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09-03 投稿


footman 发音

英:['f?tm?n]  美:[?f?tm?n]

英:  美:

footman 中文意思翻译



footman 反义词


footman 词性/词形变化,footman变形

副词: footlessly |名词: footlessness |

footman 同义词

footman 短语词组

1、footman definition ─── 步兵定义

2、footman loops ─── 步兵圈

3、footman law ─── 步兵法

4、footman wearing special uniform ─── 穿着特殊制服的男仆

5、footman #1 n.( ─── 常穿制服的)男仆,侍者n.男仆,侍从;步兵

6、footman art ─── 男仆艺术

7、footman wars ─── 步兵战争

8、footman frenzy ─── 男仆狂热

footman 相似词语短语

1、footmark ─── n.足迹

2、Cotman ─── n.(Cotman)人名;(英)科特曼

3、frontman ─── 名义上的负责人;乐队领衔者

4、mootman ─── 摩尔人

5、boatman ─── n.船夫;出租船的人;n.(Boatman)人名;(英)博特曼

6、footbar ─── 足球运动员

7、footmen ─── n.步兵;男仆(footman的复数形式)

8、footbag ─── 沙包球

9、footpad ─── n.拦路贼;拦路强盗

footman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moneybags discovers to after female footman closet comes out, did not wash his hands, because of,moneybags asks strangely. ─── 富翁发现女仆从洗手间出来后未洗手,富翁就奇怪地问因。

2、Do you know which corner of a visiting card you must fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate that you have called to inquire after the master's health? ─── 你知不知道当你把拜访卡留与仆人时,为了暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必须折叠拜访卡的哪一角?

3、said the footman; and he too setting to work with his elbows shoved Petya into the stinking corner of the gateway. ─── 那仆役说,也开始用他的臂肘碰人,把彼佳挤到了门边一个臭烘烘的角落里。

4、the sound of a bolt being shot inside was heard, and directly after the face of Charles, the footman, appeared from the gloom below. ─── 一个被枪杀螺栓内听到声音,并直接后查尔斯的仆人,从黑暗的脸出现下面。

5、She sat down and accepted a glass from the footman . ─── 她坐下来,从仆人手里接过杯子。

6、And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, ─── 我已经看到永恒的男仆拿着我的外套,并且傻笑

7、Burrell, formerly personal footman to Queen Elizabeth, had worked for the royal family for some 21 years. ─── 伯勒尔曾是伊丽莎白女王的男仆,已经为王室工作了约21年。

8、The footman went ahead against the hurricane. ─── 那男仆顶着飓风继续前进。

9、I located a domestic agency in Beverly Hills13 on my own, but its best price for a footman in a morning coat was $500, minimum. ─── 我自己找了一家位于贝弗利山上的家政公司,但是一位身穿晨燕尾服的男仆最低开价要$500。

10、Do you know which corner of a visiting card you must fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate that you have called on to inquire after the master's health? ─── 你知不知道当你把名片留与仆人时,暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必须折叠名片的哪一角?

11、He saw her, encircled by mother, footman, maid, and porter, take her seat and drive away . ─── 他看见她被她母亲、马车夫、女仆和脚夫簇拥着,坐上车,走了。

12、A footman entered, and presented . . . some mail on a silver tray ─── 一个仆役进来,将银托上的一些信件呈了.上来

13、Near Petya stood a peasant woman, a footman, two merchants, and a discharged soldier. ─── 彼佳旁边有一位带着一个仆役的农妇,两个商人和一名退伍的士兵。

14、The footman jumped up on the box while it was moving. ─── 一个随从跳上已启动的马车的前座。

15、A large plate came skimming out, straight at the footman 's head. ─── 一只大盘子直向听差的脑袋飞来。

16、I am my own footman and parlour-maid for the moment. ─── 目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女。

17、Footman: Prince Arthas, the undead forces have arrived! ─── 步兵:阿尔塞斯王子,不死族军队来了!

