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09-03 投稿


terete 发音

英:[[t?'ri:t]]  美:[[t?'ri:t]]

英:  美:

terete 中文意思翻译



terete 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Branchlets prickly or tuberculately so, terete, with longitudinal ridges when young, glabrescent; ─── 小枝具皮刺或者具瘤状皮刺,圆柱状,幼时有纵脊,后脱落;

2、sterile pistil with terete gynophore, apex inflated, ca. 2.5 mm, equal to tepals in length or slightly longer. ─── 不育雌蕊具圆柱状雌蕊柄,膨大的先端,长约2.5毫米的,与花被片等长或稍长。

3、branchlets red-brown, terete, pubescent when young, soon glabrate; ─── 小枝红棕色,圆柱状,幼时具短柔毛,不久脱毛;

4、Herbs perennial.Roots terete, with fibrous rootlets. ─── 多年生草本圆柱状的根,具纤维状细根。

5、Aggregate fruit not terete, achene with neither robust, rostrate, persistent style at apex nor tubercles near base. ─── 不圆柱状的聚合果,瘦果具既不粗壮的,具喙,在先端宿存花柱,也非小瘤近基部。(13

6、Stem erect or decumbent, 4-angled or terete below, ribbed, green striate, usually branched throughout; ─── 下面的茎直立或外倾,四棱形或圆柱状,棱,绿色,全部通常分枝;

7、Branchlets gray-brown, terete, longitudinally angulate and sulcate, puberulent; ─── 小枝灰棕色,圆柱状,纵向具棱和具槽,被微柔毛;

8、Capsule dehiscing loculicidally, long, terete, compressed, yellow-brown floccose to lanate-woolly; ─── 室背开裂蒴果开裂,长,,压缩,黄褐色对具绵状毛具绵状毛;

9、Leaves terete, semiterete, or narrowly lanceolate, proximally not more than 4 mm wide; perianth segments above wing embracing utricle; anthers free from base to middle. ─── 圆柱状,半圆柱形的叶,或狭披针形,下部的不超过4毫米宽;翅上面花被片包括胞果;花药离生的基部至中部。(3

10、Twigs ?terete, pubescent, later glabrescent and cinereous. ─── 小枝圆柱状,青春期,后脱落的和灰色。

11、Twigs terete, densely brown feathery-setiferous, glabrescent; ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被棕色长着羽毛具刚毛,后脱落;

12、Branches terete, ca. 5 mm in diam., densely ferruginous tomentose.Leaves imparipinnate, 22-30 cm, axis densely shortly tomentose; ─── 圆柱状的分枝,直径约5毫米,密被锈色绒毛叶奇数羽状,22-30厘米,轴密被短被绒毛;

13、Branchlets terete, with an irregular small purple swelling between bristles at each side of leaf base, with dense appressed stout brownish or white bristles to 1.5 cm at nodes but glabrescent. ─── 小枝圆柱状,具不规则小紫色肿起部分在两面叶基部的刚毛之间,具密的贴伏结实的棕色或白色刚毛在节上达1.5厘米,但后脱落。

14、Leaves paripinnate, slightly dense, axis strong, nearly concolorous with branches, terete, 15-34 cm, striate, glabrous; ─── 偶数羽状的叶,稍紧密的,轴强壮的,近两面同色的分枝,圆柱状,15-34厘米,具条纹,无毛;

15、Heads terminal or axillary, globose or terete. ─── 头状花序顶生或腋生,球状的或圆柱状。

16、Branchlets grayish brown to grayish black, terete, initially densely yellow strigose, glabrous when old, inconspicuously verruculose. ─── 小枝淡灰棕色到带灰色黑色,圆柱状,最初浓密黄的具糙伏毛,无毛的老时,难以觉察小瘤状。

17、leaf blade of basal and cauline leaves usually linear or filiform, grasslike and flat, or terete, glabrous except for pilose margin on some grasslike blades. ─── 基生和茎生叶的叶片通常线形或者丝状,扁平,或者圆筒状,无毛,有些边缘有长柔毛。

18、sterile pistil slender, with terete gynophore, apex inflated, 1.4-1.8 mm, subequal to tepals in length. ─── 不育雌蕊纤细,具圆柱状雌蕊柄,先端膨大,1.4-1.8毫米,与花被片近等长。

19、Twigs terete, densely brown hispid. ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被棕色。

20、Branchlets terete;tendrils with 6-11 branches, young apex of tendril slightly expanded as fist-shaped adhesive disks. ─── 小枝圆柱状卷须具6-11个分部,卷须先端幼时稍膨大成为拳头状吸盘。

21、Branchlets gray-black, terete, slender, longitudinally plicate-striate; ─── 小枝灰色黑色,圆柱状,细长,纵向折扇状具条纹;

