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09-03 投稿


sedate 发音

英:[s?'de?t]  美:[s??de?t]

英:  美:

sedate 中文意思翻译



sedate 反义词

excitable |stimulate

sedate 同义词

tranquillize | slow-moving | dull | collected | unexciting | solemn | cool | demure | tranquillise | serious | sober | put under | grave | put out | knock out | dignified | drug |staid | calm | tranquilize | composed | anaesthetize

sedate 词性/词形变化,sedate变形

副词: sedately |动词过去分词: sedated |名词: sedateness |动词现在分词: sedating |动词第三人称单数: sedates |动词过去式: sedated |

sedate 短语词组

1、sedate a dog for grooming ─── 使狗镇静以备梳理

2、sedate definition ─── 稳重的定义

3、sedate gray ─── 稳重的灰色

sedate 相似词语短语

1、pedate ─── adj.鸟足状的;有脚的;脚状的

2、sedative ─── n.[药]镇静剂;能使安静的东西;止痛药;adj.使镇静的;使安静的

3、sedated ─── adj.安静的;沉着的;vt.给…服镇静剂

4、sedates ─── adj.安静的;沉着的;vt.给…服镇静剂

5、redate ─── 编辑

6、sedately ─── adv.安详地;镇静地

7、predate ─── vt.在日期上早于(先于)

8、sudate ─── 苏达特

9、deodate ─── 除臭剂

sedate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She is very sedate for a child and would rather read or sew than play. ─── 作为一个孩子她很稳重而且宁愿阅读或缝衣也不玩耍。

2、* The parents were worried because they felt their son was too quiet and sedate. ─── *父母担心,因为他们认为他们的儿子过于安静,稳重。

3、I seemed to be reduced to my former calm, sedate way of living. ─── 我似乎又恢复了以前那种安定,宁静的生活方式。

4、The sun, which undergoes a sedate version of the same process, can be used as a reference point. ─── 同一种作用的安详版本,太阳,可以供做参考。

5、In this government of my temper, I remained near a year, lived a very sedate retired life. ─── 差不多有一年的工夫,我压制着自己的性子,过着一种恬静优悠的生活。

6、It takes the traveler back to a sedate world when the journey was as entrancing as the destination. ─── 只有旅行的过程和旅行的目的地一样令人愉快时,游客们才算被带回了一个宁静的世界。

7、We spent a sedate evening at home. ─── 我们在家里过了一个恬静的夜晚。

8、When I retire I want a sedate life but for now, I enjoy the noise and pace of the city. ─── 我退休以后想过一种平静的生活,不过现在我喜欢城市的喧闹和节奏。

9、Right now the future buzzes along at a sedate pace. ─── 就是现在,未来正安静地向我们走来。

10、Despitethis, the dorms are more sedate than their Japanese versions. ─── 尽管如此,寝室的氛围要远比他们日式的装扮安静稳重得多。

11、The shiny carriages of Yankee officers' wives and newly rich Carpetbaggers splashed mud on the dilapidated buggies of the townspeople, and gaudy new homes of wealthy strangers crowded in among the sedate dwellings of older citizens. ─── 北方佬军官和新近致富的提包党人坐着雪亮的马车,把泥水溅到本地人破旧的货车上; 外来富人所营造的华丽而俗气的新房子在原有市民安静而稳重的住宅中间层出不穷。

12、We plan having a steady cook and a young, giddy housemaid, with a sedate, middle-aged man, who is to undertake the double office of husband to the former and sweetheart to the latter. ─── 我们计划雇佣一名结实的厨娘,一名轻浮的年轻女仆,再加一名沉闷的中年男人,他可拥有厨娘丈夫及女仆情人的双从身份。

13、In the middle of a sedate conversation about the crops of the year, started by Ilagin, Nikolay pointed out the black and tan bitch. ─── 伊拉金郑重其事地提到今年的收成,谈话谈到半中间时,尼古拉向他指了指他自己那只红花斑的母犬。

14、I enjoy peaceful,sedate and leisurely pace of little town life,which is not so competitive that I can have some time to think about any questions about the moon all the time.(FYI). ─── 我喜欢小城镇的,宁静,安详和悠闲的生活节奏,生活也不那么有竞争性,可以有时间和空间去想一些永远想不明白的问题。

15、Keep your sheepdog in a secure yard ' it doesn't require a lot of room, as this breed is fairly sedate, but you will want your dog to get exercise to keep it fit. ─── 为你狗狗提供一个安全的场所是很重要的,饲养古牧并不需要太多的空间。

