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09-03 投稿



collating 发音


英:  美:

collating 中文意思翻译



collating 网络释义

n. 整理v. 校对;对照(collate的ing形式)

collating 词性/词形变化,collating变形

动词过去式: collated |动词过去分词: collated |动词现在分词: collating |名词: collator |动词第三人称单数: collates |

collating 同义词

substantiative | verificatory | substantiating | circumstantial | confirmatory | indemnity | confirmative | secondary | confirming | surety | insurance | validating | parallel | corroboratory | verifying | indirect | guarantee | warranty | corroborative |security | validatory

collating 反义词


collating 短语词组

1、collating definition ─── 整理定义

2、collating rack ─── 整理架

3、collating sequence ─── [计] 整理顺序

4、collating define ─── 排序规则定义

5、collating defined ─── 已定义排序规则

6、native collating sequence ─── [计] 先天整理顺序

7、collating unit ─── [计] 整理装置

8、collating documents ─── 整理文件(collating是collate的现在分词)

9、collating machine ─── [印刷]配页机

10、collating report ─── [经] 核对报告

11、sequential collating ─── [计] 按序整理; 按序排序

12、collating mail ─── 整理邮件

13、collating of data ─── 整理资料

14、tape sorting and collating program ─── [计] 带的分类整理程序

15、collating sort ─── [计] 整理分类, 合并分类

collating 相似词语短语

1、collimating ─── adj.准直的

2、collaring ─── v.(非正式)抓住;与(某人)攀谈;擅取;给……装上衣领;抓住某人的领子(或脖子)(collar的现在分词)

3、collaging ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

4、collapsing ─── v.崩溃;塌陷(collapse的ing形式);折叠;压扁

5、colligating ─── vt.综合;绑

6、collations ─── n.校对;便餐;斋日的点心;牧师职务;排列规则

7、colleting ─── n.夹头;宝石座;筒夹;vt.镶进底座;装筒夹或夹头;n.(Collet)人名;(法)科莱;(西)科列特;(英)科利特;(丹)科莱特;(德)科勒特

8、decollating ─── vt.斩首;杀头

9、collocating ─── n.组配功能;v.配置(collocate的ing形式);并置;排列

collating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This study aims at collating a wide array of information on the Pearl River Delta, and using it to produce a comprehensive synthesis of the available information. ─── 是次研究目的在于收集各式各样有关珠三角的资料,与现存数据互相补足,用以制定长远的珠三角淡水环境保育政策。

2、collating condition ─── 对照条件

3、card collating ─── 卡片整理

4、collating in the texts ─── 文本整理

5、A collating element is any single character, or any sequence of characters that collates as a single unit. ─── 对照元素是任意单字符,或对应于单个单元的字符序列。

6、In the small town, may not have any place or drip collating and cash in the Western Conference. ─── 在小镇,可能不任何地方有整理或滴下和现金在西部联盟。

7、As long as candidates will be required to biographical notes on the format by e-mail sent to the company in respect of recruitment to save time collating information. ─── 只要应聘者将个人简历以所要求的格式用邮件发送到公司该中就节省了招聘者整理资料的时间。

8、Collecting and Collating of Material for the Research of Chao shan Culture in New Circumstances ─── 新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的征集整理工作

9、The secondary market, which since mid-last year we have been collating box pattern of repeated, sustained rebound in the stock or a total of more limited. ─── 二级市场上,该股自去年中旬以来一直维持反复箱体整理格局,在股指的持续反弹中累计涨幅较为有限。

10、Original natural village inhabited by the town's resources will be responsible for collating into farmland. ─── 原来居住的自然村将由镇国土资源所负责整理成耕地。

11、The justification for this assertion comes from collating the data from two satellites: Number 7, operating between 1978 and 1987, and the US Defense Meteorological Satellite Programme from1987. ─── 对此断言的依据来自两颗卫星所收集的数据:7号,在1978年到1987年间运行,且美国国防部的气象卫星从1987年开始采集数据。

