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09-03 投稿



excreta 发音

英:[?k?skri?t?]  美:[?k?skri?t?]

英:  美:

excreta 中文意思翻译



excreta 短语词组

1、human excreta ─── [化] 人粪尿

excreta 词性/词形变化,excreta变形

形容词: excretal |

excreta 相似词语短语

1、excreted ─── adj.排泄出的;分泌出的;v.排泄;分泌(excrete的过去式和过去分词)

2、excrete ─── vt.排泄;分泌

3、excreter ─── 排菌者

4、excretal ─── 排泄物

5、excerpta ─── n.摘要;节录

6、secreta ─── n.分泌物

7、excretes ─── vt.排泄;分泌

8、excreting ─── vt.排泄;分泌

9、excrementa ─── 粪便

excreta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In consultation with community leaders, the first step is to localize excreta; ─── 咨询社区领导后,第一步就是建立排泄地点;

2、He said that I was the fish out dung, I post in the toilet, I task is Qingtao excreta , and the people bring clean. ─── 他说,俺是掏粪工,俺的岗位在厕所,俺的任务就是清掏粪便,为民众带来洁净。

3、cow excreta ─── 牛粪

4、Keywords human excreta;anaerobic treatment;aerobic treatment;chemical phosphorus removal;activated carbon adsorption; ─── 粪便污水;厌氧处理;好氧处理;化学除磷;活性炭吸附;

5、Study on the Life Elements in the Excreta of Trogopterus Xanthipes Milne-Edwards ─── 五灵脂无机成分的分析研究


7、For new large-scale breeding sites, a project construction, vaccination system, the sound of handling excreta synchronous approval. ─── 对新建规模养殖场,实行项目建设、防疫体系建设、粪便无害化处理同步审批。

8、Methods Carries on the epidemiologx investigation, gather surplus food and the patient excreta and So on makes the laboratory inspection. ─── 方法进行流行病学调查,采集剩余食物和病人排泄物等做实验室检查。

9、Inspection includes observing the patient''s spirit, tongue ,complexion, and overall appearance as well as his secretes and excreta. ─── 望诊主要是看病人的精神、舌像、面相等外观及其分泌 禁播影片 物、排泄物。

10、Sickness dog's excreta (is specially urine) pollutes the water source or the utensil, and is injured the skin infection through Yi Gangou mucous membrane. ─── 病狗的排泄物(特别是尿)污染水源或器物,通过易感狗的粘膜和受伤的皮肤感染。

11、Waste matter, eg human excreta ─── 废物(如人体排泄物)

12、Effects of IncorporatingDried Poultry Excreta(DPE) in the Diets of Growing Rex Rabbits ─── 日粮中添加鸡粪对生长獭兔的影响

13、The content of the life elements in the Excreta of Trogopterus Xanthipes Milne-Edwards (ETX ) is more than those in the other traditional and herbal Chinese medicines, and 15g of ETX is as much as the dose a day. ─── 15g五灵脂内含人体必需微量元素和常量元素比其它中草药更接近人体日需要量。

14、human and animal excreta ─── 人畜粪便

15、excreta fertilizer efficiency ─── 粪液肥效

16、The excreta magnesium was moe high in 0.25% phytate phosphorus diet than in 0.15% and 0.20% phytate phosphorus diet significantly(p

17、Human waste is more dangerous than animal waste;therefore, the safe disposal of human excreta is more important than the disposal of animal waste. ─── 人类的排泄物比动物的更危险,因此,人类排泄物的安全处理比动物的更重要。

18、The Department also provides some 470 dog toilets and 880 dog excreta collection bins for the convenience of dog owners. ─── 此外,本署亦提供约470个狗厕和880个狗粪收集箱,方便养狗人士。

19、If the ground is flooded or marshy or has a high water table, arrangements must be made as soon as possible to physically contain the excreta. ─── 如果地面被水淹没或湿软,或水位较高,则必须尽快采取措施将排泄物容纳起来。

