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09-03 投稿


kentucky 发音

英:[k?n?t?ki]  美:[ken?t?ki]

英:  美:

kentucky 中文意思翻译



kentucky 常用词组

kentucky fried ─── 肯德基(来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅)

kentucky fried chicken ─── 肯德基

university of kentucky ─── 肯塔基大学

kentucky 词性/词形变化,kentucky变形

形容词: Kentuckian |

kentucky 短语词组

1、Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) ─── 肯德基( ─── 肯德基)

2、Kentucky River ─── 肯塔基河

3、Bethel College (Kentucky) ─── 贝瑟尔学院(肯塔基州)

4、Kentucky warbler ─── 肯塔基莺

5、Kentucky yellowwood ─── [网络] 肯塔基州黄木

6、Kentucky wonder bean ─── [网络] 肯塔基奇迹豆

7、capital of Kentucky ─── [网络] 肯塔基州首府

8、Kentucky Military Institute ─── 肯塔基军事学院

9、Kentucky bluegrss ─── 肯塔基州

10、kentucky fried chicken n. ─── 肯得基炸鸡

11、Kentucky wonder ─── [网络] 粉豆

12、Salmonella kentucky ─── [医] 肯塔基沙门氏菌

13、Kentucky bluegrass ─── 早熟禾;肯塔基蓝草

14、Kentucky black bass ─── [网络] 肯塔基黑鲈鱼

15、Kentucky fried ─── 肯德基(来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅)

16、Kentucky blue ─── [网络] 肯塔基蓝

17、county map of kentucky ─── 肯塔基州县地图

18、Kentucky coffee tree na. 【 ─── 植】加拿大皂荚 (Gymnocladus dioica) [网络] 肯塔基咖啡树;美国肥皂荚;美国肥皂荚树

19、Kentucky Derby ( ─── 美国)肯塔基赛马

kentucky 相似词语短语

1、unlucky ─── adj.不幸的;倒霉的;不吉利的

2、Kentuck ─── 肯塔基州

3、century ─── n.世纪,百年;(板球)一百分

4、untucks ─── vt.分开,拆开

5、knacky ─── adj.巧妙的;熟练的

6、Kentucky ─── n.肯塔基州

7、Kentuckian ─── n.肯塔基人;adj.肯塔基的,肯塔基州的

8、untuck ─── vt.分开,拆开

9、bestuck ─── 确认

kentucky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The strain, known as S. Kentucky, has developed resistance to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin, often used for treating severe Salmonella cases. ─── 被称为S?肯德基的这种菌株,已对抗生素环丙沙星产生耐药,后者经常用于治疗严重的沙门氏菌病症。

2、Oregon and the Southern state of Kentucky vote the following week. ─── 俄勒冈和南部的肯塔基州将在未来一周举行初选。

3、After dropping out of school, he relocated from his native Kentucky to Los Angeles to pursue a career in rock 'n' roll. ─── 他从学校辍学后,便从故乡肯塔基州搬到洛杉矶去追求他的摇滚音乐事业。

4、As usual, McDonald's, Kentucky fried chickens, or some pizzas whatever. ─── 与往常一样,麦当劳,肯德基炸鸡,或者比萨饼什么的。

5、It is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow in Kentucky. ─── 在肯塔基州,用弓箭捕鱼是违法的。

6、But Kentucky stayed in the Union, prompting Breckinridge to quit the Senate and sign up for the Confederate Army. ─── 但是肯塔基留在了联邦内,促使布雷肯里奇辞去参议员、加入南方联盟军队。

7、There is a known case in Kentucky by the name of Mark Tatum. ─── 在以马克塔特姆为命名的肯塔基州有一个众所周知的案例。

8、Man, is that guy really Kentucky fried! ─── 伙计,那家伙真醉了!

9、Camptown Races and My Old Kentucky Home. ─── 《小镇边的比赛》以及《肯塔基老家》,

10、Five days after a devastating ice storm hit Kentucky, almost a half million residents are still without power. ─── 在毁灭性的冰风暴袭击了肯塔基州五天后,大约五十万居民仍得忍受停电之苦。

11、He replied, "Somewhat like the boy in Kentucky who stubbed his toe when running to his sweetheart. ─── 他回答说:“这种感觉就像肯塔基州的男孩在奔向他的恋人的途中摔了一跤一样。”

12、A br that sts for American heritage pride, Wild Turkey is one of the world's best selling premium Kentucky Bourbon's. ─── 作为全球销量最好的高级肯塔基波旁威士忌之一,威特基继承了美国威士忌的光荣传统,具备波旁威士忌的一贯高贵品质。

