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09-03 投稿


pica 发音

英:[?pa?k?]  美:[?pa?k?]

英:  美:

pica 中文意思翻译




pica 网络释义

n. 异食癖;十二点活字n. (Pica)人名;(西、意、葡、罗)皮卡;(捷)皮察

pica 短语词组

1、Pica pica hudsonia ─── [网络] 皮ica哈德逊尼亚

2、pica hielo en ingles ─── 冰刺英语

3、pica disorder ─── 异食癖

4、pica group ─── 皮卡集团

5、picapica canciones ─── 痒的歌曲

6、pica definition pica ─── 定义

7、genus Pica ─── [网络] 鹊属

8、pica em ─── [网络] 全身派卡;点活字的全身

9、pica-pica ─── [网络] 喜鹊;黑嘴喜鹊;商丘市区喜鹊

10、Pica pica ─── [网络] 喜鹊;黑嘴喜鹊;商丘市区喜鹊

pica 词性/词形变化,pica变形


pica 相似词语短语

1、pical ─── 皮卡尔

2、Spica ─── n.穗状花序;人字形绷带;角宿一(即室女座α星);n.(Spica)人名;(意)斯皮卡

3、Sica ─── abbr.裂殖体感染细胞凝集试验(schizont-infectedcellagglutinationtest);n.(Sica)人名;(瑞典)西卡;(意、西)西卡

4、paca ─── n.[脊椎]无尾刺豚鼠;天竺鼠;n.(Paca)人名;(塞)帕察;(英、西、罗)帕卡

5、picra ─── 披萨

6、picas ─── n.十二点活字;异食癖

7、mica ─── n.[矿物]云母;n.(Mica)人名;(意、罗、赤几)米卡;(英)迈卡;(塞)米察

8、Nica ─── n.(Nica)人名;(罗)尼卡

9、plica ─── n.皱襞;[医]纠发病

pica 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The trigeminal nerve is very closed to the SCA, AICA, PICA and the petrosal veins.As a result, about 46.88% of SCA has a point of contacting with the trigeminal nerve. ─── 三叉神经和相关的小脑上动脉(SCA)、小脑前下动脉(AICA)、岩静脉等关系密切,小脑上动脉的行程一般比较恒定,向尾侧凸起46.88%的尾袢对三叉神经造成压迫。

2、Picas Pica Pick a category ─── 选一个类别

3、Aberrations of diet, including pica (the consumption of nonnutritive substances, such as clay and charcoal), are common in pregnancy. ─── 饮食失常在孕期常见,如异食癖(食非营养性物质如粘土和木炭)。

4、The leading candidate for Orion's base heat shield is a material called PICA (phenolic impregnated carbon ablator). ─── 目前猎户座底部防热盾的首选是酚充填碳烧蚀挡板材料(PICA),是一种埋在酚树脂中的碳纤维交叉结构。

5、Some women believe that pica is normal, or are encouraged to eat substances like clay by well-meaning friends and family members. ─── 一些妇女认为,“异食癖”是很正常的,或者受好心的朋友和家庭成员的劝告吃一些粘土。

6、Relations between pica and ruminal environment in ruminants ─── 反刍兽异嗜癖与瘤胃内环境的关系

7、Keywords: pica, motion, vestibular system, motion sickness, ─── 关键词:异食癖,运动,前庭系统,运动病

8、Pica : A unit of typographic linear measurement in which one pica equal to 12 points. ─── 倍卡:排字上用的长度单位,1倍卡等于12点。

9、Pica pica ─── n. 喜鹊

10、It also reports the typical cases of hair pica resulting in hair stone in stomach, besides the cases of obsessire compulsive newrosis and fetshism. ─── 并报告了异食头发形成胃内毛发结石、幼儿强迫症、恋物癖等典型病例。

11、Objective to study the microsurgical anatomy of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). ─── 目的研究小脑后下动脉(PICA)的显微解剖结构。

12、Keywords pica;motion;vestibular system;motion sickness; ─── 异食癖;运动;前庭系统;运动病;

13、The CEO Liang Hui of PICA company also expresses, the fund use of epicycle financing basically will be used at technical development and market to extend a respect. ─── PICA公司的CEO梁晖也表示,本轮融资的资金用途将主要用于技术开发和市场拓展方面。