22、Ovary terete in bud, becoming broadly conic, gourd-shaped, or ovoid at anthesis, slightly pubescent or glabrous. ─── 子房在芽中圆柱状,在花期变为宽圆锥形,葫芦形,或卵球形,稍被短柔毛或无毛。

23、Shrubs evergreen.Branchlets castaneous when dry, terete, slender, puberulent, older ones with elliptic lenticels; ─── 常绿灌木小枝干燥时栗色的,圆柱状,细长,被微柔毛,老枝具椭圆形皮孔的;

24、Branches usually terete, usually with round or elliptic yellowish glandular lenticels. ─── 分枝通常圆柱状,通常具在的周围淡黄具腺的或椭圆形。

25、Herbs annual.Leaves alternate, sessile, linear to lanceolate, complanate, semiterete, or terete, membranous or fleshy, densely hairy. ─── 一年生草本叶互生,无梗,线形到披针形,扁平,半圆柱形,或圆柱状,膜质或肉质的,有密毛。

26、terminal segment indehiscent, seedless or 1- or 2-seeded, flattened and ensiform, or terete and conical or subulate, sometimes corky; ─── 不裂,无籽的顶生裂片或1或2种子,扁平和剑形,或圆柱状和圆锥状或钻形,有时木栓质;

27、Branchlets grayish brown when dry, slender, terete or slightly compressed. ─── 小枝淡灰棕色干燥时,细长,圆柱状或者稍压扁。

28、Branchlets terete;tendrils trifurcate. ─── 小枝圆柱状卷须三叉。

29、Branchlets reddish brown, thin, terete. ─── 小枝红棕色,薄,圆柱状。

30、Branches grayish brown, terete, rugose, ferruginous pilosulose when young. ─── 分枝淡灰棕色,圆柱状,具皱纹,幼时铁锈色具小柔毛。

31、Branches grayish brown, terete, long flagelliform; ─── 分枝淡灰棕色,圆柱状,长鞭状;

32、Branchlets black-brown, terete, glabrous or sparsely acicular hirsute, with elliptic lenticels. ─── 小枝黑棕色,圆柱状,无毛或者稀少针状多毛,带有椭圆的皮孔。

33、Branchlets terete, slender, with thin longitudinal ridges, with sparse arachnoid tomentum when young, eventually subglabrate; ─── 小枝圆柱状,细长,带有薄的纵脊,幼时带有具稀疏蛛丝状毛,最终近无毛;

34、Taproot thickened, elongate terete or clavate, fleshy, reddish, reddish-yellow, or yellow. ─── 加厚的直根,拉长圆柱状或棍棒状,肉质,带红色,带红色黄,或黄的。

35、Taproot yellowish-brown, elongate-terete, unbranched. ─── 直根黄棕色,拉长圆柱状,不分枝。

36、Branchlets terete;bark white, peeled off into fragments when old. ─── 小枝圆柱状树皮白色,脱皮进碎片老时。

37、Caudex terete, ca. 6 cm, ca. 1.5 cm in diam.Stem erect, 0.5--1.5 m, apically and inflorescence densely curved and appressed yellow pubescent. ─── 块根圆柱状,大约6厘米,大约1.5厘米直径.茎直立,0.5-1.5米,顶部和开花浓密弯曲和贴伏的黄色短柔毛。

38、Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., densely brown hispidulous. ─── 小枝圆柱状,直径约1毫米,密被,棕色具短硬毛。

39、Branchlets terete, with longitudinal ridges, transversely corrugated when dry, pubescent, then glabrescent;tendrils unbranched.Leaves pedately 5-foliolate; ─── 小枝圆柱状,带有纵脊,干燥时横向皱,短柔毛,后脱落卷须不分枝叶鸟足状具5小叶;

40、Disk shortly terete in lower part, cupular in upper part, margin membranous, wavy. ─── 在下半部分里的花盘短圆柱状的,杯状在上半部分,边缘膜质,波浪状。

41、Leaves alternate, sessile or subsessile, terete, semiterete, or narrowly complanate, margin entire. ─── 叶互生,无柄或近无柄,圆柱状,半圆柱形,或狭扁平的,边缘全缘。

42、branchlets dark purple, terete, glabrate, lenticellate. ─── 小枝深紫色,圆柱状,脱毛,具皮孔。

43、Leaves semiterete or terete, fleshy; inflorescence not spicate; abaxial appendages of perianth segments subulate or triangular in fruit. ─── 叶半圆柱形的或圆柱状,肉质;花序不穗状;在果期的花被片钻形或三角形的背面的附属物。(2

44、Branchlets terete or obtusely ridged, slender, pendulous. ─── 小枝圆柱状或者钝使成脊状,细长,下垂。

