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09-03 投稿


athletics 发音

英:[?θ?let?ks]  美:[?θ?let?ks]

英:  美:

athletics 中文意思翻译



athletics 短语词组

1、athletics championships ─── 田径锦标赛

2、Athletics at the Summer Olympics ─── 夏季奥运会的田径项目

3、competitive athletics ─── 竞技体育

4、athletics department ─── 体育部

5、Athletics (sport) ─── 田径(运动)

6、athletics inc ─── 田径公司

7、athletics championship ─── 田径锦标赛

8、IAAF World Championships in Athletics ─── 世界田径锦标赛

9、athletics iii ─── 田径iii

10、criminal damage athletics dept ─── 刑事损害体育部

11、athletics performance ─── 田径运动成绩

12、European Athletics Championships ─── 欧洲田径锦标赛

13、Athletics at the Asian Games ─── 亚运会的田径

14、medico-athletics n. ─── 医疗体育

15、athletics facilities ─── 体育设施

16、be engaged in athletics ─── 从事体育运动

17、Oakland Athletics ─── 奥克兰运动家

18、go in for athletics ─── 参加体育运动

19、athletics mania ─── 体育狂热

athletics 相似词语短语

1、unathletic ─── 无知的

2、aesthetics ─── n.美学;美的哲学

3、analeptics ─── adj.(主要指药剂)健身的,复元的;(药剂等)兴奋的;n.强身剂,复元剂;兴奋剂

4、cathartics ─── adj.导泻的;通便的;n.[药]泻药;[药]通便药

5、athletes ─── n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式)

6、athletic ─── adj.运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的

7、asthmatics ─── adj.气喘的;似患气喘的;n.气喘患者

8、analgetics ─── n.止痛药(等于analgesic);adj.(药剂)止痛的(等于analgesic)

9、athleticism ─── n.崇尚运动,积极参与运动;运动能力,运动才能

athletics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The country's hothouse of college competition has nurtured excellence across athletics, swimming and basketball. ─── 大学体育竞赛的温床,培育出该国在田径、游泳和篮球等领域的强势。

2、"Heavy athletics" is the general term for wrestling,boxing,and weightlifting. ─── “重竞技项目”是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。

3、The Olympic Stadium will be reconfigured as a 25,000 seat Athletics stadium after the Games. ─── 奥运体育场主馆在奥运会后将被改装为一个25000座的田径场馆。

4、Membership to Athletics Centre: swimming pools, ice rinks, squash and tennis courts and gymnasium. ─── 成员田径中心:游泳池,冰球场,壁球场,网球场和健身房。

5、Athletics is recommended for every student. ─── 劝每个学生都参加运动。

6、The choreography, which combines artistry and athletics, is extremely innovative. ─── 兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的

7、When I was at school I was always hopeless at athletics. ─── 我上学的时候体育十分糟糕。

8、Athletics start tomorrow. ─── 体育竞赛明天开始。

9、The traditional“athletics sports teaching view”still influence teaching material and so on. ─── 传统的“竞技体育教学观”对教材的影响痕迹仍有存留等。

10、Athletics is part of our university curriculum. ─── 体育课是我们大学课程的一部分。

11、With the big muscle masses, he looks very strong and athletics. ─── 他的肌肉块大,看起来非常结实、健壮。

12、Relative to school athletics the principal said the students should not allow athletics to interfere with homework. ─── 关于学校体育运动,校长说学生不应该让体育活动影响做家庭作业。

13、Rhodiola, a kind of Chinese herb, has been widely used in athletics in recent years. ─── 中药红景天已广泛应用于竞技体育领域中。

14、Your dad tells me you love athletics. ─── 你好,风。很高兴认识你。你是一个学生,对吗?你爸爸告诉我你很喜爱体育运动。

15、We provide ample facilities for things like athletics, weight-lifting, chest-expanding and there is a swimming. ─── 我们有多种设施,如健身、重、胸等器械,还有游泳池。

