuncial alleys. ─── 众人都自由自在地在五星状的胡同里过来过去,行人和男同性恋者、鱼和玻璃丝样的棕桐树,驴子在抽泣。

26、Also featuring Elmo's pet goldfish, Dorothy, the zany Mr.Noodle and classic songs that will delight viewers of all ages. ─── 剧中还有毛毛的好拍档多乐飞和乐都先生出现,加上多首经典歌曲,无论任何年纪的你都会开心大笑!

27、They chose a small member of carp family,Carassius auratus,better known as the goldfish. ─── 人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,CARASSIUS AURATUS,如同金鱼一样很早就被人所熟识了。

28、A celebrity may have to live in a goldfish bowl. ─── 名人像活在金鱼缸,很难避人耳目。

29、He pasted picture postcard around goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they were going place. ─── 他在金鱼缸周围贴上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。

30、You should put your fantail goldfish in the sun. ─── 你应该把你的扇尾 放在太阳底下.

31、Mum: Louisa, have you changed the water in the goldfish bowl? ─── 妈妈:路易莎,金鱼缸里的水换过了吗?

32、He can't take a goldfish for a walk. ─── 他总不能带著一只金鱼去散步嘛。

33、She didn't want a goldfish. ─── 她也不想要金鱼。

34、Mum: Louisa, have you changed the water in the goldfish bowl? Louisa: No, Mum. They haven't drunk the last yet. ─── 妈妈:路易莎,金鱼缸里的水换过了吗?路易莎:没有啊,妈妈。上一次的水它们还没喝完呢。

35、A vat used to a small goldfish had been put into the Enpa Haomiao the ocean has long been desperate terrified. ─── 一条水缸里过惯了的小金鱼被投放到烟波浩渺的海洋中,早被绝望吓破了胆。

36、In 1853 the world's first public aquarium- The Regent's Park Fish House- was opend. So far, home aquarium contained only goldfish or other local plant life. ─── 1853年,世界第一个公共水族馆:REGENT公园观赏鱼之家开放了。不过,到此时为止,家庭的水族馆仍然仅仅喂养金鱼和其它本地水生植物。

37、Feeding goldfish too much is bad for their health. ─── 喂你的金鱼太多对它们的健康有害。

38、A few minutes later he ran from the park,a royal goldfish flopping inside the crown of his straw hat.But on the road he heard a horse and carriage.It stopped.He was caught. ─── 几分钟后他从公园里跑出来,一条宝贵的金鱼躺在他的草帽壳里。但是,他听到了路上有马车的声音。马车停下来,他被抓住了。

39、Wayne: Boring? You couldn't be more wrong. Goldfish are fun. ─── 伟恩:无聊?那妳就错得离谱了,金鱼很好玩的。

40、His very own goldfish, with tartar sauce and fries? ─── 他自己的金鱼,要油炸沾乘?

41、Court goldfish: feeding in the court of the ornamental fish, are some valuable species, and ornamental value. ─── 宫廷金鱼:饲养于宫廷之中的观赏鱼,大多是一些名贵的品种,观赏性和价值很高。

42、Just as Chinese goldfish, Chinese koi fish will indisputably take a certain share of the international market and bring more business opportunities in the coming future. ─── 不久的将来,中国锦鲤也一定能像中国金鱼一样,在国际市场上占有一席之地,创造更多的商业价值。

43、Okay?but be sure to move the goldfish out of the way this time. ─── 好吧,但这次一定要把金鱼缸搬开。

44、The afforest in siheyun is very exquisite also, in each compound, configure pool of crock of tree of flowers and plants, lotus, goldfish and miniascape wait. ─── 四合院里的绿化也很讲究,各层院落中,都配置有花草树木、荷花缸、金鱼池和盆景等。

45、A jar-full of goldfish was then taken on a long sea trip back to London in 1665. ─── 于是在1665年,一个装满了金鱼的坛子经过漫长的海上旅行被带回到伦敦。

46、Laskey Lasky and Samuel Goldfish , deformed that Jassy to form the Jesse L. ─── L.拉斯科和山姆.高得菲西组建了杰西.

47、A few minutes later he ran from the park,a royal goldfish flopping inside the crown of his straw hat. ─── 几分钟后他从公园里跑出来,一条宝贵的金鱼躺在他的草帽壳里。

48、That year, he joined Jesse L. Lasky and Samuel Goldfish to form the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company. ─── 他在他母亲的影剧公司作演员和经理一直到1913年。

49、I bought 50 goldfish. ─── 我买了50条金鱼。

50、We about the fantail goldfish just now. ─── 12.刚才我们听了一个关于扇尾金鱼的报告。

51、Goldfish, goldfish! What do you see? ─── 金鱼,金鱼!你看到了什么?

52、Software Description: About Goldfish, Watch as these realistically animated goldfish swim on your computer screen -- no need to feed. ─── 作为这些的表实际上活生生的金鱼在你的计算机屏幕上的游泳。

53、The south side is a bright solarium of light , the flowers and plants my species being filled inside still has the goldfish fostering. ─── 南面就是光线透亮的大阳台,里面摆满了我种的花草还有养的金鱼。

54、Mickey picks up the puppy from the doghouse. Then the puppy runs over to the goldfish bowl for a drink. ─── Mickey从狗笼里将小狗抱出来,然后小狗便跑去金鱼缸那里喝水。

55、He pastes picture postcards around the goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they are going places . ─── 他在金鱼缸周围贴上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。

56、Can you help me the feed my goldfish? ─── 13你能帮我喂一下我的金鱼吗?

57、All of my goldfish kicked the bucket while we were on vacation. ─── 在我们外出度假的时候,所有的金鱼都翻白了。

58、G.E.M. Goldfish Faces (Different expressions!! ─── 儿童适宜天才表演之扮G.E.M.金鱼咀!

