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09-03 投稿


ambiguities 发音

英:[??mb??gju(?)?tiz]  美:[?mb??gju?tiz]

英:  美:

ambiguities 中文意思翻译



ambiguities 同义词

abstruseness | equivocalness | indistinctness |vagueness | uncertainty | obscurity | paradox | equivocality | doubt | haziness | opacity

ambiguities 词性/词形变化,ambiguities变形

名词复数: ambiguities |

ambiguities 反义词


ambiguities 短语词组

1、ambiguities defined ─── 歧义定义

2、ambiguities are ─── 模棱两可

3、ambiguities antonym ─── 歧义反义词

4、ambiguities up ─── 模棱两可

5、ambiguities define ─── 含糊不清的定义

6、ambiguities definition ─── 歧义定义

7、ambiguities clause ─── 歧义条款

8、ambiguities inherent ─── 固有的模糊性

9、ambiguities out of ─── 模棱两可

10、ambiguities synonyms ─── 歧义同义词

ambiguities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the other hand, the correct integer ambiguities were fixed using improved whitening filter method. ─── 另一方面采用改进的白化滤波方法固定模糊度。

2、His reply was full of ambiguities. ─── 他的答复非常暧昧。

3、There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech. ─── 她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。

4、Removal of Azimuth Ambiguities with Bi-satellite by Multiple Transmitting and Multiple Receiving ─── 双星同中心频率多发多收的方位解模糊

5、There are no moral ambiguities here; all decisions are obvious to any but a damned heretic. ─── 在游戏中,道德感是很明确的:我们的决定会受到明确的指引,但是异教徒感受不到。

6、Furthermore, the new constraints decrease the ambiguities in solving the absolute quadric, which improves the robustness of the previous algorithms to camera critical motions. ─── 也使使所重建的三维景物的正交性得到保证。并且,新约束条件的应用减少了求解绝对二次曲面的模糊性,从而提高了对于相机关键性运动的鲁棒性。

7、resolving range ambiguities ─── 抗距离模糊

8、The standard model of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and its assumptions, ambiguities, nongaussianity measures and general solution were introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了独立成分分析(ICA)的基本模型及其假设、含混性、非高斯性度量和通用求解过程。

9、A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. ─── 微笑是人们常用来表达模棱两可的方式。

10、One of challenges in Chinese Word Segmentation is the combinational ambiguity problem with two main obstacles: the detection of combinational ambiguities and ambiguity resolution. ─── 摘要汉语自动分词中组合歧义是难点问题,难在两点:组合歧义字段的发现和歧义的消解。

11、On resolving range ambiguities by software in synchronous underwater acoustic tracking system ─── 同步水声跟踪定位系统软件抗距离模糊技术研究

12、There may have been some warrant for Roosevelt's suspicions, but he was more aware than his son of the ambiguities of the Grand Alliance. ─── 罗斯福的怀疑也许有着一些合理的根据,然而他比他的儿子更明白这一伟大联盟背后的不确定性。

13、So this article wants to hand out with ambiguities in this poem,hackle emotional skeleton and idealistic patriotism,show the special value of it. ─── 所以本文试图从梳理诗中歧义入手,理清诗人的情感脉络及爱国思想特质,展示此诗独特的价值。

14、The experiments prove that the new method can reduce the ambiguities of identification and decreases the time spending on detecting abnormal process trends. ─── 实验结果表明该方法对过程趋势有很好的识别效果,在线应用时检测异常趋势所需时间也较少。

15、War was for Hemingway a potent symbol of the world, which he viewed as complex, filled with moral ambiguities, and offering almost unavoidable pain, hurt, and destruction. ─── 对海明威而言,战争可谓世界的缩影,其中充满错综复杂的道德矛盾,而且带有无可避免的痛苦、伤害,以及毁灭。

16、I myself pursued the ambiguities of our complex policy with a heavy heart and not a little foreboding. ─── 我本人怀着沉重的心情和相当不祥的预感执行我们的暖味不明的复杂政策。

17、In that regard, the Delegation noted however that there were a lot of ambiguities in the text and that its viewpoints had been excluded altogether. ─── 在这点上,代表团指出,文本中存在许多含糊不清的地方,而且把它的观点完全排除在外。

18、When we exercise our critical faculties we become more conscious of our limitations and the ambiguities of human interactions. ─── 但更严重的是,言说真理会导致我们挑战缺乏宽容的权威人士。