16、Athletics is a miniature of the society and can create counteraction to the society. ─── 同时竞技体育反作用于社会。成为社会不可缺少的一部分。

17、Without athletics, Greek art and the Greek conception of beauty would have been inconceivable. ─── 如果没有体育竞技,希腊的艺术和审美观是无法想像的。

18、It is wonderful that you won 2 silver and 4 bronze medals at this World Athletics Championships. ─── 太棒了,你们在本次世界田径锦标赛上获得了2银4铜的好成绩。

19、We saw a film in the classroom. And then a school relay competition began. I was one of the athletics of my class. ─── 然后一场学校接力比赛开始了,我是代表我们班级的一个运动员。

20、In March 2003, Birmingham hosted what was acclaimed as one of the finest IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships. ─── 2003年3月,伯明翰主办了另一重要赛事-国际田联室内田径锦标赛,比赛非常受欢迎,几乎一票难求。

21、Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and immoral movies. ─── 三、通过使人民的注意力集中在体育、色*情书籍以及表演和无廉耻的电影上,让人民的思想远离政府。

22、Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero-sum game. ─── 从天体物理学到体育运动,相互间的竞赛往往被视为你死我活的争斗。

23、Thousands of college students around the United States participate in athletics. ─── 全美国,有成千上万的大学生参加体育运动。

24、Afternoons were spent doing sports and athletics to help build up recruits' stamina and team spirit. ─── 下午,进行体育运动和竞赛来帮助新兵形成团结和团队合作的理念。

25、In the years 1945 to 1955 it was difficult to find an athletics textbook in libraries, or even a universally accepted athletics magazine. ─── 1945年到1955年间,在图书馆很难找到一本田径运动教科书,甚至连一本能为大众所接受的田径杂志也难以找到。

26、Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking shortcuts. ─── 只有经历许多苦干,否则不论是谁、不论是哪个运动员都得不到好的结果。走捷径只能取得暂时的成功。

27、Would you recommend doing athletics in college? ─── 你会推荐大家在大学里参加体育运动吗?

28、She showed us the athletics award she had won. ─── 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖。

29、We provide ample facilities for things like athletics, weight-lifting, chest-expanding and there is a swimming. ─── 我们有多种设施,如健身、举重、扩胸等器械,还有游泳池。

30、Russian pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva is also expected to make her appearance in the annual athletics event. ─── 俄罗斯的撑杆跳运动员伊辛巴耶娃也将会参加一年一度的竞技盛事。

31、"Additional, the youth plays network game, especially athletics kind game, basically be emulative heart is driven. ─── “另外,年轻人玩网络游戏,尤其是竞技类游戏,主要是好胜心驱使。”

32、Education is an important theme in youth athletics in the US. ─── 在美国青少年体育运动中教育是一重要主题。

33、At the same time, the splendid athletics scene also lets the human feel urgently is dazzled eyes cannot take it all! ─── 同时,精彩的竞技场面也让人倍感眼花缭乱、目不暇接!

34、Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships. ─── 伯明翰申办下届全国田径锦标赛。

35、"Heavy athletics" is the general name for wresting, boxing and weight-lifting. ─── "重竞技项目"是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。

36、Third, modern athletics project, like basketball, pingpong and so on. ─── 三是现代竞技项目,如篮球、乒乓球等。

37、Capital University Athletics - Official site of the Crusaders with scores, news items, and rosters. ─── 各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

38、For many young people in my part of the world (suburban America), the first brush with organized athletics comes on a Saturday morning in early spring. ─── 在这个世界上我所居住的地区(美国市郊),很多少年第一次接触有组织的体育活动是在初春的某个星期六上午。

39、And yet, only four years ago, he took up athletics. ─── 并且,他是在仅仅四年前才开始成为运动员的。

40、Liverpool and the Madrid athletics two club relations are close, this is the matter which the earthmen knew. ─── 利物浦与马德里竞技两家俱乐部关系密切,这是地球人都知道的事情。