13、Other plants in Kentucky and Mexico that are being switched to car production will cost $250 million each to retool. ─── 其他的如在肯德基州和墨西哥的工场若要转型生产小型汽车则大致需要2.5亿美金。

14、Harland Sanders started franchising Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was 65. ─── HarlandSanders开办其第一家肯德基时候已经65岁了。

15、In Kentucky, where he was now headed, there was a $1000 reward for his capture, dead or alive. ─── 在他正前往的肯塔基州,当局悬赏1000美元抓他,活人死尸都要。

16、Buffa was born in Kentucky ,America,in 1906. ─── 21岁的时候他与一位中国女孩相识并相恋。

17、Beshear said he feared that it would lead to an increase in pollution of “Kentucky’s beautiful natural resources. ─── 史蒂芬说,他担心这将导致肯塔基州美丽的自然资源增加污染。

18、Before he worked out at the University of Kentucky today, Clemens responded. ─── 今天火箭人在肯德基大学做练习之前,他做出了回应。

19、X-rays on the Kentucky Derby winner showed no active infection. ─── 从这位肯塔基德比赛中的冠军的X光照射片来看,没有受感染的迹象。

20、My Old Kentucky Home expresses great sympathy for enslaved African Americans. ─── 《肯塔基老家》表达了对被奴役黑人的深深同情。

21、The first U.S. Census showed a population of 3,929,214 when Vermont and Kentucky were admitted as states to the Union. ─── 佛蒙特和肯塔基准予作为州参加联邦后,美国举行的第一次人口普查表明全国人口为3929214人。

22、A city of north-central Kentucky southwest of Cincinnati,Ohio,in a farming region. Population,18,624. ─── 佛罗伦萨美国肯塔基州中北部的一座城市,位于俄亥俄辛辛那提西南部的一个农业区。人口18,624。

23、Yamazaki opened its first foreign plant, in Kentucky in the US, in 1974. ─── 山崎马扎克于1974年首次在国外办厂,地点是在美国肯塔基州。

24、I'd go and live there and leave Kentucky behind," says Brown. ─── 我要去那里生活,永远离开肯塔基州”,布朗说道。

25、Arazi is odds-on to win the Kentucky Derby. ─── 十有八九会在肯塔基赛马会上获胜。

26、Effects of Mowing Management on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass. ─── 刈割管理对草地早熟禾草坪质量的影响

27、Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1877. ─── 凯西1877年生于肯塔基州霍普金斯威尔附近的一个农场。

28、Ned Flanders: Look at that, you can see the four states that border Springfield: Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky! ─── 奈德·弗兰德斯:看那里,你能看到有四个州与斯普林菲尔德相连:俄亥俄州、内华达州、缅因州和肯塔基州。

29、Mrs. Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years. ─── 含义:现在还住在肯塔基州,有可能指刚离去。

30、Bumf is made get married gauze This is American Kentucky to new personality Liekexingdui presses down city person. ─── 卫生纸制成婚纱 这对新人都是美国肯塔基州列克星敦镇市人。

31、He ran two horses in the Kentucky DerBy. ─── 在肯德基马赛中他让两只马参赛。

32、The Confederate Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 南部同盟经由田纳西进入了位于边境的肯塔基州。

33、I was born on Fed. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. ─── 1809年2月12日,我出生在肯塔基州的哈定县。

34、Kentucky Jury is about to start deliberating whether a former US solider will live or die. ─── 一肯塔基州陪审团将要商讨是否判决一名前美国士兵死亡。

35、Don't you know about Kentucky's They sell pieces of chickens. ─── 你不知道肯德基吗?他们售卖鸡块。

36、We moved from Kentucky to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in my eighth year. ─── 在我八岁那年,我们从肯塔基迁到现在的印第安纳州的斯潘瑟县。

37、My Old Kentucky Home is an example. ─── 《肯塔基老家》就是一个例子。

38、The confedrate said Confederates had moved of up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 同盟军从田纳西州进军到了肯塔基州的边界。

39、In turn, President Eisenhower sent federal troops from Kentucky to escort the students to school. ─── 于是,艾森豪威尔总统从肯塔基派遣了联邦军队护送黑人学生上学。

40、He works at the Kentucky Center for reproductive Medicine and Invitro Fertilization. ─── 他现在供职于肯塔基生殖保健品和体外受精研究中心。

41、Priestley was close to death after the worst crash ever seen on the Kentucky Auto Racing Speedway. ─── 事发后翌日,他对所发生的实况却一无所知。

42、For example,in research reported in 2004,University of Kentucky researchers gave pigs and chicks low-phytate feed. ─── 例如,在2004年的研究报告中,肯塔基大学的研究人员给猪和鸡喂养低植酸饲料。

43、He was brought up by adoptive parents in Kentucky. ─── 他是被他在肯塔基州的养父母抚养大的。

44、"Play 'My Old Kentucky Home,'" he suggested smoothly, and Scarlett gratefully plunged into it. ─── "弹《我的肯塔基老家》吧,"他仿佛随随便便提议说,思嘉也高兴得立刻弹唱起来。

45、For the old Kentucky Home far away. ─── 为那遥远的肯得基老家乡.