14、As an old convention, a 12-point type was called "Pica"which is used as a unit of linear measurement in typography,Therefore,a 12-point em is also used to represent one pica in typographic linear measurement . ─── 以往的习惯是把12点字体称为“倍卡”,而“倍卡”则用作排字上的长度单位。所以,一个12点的“正方”亦用作排字上的长度单位,相等于一“倍卡”。

15、The pica is approximately 4.21 mm or one-sixth inch. ─── 十二点活字尺寸为4.21毫米或六分之一寸。

16、Control and Treatment and Analysis on Pica in Spotted Deer ─── 梅花鹿异嗜癖病因分析与防治

17、Locharna pica ─── n. 漆黑丛毒蛾

18、small pica ─── 十一点大小的活字

19、Such a measure for12 - point type;a pica. ─── 12点活字的高度;12点活字

20、1 Vu k,Begovic M M,Novosel D et al.Use of local measurement to estimate voltage stability margin. PICA Columbus U.S.A May 1997 ─── 2葛维春.电力系统电压稳定性与电压崩溃的研究.[博士学位论文].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学,北京:华北电力学院,1992

21、To find out the characters per pica of a type face at a particular type size copy fitting tables are available for this purpose. ─── 要找出某一字体在某字大小下,每派卡的字符数量,可以查阅[配稿字数表]。

22、Pica,T. &M.H. ─── 上网,就上中国366!

23、Report of pica in calf inducing outbreak of paratyphoid ─── 犊牛异食癖引发副伤寒暴发的报道

24、Endovascular management of vertebral dissecting aneurysm involving the origin of PICA: a case report ─── 血管内治疗累及小脑后下动脉的椎动脉夹层动脉瘤一例

25、Small pica 11 ─── 磅因(point)的活字

26、Pica is a compulsive behavior of eating food or non-food items. ─── 摘要嗜异癖是一种对食物或非食物的强烈渴望。

27、Before the adoption of the point system, type sizes were known by destinguishing names, such as "agate" for 5/12pt," long primer" for 10 pt, "pica" for 12 pt "great primer" for 18 pt, etc. ─── 点数制在十八世纪开始使用。在此之前,字大小分别用名字识别。例如:‘雅基’是51/2点;‘长派码’是10点;‘培卡’是12点;‘大派码’是18点等。


29、Pica o and the poet Max Jacob, down but not out in Paris, shared a bed in turn. ─── 毕加索和诗人雅科布在巴黎近郊轮流睡一张床。

30、On the Reasons of Pig Pica and Its Prevention and Cure ─── 浅析猪咬尾的原因及防制

31、Jacob slept at night while Pica o worked, and Pica o slept by day when Jacob worked as a novelty-shop clerk. ─── 晚上雅科布睡觉,毕加索工作;白天毕加索睡觉,雅科布在一家玩具饰物商店当职员。

32、Pica of infancy and childhood ─── 婴幼儿和童年异食障碍

33、Results Four hundred and thirty-seven of 468(93.38%) PICA were shown by using contrast-enhanced MSCT. ─── 结果肋间后动脉总显示率为93.38%(437/468支),左、右两侧显示率分别为92.31%(216/234支)和94.44%(221/234支)。

34、Pablo Pica o played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. ─── 帕勃洛?毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。

35、Pica,T. &M.H.Long. 1986.The linguistic and conversational performance of experienced and inexperienced teachers[A].In R.Day (eds.).Talking to Learn: Conversation in Second Language Acquisition[C]. ─── 中华人民共和国教育部.2001.全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)[S].北京:北京师范大学出版社.