41、BMe too, but I think I prefer the athletics. ─── 我也是,但是我更喜欢田径项目。

42、IAAF World Athletics Championships. ─── 国际业余田联世界杯田径锦标赛。

43、China's athletics achievement is all the more impressive given that it isn't a very sporty nation. ─── 中国在体育运动方面的进展给人更加深刻的印象是它还不是一个有着运动气息的国家。

44、Livingston faces a four-year disqualification from athletics. ─── 利文斯顿面临着为期4年的体育禁赛。

45、As sports with a long history and profound culture, athletics turns out to be very effective in building one's body. ─── 田径作为一项拥有悠久历史文化积淀、巨大健身价值的体育运动,曾长时间在我国学校体育中占据主要地位。

46、Athletics center on the ice, throw in operation on January 1,2006. ─── 14冰上体育中心,2006年1月1日投入运营。

47、Our team tied with theirs in athletics. ─── 在田径比赛中, 我们队与他们队旗鼓相当。

48、A Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events. ─── 事实上,当我想到奥运会的时候,我喜欢所有的田径项目。

49、Unless he can find a sponsor he'll be forced to retire from athletics. ─── 如果找不到赞助者,他将被迫从运动场上退休。

50、These are individual contests,where each athlet competes alone. ─── 在个人赛上,每一个运动员单独参加比赛。

51、They need friends of their own age, merry games, athletics, a normal life. ─── 他们需要同年龄的朋友,有趣的游戏和体育活动,过正常的生活。

52、Satochi: An olympic athlet! Hammer thrower (and then he acts like he would throw it away). ─── 奥林匹克选手!链球运动员(还表演了一记)

53、The student athletics program offers 41 varsity-level sports, the largest program in the U. ─── 学生田径项目提供了41项校队水平的运动,这是全美最大的项目。

54、On May 5, 1904, Cy Young pitched a perfect game for the Boston Americans against the Philadelphia Athletics. ─── 1904年5月5日当时波士顿美国人对的先发投手赛扬,先发出战费城运动家队投出史上第一场完全比赛。

55、Relative to athletics, the principal said the students should not allow athletics to interfere with nomework. ─── 关于学校体育工作,校长说学生不应因运动而妨碍功课。

56、Another important event is the World athletics Championships. ─── 另一重要赛事是世界田径锦标赛。

57、Athletics include all kinds of sports. ─── 体育运动包括各种竞技。

58、Whether or not this was the case,it embodied that the Greek nation upheld sports and athletics. ─── 不管怎样都体现了古希腊这个民族对体育竞技的崇尚啊!

59、We are the Chinese Athletics Team. We want to check our luggage to Los Angeles. ─── 我们是中国田径队。我们想把行李托运到洛杉矶。

60、My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics. ─── 我的学校就体育运动而言没有任何作为。

61、Debbie earned a full college scholarship for participating in women's athletics. ─── 德比因参加女子体育项目而获得大学奖学金。

62、Liu was determined to compete unless the pain was intolerable, said Feng Shuyong, Chinas head athletics coach. ─── 中国田径队总教练冯树勇说:“刘翔坚持要参加比赛,除非疼痛不能忍受。”

63、In order to obtain the Greek princess's heart, the gaul hero and Prince Caesar launch an athletics big game. ─── 为了获得希腊公主的芳心,高卢英雄与凯撒王子展开一场竞技大赛。

64、I've always been into athletics and sports, so I got to do something else I really enjoy while making the film. ─── 我一直很喜欢运动,所以在拍电影期间我做了些我喜欢的运动。

65、In the domain of athletics, generic accessory has now become vital equipment. ─── 在竞技领域,普通辅助部件有现在成为的重要设备。

66、Scientists familiar with androgenic steroids and their illicit use in athletics were not at all surprised. ─── 对雄性类固醇以及运动员使用禁药的情况瞭若指掌的科学家,对此倒是一点也不觉得讶异。