20、disposal of human excreta ─── 人粪处理

21、any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material. ─── 任何使土壤肥沃的材料,来自动物或植物,特别是动物排泄物,常与干草杂物混在一起。

22、The collected excreta are homogenized, dried and finely ground ─── 我们把收集的排泄物进行均质化,干燥并粉碎。

23、excreta pit ─── 粪坑

24、During the emergency phase, priority topics of any health education program should be directly related to immediate public health problems, such as the disposal of human excreta and refuse. ─── 在紧急时期,任何医疗卫生教育项目的首要主题都应该与当前的公共健康问题直接相关,例如人类排泄物与垃圾的处理。

25、excreta treatment ─── 排泄物处理

26、" She said : "pipe is repaired, which flow in the walls inside the excreta we do? ─── 杨女士说:“管子是修好了,这流在墙里面的粪便怎么办呢?

27、safe excreta disposal ─── 粪便无害化

28、b.Population Density.Population density will affect the space available for the excreta disposal system and thus the type of system. ─── 人口的密度:人口的密度会影响到排泄物处理系统的可用空间和种类。

29、The infection can spread through the consumption of contaminated food or direct contact with the vomitus or excreta of infected persons. ─── 此类感染可以由进食受病毒污染的食物及直接接触病人的呕吐物或粪便而传播。

30、the smell of excreta in the hospital ward ─── 医院病房里排泄物的气味.

31、Some environmentalists said the Everest temperature is low, human excreta and other waste may take decades to degrade. ─── 一些环保人士说,珠峰气温较低,人类排泄物等垃圾可能耗费数十年才能降解。

32、To determine what the tigers kill, my trackers and I collected scats -a deceptively neat name for the smelly excreta deposited by the carnivores-and also looked for their kills. ─── 为了确定老虎捕食了什么物种,同事们和我收集老虎的排泄物,并寻找它们杀死的猎物。

33、Pollution of the environment by excreta, with all its attendant risks, cannot be stopped without immediate sanitation measures. ─── 排泄物对环境造成的污染,以及伴随而来的所有风险,不立即采取卫生措施都是无法阻止的。

34、An acceptable and practical system for the disposal of human excreta is the key to reducing health hazards. ─── 减少健康威胁的关键在于建立可以接受的,实用的人类排泄物处置体系。

35、The king's elephants in the villages and hamlets well bound with strong ropes, break the bonds, tear them and, frightened, strew urine and excreta and run away wherever their heads turn. ─── 五诸比丘!国王有象,以绳坚固缚于村邑王都,彼等亦一破截彼缚,怖畏而失大小便,以所有之力便而逃走。

36、Results The three-chamber toilet, the biogas toilet and the urine diverting toilet could all meet the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal of excreta. ─── 结果三格化粪池卫生厕所、三联式沼气池卫生厕所和粪尿分集式生态卫生厕所能达到粪便无害化卫生标准,都具有一定的综合效益。

37、Trenches, pits, or holes in the ground can be used as dry latrines.Water-dependent latrines can be flushed.There are also systems based on the composting or cartage of excreta. ─── 更加要阻止在海湾、河口或者泻湖等捕鱼和采集贝类的地方排泄,因为这样会形成传染源。

38、Don't you hate yourself for dallying with a body which contains only blood, phlegm, filth, and excreta? ─── 你不会憎恨自己在调戏一个只有血、粘液、污秽和排泄物组成的身体吗?