36、"Eating disorders: Abnormal eating patterns, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia, compulsive overeating, and pica (appetite for nonfood substances)." ─── 饮食失调:异常的饮食形态,像是神经性厌食症、善饥、强迫性过食以及异食癖(pica,爱吃不是食物的东西)。

37、Such a measure for12-point type; a pica. ─── 12点活字的高度;12点活字

38、The company says that there are few new cases and that most are related to pica (roughly, "the nibbles" ). ─── 该公司表示,没有出现一些新的情况,大部分都涉及到异食癖(粗略地说就是,“贪吃”)。

39、Keywords suboccipital transcondylar approach;suboccipital triangle;occipital condyle;vertebral artery (VA);posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA); ─── 枕下远外侧经髁入路;枕下三角;枕髁;椎动脉;小脑后下动脉;

40、Pica is an appetite for, or the behavior of eating, non-nutritive substances (e.g. ─── ]是犬类的摄食行为异常,即摄食一些非营养物质,如沙、煤、土、粉笔灰、纸等。

41、Keywords sea sickness;amino acid;brain;plasma;pica;kaolin;rat; ─── 晕船;氨基酸;脑;血浆;异嗜行为;高岭土;大鼠;

42、Dogs exhibiting this form of pica should be tested for anemia with a Complete blood count including Hematocrit levels, or Packed cell volume. ─── 当犬只摄食这些物质时应接受全血记数检查以判断贫血可能,全血记数应包括血细胞比容水平和血球压积测试。

43、a two - pica indent. ─── 缩进两个铅字的排版方式

44、Poly(lactic - co- glyclic acid) (PICA) ─── 聚乳酸-羟基乙酸

45、Keywords motion sickness;stimulus modehty;kaolin;Pica;animal model;rats; ─── 晕动病;刺激模式;高岭土;异食癖;动物模型;大鼠;

46、Pica: A unit of typographic linear measurement in which one pica equal to 12 points. The pica is approximately 4.21 mm or one-sixth inch. See Em, Piont system. ─── 倍卡:排字上用的长度单位,1倍卡等于12点。1倍卡约为4.21毫米或六分之一寸。参阅正方,点度制。

47、To find out the characters per pica of a type face at a particular type size copyfitting tables are available for this purpose. ─── 要找出某一字体在某字大小下,每派卡的字符数量,可以查阅[配稿字数表].

48、PICA circulation ─── PDCA循环

49、Objective To investigate the microsurgical treatment of aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery(PICA). ─── 目的探讨小脑后下动脉瘤(PICA)的显微外科治疗方法。

50、polymerization-induced colloid aggregation (PICA) ─── 聚合诱导胶体凝聚法(PICA

51、Could drinking blood be a form of pica, a medical disorder in which people feel compelled to eat non-food items like dirt or paper? ─── 饮血是否为异食症(pica患此病症的人会无法自控的去吃一些非食物类的东西,比如灰尘或纸张)的一种表现?)

52、Pica (1984) listed ten most popular subjects concerned by foreign language teaching researchers, among which the influence of native language (NL) on second language acquisition is on the top. ─── Pica(1984)发现第一语言对第二语言习得的影响是语言教学研究者所关注的首要课题。

53、Pica warns that significant downside risk could still be lurking as developers announce interim earnings. ─── 不过,派克警告说,随着开发商公布中期业绩,大幅下跌的风险依然存在。

54、Nonetheless, Mr. Pica warns that significant downside risk could still be lurking as developers announce interim earnings. ─── RaymondCheng也持有同样看法。不过,派克警告说,随着开发商公布中期业绩,大幅下跌的风险依然存在。

55、Dominant species include Eurasian Tree-Sparrow(Passer montanus),Black-billed Magpie(Pica pica) and Barn Swallow(Hirundo rustica); ─── (树)麻雀(Passer montanus)、喜鹊(Pica pica)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)为优势种;

56、PICA, which provided services in Europe, was acquired by OCLC, with full ownership completed July 3, 2007. ─── OCLC还收购了在欧洲提供服务的PICA,在2007年8月3日完全获得其所有权。

57、A new design of the satellite power system was presented on demand for the micro-miniature pica -satellite. ─── 为了满足皮卫星微小型化的要求,提出了一种新型卫星电源系统的设计方案。

58、and upon these we worked exceedingly hard, for the price was low.It was a folio, pro patria size, in pica, with long primer notes. ─── 这是四开本,印四号字,用大字长字做标题,我一天排一张纸的字,而由梅尔迪士印出来。

59、DIM_trade_d_o_o__Grude Distribuira alkoholna pica iz prodajnog asortimana tvrtke Seagram: Chivas, Martell, Four Roses, Tequila. ─── 商业/市场营销/广告-中华广告网综合性的广告行业网站,提供名录,市场资讯和其他相关服务。

60、Characters per pica method: Method of casting-off that utilizes the average number of characters per pica as a means of determining the number of pages the copy will make when set in type. ─── 字符每派卡长度算法:采用每派卡长度可容纳字符数量来推算一份原稿排字后所得版数的一个方法.