45、Leaves scale-like, terete, 1-2 mm, margin membranous, apex obtuse, awnless. ─── 叶鳞片状,圆柱状,1-2毫米,边缘膜质,先端钝,无芒。

46、leaf blade terete, 2--27 cm, on cauline leaves tubular and distinctly septate. ─── 圆柱状的叶片,2-27厘米,茎生叶上管状和清楚具隔的。

47、Herbs perennial.Roots thinly terete, with fibrous rootlets. ─── 多年生草本稀疏圆柱状的根,具纤维状的细根。

48、annual branches erect, usually slightly zigzagged, 15-30 cm, terete, slightly ribbed, branched above.Leaves alternate, lower ones sometimes subopposite, shortly petiolate; ─── 一年生枝直立,通常稍之字形,15-30厘米,圆柱状,稍具肋,上面分枝。

49、Young stems terete to frequently 4-angled or subalate, glabrous, puberulous, pubescent, or tomentose, often glabrescent. ─── 嫩茎圆柱状到经常地四棱形或略似翼的,无毛,被微柔毛,短柔毛,或被绒毛的,通常后脱落。

50、Leaves alternate, sessile, terete, fleshy, base expanded, apex obtuse or aristate awned; leaf axil fascicular pilose. ─── 叶互生,无柄,圆柱状,肉质,基部扩大的,先端钝或具芒;叶腋束状具柔毛。

51、roots slender, terete , up to 40 cm long, fleshy, stem buried in sand with apical part emerged above ground. ─── 根细长,圆柱形,长达40厘米,肉质;茎大部埋藏于沙中,部分露出地面。

52、Leaves opposite, entire, those of a pair unequal, terete to flat, petiole broadening at base forming a sheath around stem. ─── 叶对生,全缘,一对的不等长,圆柱状的到平,叶柄扩大在基部的在茎周围形成一鞘。

53、Trees.Branches terete, grooved, pale yellow pubescent, with scattered, glaucous lenticels. ─── 乔木圆柱状的分枝,具凹槽,浅黄短柔毛,星散,有白霜的具。

54、Stem erect or slightly stoloniferous, terete or angulate, simple or branched, gradually glabrous downward. ─── 有匍匐茎的茎直立或稍,圆柱状或,单一或分枝,逐渐无毛向下。

55、Leaves usually thick, terete, fistulose, smooth. ─── 叶通常厚,圆柱状,中空,平滑。(19

56、Branchlets terete, densely brown hispidulous when young, glabrescent. ─── 小枝圆柱状,浓密使成褐色幼时具短硬毛,后脱落。

57、Branches terete, lenticellate, sparsely hairy. ─── 圆柱状,具皮孔的枝,疏生毛。

58、Leaves sessile, linear, terete or semiterete, apex acute or acuminate. ─── 叶无柄,线形,或半圆柱状,先端锐尖或渐尖。

59、Tubers basal, stems fleshy, terete, buried in sandy soil, 40-160cm tall, simple, thicker in the lower part. ─── 块茎基生茎肉质,圆柱形,埋于沙地中,高40-160厘米,不分支,下部较粗。

60、Branchlets dark grayish brown, terete or obtusely ridged. ─── 小枝黑的淡灰棕色,圆柱状或者钝成脊状。

61、Culms rambling or climbing, up to 15 m long, branched, glabrous to puberulous or hispid, terete, solid. ─── 漫步的秆或攀援,可达15米长,分枝,无毛到被微柔毛的或具糙硬毛,圆柱状,固体。

62、Fruit obovoid, turbinate, clavate, or terete, small, 5-ribbed or deeply 5-angled, often rough, with sessile, sticky glands. ─── 倒卵球形的果,陀螺状,棍棒状,或圆柱状,小,5棱或深深具5个角,通常粗糙的,具无梗,发粘腺体。

63、Leaves subsessile, scale-like, shortly terete or linear, small, margin entire, often fleshy or leathery, with salt-secreting glands. ─── 叶近无柄,鳞片状,短圆柱状或线形,小的,边缘全缘,通常肉质的或革质的,具分泌盐的腺体。

64、Branches terete, usually glandular pubescent. ─── 圆柱状的枝,通常腺状短柔毛。

65、branches gray-black to gray-brown, terete, sturdy, twigs greenish, with striae. ─── 分枝灰色黑色的到带绿色灰色棕色,圆柱状,粗壮,小枝带绿色的,具条纹。

66、Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., with sparse orbicular lenticels. ─── 小枝圆柱状,直径约1毫米,具稀的圆形皮孔。

67、Herbs perennial.Stems twining, terete, 1-1.5 cm, densely brown pubescent and sparsely retrorsely hirsute. ─── 多年生草本缠绕的茎,圆柱状,1-1.5厘米,浓密棕色短柔毛和疏生反曲具粗毛。