19、I myself pursued the ambiguities of our complex policy with a heavy heart and not a little foreboding. ─── 我本人怀着沉重的心情和相当不祥的预感执行我们的暖味不明的复杂政策。

20、Few have been paid for their efforts, and the disorganized nature of their translations has unintentionally produced ambiguities. ─── 他们的工作很少得到报偿,而他们的翻译工作无组织的特点会产生意想不到的歧义。

21、A poem full of ambiguities. ─── 一首充满模棱两可词句的诗

22、All the ambiguities of borderlands and the people who wander about them must submit to the central will. ─── 所有关于边界的不明确之处和对之产生犹疑的人们都必须服从中央的意愿。

23、In the process of searching ambiguities, the relationship among integer ambiguities and the constraint of prior baseline information are also used. ─── 再综合利用整周模糊度间的线性约束的整数条件和基线先验信息,进一步有效地减小模糊度搜索空间,提高搜索效率。

24、Internationally, more needs to be done to collect the scientific information needed to resolve the ambiguities and to install the proper regulatory oversight. ─── 在国际上,我们必须做得更多,蒐集科学资料,解决模稜两可的状况,以及建立必要的监督管理机制。

25、Their lives are full of contradictions and ambiguities. ─── 他们的生活充满了矛盾和不确定。

26、Of course, declaring a set of overloaded function templates does not guarantee that they can be called successfully. Overloaded function templates may lead to ambiguities. ─── 当然,声明一组重载函数模板不保证可以成功调用它们,重载的函数模板可能会导致二义性。


28、False ambiguities ─── 伪歧义

29、The contextual analysis can help to determine the specific meaning of the polysemy in a sentence and rule out the ambiguities. ─── 利用上下文语境可以确定多义词在语句中的具体语义、排除歧义,可以确定语句中词语的语法意义。

30、There are a variety of phrase ambiguities in Chinese.It is difficult to determine the correct syntactic structure of Chinese sentences with only part-of-speech information. ─── 摘要现代汉语存在着许多歧义短语结构,仅依靠句中词性标记无法获得词与词之间正确的搭配关系。

31、She goes from being a reader who can listen, for example, to the ambiguities in the Wharfinger play. ─── 她先是一个善于聆听的读者,比如说聆听那些码头管理员的剧中含糊不清的地方。

32、We crave a world of crisp moral certitudes, but the real world is awash with murky ambiguities. ─── 我们渴望清晰明确的道德确信,但现实世界被昏暗不清的模棱两可所淹没。

33、Solution to ICA ambiguities in roundness measurement error separation ─── 圆度测量误差分离技术解决ICA的不确定性问题

34、The FCH can not only predict argument realization in Resultative Constructions, but also explain their syntactic behaviors and ambiguities. ─── 功能范畴假设能预测动结式的论元实现,并能方便地解释其句法行为和歧义现象。

35、I was immersed in the ambiguities, passions, and frustrations of that maddening , heroic, and exhilarating region. ─── 我也沉浸在这个令人发狂的、神异的、使人振奋的地区存在的那种含糊不清、激情和沮丧之中去了。

36、If ambiguities are possible, this attribute should always specify full namespaces. ─── 如果可能存在多义性,则此属性应该始终指定完整的命名空间。

37、There are many ambiguities concerning the Roach due to the much different information that has been given to us.Many users are quite unsure about its kind of attack. ─── 对于小强这个单位,我们目前所知甚少,很多玩家都对其攻击方式表示困惑,它是近战攻击还是远程攻击?

38、At Babson, our world-renowned MBA curriculum teaches students to think holistically as they address the complexities and ambiguities of business. ─── 在巴布森,我们的世界知名的工商管理硕士课程,引导学生去思考,因为他们从整体上解决复杂性和商业含糊之处。

39、As well, it gives an analysis of the causes of such misunderstandings and ambiguities by means of comparative analysis. ─── 利用对比的方式从不同的角度分析了产生误解、歧异的原因。

40、Don t worry about putting the reader to sleep. worry about the opposing lawyer a year from now hunting for ambiguities to get your contract into court. ─── 不要担心这会让读者打瞌睡;你应该提防的是对方律师会因为含糊不清的合同而将你告上法庭。

41、crossing ambiguities ─── 交叉歧义

42、But those jargons can't be used unadulterated because they contain ambiguities and contradictions. ─── 但又不能够直接使用这些行话,因为它们可能包含模糊与矛盾。

43、Three Steps Method to Determine Double Difference Ambiguities Resolution of Network RTK Reference Station ─── 三步法确定网络RTK基准站双差模糊度