12、For me, it is primarily a means of collating images and objects and presenting them to the public. ─── 对我而言,那就是整理形象和事物并将之展现在公众面的一种方法。

13、collating ancient books ─── 古籍校勘

14、alternate collating sequence ─── 另外排序序列

15、Keywords Compressing Test;Hot Modeling Test Machine;Collating and Correcting of Data; ─── 压缩试验;热模拟试验机;数据整理与修正;

16、He performed the tedious task of collating texts. ─── 他做了冗长而乏味的校勘原文工作。

17、For a list of the available collating sequence labels, see Understanding collations. ─── 有关可用的归类序列标签的列表,请参见了解归类。

18、native collating sequence ─── 先天整理顺序

19、Using the sorting and collating attachment example mentioned above, taking point 3, where the company had a person performing the tasks manually, embellishment questions would include, ─── 以上提到的,使用分类机/整理机这些附件,如第三点提到的,公司通常有一个人来完成。如果回答以下客户可能问的问题

20、Thus, in order to get the text value, you need to traverse the children of tagname, collating them into a string. ─── 因此,为了获得该文本值,需要遍历tagname的子节点,并将它们整理成一个字符串。

21、Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based. ─── 罗伯茨花费很多工作时间来整理检点数据,以此作为该研究的基础。

22、Objectives of the job / Key Success Factors Collating all information required for executing Brand/category activities e.g. promotions, ISA, NPD Co... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:1-3年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历职位月薪:1000-50000元/月

23、In the course of collating genealogical trees,we find wooden type editions increasing rapidly. ─── 在整理家谱的过程中,我们发现木活字本大量出现。

24、Experts are collating and annotating difficult sentences in The Romance of West Chamber. ─── 专家们在校注《西厢记》中比较难懂的字句。

25、An application designed to work against an ASCII database may run into problems if used against an EBCDIC database, because of the difference in the collating sequence. ─── 如果在EBCDIC数据库上使用设计于操作ASCII数据库的应用程序,就可能产生问题,因为其排序序列不同。

26、Collating, one of the procedure in the post-press process, is to make the signatures or single sheet in page sequence.The books’ quality lies much on the key collating procedure. ─── 印后工艺中的配页是指将书帖或单印张按页码顺序配集成书册,是决定书籍质量的关键工序之一。

27、Completion of the preparatory work, the waiter should be collating individual instruments, and was greeted at the elevator. ─── 解决准备工作后,服务员应整理好个人仪表,站在电梯口迎候。

28、Keywords Wudai-Shigwo;Southern Tang;Book collection;Collating;The publication engraves; ─── 五代十国;南唐;藏书;校勘;刊刻;

29、Contains records in ascending collating sequence. ─── 将数据以一个上升的比较序列的形式来保存。

30、Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system. ─── 操作系统不支持选择的排序序列。

31、The invention relates to a multicolor scratch pad, a collating method thereof and a multicolor scratch pad collating machine. ─── 本发明涉及一种多色便笺本及配页方法和多色便笺本配页机。

32、collating of data ─── 整理资料

33、Can you get his coffee in the morning when you get yours?Are you doing the collating, the printing, the sorting, the stapling? ─── 噢,天啊,能成为公司的拥有者,要是能成为合伙人,该是件多么了不起的事情!

34、Design for the instrument of collating the parallel of multi-axis optical system with video output ─── 具有视频输出的多光轴光学系统平行校正仪设计

35、IN VFP character types date according to collating sequence and establishment ─── VFP中字符型数据的排序序列与设置

36、When it comes to collating flexibility, horizontal machines have always had the floor (if you’ll forgive the pun). ─── 当谈到整理的灵活性,横向机器一直有地板(如果您原谅双关语) 。

37、The Economist has been collating these house-price indicators since 2002, allowing us to track the global residential-property boom (see chart). ─── “经济学家”杂志从2002年开始比较这几个房价指标,以跟踪全球住宅市场的繁荣程度(见下图)。

38、commercial collating sequence ─── 商用排序序列

39、tape sorting and collating program ─── 带的分类整理程序

40、Without a good understanding of grammar when collating the ancient books, one will probably make mistakes. ─── 摘要不明语法是“理校”中造成失误的原因之一。

41、try的Messagebox是:selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system. ─── 但是安装亚洲语言包后当前的系统就能支持.