16、Young mean vigor, be eager to make progress, maturity means sedate, sureness, la Gang is online it is the game company that a such both ends take. ─── 年轻意味着活力、进取,成熟意味着稳重、踏实,蓝港在线是一家这样两头都占的游戏公司。

17、a sedate, sober man ─── 一个严肃审慎的人

18、The sitting room contrasts with vermeil sofa those who give black sofa is sedate, in silvery white world more show trait. ─── 客厅以鲜红色沙发来对比出黑色沙发的稳重,在银白世界中更显特色。

19、Cool color attune basically includes green, blue, green, department waiting for color, these colour have quiet, sedate feeling. ─── 冷色调主要包括青、蓝、绿、等色系,这些色彩具有安静、稳重之感。

20、A sedate color scheme calls for an obvious place for the eye to rest. ─── 一个安静的配色方案需要为眼睛提供一个显著的休息的地方。

21、serious; grave; solemn; sedate ─── 庄重


23、They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer. ─── 他们计划先用镇静剂让这个大家伙先镇定下来。

24、East Coast rail travel appeared to be running smoothly, too. New York's usually frenetic Pennsylvania Station seemed sedate on Monday, with people ambling to their trains. ─── 东岸铁路旅行看来也非常顺利。纽约通常很火爆的宾夕法尼亚车站周一的时候似乎很平静,人们都不慌不忙的进入火车。

25、One shouldn't worry about taking pictures or making tape recordings. Those are superfluities of sedate lives. One should worry about the spirit, which is always receding. ─── 人不要去为拍照或录音的事分心。这些是严肃生活的多余之物。人应该去担忧时刻都在离我们远去的精神。

26、In this government of my temper, I remained near a year, lived a very sedate retired life. ─── 差不多有一年的工夫,我压制着自己的性子,过着一种恬静优悠的生活。

27、Put yourself in blue sky and white clouds, sit on a green grassplot through your imagination.Your heart are sedate, quiet and calm there, so your stress could be relieved in a short time. ─── 想像在蓝天白云下,坐在碧绿的草地上,心中充满安详、宁静、平和的感受,这样可在短时间内缓解压力。

28、Graph: The combination of timberwork and glass, sedate and do not break clever. ─── 图:木结构和玻璃的组合,稳重而不失灵动。

29、It takes the traveler back to a sedate world when the journey was as entrancing as the destination. ─── 只有旅行的过程和旅行的目的地一样令人愉快时,游客们才算被带回了一个宁静的世界。

30、The first time I did this, I was really shocked by how much I could spend in a (quite sedate! ) afternoon and evening out. ─── 我第一次这样做的时候,就不禁为自己一个下午及晚上的支出而直打寒颤(虽然我在写这段话的时候极力保持镇静)。

31、She behaves frivolously, she is not at all sedate. ─── 她举止飘浮,很不稳重。

32、a grave God-fearing man; a quiet sedate nature; sober as a judge; the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence. ─── 威严虔敬的人;安静沉稳的个性;像法官一样威严;宣读判决的时候法官非常严肃。

33、smooth and stable; steady; sedate ─── 安稳

34、After the accident, the doctor gave her some pills to sedate her. ─── 事故发生后, 医生让她服了些药片使她镇静下来。

35、To sedate or relieve of anxiety or tension by the administration of a drug. ─── 使镇静通过药剂的使用而平静或减轻焦虑或紧张

36、So, rescuers plan to do something never tried before.They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer. ─── 两周以来,科学家们一直在跟踪一头北方露脊鲸并计划展开一项史无前例的拯救行动。

37、Delightful celadon gives a person sedate and refined feeling. ─── 宜人的灰绿色给人稳重并且雅致的感觉。

38、07 Sculpture If you want a more cultural, sedate experience, Gelsenkirchen is also staging several art and photographic exhibitions. ─── 如果你想有更具文化气息,更庄重的体验,盖尔森基兴同样有一系列艺术和摄影的展览。

39、Lawyer Dai is sedate and self-possessed, sober-minded, steadfast, innovative, and never contented with her achievements. ─── 戴律师性格沉稳冷静,做事喜欢精益求精,踏实肯干并敢于创新。

40、He says the fight is still on, with victories in popular revolts in Ukraine and Georgia and more sedate gains in central Europe. ─── 他说斗争还在继续,民众的造反在乌克兰和乔治亚得胜了,在中欧也有比较平静的成果。"

41、In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night. ─── 在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。

42、Keywords Chinese herbal compound formula;tonify the kidney and sedate the liver;aplastic anemia;marrow hemopoietic ancestral cell;external culture;cell factor; ─── 中药复方;补肾泻肝;再生障碍性贫血;骨髓造血祖细胞;体外培养;细胞因子;