46、In two seasons at Kentucky, Gillispie had a win-loss record of 40-27. ─── 在执教的两个赛季中,吉里斯皮取得了40胜27负的战绩。

47、It makes no sense, unless you think back to that Kentucky-L. S. U. game and to Lawrence's long march across the desert to Aqaba. ─── 除非你回想到肯塔基对路易斯安那的比赛,或者Lawrence穿越沙漠对Aqaba的远征,否则你会觉得这番言论毫无道理。

48、Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky, USA. ─── 亚伯拉罕·林肯,一个贫苦家庭的儿子,出生在美国肯塔基州。

49、A river of northeast Kentucky flowing about 515 km (320 mi) northwest to the Ohio River at Covington. ─── 利金河:美国肯塔基州东北部的一条河,流程约515公里(320英里),流向西北,在卡温顿汇入俄亥俄河

50、Like McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken. ─── 例如麦当劳和肯德鸡。

51、Mrs Clinton's gigantic victory in Kentucky has steeled her determination to run the race to the very end. ─── 克林顿夫人在肯塔基州的大胜更加坚定了她战斗到底的决心。

52、In 1794, Congress added two more stars and two more stripes to mark the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union. ─── 在1794年,美国国会增加了两个多星和两个条纹标志接纳佛蒙特州和肯塔基州的联盟。

53、Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky led the support for the bank. Clay was head of the opposition political party, the National Republicans. ─── 肯塔基州联邦参议员亨利.克莱在国会中牵头支持美利坚银行,克莱是反对党----共和党的领袖。

54、Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten, and Dr. ─── 关于"祝你生日快乐"一歌是如何产生的故事,一开始是件令人愉快的事,到后来就变了味,令人很扫兴。

55、He announced the project at a conference last month in the American city of Lexington , Kentucky. ─── 上个月在美国肯塔基州列克星敦市的一次会议上,他宣布了这个计划。

56、But to other people in this small town in the US state of Kentucky, Kitty is a frightening menace. ─── 不过对美国肯塔基州这个小镇的其他居民来说,凯弟是可怕的威胁。

57、The Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 南方同盟军由田纳西州移向至肯塔基州的边境地带。

58、In many countries you can find McDonalds, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken. ─── 在很多的国家你能找到麦当劳、萨饼和肯德鸡炸鸡。

59、The Scotia Mine in Kentucky was sealed after a March 1976 accident that killed 26. ─── 1976年3月导致26人死亡的事故使得斯科沙矿被封。

60、Smith, MD, with the Uniersity of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington and member of the American Academy of Neurology. ─── Smith说,他是列克星敦的肯塔基大学医学中心硕士和美国神经研究院的会员.

61、If you said the Kentucky Derby, you'd be right! ─── 假如您的回答是肯塔基大赛马,那您就答对了!

62、A city of central Kentucky south of Louisville. It has many antebellum houses. Population, 18,167. ─── 伊丽莎白镇:美国路易斯维尔以南肯塔基中部一城市,当地有许多战前的房子。人口18,167

63、When the lady Nadine Kentucky was 85 years old, she was asked what she would do if she had her life to live over again. ─── 别人问85岁的纳丁·肯塔基女士,如果她能再活一遍的话,她会选择怎样生活。

64、His mother lives in Kentucky. ─── 他妈妈住在肯塔基。

65、And if Kentucky turns out tomorrow, I will be closer to that nomination because of you. ─── 如果肯塔基州明天能证明,我会因为你们离提名更近一步。”

66、He was born in Kentucky (1809), was taken to Indiana as a boy and later on to Illinois. ─── 他出生于肯塔基州(1809年),小时候被带到印第安纳州,后来又被带到伊利诺斯州。

67、At JD Country Milk in Kentucky, Willis Shrock makes sweet, creamy milk the old-fashioned way. ─── 在肯塔基州的JD乡村牛奶乳品公司,威利斯史洛克依照古法制作香甜浓郁的牛奶。

