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09-03 投稿


Guiana 发音

英:[ga???n?]  美:[gi?ɑn?]

英:  美:

Guiana 中文意思翻译



Guiana 短语词组

1、guiana shield ─── 圭亚那地盾

2、Dutch Guiana ─── 荷属圭亚那(苏里南共和国的旧称)

3、guiana island ─── 圭亚那岛

4、Guiana Space Centre ─── 圭亚那空间中心

5、French Guiana ─── 法属圭亚那(位于南美洲北部)

6、guiana map ─── 导游图

7、British Guiana ─── 英属圭亚那

8、Netherlands Guiana ─── [网络] 荷属圭亚那;荷属盖亚那

9、guiana people ─── 圭亚那人民

10、Guiana Highlands ─── [网络] 圭亚那高地

11、Guiana current ─── 圭亚那海流

12、guiana means ─── 圭亚那是指

Guiana 相似词语短语

1、Guianan ─── adj.圭亚那地区的;圭亚那语言的

2、Guyana ─── n.圭亚那(拉丁美洲国家)

3、Guiana ─── n.圭亚那地区(包括圭亚那共和国及荷属、法属圭亚那)

4、Juliana ─── n.朱莉安娜(女子名)

5、guarana ─── n.瓜拉那

6、Guianas ─── n.圭亚那

7、-iana ─── abbr.互联网地址编码分配机构(InternetAssignedNumbersAuthority);n.(Iana)人名;(罗)亚纳

8、Juana ─── n.胡安娜(女子名)

9、Diana ─── n.黛安娜(女子名,罗马神话中之处女性守护神);月

Guiana 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The forests provide the raw material for a timber industry, but many of French Guiana's natural resources defy easy exploitation. Much of the sparsely-inhabited interior is accessible only by river. ─── 森林为木材业提供了原料,但是法国法属圭亚那地方的自然资源很容易被开采。很多没有人居住的地方仅仅是过条河就到了。

2、Coffee was introduced in Brazil by Francisco de Mello Palheta in 1727 from Cayenne, French Guiana. ─── 咖啡是在1727年由法国人从卡宴(法属圭亚那首都)引入的。

3、France has 4 overseas departments (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion). ─── 法国还有4个海外省(法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪)。

4、The rocket blasted off from the European Space Agency's (ESA) launch center in Kourou, French Guiana on the northeast coast of South America. ─── 翻译:火箭从位于南美洲东北部海岸的法国圭亚那库鲁地区的欧洲航天局的发射中心离地升空。

5、French Guiana in case the left-wing Colombian FARC rebels decide to release their most high-profile hostage Íngrid Betancourt.Miss. ─── 法国官方保证说,为了防止哥伦比亚革命武装力量左翼决定释放重要人质贝当古中有其他事件发生,他们已经派出一架飞机飞往法属圭亚那。

6、This species is found in the coastal rainforests of Surinam, Guyana and French Guiana, but isolated specimens have also been reported from Venezuela and Brazil. ─── 补充:据报道,Grammostola pulchra 巴西黑食鸟蛛(原拉丁文学名:Grammostola mollicoma)的极限个体足展达到10.24英寸。

7、the beginning of 1947 from French Guiana have limited autonomy. ─── 从1947年开始法属圭亚那拥有有限的自治权。

8、Dutch Guiana ─── 荷属圭亚那

9、One of the most important launches in European spaceflight history is about to take place in French Guiana. ─── 法国圭亚那将会发生欧洲航天历史上重要的一次发射。

10、The launch is slated for the end of 2008, using an Ariane 5 from the Guiana Space Center, Europe's Spaceport, in Kourou, French Guiana. ─── 发射时间定为2008年年底,用一枚阿丽亚娜5从圭亚那航天中心,欧洲航天公司,在法属圭亚那库鲁发射.

11、South America: Amazon River basin and estuary near Cayenne, French Guiana. ─── 南美洲:在卡宴,法属圭亚那附近的亚马逊河流域与河口。

12、France and French Guiana same as the local currency is the euro. ─── 与法国本土相同法属圭亚那的货币是欧元。

13、British Guiana ─── 英属圭亚那

14、Location: Located on the northeast coast of South America, Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. ─── 自然地理:苏里南位于南美洲东北部海岸,东接法属圭亚那,南邻巴西,西连圭亚那,北临大西洋。

15、The forests provide the raw material for a timber industry, but many of French Guiana's natural resources defy easy exploitation. ─── 森林为木材业提供了原料,但是法国法属圭亚那地方的自然资源很容易被开采。

16、It will reinforce the protection of the Guiana space center and of the airspace of French Guiana. ─── 这将增强圭亚那空间中心和法属圭亚那的防卫能力。

17、In the French National Assembly and Senate Sino-French Guiana have two seats each. ─── 在法国国民议会和参议会中法属圭亚那各拥有两个议席。

18、Trumpeter of brazil and guiana; often kept to protect poultry in brazil. ─── 产于巴西和圭亚那地区的鹤形鸟;在巴西经常饲养用来保护家禽。

19、It's enormous.Sixty percent of it is in Brazil, but the rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana and Surinam. ─── 亚马孙面积的60%在巴西,但雨林也延伸到了玻利维亚、秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、法属圭亚那以及苏里南等国境内。

20、French Guiana has an area of 91,000 square kilometers, with almost Portugal. ─── 法属圭亚那的面积为91,000平方千米,与葡萄牙差不多。

21、Their vertical sides are continually being eroded by the action of water from the heavy rainfall the Guiana Highlands gets. ─── 其纵向双方正在不断被侵蚀的行动水从大雨圭亚那高地得到。

22、Distribution 分布 : Bolivia , French Guiana , Republic of Trinidad and Tobago , Venezuela. ─── 玻利维亚,法属圭亚那,千里达及托巴哥共和国,委内瑞拉.