42、Specifies the collating sequence that is to be used for Unicode tables in a non-Unicode database. ─── 指定在非Unicode数据库中用于Unicode表的排序序列。

43、Collating mark: A distinctive rectangular mark, or short thick rule printed at successively lower positions on the spine of adjacent sections of a book, forming a stepped pattern, to denote correct gathering sequence. ─── 帖标:印在帖脊上的显著黑色方块或粗黑线条;它们顺着帖次向下移动,组成梯级图案,表示各帖的次序正确。

44、collating sequence clause ─── 排序子句

45、Method:Investigating the natural resources of medici nal plants in Anhuei and collating and studying the findings. ─── 方法:对安徽药用植物进行资源调查和资料整理研究。

46、The second solution may lead to detection defect when the signatures move or turn because of the sheet placement and/or the characters of the collating machines themselves. ─── 方案二的缺陷是:由于放置偏移,或在工作过程中由于配页机自身的特性引起书帖发生位置移动或扭转,造成图像检测失误,书帖鉴别率不高。

47、Collating is performed only when the number of copies is greater than 1. ─── 仅当份数大于1时才执行排序。

48、collating by prootreaamg omer concerned books ─── 外校法

49、collating public views on the business of the Legislative Council; ─── 收集公众对立法会工作的意见;

50、Collating mechanism ─── 堆垛机构

51、Collat and Lingane have shown that electrolytic reduction of nitrate ions proceeds all the way to NH4+ in the presence of Cu2+. ─── Collat与Ligane已经表明,在Cu2+存在下硝酸根离子的电解还原都产生NH4+。

52、alphabetic collating ─── 字母对照

53、An invalid collating element was specified in a [[.name.]] block. ─── 块中指定了非法的对照元素。

54、Third, knowledge such as relevant literature, characters, phonology, collating, calligraphy in the book, shows great influence and value on academics nowadays. ─── 三是书中有关文学、文字、音韵、校勘、书法等方面的知识,具有珍贵的学术资料价值。

55、the compiling and collating to the poet's volumes ─── 别集辑校

56、A typical adhesive binder had a gathering section (for collating signatures), a transfer section to the binder, the binder itself and a lay down and connection to the trimmer. ─── 一个典型的粘接剂有收集部分(整理签字) ,转让部分的粘合剂,粘合剂本身和放下,并连接到裁纸机。

57、collating mark ─── 折标

58、We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms. ─── 我们把时间花在以各种图表形式比照和展示信息上。

59、Intermediary companies that supply the daily work of collecting and collating information. ─── 中介公司的日常工作就是房源信息的搜集和整理。

60、Rizhao Rewon is a China-Korea joint venture company manufacturing nail collating machines. ─── 日照利源是一家生产制钉机械的中韩合资企业。

61、This paper presents work that involves collating,chronicling and commenting on his 150 poems in "Bao Jin Ying Guang Ji"of Complete Works of Chinese Classic. ─── 他的诗文创作也有相当成就,当时名流如王安石、苏轼等人对他的评价都比较高。

62、collating unit ─── 排列装置排序装置整理装置

63、Ash: Well, as I said, I'm still. . . collating , actually, but uh, I have confirmed that he's got an outer layer of protein polysaccharides. ─── 粉煤灰:嗯,我已经说过,我仍然…整理,实际上,但嗯,我已经证实,他有一个外层蛋白多糖。