18、Week of Footman: Double growth for Footme and wordsmen. ─── 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。

19、To wait on as a footman; attend. ─── 象男仆一样的侍候;跟从

20、A light four - wheeled convertible carriage with two interior seats and places outside for a driver and footman. ─── 双座四轮马车一种可变换的轻型四轮马车,车厢里有两个座位,车厢外有为驾驶者和男仆准备的位子

21、Mr Footman explained the following features of the PVRM scheme ─── 霍文介绍新计划有以下特色

22、He was at cuffs with a brother footman. ─── 他正与一位弟兄打斗。

23、Anything you like," said the Footman, and began whistling. ─── 随你的便。”仆人说着吹起了口哨。

24、She sat down and accepted a glass from the footman. ─── 她坐下来,从仆人手里接过杯子。

25、But neither Anna Mihalovna nor the footman and coachman, who must have seen these people, took any notice of them. ─── 然而,无论是安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜,无论是仆役,还是马车夫,都不会望不见这几个人,但却不去理睬他们。

26、He picked up his glass and emptied it, and the footman came forward to refill it ─── 他拿起酒杯,一饮而尽后侍从又为他斟满。

27、'--or next day, maybe, ' the Footman continued in the same tone, exactly as if nothing had happened. ─── “……或者再过一天。”仆人继续用同样的口吻说,就像什么也没发生过。

28、Pyotr the footman said something to the coachman;the coachman assented. ─── 仆役彼得对马车夫说了一句什么话,马车夫作了肯定的回答。

29、A liveried male servant;a footman. ─── 穿特殊制服的男仆;男仆

30、Week of Footman: Double growth for Footmen and Swordsmen. ─── 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。

31、Representatives of NWFF introducing the new vessel design to Mr Footman, JP, Commissioner for Transport. ─── 管理人员向运输署署长霍文先生介绍新船的设计。

32、They had a footman in livery with them. ─── 她们有一个穿着号衣的男仆人照应着。

33、The God doesn't grant good marriage, I then have to footman. ─── 上天不赐良缘,我便只好跟班。

34、When the carriage stopped in the courtyard, a footman helped Mrs.Medlock and Mary down, and the girl followed the housekeeper to an enormous wooden door. ─── 马车在院子里停了下来,一名随从帮助麦迪洛克夫人和玛丽下来,女孩随着管家来到一扇巨大的木门前。

35、I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker(T.S.Eliot) ─── 我看到永远的仆人拿着我的大衣,并且傻笑(T.S.艾略特)

36、Lvl 10 footman will cost only 10 denars. ─── 拉特10霍文将成本只有10第纳尔。

37、Reseach of Footman and Scouter Shooting Training System by Stimulation ─── 步兵、侦察兵模拟射击训练系统的研制

38、They were bowed out by the footman. ─── 他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。

39、Footman: Prince Arthas! During the night, a vast army of undead warriors emerged and began attacking villages at random! ─── 步兵:阿尔塞斯王子!昨天晚上,有大群不死族敌军出现,并开始毫无规律地对村子进行进攻!

40、Have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,and i have seen the eternal footman hold my coat,and snicker,and in short,I was afraid. ─── 强烈闪光之后看见了步兵的幻象,之后紧抓外衣,露出窃笑,在这瞬间,仍旧恐惧?为何恐惧,是死亡,还是出丑,两者都不怕的人就不会畏惧任何东西。

41、Suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood. ─── 突然有一个穿制服的听差从树林里跑出来。

42、Why, will the black footman tell tales? ─── 怎么?黑人随从会搬弄是非吗?

43、He flies out at John, th' footman, for not carryin' him careful enough. ─── 他朝男仆约翰发脾气,因为他背得不够小心。

44、As to the Generosity of his Temper, he tells his poor Footman, If he did not wait better --he would turn him away, in the insolent Phrase of, I'll uncase you . ─── 至于慷慨的脾气,他告诉大家,他霍文穷人,如果他没有等待更好-他会想把他赶走,在横蛮的短语吧,我u ncase你。

45、I am my own footman and parlour - maid for the moment. ─── 目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅侍女。

46、I located a domestic agency in Beverly Hills13 on my own, but its best price for a footman in a morning coat was $500, minimum. ─── 我自己找了一家位于贝弗利山上的家政公司,但是一位身穿晨燕尾服的男仆最低开价要$500。

47、Scarce Footman ─── 狭翅褐灯蛾(灯蛾科)

48、Although you were always relucant to ride in battle or use ranged weapons, you excelled in footman melee. ─── 在你接受的训练中,你总笨手笨脚不能适应骑射,但在近战方面所向无敌。

49、Mr Footman acknowledged that the income of taxi trade had decreased significantly from since 1997 owing to the economic downturn and the fragile consumer sentiment of the public. ─── 霍文明白到由于经济下滑和市民消费意欲持续下降,的士业的收入自一九九七年起至今已经减少不少。

50、She saw one stop and the footman dismount, opening the door for a gentleman who seemed to be leisurely returning from some afternoon pleasure. ─── 她看见在大片冒出嫩绿的草坪后面,一座座豪华住宅里隐隐透出灯光。