68、The third place finished in the Kentucky Derby was the first place finished as Preakness Stakes, but not by much. ─── 在肯塔基德比赛中排在第三的马获得了普瑞克尼斯赛马会的第一名,但赢得不太多。

69、One popular place to see moon bows is at Cumberland Falls in Kentucky, as pictured above. ─── 一个欣赏月亮彩虹的胜地便是美国肯塔基州的坎伯兰大瀑布,上图正是坎伯兰的月亮彩虹之景。

70、It later became the official song of the state of Kentucky. ─── 后来这首歌成为肯塔基州的官方歌曲。

71、He grew up poor in Kentucky and barely had a year of schooling. But he wanna become the president of the US. ─── 他在肯塔基州贫困地长大,只上了一年的学。但是他想成为美国的总统。

72、Just look at my record on Kentucky Lake, where I've won two, had a second and a third in the last four summer events. ─── 请看一下我在肯塔基湖的记录,我在那里赢过两场,在过去四个夏季赛事中赢得一次第二和一次第三。

73、He was a Kentucky man, of the Ohio, where he had "squatted". ─── 他是肯德基人,“非法居

74、Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky. ─── 卡休斯?克莱于1942年1月17日出生在实施种族隔离的肯塔基州路易斯维尔。

75、Just before we got home that new stallion Ma got in Kentucky last month was brought in, and the place was in a stew. ─── 在我们快要到家的时候,上个月我妈在肯塔基买下的那匹公马给送来了,家里正热闹着呢。

76、Like its predecessor, Kentucky Grilled Chicken has its own secret recipe. ─── 和它的前辈一样,肯德基烤鸡肉也有自己的秘方。

77、An interesting shooting affray was on in the mountains of Kentucky. ─── 在肯塔基州山区发生了有趣的枪战。

78、Fast-moving flames trapped a dozen people today inside this Kentucky home. ─── 今天在肯塔基州发生了12个人陷入熊熊烈火的困境的事件。

79、One was born in a log cabin in Kentucky to poor parents, the other in a country estate to a wealthy British family. ─── 一个出生在肯塔基州的小木屋里,父母是穷人,另一个出生在农村庄园的一个富有的英国家庭。

80、A chance to see caesar, kentucky and kiev on our chicken coop cam. ─── 在我们的鸡舍摄像头中,你有机会看到凯撒、肯塔基和基辅。

81、Danville, Kentucky is at the heart of American History. ─── 丹维尔,肯塔基是美国历史的核心。

82、But even if he had not been cast as a heroic figure in Kentucke, residents of Kentucky would still honor him as that state's frontier hero. ─── 不过,即便没有被塑造成史诗人物,肯塔基地方的居民们依然敬爱他,将他视为这个边陲之地的大英雄。

83、A city of north-central Kentucky southwest of Cincinnati, Ohio, in a farming region. Population, 18, 624. ─── 佛罗伦萨美国肯塔基州中北部的一座城市,位于俄亥俄辛辛那提西南部的一个农业区。人口18,624

84、He confined herself to a cage during a protest in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken fastfood restaurant. ─── 他在肯德基炸鸡快餐店前面的一场抗议中把自己拘禁在一个笼内。

85、Oh. Uh, Number 3... -We are tirelessly working to get the endorsement of Kentucky Derby favorite Colonel John. ─── 哦。嗯,第3....-我们在不懈地努力得到肯塔基州赛马场中最受欢迎的约翰上校(赛马)的支持。

86、Their job was to keep Union forces from invading the South through Kentucky. ─── 他们的任务是防止北盟军通过肯塔基州侵袭南部地区。

87、Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years. ─── 含义:达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州。

88、Dr.Denhardt is a native of Kentucky and received his doctorate from the University of Kentucky in 1968. ─── 博士登哈特是土生土长的肯塔基州和获得博士学位来自肯塔基大学在1968年。

89、For example, in research reported in 2004, University of Kentucky researchers gave pigs and chicks low-phytate feed. ─── 举例说,在2004年调查报告中,K大学的研究人员喂养猪和鸡的低磷饲料。


肯德基的英文名是Kentucky Fried Chicken,英文翻译为肯塔基州炸鸡,肯德基最初来自于肯塔基州,所以就是肯塔基州炸鸡,也就是中文翻译为肯德基。




肯德基(英语:KFC,原是“Kentucky Fried Chicken”的缩写,意为肯塔基州炸鸡)肯德基是由哈兰德·桑德斯创办的,桑德斯在大萧条时期开始在位于肯塔基州科尔宾市的路边餐厅卖炸鸡。

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