43、Perhaps that's his style,cautious,sedate and methodical. ─── 也许,这就是基辛格的风格,严谨、庄重、井井有条。

44、Sedate coitus ─── 安静性交

45、Doctors had to sedate him for the pain and he didn't wake up for a week.Groggy and weak in the hospital, Chatterton only wanted to play the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. ─── 医生们为了缓解他的疼痛让他服用镇静剂使其保持在半睡半醒的状态,但是他仍然对万恶的多人在线网络游戏魔兽世界念念不忘。

46、Furniture of quite adequate weight, sedate brunet fact wood is the pursuit of major middleaged person, and they have economic actual strength more than the youth. ─── 够分量、够稳重的深色实木家具是大部分中年人的追求,而他们比年轻人更具经济实力。

47、Orange juice futures used to have wild runups during the frosts in Florida, but have become much more sedate with the growth of orange production in Brazil in the Southern Hemisphere. ─── 佛罗里达霜冻时橙汁期货猛涨,当南半球巴西的橙子成长时期货就平静了。

48、“Turkey has become a republic of fear,” complains Sedat Ergin, managing editor of Milliyet, a leading Dogan newspaper. ─── “土耳其成为一个充满恐惧的共和国”,道根旗下的主导报纸Milliyet的总编辑SedatErgin抱怨道。

49、If you follow this rule, you'll trade relatively sedate markets where you can safely place your stops. ─── 如果你遵守这条原则,你所选择的市场相对来说是比较稳定的,可以比较安全地设置止损。

50、It is with red exemple, turn into when red cardinal when the red with belt violet flavour, contain sedate, solemn mood namely; ─── 以红色为例,当红色变为深红色和带紫味的红色时,即带有稳重、庄重的情绪;

51、They tried to sedate her. ─── 他们想用镇静剂使她静下来。

52、[Dye of 3] brown pottery and porcelain is phyletic: Dye of brown pottery and porcelain shows scene ad cool-headed, sedate. ─── [3]棕色陶瓷颜料种类:棕色陶瓷颜料呈色沉着、稳重。

53、Professor Zhang comments on: Ancient time is geomantic think to just represent stability, look from psychological angle, just want than the circle sedate. ─── 张教授点评:古代风水认为方代表稳定,从心理角度看,方比圆要稳重。

54、On the other hand, the Backstreet Boys have been relatively sedate in terms of charting on police blotters and newspaper scandal sheets--at least thus far. ─── 另一方面,“后街男孩”相对比较自重,他们既没有劣迹上警方记录,也未有丑闻见诸新闻报端--至少到目前为止。

55、have a sedate attitude ─── 态度很稳

56、Melanie, bonneted and shawled, sedate in newly acquired matronly dignity, hung on his arm and the entire personnel of Tara, black and white, turned out to see Ashley off to the war. ─── 媚兰戴着帽子,围着围巾,挽着他的肩膀,俨然一副新少奶奶端庄文静的模样。塔拉农场所有的人,无论白人黑人,全都来为艾希礼送行。

57、What gift would you recommend for a mature and sedate man? ─── 你会推荐什么什么礼物给成熟稳重的男士?

58、Doctors sedate patients and thread a bronchoscope - a lighted catheter - through the nose or throat and into the lungs. ─── 医生给患者服用镇静剂,通过鼻或喉将气管镜(一种带光源的导管)引入肺。

59、Young woman often likes contemporary and contracted design style, the design in old woman home style criterion deflection is sedate, decorate like what design a style classically more. ─── 年轻女性往往喜欢现代简约的设计风格,年长女性家中的设计风格则偏向稳重,如古典主义设计风格的装修较多。

60、She can appear in desirous life all the time a mature and sedate, understanding Bai Ma is princely, so year 30, had not found other in part. ─── 她一直渴望生活中能出现一位成熟稳重、善解人意的白马王子,所以年届三十了,还没有找到另一半。

61、The whole design from simple sedate start and avoid complex structure reveals the atmospheric style to meet the most practical functions. ─── 整个设计从简洁端庄入手,避免复杂的结构,突显大气的风格,满足最实用的功能。

62、4.A more sedate option is the lovely old steamship TSS Earnslaw. ─── 如果要选择更安静一点的方式,则有古董蒸汽轮船恩斯罗号。

63、Everyone edged forward, in anticipation, trying to imagine what the sedate doctor could propose that would be shocking. ─── "人人都争着挤上前去,预先猜想这位不露声色的大夫所要提出的惊人建议究竟是什么。