64、collating sequence ─── 排序序列核对序列

65、He wrote: Collating old records shows that our greatness rises and falls with the living fertility of our soil. ─── 他写道:对旧记录的整理表明,我们的伟大是随着我们土壤的丰饶而起落的。

66、The collating sequence maps the code point to the desired position of each character in a sorted sequence. ─── 排序序列将代码点映射至每个字符在已排序序列中的期望位置。

67、Ensure cost of capital is recovered by collating and allocating costs into relevant service rates. ─── 保证资金成本通过将成本分配到相关服务费用中得以回收。

68、sequential collating ─── 按序整理按序排序

69、alternative collating sequence ─── 替换对照序列

70、The strength attribute determines whether accent or case is taken into account when collating or comparing text strings. ─── 强度属性决定在对文本字符串进行排序或比较时,是否考虑重音或大小写。

71、collating sorting ─── 排序分类

72、Analysis and collating relevant literature in conjunction with the actual conditions of our hospital. ─── 分析和整理相关文献,并结合本院实际情况进行综述。

73、7, responsible for collecting, collating internal information, timely compile company memorabilia. ─── 7、负责搜集、整理公司内部信息,及时组织编写公司大事记。

74、On the other hand, the collating sequence in EBCDIC is: space, lower case characters, upper case characters, and numeric values. ─── 另一方面,EBCDIC中的排序序列则是:空格、小写字符、大写字符和数字值。

75、Collating better statistics about global commodities trading would be an improvement on the current situation. ─── 整理出更准确的全球大宗商品交易统计数字将有助于改善当前的局面。

76、While choosing collating sequence, you should also consider the performance implication. ─── 在选择排序次序时,还应该考虑性能影响。

77、collating sort ─── 合并排序

78、A collating sequence is an ordering for a set of characters that determines whether each character sorts higher, lower, or the same as another. ─── 排序序列是字符集的一种次序,确定每个字符与另一字符相比排列更高、更低或相同。

79、Measures to Improve the Off-line Collating Radian Precision of Ladder Collating Former for Slab Caster ─── 提高板坯连铸机阶梯对弧样板线外对弧精度的措施

80、Therefore, it is necessary to enhancing cognition about importance of country prevention and health care work, collating country sanitation resource logically, and leaning to prevention and h... ─── 为此,要提高各级领导对农村预防保健工作重要性的认识,合理配置农村卫生资源,并向预防保健方面倾斜。

81、Smart Collating of Character Type Fields ─── 字符型字段巧排序

82、Assist in the collating of information into the Equipment Database. ─── 协助整理信息并输入进设备数据库中。

83、alternate collating sequence card ─── 字母检验顺序表

84、The removal of differences between characters that are deemed unimportant for the purposes of ordering characters into their collating sequence. ─── 如果想将字符排列成可以比较的次序,去除两组字符中的差异是不重要的。

85、collating display ─── 整理显示

86、'She is also collating a special book, which many of Charles's friends have contributed to, and will present it to him at Highgrove. ─── “她同时也在校勘一本查尔斯的很多朋友都参与编写的书,因此其意义非凡。这本书将在海格洛夫庄园的派对上作为送给查尔斯的礼物。”

87、”KSF 3) Make your Associate's Life Easier.Can you get his coffee in the morning when you get yours?Are you doing the collating, the printing, the sorting, the stapling? ─── 不是的,在每个项目上,董事和合伙人的参与时间实际只有短短几天。

88、Collate The removal of differences between characters that are deemed unimportant for the purposes of ordering characters into their collating sequence. ─── 忽略字符间那些在可比性上的差异,使成为一个可排序的序列。

89、The use of VB demonstrated how to operate the process of collating relevant information, including source code and how to use! VB learning to operate an excellent API information! ─── 使用VB演示的如何操作进程相关的资料整理,包含源代码及使用方法!是学习VB操作API的极好资料!

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