39、excreta of accessory sex gland ─── 副性腺分泌物

40、The immediate contact mad dog patient or the patient was taken bad the couple days ago excreta, like the saliva, the urine and so on also had the dissemination danger; ─── 直接接触狂犬病人或病人发病前几天的排泄物,如唾液、尿液等也有传播的危险;

41、and the other factor was culture liquid, in which the application of adequacy of organic fertilizer, especially the excreta of creature can accelerate the growth and propagating rate. ─── 其次是培养液,适当增加有机肥,尤其是动物的排泄物,能加速红萍的生长和繁殖速率;

42、Inadequate disposal of human excreta is a major health risk in emergency situations. ─── 在紧急情况下,人类排泄物的不适当处置是一个主要的健康危害。

43、In total, there are some 18,000 litter containers, along with about 426 dog latrines and 556 dog excreta collection bins for the convenience of dog owners. ─── 本署共设置18,000多个废屑箱,还有约426个狗厕和556个狗粪收集箱,方便养狗人士。

44、Nitrogen turnover from grazing livestock excreta is the key process in the nitrogen cycle of pasture ecosystems. ─── 放牧家畜排泄物氮转化是草原生态系统氮循环的关键。

45、There are also systems based on the composting or cartage of excreta. ─── 另外也有其它基于将排泄物种类混合堆肥或运送的系统。

46、excreta collection ─── 排泄物收集

47、Fourteen strains of cellulase-decomposing microorganisms were isolated from excreta samples of herbivores and soil in Nanjing Hongshan Zoo.Among them,strain F1 had the highest enzyme activity. ─── 从南京红山动物园土样及食草动物的粪便中分离出14种产纤维素酶菌株,其中F1表现出较高的酶活力。

48、Keywords cow excreta;inoculation;dewatering characteristic;fibre-degrading bacteria community;lactobacillus; ─── 牛粪;接种微生物;脱水性能;纤维降解复合菌群;乳酸菌;

49、Safe disposal of excreta is critical because agents of most infectious diseases are passed from the body in excreta. ─── 排泄物的安全处理很关键,因为大多数传染病的病原都可能通过排泄物传播。

50、Study on the Effect of EM on Growth Performance in Chickens and Stench Eliminating of the Excreta ─── EM制剂对鸡的生长性能与鸡粪除臭效果的影响

51、processed human excreta ─── 处理过的粪便

52、Keywords Excreta treatment;Countryside;Household latrine; ─── 粪便处理;农村;户厕;

53、excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter. ─── 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。

54、Disinfect toys/places which are contaminated by secretions or excreta with diluted household bleach of 1:99 concentration; ─── 经常以1:99浓度的漂白水(1份家用漂白水加99份清水)清洁及消毒物件表面、家俱及厕所;

55、The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter. ─── 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。

56、Antibiotics, the widely used pharmaceuticals, were detected in the surface waters of many countries through different paths such as excreta of human as well as animals. ─── 摘要抗生素是一类目前在各国广泛应用的药物,主要通过粪便散布于环境中。在一些国家的河流和湖泊己经检测到了不同种类的抗生素,其在环境中的残留引起了研究者的关注。

57、decontamination of human excreta ─── 粪便无害化处理

58、Safe disposal of excreta is critical because agents of most infectious diseases are passed from the body in excreta . ─── 排泄物的安全处理很关键,因为大多数传染病的病原都可能通过排泄物传播。

59、It should be noted that disinfectants should not be poured into pits or tanks of latrines that dispose of excreta by biological degradation. ─── 值得注意的是,通过生物降解处理排泄物的厕所,不应向厕坑或者水箱中投放消毒剂。

60、Malodor Contamination From Livestock Excreta and Control Measures ─── 畜禽粪便恶臭的污染及其治理对策的探讨

61、The technical content of water-saving toilets because it must reach less water, excreta can rinse clean. ─── 因为节水马桶的技术含量较高,它必须达到耗水少,粪便还能冲洗干净的目的。

62、animal excreta disposal ─── 动物粪便处置

63、The excreta of aquatic animals-fish, frogs, turtles, snakes, etc-contain similar refractory materials ─── 水生动植物如鱼、蛙、龟、蛇等的排泄物中也会含有类似的难处理的物质。