44、To resolve the ambiguities caused by occlusion in images,the sensor to measure the scene from several different views is needed. ─── 为了解决图象中因遮挡而引起的不可视区域问题,需要用许多传感器从不同的点去测量景象或物体。

45、We propose a new method called “support value” to solve correspondence problems.Geometric constraints are added to reduce the ambiguities in stereo matching. ─── 我们提出一个新的方法来解决立体比对中最困难的对应点问题,并加入一些几何的限制来减少模稜两可的对应。

46、He had seen no jest in ambiguities and roguery, as the Casterbridges tosspots had done. ─── 他不象卡斯特桥的一般酒鬼,专门在胡说八道和恶作剧里去寻开心。

47、We propose a new method called “color weighted correspondence algorithm” to solve correspondence problems.Geometric constraints are added to reduce the ambiguities in stereo matching. ─── 我们提出一个新的方法来解决立体比对中最困难的对应点问题,并加入一些几何的限制来减少模零两可的对应。

48、Such ambiguities should be avoided by rephrasing the sentence, but fortunately they are rarer in practice than in the theory. ─── 同样,学习英文或其他语言,若大家将其廉价化,随时可碰触又不需接受一些龟龟毛毛的障碍学习,英语能不普及化?

49、WHEN binding the column references in the ORDER BY list to the columns defined in the SELECT list, column ambiguities are ignored and column prefixes are sometimes ignored. ─── 在将ORDER BY列表中的列引用绑定到在SELECT列表中定义的列时,将忽略列的多义性,有时还会忽略列前缀。

50、For long-baseline asynchronous positioning systems based on measure of time-delay, range ambiguities appear when pulse's propagating time is longer than its repetition period. ─── 对于基于时延测量的长基线异步定位系统,当信号传播时延大于脉冲重复周期时,就会出现距离模糊。

51、This paper presents quaternion algorithm to determine heading and attitude using GPS carrier phase double difference measurements, assuming that the integer ambiguities are known. ─── 同时还对航姿误差进行了分析,并在误差分析的基础上给出了基线的最优配置。

52、The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract. ─── 争议是由合同中模棱两可的词句引起的。

53、Adaptive Chinese combinatorial ambiguities disambiguate method ─── 一种自组织的汉语组合型歧义消歧方法

54、Similarly, Einstein's theories of relativity completed the era of classical physics and paved the way for atomic physics and its ambiguities. ─── 同样,爱因斯坦相对论理论终结了经典物理学时代,为原子物理学和不确定性的物理观的建立铺平了道路。

55、Solving Combinatorial Ambiguities in Chinese Word Segmentation Using Contextual Information ─── 利用上下文信息解决汉语组合型歧义

56、But the friction of normal life usually creates ambiguities that cannot be fully met in advance. ─── 但正常生活中的矛盾通常会引起无法预先完全实现的暧昧。

57、Don't worry about putting the reader to slee worry about the o osing lawyer a year from now hunting for ambiguities to get your contract into court. ─── 你应该提防的是对方律师会因为含糊不清的合同而将你告上法庭。

58、When the export process detects a collision, it retains the namespace to eliminate naming ambiguities. ─── 当导出过程检测到冲突时,它将保留命名空间,以避免不明确的命名。

59、Resolving range ambiguities in asynchronous underwater acoustic tracking system by reference to target position ─── 异步水声跟踪定位中利用目标参考位置抗距离模糊方法

60、The 1973 summit laid bare the ambiguities of East-West relations in the nuclear age. ─── 一九七三年的最高级会谈揭示了核时代暖昧的东西方关系。

61、According to the results of study from the perspective of HPSG, quantifier scope ambiguities can be precisely and accurately described and explained. ─── 依托中心语驱动短语结构语法的研究成果表明,HPSG对于量词辖域歧义更具解释性和描写的精确性。

62、How the state will resolve the ambiguities is uncertain. In the opinion of some experts, however, it is already too late to turn back the clock. ─── 国家怎样节约这种模棱两可还不确定。然而,一些专家认为,为时已晚。

63、There were ambiguities, however, about how rigorous the blockade would be, particularly whether it would apply to non-Israeli flag vessels. ─── 但是封锁应当严厉到何种程度却并不具体,尤其是是否适用于不插以色列国旗的船只。

64、Turkey - Pray that all attempts to restrict religious freedom will be frustrated and that ambiguities in the law may be clarified so that the persecution and mistreatment of Christians will end. ─── 土耳其-求主使那些禁止宗教自由的企图被打消,澄清法令中模糊不清的地方,以致对基督徒的迫害及虐待能终止。