67、In school, he excelled in athletics and had a flair for basketball. ─── 在校期间,他是一名出色的运动员,而且他对篮球运动很有天赋。

68、Which competitions are most popular? Athletics, swimming, gymnastics and diving, and others. ─── 哪些比赛比较热门?田径,游泳,体操,跳水等。

69、H'm, play on the computer such of the easily recreational athletics game BE again suitable however. ─── 嗯,在电脑上玩这样的轻松休闲体育游戏再合适不过了。

70、In Beijing, open water swimming will become part of swimming, while women's steeplechase will be added to athletics . ─── 在北京奥运会上,公开水域长泳成为游泳的一个项目,女子障碍赛将纳入田径运动中。

71、The children were screaming now above the sound of the racy athletics commentary. ─── 孩子们的尖叫声湮没了激情的田径解说。

72、Participation in athletics also provides emotional and social benefits for students. ─── 参加体育运动也使学生获得情感和社会方面的好处。

73、Runners in an athletics stadium run in individual lanes. ─── 在田径运动场上赛跑的人有各自的跑道。

74、Not all Americans worship sports, but athletics are an important part of their culture. ─── 并非所有的美国人都崇拜运动,但运动的确是他们文化当中极为重要的一部份。

75、There are many aborigine playing the baseball at all level in Taiwan, it became aborigine athletics byword. ─── 国内各级棒球队的原住民球员比重也不少,打棒球已成为原住民的运动代名词。

76、One girl pretended to be sick on days when she had athletics,until the teacher got wise to is and made her go to gym. ─── 一个女生在上体育课的时候假装生病,直到老师了解真情让她去体育场。

77、Weightlifting is one of "heavy athletics". ─── 举重是“重竞技项目之一。

78、National Stadium: with a seating capacity of 80,000 people,it will be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies,athletics and football finals. ─── 国家体育场: 可容纳8万人,是举行开(闭)幕式、田径比赛、足球决赛等活动和赛事的场地。

79、They need friends their own age, merry games, athletics, a normal life. ─── 他们需要同年龄的朋友,有趣的游戏和体育活动,过正常的生活。

80、At yesterday's athletics meeting, Jackson turned in a personal best time which is only two seconds outside the European record set up last year. ─── 在昨天举行的田径运动会上,杰克逊取得个人最好成绩,比去年创下的欧洲纪录只差了两秒。

81、She argued that beauty contests are no different to athletics events (even if the event seems to be show jumping). ─── 羽西争论道,选美跟运动会(即使是跳高比赛)毫无差别。

82、The governing body of World Athletics the IAAF now accepts she's done nothing wrong. ─── 世界运动员管理团体IAAF现在相信,她未做错任何事情。

83、The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating. ─── 为了防止欺骗,体育运动联合会采用了更严格的规则。

84、Juri Verchoshanskij.Organization of the training process[J].New Studys i n Athletics,1998,(154)3:1584. ─── 契内.运动强度与比赛成绩的关系[J].国外体育科技,1993,(4):11.

85、Extras: Computers, Business, English, After-class Athletics, Music, and many other clubs for students to join. ─── 另额外提供电脑课、业英文、后运动、乐、学俱乐部、生政府、闻俱乐部等。

86、One girl pretended to be sick on days when she had athletics, until the teacher got wise to is and made her go to gym. ─── 一个女生在上体育课的时候假装生病,直到老师了解真情让她去体育

87、The use of professional performers, as in athletics or in the arts. ─── 如在竞技或艺术活动中使用专业人员

88、Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics. ─── 速度是所有体育运动的基本要素。

89、Change consciousness, set up exactitude of recreation athletics view. ─── 建议:1.转变意识,树立正确的休闲体育观。


Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian made history on Sunday by becoming the first Asian athlete to appear in the men's 100m final at the world athletics championships

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