64、So I can not inform you of the best place to pimp your ride, or where to buy mink and diamond false eyelashes (I hope they sedate the mink before they remove its eyelashes). ─── 所以我不可能给你提供哪里是最好的纵欲场所,或者哪里可以买到貂毛和钻石做的假睫毛(我希望他们在拔下貂的睫毛时,先给它们服用镇定剂)。

65、in her experience. the taking of food dulled pain. She would have been outraged if a doctor had tried to sedate her with a drug, but coffee and a crust of bread were another matter; ─── 就她的经验来说,精神上的痛苦和恐惧并不能减弱肉体上的饥饿,吃饭可以减弱痛苦。 如果医生想用药品使她镇静下来,那她就会勃然大怒。

66、We set off again at a more sedate pace. ─── 我们又一次出发了,步调更加缓慢。

67、and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale, and the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation. ─── 当钟声还在一下一下敲响的时候,即使最沉缅逸乐的人也蓦地灰了脸,上点年纪的和庄重些的,都抚额作思虑状,似乎陷入混乱不堪的玄思中。

68、He was in a lot of pain so we had to sedate him. ─── 他刚才痛得很厉害,所以我们只好帮他打了麻醉剂。

69、After the accident the doctor gave her some pills to sedate her. ─── 事故发生后医生让她服了些药片使她镇静下来。

70、They tried to sedate her ─── 他 们想用镇静剂使她静下来。

71、Her life was sedate, almost mundane. ─── 她的生活很平静,几乎有些枯燥。

72、One of those calm, quiet, sedate natures, to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible(Harriet Beecher Stowe. ─── 对具有沉着的、温和的和稳重的性格的人来说,好骚动的神经或热烈的感情诱惑是完全不可理解的事(哈丽特 比彻 斯托)。

73、We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace. ─── 我们跟在年轻人后面,步子稍慢一点。

74、What the maize metope of the head of a bed added a space is sedate, large area glazing joined outdoor with interior space, whole bedroom reveals light scroll to taste. ─── 床头的黄色墙面增加了空间的稳重,大面积玻璃窗连接了室外与室内的空间,整个居室流露出淡淡的书卷味道。

75、Others say women use language to assert their power in a culture that, at least in days gone by, asked them to be sedate and decorous. ─── 另一些语言学家说,在一个要求妇女举止庄重得体的文化环境下(至少在过去是这样),妇女用语言来宣示她们的权力。

76、"One of those calm, quiet, sedate natures, to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible" (Harriet Beecher Stowe). ─── “对具有沉着的、温和的和稳重的性格的人来说,好骚动的神经或热烈的感情诱惑是完全不可理解的事” (哈丽特·比彻·斯托)。

77、Real wood door gives a person with sedate, decorous feeling. ─── 实木门给人以稳重、高雅的感觉。

78、But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index. ─── 但各州发放补助的大小并不与失控的医疗通胀挂钩,而是与更加稳定的基本物价水平挂钩。

79、a sedate game of golf ─── 一场平和的高尔夫球比赛

80、a sedate country town ─── 宁静的乡间小镇

81、Prim and sedate. ─── 严肃沉闷的

82、We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace. ─── 我们跟在年轻人后面,步子稍慢一点。

83、It would never do to appear sedate and elderly before Melanie's sweet youthfulness. ─── 可千万不能在媚兰那娇嫩的姿色前显得稳重和老气呀!

84、A sedate person out of livery approached them and relieved the maid of her bags. ─── 一个举止庄重的没穿制服的人走来,从女仆手里接过提包。

85、In grumous in including showily with refined, sedate with enthusiastic, it is a kind of inconsistent mixture quality, love by intellectual female. ─── 在浓厚中包含着华贵与雅致、稳重与热烈,是一种矛盾的混合色,深受知识女性喜爱。

86、Be sedate. ─── 放稳重些。

87、You throw a net over them, they get tangled up, and then you go up and sedate them. ─── 你扔下一张网罩住它们,它们就被裹住了,然后你走上前去,给它们注射镇静剂。

88、In the meantime, representing the green of exquisite, sedate, rich connotation, blue, orange to wait also is this year popular colour. ─── 同时,代表着细腻、稳重、富有内涵的绿色、蓝色、橙色等也是今年流行的色彩。

89、Tabasheer, safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright.Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney. ─── 佐以清肺热、解热毒、凉心定惊的天竺黄、红花、炉甘石和清热消肿,补肾的烈香杜鹃,可调节和恢复肌体功能。

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