68、Twigs terete, densely rust-colored hirsute. ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被锈色具长硬毛。

69、Leaves slender, flat, triangular-flat, semiterete, or rarely terete, fistulose. ─── 叶纤细,平,三角形公寓,半圆柱形,或很少圆柱状,中空。(29

70、Leaves alternate, terete or semiterete, fleshy, apex obtuse or easily deciduous spinose mucronate. ─── 叶互生,圆柱状或半圆柱状,肉质,先端钝或者容易落叶短尖。

71、Leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate or lanceolate. Female flower: gland thinly terete; ovary ovoid-cylindric, downy; stigma 2-cleft. ─── 叶片椭圆状披针形的或披针形。雌花稀疏的腺体圆柱状;子房卵球形圆筒状,具短绒毛;柱头2半裂。

72、Fruit indehiscent silicles, ovoid, obovoid, cordate, obcordate, reniform, or globose, terete or strongly angustiseptate, inflated or not, often sessile; ─── 不裂的果短角果,卵球形,,心形,倒心形,肾形,与否或球状,强烈果实狭隔,膨大的圆柱状或,通常无梗;

73、Stem usually single, branched from above base, erect, lower part pale purple, otherwise pale green, terete, slender, glabrous. ─── 通常茎单一,从基部以上分枝,直立,下半部分浅紫色,否则浅绿色,圆柱状,纤细,无毛。

74、Styles united into a column; fruit terete, ribbed when dry; endosperm ruminate or rugose. ─── 花柱合并成一柱状果圆柱状,干燥时用助材加固;胚乳嚼烂状或具皱纹。

75、Leaves opposite, fused at base to form short sheath, flat or terete, margin entire. ─── 叶对生,在基部愈合形成短鞘,平的或圆柱状,边缘全缘。

76、Pedicel erect, to 3 cm, terete, striate. ─── 花梗直立,对3厘米,圆柱状,具条纹。

77、Leaves of sprouts with petioles terete, 2-5 cm, adaxially canaliculate, tomentose; ─── 圆柱状的菜芽具叶柄的叶,2-5厘米,正面具沟,被绒毛;

78、Leaves basal or nearly so, grasslike, sometimes very narrow, flat or terete. ─── 叶基生或近基生,草状,有时很狭窄,平的或圆柱状。

79、Branches and twigs terete; flowers pale yellow. ─── 分枝和小枝圆柱状;花浅黄。

80、Leaves usually sessile and linear, terete or semiterete, rarely clavate or slightly compressed, fleshy, margin entire. ─── 叶通常无梗和线形的,圆柱状或半圆柱状,很少棍棒状或稍压扁,肉质,边缘全缘。

81、Trees, to 10 m tall, d.b.h. to 30 cm.Branchlets gray when dry, terete, grooved. ─── 乔木,给高的10米,直径在灰色的30厘米小枝干燥时,圆柱状,具凹槽。

82、branchlets loosely arranged, spreading, straight, stout, terete, 1-2 mm in diam.Leaves both scalelike and needlelike; ─── 小枝松弛安排,传播,直,坚固,圆柱状,1-2毫米直径离开鳞片状和针状;

83、Branchlets castaneous, terete, longitudinally angular and sulcate, glabrous, lenticels absent; ─── 小枝栗色,圆柱状,具纵棱和具槽,无毛,皮孔缺席;

84、Branchlets terete, with longitudinal ridges, sparsely pubescent with arachnoid tomentum; ─── 小枝圆柱状,带有纵脊,有蛛丝状绒毛的疏生短柔毛;

85、staminodes terete, 1-1.5 mm, stalk 0.7-1 mm, lamina apically discoid, disc ca. 1.2 mm in diam., rim undulate. ─── 圆柱状的退化雄蕊,1-1.5毫米,偷偷走近0.7-1毫米,顶部盘状的层,大约1.2毫米直径的光碟,凸缘波状。

86、Branchlets gray-brown, terete, with many tumorlike lenticels, conspicuously prominent with age; ─── 小枝灰棕色,圆柱状,带有很多瘤状皮孔,显著突出的老时;

87、Leaves opposite, entire, those of a pair unequal, terete to flat, petiole broadening at base forming a sheath around stem. ─── 叶对生,全缘,一对的不等长,圆柱状的到平,叶柄扩大在基部的在茎周围形成一鞘。

88、Twigs elongate, flexuous, terete, ca. 3 mm in diam. ─── 小枝拉长,曲折,圆柱状,直径约3毫米。

89、Petiole terete or subterete; capsule with stipe short. ─── 上部至少,压扁的叶柄,蒴果具长,纤细。(18

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