65、In particular, ambiguities are easy to generate if a class defines both conversion operators and overloaded operators. ─── 尤其是,如果类既定义了转换操作符又定义了重载操作符,容易产生二义性。

66、So the concept of sustainability, despite its ambiguities, is at the center of all recent projects, whatever their scale. ─── 因此,尽管可持续发展观念有些不明确,但它是最近所有工程的核心,不管这个工程的规模如何。

67、A New Method for Initializing Carrier Phase Ambiguities in Short Baseline DGPS Surveying ─── 一种短基线DGPS定位中初始化整周模糊度的新方法(英文)

68、GPS ambiguities resolution ─── GPS模糊度解算

69、ambiguities in estimation ─── 估计模糊

70、She was quick to notice the ambiguities in the article. ─── 她很快就察觉出了文中的那些模郓两可的意思。

71、Their investigation report was full of ambiguities. ─── 她们的调查报告模棱两可。

72、Below the polite ambiguities, something disturbing is happening, at least from an American viewpoint. ─── 在这样礼貌的模糊态度下,正发生着一些阻挠的事,至少从美国人的观点来看是的。

73、To solve this problem, you must eliminate all potential ambiguities. ─── 为解决这个问题,必须消除所有潜在的、纠缠不清的情况。

74、Enantiosemy results mainly from the extension of word meaning.And the ambiguities caused by enantiosemy can be resolved by the internal mechanism of language. ─── 反训主要是由词义的引申发展造成的,而且语言可以通过内部机制的调整来消除由反义同词(或同词素)造成的表达歧义。

75、The contents must be, stated accurately, clearly, truthfully and comprehensively and there may not be any ambiguities, falsehoods or omissions therein, still less misleading or deceptive elements. ─── 内容必须陈述准确、清楚、真实、全面,不得有任何含糊、虚假和遗漏,更不得有任何误导、欺诈成份。

76、The guardian council, the powerful constitutional oversight body had said this would help remove any remaining ambiguities. ─── 伊朗实权派宪法监察机构卫队委员会称,这样可以帮助消除任何存留的模棱两可。

77、That condition indicates banks are trying to stamp out ambiguities in big merger contracts. ─── 这也说明银行正在努力杜绝大型兼并合同存在的模棱两可。

78、His reply was full of ambiguities. ─── 他的答复非常暧昧。

79、It will help you with refactoring that covers a wide scope or has particularly sticky ambiguities that defy a one-for-one categorization of tokens. ─── 它将帮助您进行涉及范围广泛的重构,或难以满足对标记进行一对一分类的模糊程度特别高的重构。

80、For papers in English, Chinese authors usually "transliterate" their names using the so-called Pinyin system, which leads to many ambiguities. ─── 为了用英文著述,中国作者们常用所谓的拼音系统音译自己的名字,这引起了很多歧义。

81、There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech. ─── 她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。

82、Such examples are unexceptionable, but care should be taken that this usage does not cause ambiguities. ─── 这样的例子是无懈可击的,但应该小心谨慎以使这种用法不致于引起模棱两可。

83、There may have been some warrant for Roosevelt's suspicions, but he was more aware than his son of the ambiguities of the Grand Alliance. ─── 或许,罗斯福的猜测不无根据,但他比儿子更深悟这伟大同盟背后的种种不确定因素。

84、Her reply was full of ambiguities. ─── 她的答覆句句都是模棱两可的。

85、"But in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the same shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon, issue to the Contractor instructions thereon" ─── "但在发生分歧时,则应由工程师对此作出解释或校正,工程师并应就此向承包商发布有关指示"

86、double difference ambiguities ─── 双差模糊度

87、The recognition of ambiguities, equivocations, and unstated assumptions underlying known paradoxes has led to significant advances in science, philosophy and mathematics. ─── 一些悖论是由一些含糊的、模棱两可的论断以及未申明的假设所导致的,对它们的认识在(自然)科学、哲学与数学中都导致了重大的进步。

88、Contract interpretation is for clearing up ambiguities and misunderstandings.The process of judging the content's true meaning of a contract is an important system in contract law. ─── 摘要合同解释是为了消除歧义和误解,判定合同内容真实含义的过程,是合同法中的重要制度。

89、There are similar ambiguities within the euro bloc. ─── 在欧元集团中也有类似模棱两可的情况。

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