59、Why should one goldfish occupy so much valuable space in a serious weekly magazine when hundreds of thousands of goldfish die very week unwept, unhonoured and unsung? ─── 为什么这条金鱼在这样一个严肃的周刊上占这么多宝贵的篇幅而其它成千上万条金鱼却每个星期都在悄无声息地死去?

60、The other week I dug a pond for my children to keep goldfish in. ─── 上个礼拜我给小孩挖了个池子养金鱼。

61、Silly Simon wants to catch a goldfish. ─── 他猛地一伸his hand

62、Teacher: Bobby, have you given the goldfish fresh water today? Bobby: No, they haven't finished what I gave them yesterday. ─── 妈妈:博比,今天你给金鱼加新水吗?博比:没有,昨天我给他们的水还没喝完呢.

63、First, the heart of an embryo starts off as a little tube, similar to the heart of a goldfish. ─── 首先胎儿时期的心脏,就是一个小血管,和金鱼的心脏差不多大。

64、Austin told of his crime. He had stolen the fancy goldfish. ─── 受惊的孩子被领到马车前。在马车里的是卡拉卡瓦国王本人。

65、He pasted picture postcards around goldfish bowls to make the goldfish think they were going places. ─── 他把明信卡图片贴满金鱼缸,让金鱼以为它们到处游玩。

66、It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. ─── 它上面写道金鱼只能记三秒的事情。

67、It doesn't seem to matter whether your pet is a dog or a lizard or a goldfish. ─── 不管你养的是小狗,蜥蜴还是金鱼。

68、LL: That's a possibility. Now, come on, forget about that fish and help me pick out a goldfish, the funkier the better. ─── 对,每个人啊都有自己穿衣服的风格。说不定他会买那条很漂亮的鱼喔!

69、So, the Chinese lock people up in forced labor camps for protesting water quality and yet they worry about a few goldfish? ─── 因此,中国人将劳动力集中起来管理以保护水质,然而怎么又担心起金鱼了?

70、He paste picture postcard around goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they are go place . ─── 他在金鱼缸周围?上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。

71、In his speech just before the party vote, he said he was not as flashy as a goldfish, but more like a loach. ─── 他在党内选举之前发表的演讲中表示,自己并不像金鱼一样闪闪发亮,而是像条泥鳅。

72、Keep in the small bowl, the goldfish will remain small, with more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size. ─── 在小鱼缸里,金鱼也只是小的,如果有多点空间金鱼就会长得两倍,三倍乃至四倍与原来的体积。

73、That's a possibility. Now, come on, forget about that fish and help me pick out a goldfish, the funkier the better. ─── 对,每个人啊都有自己穿衣服的风格.说不定他会买那条很漂亮的鱼喔!

74、Or to see the shape of gonopore to distinguish goldfish male, female. ─── 或看其生殖孔的形状,来分辨金鱼的雄、雌。

75、A beautiful little like goldfish in the water around. ─── 一个个美丽的小金鱼似在水中游弋。

76、Have you ever seen a goldfish? ─── 你看过金鱼没有?

77、By the late 18th century the fish were widely popular in England and soon the goldfish bowl was seen in many homes. ─── 到18世纪晚期,在英国喂养这种金鱼已经很流行,在许多家庭都能看到金鱼碗。

78、His fans called goldfish. ─── 他的粉丝叫金鱼。

79、Do you have a goldfish? ─── 你有一只金鱼吗?

80、At this point, male, female goldfish will appear, and ovary at the top of the first lined up in a central location. ─── 此时,雄、雌金鱼将会出现,并头排列在卵巢上方中央位置。

81、A fantail goldfish weighs about 4 kilograms, they are easy to look after. ─── 一条扇尾金鱼重约4公斤,很容易照顾。

82、Some raise plain or fancy goldfish, some collect fish found nearby. ─── 一些人养普通或者奇特的金鱼,一些人喂养在附近捕到的鱼。

83、Wayne: How about a goldfish? They make great pets. ─── 伟恩:金鱼怎麽样?他们是很好的宠物。

84、The frightened boy was led to the carriage.In it was King Kalakaua himself.Austin told of his crime.He had stolen the fancy goldfish. ─── 受惊的孩子被领到马车前。在马车里的是卡拉卡瓦国王本人。奥斯汀承认了自己的罪过,他偷了奇异的金鱼。

85、FRANCE.Paris. 2003.A man walks by a billboard with a goldfish and fishbowl on it. ─── 2003年,法国,巴黎,一名男子经过一副画着金鱼和玻璃鱼缸的广告牌。

86、Fantail goldfish can live a long time if you look after them carefully. ─── 如果你能细心地照顾的话,扇尾金鱼可以活很久。

87、Goldfish vendor Alidi peeks out the window of his stall as he waits for customers, Wednesday, at the decorative fish market in Jakarta, Indonesia. ─── 周三在印尼雅加达的装饰鱼市场,金鱼商阿里第从他的店面窗口向外看,等待顾客上门。

88、Cultivate a minor eccentricity at work, like keeping goldfish or making toast at your desk. It will make some people suspect you're a genius. ─── 上班时,培养出个怪癖,比如养金鱼,或在桌上烤面包。这样别人会怀疑你是天才。

89、It turned out that the spirit was a Big goldfish in the South Sea lotus pond. The fish escaped from the Buddha to hurt people. So the Buddha was asked to retrieve the fish spirit. ─── 原来这妖怪正是南海莲池中一条大金鱼,乘菩萨不备,跑出害人,于是菩萨收回这条鱼精。




如果天黑之前来得及 我要忘了你的眼睛

穷极一生 做不完一场梦




南风喃 ,北海北


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