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09-03 投稿



demurrer 发音

英:[d??m?r?r]  美:[d??m??r?(r)]

英:  美:

demurrer 中文意思翻译



demurrer 短语词组

1、demurrer definition ─── 异议定义

2、demurrer pa ─── 异议pa

3、demurrer to interrogatories ─── [法] 对讯问的抗辩, 拒绝答辩

4、special demurrer ─── [法] 特别抗诉, 特别异议

5、demurrer pdf ─── 异议pdf

6、general demurrer ─── [法] 总的抗办

7、demurrer defined ─── 定义的抗辩

8、demurrer define ─── 异议定义

9、speaking demurrer ─── [法] 叙事性异议

10、demurrer to evidence ─── [法] 对证据提出异议

demurrer 词性/词形变化,demurrer变形

动词第三人称单数: demurs |动词过去式: demurred |动词现在分词: demurring |形容词: demurrable |动词过去分词: demurred |

demurrer 相似词语短语

1、demurrers ─── n.异议;抗辩;妨诉抗辩

2、deferrer ─── n.推迟者;延期者;顺从者

3、demurral ─── n.异议;反对;犹豫;顾虑

4、demergers ─── n.中止合并关系;大公司分成若干小公司

5、demurred ─── vi.反对;抗辩;提出异议;n.异议;反对;n.(Demur)人名;(德)德穆尔;(法)德米尔

6、demurrages ─── 逾期费

7、demure ─── adj.端庄的;娴静的;严肃的;假装正直的;n.(Demure)人名;(法)德米尔

8、demerger ─── n.中止合并关系;大公司分成若干小公司

9、deterrer ─── 阻垢剂

demurrer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、enter [put in] a demurrer ─── 进行抗辩

2、In the system of bill policy, bill demurrer plays an important role in keeping the inner balance of the bill law. ─── 在票据制度体系中,票据抗辩对实现票据法权利体系的内在平衡具有重要作用。

3、demurrer of jurisdiction ─── 管辖权异议

4、Tentatively on Demurrer of Anticipatory Breach ─── 不安抗辩权试析

5、demurrer to interrogatories ─── 对讯问的抗辩, 拒绝答辩

6、special demurrer ─── [法] 特别抗诉, 特别异议

7、The Comparison Between the Right to Implement the Demurrer First and the Right to Cease Implementing the Obligation ─── 先履行抗辩权与不安抗辩权之比较

8、Bill demurrer can be classified into things'demurrer and persons'demurrer. ─── 票据抗辩可以分为物的抗辩和人的抗辩两种。

9、put in a demurrer ─── 提出异议, 反对

10、The main content of demurrer and its standard and measure in idiographic implement are different from country to country about the law prescript of patent approaching demur and judicature practice. ─── 在不同国家关于专利侵权抗辩的法律规定及司法实践中,对抗辩的事由及其具体实施的标准和尺度都存在着很大的差异。

11、demurrer to evidence ─── 对证据提出异议

12、The demurrer have been revising her opinion without permission. ─── 那位反对者一直在未经允许地修改她的意见。

13、The “Registration of Demurrer” is an important legal system. ─── 异议登记是不动产登记制度的重要内容之一,它是为保全真实权利人的不动产物权请求权而进行的登记。

14、Though many writings have the sense of something like political demurrer, they also express a kind of sexed ideology of slave and appendage. ─── 虽然大多数作品都有政治上的抗辩意味,但也表达了一种性化了的奴隶意识和附庸意识。

15、speaking demurrer ─── [法] 叙事性异议

16、Firstly, it emphasizes the importance and the rationality of the registration of demurrer system. ─── 这部分首先论述了我国建立异议登记制度的必要性和合理性。

17、3.She stood up and put in a demurrer once the proposal announced. ─── 3、这项建议在会上一宣布,她就站起来提出异议。

18、demurrer model ─── 抗辩模式

19、The credit service center shall keep properly the original archive of the personal statement and incorporate the personal statement into the credit report of the demurrer. ─── 征信服务中心应当妥善保存个人声明原始档案,并将个人声明载入异议人信用报告。

20、Of course, demurrer reasons are important to prescribe to the promotion of information-circulating. ─── 当然也必须规定一些抗辩事由,以免阻碍信息流通。

21、In the appraisal of justice,including the expertise of medical dispute,the circs that the party is unsatisfied with or has demurrer to the expert conclusion is very common. ─── 司法鉴定中,包括医疗纠纷鉴定在内,当事人对鉴定结论不满意或者有争议的情况非常多见,对此,法律明确规定,如因对鉴定结论有异议向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理。

22、a defendant's answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer). ─── (法律)被告依据事实(区别于抗辩)的答复。

23、(law) a defendant's answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer) ─── (法律)被告依据事实(区别于抗辩)的答复

24、general demurrer ─── [法] 总的抗办

25、Firstly, it emphasizes the importance and the rationality of the registration of demurrer system. ─── 首先强调了建立异议登记制度的必要性和合理性。

26、If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court. ─── 当事人对出庭的专业人员是否具备相应专业知识、学历、资历等专业资格等有异议的,可以进行询问。

27、Bill demurrer originates from civil demurrer, but it has many specialties. ─── 票据抗辩源于民法抗辩,但有许多特殊之处。

28、She stood up and put in a demurrer once the proposal announced. ─── 这项建议在会上一宣布,她就站起来提出异议。

29、(law) a defendant's answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer). ─── (法律)被告依据事实(区别于抗辩)的答复。

30、On Simultaneously Performing the Right of Demurrer ─── 论同时履行抗辨权

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