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09-03 投稿



frenzies 发音

英:[?fr?nziz]  美:[?fr?nziz]

英:  美:

frenzies 中文意思翻译



frenzies 短语词组

1、frenzies pizza ─── 疯狂披萨

2、frenzies def ─── 疯狂定义

3、feeding frenzies ─── 疯狂喂食

4、frenzies menu ─── 疯狂菜单

5、frenzies pill ─── 狂暴丸

6、frenzies meaning ─── 疯狂的意义

7、frenzies burien ─── 法国豌豆

8、frenzies pizza sarnia menu ─── 疯狂披萨萨尼亚菜单

9、frenzies warren ─── 疯狂的沃伦

10、frenzies treats ─── 疯狂款待

frenzies 词性/词形变化,frenzies变形

动词过去分词: frenzied |名词复数: frenzies |动词过去式: frenzied |动词第三人称单数: frenzies |动词现在分词: frenzying |

frenzies 相似词语短语

1、franziest ─── 弗兰兹特

2、frenzily ─── 法语

3、freezes ─── v.[物]冻结(freeze单三形式)

4、frenemies ─── 亦敌亦友

5、frenzied ─── adj.疯狂的;狂乱的;激怒的;v.使狂乱(frenzy的过去式)

6、franzier ─── 疯狂的

7、Menzies ─── 孟席斯(人名)

8、freebies ─── 免费赠品(freebie的复数)

9、freshies ─── 清新

frenzies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These frenzies were nerve-racking because oftentimes I didn't know why he was crying or how to make him stop. ─── 因为常常我不明白他为什么叫喊或者如何让他停下来,所以很多事情都没有弄明白。

2、After so many feeding frenzies on the first day of trading, the shares in the coal producer only increased 32 per cent. ─── 在经历了如此之多的首日狂飙之后,这家煤炭企业的股价仅上涨32%。

3、Not that the CSRC may even want to tame these frenzies entirely. ─── 中国证监会并未旨于完全“驯服”这种疯狂局面。

4、You are an expert demagogue, or an orator that appeals to the passions and frenzies of a large audience that has more faith than reason on a matter. ─── 你还是一个蛊惑煽动专家,一个能让缺乏理性的听众激动和狂热的演说家。

5、Intense competition for the most revealing photographs and the latest information on a subject has turned even minor media events into so-called "media frenzies". ─── 围绕着对最具暴露性的图片及对某一题材最新信息所展开的竞争,使哪怕是次要的媒体事件也转变为所谓的"媒体疯狂"。

6、Their speculative frenzies ruined shareholders, customers, and the economy. ─── 他们疯狂的投机毁掉了股东,客户和经济。

7、Male moths in Belgium are being lured into love traps coated with female hormones in a bid to stem a plague of hairy caterpillars that are infesting woodlands and causing itching frenzies in humans. ─── 在比利时,公毛毛虫正被引诱至涂上一层雌虫性荷尔蒙的爱情陷阱里,以遏止毛茸茸的毛毛虫为患,蹂躏森林地并造成人体奇痒难耐。

8、Some of the assailants spoke of personal grievances that may have prompted their bloody frenzies. ─── 一些袭击者在谈及自己的疯狂行为时,会提及个人恩怨。

9、The Abbot had no love of such feeding frenzies and lengthened his strides. ─── 议员对这样的疯食十分反感,加快了步伐。

10、In either case, companies woke up after scripting frenzies with a hangover known as maintenance. ─── 哪种情况,公司在疯狂的脚本化后被一种叫维护的后遗症惊醒了。

11、The legacy of the crisis may turn out to be rules that address longstanding controversies with short selling and attempt to prevent selling frenzies like those that occurred last fall. ─── 危机的遗产可能是解决有关卖空问题长期争论的规定,以及防止出现去年秋季那种抛售热潮的努力。

12、80.When it is necessary they can be prodded into frenzies of fear and hatred, but when left to themselves they are capable of forgetting for long periods that the war is happening. ─── 必要的时候可以驱使他们发生恐惧和仇恨的狂热,但是如果听之任之,他们就会长期忘掉有战争在进行。

13、The proles, normally apathetic about the war, were being lashed into one of their periodical frenzies of patriotism. ─── 无产者本来对战争漠不关心,一时间也给激发起爱国主义热情来。

14、Media Frenzies in Markets for Financial Information By: Laura L. Veldkamp ─── 金融信息市场中的媒体疯狂

15、Play the massive 20 new missions featuring closed Airports, Vacation detours, Crazy Planes, Landing frenzies and many more. ─── 这个游戏提供了两种挑战模式:白天和夜里.

16、An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur. ─── (指在一个繁殖期有几个发情周期的动物)不动情期。

17、An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants,during which violent frenzies occur. ─── 雄象发情狂每年雄象出现充满杀机和交配行为的时期,这个时期雄象会极度狂乱

18、Bonechewer Behemoth - Not CCable. Comes in two random types, with either meteor and comet, or fel stomp and charge. Frenzies at low life. ─── 巨兽:免疫控制,随机2种,1)陨石和彗星;2)践踏和冲锋,生命过低时狂暴

19、These frenzies were nerve-racking because oftentimes I didn’t know why he was crying or how to make him stop. ─── 这种狂怒是对精神的一种折磨,因为大多数时间我都不明白他为什么要哭、怎么才能叫他停下来。

20、But complaining about media coverage is pointless; frenzies over sex scandals won't abate unless the public appetite for them diminishes. ─── 但是,抱怨媒体的报道毫无意义,除非公众的热情降低,桃色新闻狂潮将不会消退。

21、A ruthless taskmaster, he lashes his own minions into suicidal frenzies on the battlefield. ─── 这个残暴的长官派出他的手下,在战场上进行自杀性的疯狂战斗。

22、The Abbot had no love of such feeding frenzies and lengthened his strides. ─── 议员对这样的疯食十分反感,加快了步伐。

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