61、Keywords PICA;urea;formaldehyde;SiO_2 sol;composite microsphere;phase separation; ─── 聚合诱导胶体团聚法;尿素;甲醛;二氧化硅溶胶;复合微球;相分离;

62、Among them, 2 aneurysms involved PICA were treated with dual stents for each overlapping in the parent arteries of the aneurysms, and other 10 aneurysms were treated by coil assisted stents. ─── 2例动脉瘤位于小脑后下动脉处,各置人2枚支架,重叠在动脉瘤段载瘤动脉内,10例经支架网眼送入弹簧圈。

63、Pica calls the company a 'well-managed, experienced, diversified player' while J. ─── 摩根大通(J.

64、Objective To assess the ability of contrast-enhanced multislice helical computed tomography(MSCT) to depict the posterior intercostal artery(PICA). ─── 目的评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对肋间后动脉显示的价值。

65、Adequate nutrition to help prevent pica ─── 适当的营养以防异食癖

66、If a pregnant woman has pica, it suggests she may need more of the minerals found in her particular craving. ─── 如果孕妇患上异食癖综合症,患者对各种奇怪东西的食欲说明她的身体需要更多矿物质。

67、Ketosis is a metabolic disease of lactating cows characterized by weight loss, pica, decreased appetite, decreased milk production and neurological abnormalities ─── 泌乳牛代谢病,体重下降、异食僻、食欲差、奶产量下降、神经官能异常

68、Quite a few researchers (Gass 1988; Gass & Varonis 1994; Lyster 1995; Oliver 1995, 2000; Pica 1994; Spada & Lightbown 1993.) ─── 不少研究者如Gass(1988); Gass & Varonis(1994);

69、Mercury concentrations in the tissues or organs of magpies (Pica pica sericea Gould)collected in southern suburb an area of Taiyuan City were measured, with its distribution investigated. ─── 为了确定汞在喜鹊体内8种组织和器官中详细的分布规律,对采自太原南郊区7只喜鹊不同组织和器官中汞的含量进行了测定,并对其分布规律进行了研究。

70、Pica in dogs may be a sign of Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, especially when it involves eating substances such as tile grout, concrete dust, and sand. ─── 异食癖好有时可能是免疫介导的溶血性贫血的临床表现,尤其是摄食瓷砖、混凝土灰尘和沙子。

71、Pica pica sericea ─── 喜鹊

72、"Eating disorders: ABnormal eating patterns, including anorexia nervosa, Bulimia, compulsive overeating, and pica (appetite for nonfood substances)." ─── 饮食失调: 异常的饮食形态,像是神经性厌食症、善饥、强迫性过食以及异食癖(pica,爱吃不是食物的东西)。

73、Cicero: The European 12 pt, unit of typographic measurement, similar to the Pica in British/American Point system. Equals to 4.511mm. ─── 西塞罗:欧洲用的印刷字体单位;类似英美点数制的[派卡].它亦采用12[点]为一[西塞罗];一[西塞罗]等于4.511毫米.

74、Control of pica in livestock ─── 畜禽异食癖的防治

75、children may be a particular kind of food, pica (eating dirt, cinder, etc.), the reaction retardation, mental decline in academic performance, irritability anxiety prone to infection. ─── 儿童可出现偏食、异食癖(喜食土块、煤渣等)、反应迟钝、智力下降、学习成绩、易怒不安、易发生感染等。

76、Pica is an appetite for, or the behavior of eating, non-nutritive substances (e.g., sand, coal, soil, chalk, paper etc.). ─── 异食行为是犬类的摄食行为异常,即摄食一些非营养物质,如沙、煤、土、粉笔灰、纸等。

77、The hemoglobin levels, interdialytic weight gains (IDWGs) and BMI were significantly higher in patients with ice pica than those without. ─── 其中一位作者和一位营养师在二十四小时的饮食记录单和嗜冰癖问卷访谈当中发现十四位(18.4%)血液透析病患有嗜冰癖的行为。





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