64、Livestock excreta ─── 畜禽排泄物

65、Suggestions on the treatment and use of liquid waste as well as of livestock excreta use and nutrient management were also proposed. ─── 本文还对液体粪水的处理与利用、牲畜排泄物的利用与养分管理提出了建议。

66、In total, there are more than 16 000 litter containers, along with about 420 dog latrines and 434 dog excreta collection bins for the convenience of dog owners. ─── 本署共设置超过16 000个废屑箱,还有约420个狗厕和434个狗粪收集箱,方便养狗人士。

67、It is believed that Hantavirus is mainly transmitted to people by inhaling aerosols of rodent excreta. ─── 一般相信人类是通过吸入病毒而染病。

68、City Council instructed City sanitation strike -- Beginning last year, exploration and study of resources for dealing with excreta, funded enterprises to cooperate with us to develop this project. ─── 市环卫局责成市环卫科研所从去年开始,探索研究对粪便进行资源化处理,多家企业有意出资与我们合作开发这一项目。

69、He said that I was the fish out dung, I post in the toilet, I task is Qingtao excreta, and the people bring clean. ─── 他说,俺是掏粪工,俺的岗位在厕所,俺的任务就是清掏粪便,为民众带来洁净。

70、Cross-sectional Investigation on Household Latrines and Excreta Treatment in Countryside of Shandong Province ─── 山东省农村户厕及粪便处理现状调查

71、any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material ─── 任何使土壤肥沃的材料,来自动物或植物,特别是动物排泄物,常与干草杂物混在一起

72、excreta Waste material released from the gut; also, any substance excreted from a tissue. ─── 排泄物从消化道排出的废物;任何的物质从组织排除。

73、Rabbit excreta ─── 兔排泄物

74、excreta disposal ─── 粪便处理

75、Keywords sanitary latrine;safe excreta disposal;quality control; ─── 卫生厕所;无害化;质量控制;

76、Pollution of the environment by excreta , with all its attendant risks, cannot be stopped without immediate sanitation measures. ─── 排泄物对环境造成的污染,以及伴随而来的所有风险,不立即采取卫生措施都是无法阻止的。

77、The characterization of the metabolites in animal excreta facilitated the identification of human systemic metabolites. ─── 特质的代谢产物在动物粪便促进了鉴定人的全身代谢物。

78、animal excreta ─── 动物粪

79、The link between excreta contamination and disease must be clearly understood by all, including children. ─── 所有人包括小孩子都必须了解排泄物污染与疾病之间的联系。

80、Swine excreta ─── 猪排泄物

81、Inadequate disposal of human excreta is a major health risk in emergency situations. ─── 在紧急情况下,人类排泄物的不适当处置是一个主要的健康危害。

82、fresh excreta ─── 新鲜粪便, 新鲜排泄物

83、Keywords Animal husbandry pollution Excreta coefficient Harness countermeasure Upper catchment of Huangpu River; ─── 家禽;家畜;粪便污染;防治;对策;上游汇水区;黄浦江;

84、human excreta ─── 人粪尿

85、Have your previous jobs ever involved contacting or handling animals' excreta, contaminated plant or equipment? ─── 你以往的工作曾否接触或处理动物的排泄物、污染的设备、器材或装置等?

86、In consultation with community leaders, the first step is to localize excreta; that is, control surface defecation. ─── 咨询社区领袖后,第一步就是集中排泄地点;即控制随地大小便的情况。

87、Elimination of the Excreta Pollution Is the Key to the Realization of Sustainable Development in Poultry Farming ─── 消除粪便污染是实现养鸡业可持续发展的关键

88、Sewage includes waste water and human excreta. Waste water may carry germs which are collected from human and animal excreta. ─── 污水包括废水和人类粪便。污水里往往有人和动物粪便中的病菌。

89、Humans usually become infected with Lassa virus from exposure to excreta of infected Mastomys. ─── 人类通常通过暴露于受感染的Mastomys鼠的排泄物感染拉沙病毒。

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