51、Four-spotted Footman ─── 四点灯蛾(灯蛾科)

52、The footman, distributing copies of Kutuzov's cantata, laid a copy by Pierre, as one of the more honoured guests. ─── 仆人正在把那库图佐夫的大合唱曲分发给客人,把一张搁在更受人尊重的贵宾皮埃尔面前。

53、Mr. Robert Footman, Commissioner for Transport presenting souvenir to Mr. Godfrey Tsang, General Manager, Crown Motors Limited ─── 署长颁赠纪念品与香港皇冠汽车有限公司营业部总经理曾林堂先生

54、Footman: Just a grain shipment from Andorhal. There's no need to worry, milord. It's already been distributed amongst the villagers. ─── 步兵:只是些从安多哈尔运来的谷物。不用担心,大人,已经分发到村民那里了。

55、Prokofy, the footman, a man so strong that he had lifted up a carriage, was sitting there in his list shoes. ─── 随从的仆役普罗科菲力气很大,掀得起马车的尾部,他坐着,用布条编织着鞋子。

56、A footman came in to summon Boris to the princess. ─── 仆役走来呼唤鲍里斯去见公爵夫人。

57、Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman ─── 运输署署长霍文

58、Cupid draws his arrow on both footman and pharaoh. ─── 爱神丘比特的箭已瞄准了沐浴在爱河中的人们。

59、Mary saw that it was a smart carriage and that it was a smart footman who helped her in. ─── 玛丽看出那是一辆漂亮的马车,连扶她上车的男仆衣着也很讲究。

60、Footman: Just a grain shipment from Andorhal. There's no need to worry, milord. It's already been distributed amongst the villagers. ─── 步兵:只是些从安多哈尔运来的谷物。不用担心,大人,已经分发到村民那里了。

61、I am ny own footman and parlour - maid for the moment ─── 目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女

62、The Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, appealed to members of the taxi trade to keep up their good work and join hands with the Transport Department to improve the operating environment of the taxi trade. ─── 运输署署长霍文呼吁的士业界继续提供优质服务,并与该署携手共同改善的士业经营环境。

63、Pierre flung off his cloak, and went into the first room, where there were the remnants of supper, and a footman who, thinking himself unobserved, was emptying the half-full glasses on the sly. ─── 皮埃尔脱下斗篷,步入第一个房间,那里只有残酒与剩饭,还有一名仆役;他内心以为没有被人发现,悄悄地喝完了几杯残酒。

64、Do you knowing which corner of a visiting card you ought to fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate those you HAs titled on to inquire despite the master's health? ─── 你知不清楚当你把名片留与仆人时,为了暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必需折叠名片的哪一角?

65、Footman: Prince Arthas, we've spotted an undead caravan carrying a large load of plagued grain. ─── 步兵:阿尔塞斯王子,我们发现一支不死族的拖车队伍装载了大量受感染的谷物。

66、Footman:All the ladies in the kingdom must try the slipper. ─── 男仆:王国里所有的小姐都必须试穿这只鞋。

67、A footman would have come in to clear away something in the room, but she would not let him come in.She shut the door after him, and continued her promenade about the room. ─── 仆人想走进来,收拾起大厅里的东西,可是她不放他进来,她又随手把门关上,继续踱方步。

68、The footman and two porters began to load luggage onto the carriage. ─── 仆人和两个脚夫开始把行李抬上马车。

69、"I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker" (T.S. Eliot) ─── “我看到永远的仆人拿着我的大衣,并且傻笑”(T.S.艾略特)

70、Footman: Prince Arthas! During the night, a vast army of undead warriors emerged and began attacking villages at random! ─── 步兵:阿尔塞斯王子!晚上有一大群不死族敌军出现,并开始毫无规律地对村子进行进攻!

71、He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador. ─── 为了生计,他做过好多事,从男仆、助手到大使。

72、A liveried male servant; a footman. ─── 穿特殊制服的男仆;男仆

73、Still, a journalist from a British tabloid managed to infiltrate Buckingham Palace and pose as a footman. ─── 然而一名英国小报的记者还是设法溜进了白金汉宫,假装成一个男仆。

74、The footman and the cook have been walking out for several months now. ─── 男仆和厨师在一起已有好几个月了。

75、I had been a footman for 20 years. ─── 我曾做过20年的听差。

76、Mrs. Bennet was prevented replying by the entrance of the footman with a note for Miss Bennet; ─── 班纳特太太正要答话,不料一个小厮走了进来,拿来一封信给班纳特小姐。

77、Walden rang for a footman. ─── 沃尔登按铃叫仆人。

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