23、No resistant parasites were found in the Cambodian samples, but samples from French Guiana and Senegal showed signs of resistance. ─── 在柬埔寨的血样中没有发现抗药性,但是来自法属圭亚那和塞内加尔的血样中显示出疟原虫的抗性。

24、a tropical tree(Peltogyne paniculata) native to Guiana and Trinidad,having very hard,durable brown wood that turns a purple color on exposure ─── 一种产于圭亚那和特里尼达的热带树(雌蕊木属紫心木),其韧性的褐色木材暴露在空气中即变成紫红色

25、1962 to the present day: after leaving Algeria, the regiments regrouped in the south of France and Corsica, or overseas in Djibouti, Madagascar, Tahiti, and French Guiana. ─── 今天,法国政府之所以仍然用巨额开支养着这支部队,不过是为了保存外籍兵团充满传奇的色彩和弘扬传统的冒险精神罢了。

26、French Guiana ─── 法属圭亚那

27、In 1850 the authorities in British Guiana decided that payment of postage should be shown by affixing stamps to inland correspondence. ─── 1850年,英属圭亚那当局决定为收取内地邮件的邮资而发行邮票。

28、Convicted of treason by James I, he was released for another expedition to Guiana and executed after its failure.His literary works include poetry, memoirs, and a world history. ─── 詹姆斯一世时被判为叛国罪,获释后又到圭亚那进行了一次远征,远征失败而被处死。

29、The stamp is an 1856 one-cent British Guiana. ─── 邮票是1856年1美分的英国属圭亚那。

30、McKey and his colleagues came to their conclusion after studying some strange features of the savannahs of French Guiana. ─── 麦克伊和他的同事们,在研究了法国圭亚那地区大草原的一些奇异特性后,得出了以上结论。

31、from 1852 to 1951, France in French Guiana on the island as a pre-established a well-known exile concentration camp prisoners. ─── 从1852年到1951年法国在法属圭亚那前的一个岛上建立了一个著名的流放犯人的集中营。

32、North of French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia, west of Peru, Bolivia, south Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, the East Atlantic Ocean. ─── 北邻法属圭亚那、苏里南、圭亚那、委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚,西连秘鲁、玻利维亚,南接巴拉圭、阿根廷和乌拉圭,东濒大西洋。

33、Brinckochrysa guiana ─── n. 桂边草蛉

34、A tropical tree(Peltogyne paniculata) native to Guiana and Trinidad, having very hard, durable brown wood that turns a purple color on exposure. ─── 紫心木一种产于圭亚那和特里尼达的热带树(雌蕊木属紫心木),其韧性的褐色木材暴露在空气中即变成紫红色

35、French Guiana Calling Card Rates ─── 法属圭亚那电话卡费率

36、Tropical Forests Of The Guiana Shield ─── 圭亚那地盾的热带雨林

37、First settled by the French in 1604, French Guiana was the site of notorious penal settlements until 1951. The European Space Agency launches its communication satellites from Kourou. ─── 1964年在库鲁地区建成火箭发射中心。欧洲宇航局在此从事阿丽亚娜火箭的发射业务。

38、a member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana ─── 阿拉瓦克人南美印第安族成员,早先居住在大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚纳的某些地区

39、in British Guiana, schoolchildren get a free Coke on Empire Day; ─── 在英属圭亚那,中小学生在国庆日能得到一瓶免费可乐;

40、5 species in South America.Hububalli yielded in Venezuela,Guyana,French Guiana and Surinam. ─── 计5种,分布于南美,主要伐采地在委内瑞拉、盖亚纳、法属主亚那及苏利南。

41、Dense equatorial forests, colonial towns and a major space centre are among the faces of French Guiana, a region of France on the north-east coast of South America. ─── 密集的赤道森林,殖民地城市,一个主要航天中心,这就是法属圭亚那,正对着法国北-东海岸,南美洲。

42、A region of northeast South America including southeast Venezuela, part of northern Brazil, and French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana. ─── 圭亚那南美洲东北部一地区,包括委内瑞拉东南部、巴西北部的部分地区及法属圭亚那、苏利南和盖亚那

43、A heavy-lift Ariane 5 rocket blasted off from French Guiana late Friday, putting two American telecommunications satellites into orbit, space officials said. ─── 一重型阿丽亚娜5型火箭从法属圭亚那升空周五晚,把两个美国通信卫星送入预定轨道,太空官员说。

44、Here in Kuru in French Guiana, the engineers behind it got to work... ─── 在法属圭亚那的库鲁,设计它的工程师们必须...

45、Italochrysa guiana ─── n. 桂意草蛉,新种

46、Trumpeter of Brazil and Guiana; often kept to protect poultry in Brazil. ─── 产于巴西和圭亚那地区的鹤形鸟;在巴西经常饲养用来保护家禽。

47、"The ESA developed the Ariane series of space launch vehicles, and it supports a launch facility in French Guiana." ─── 欧洲太空局发展亚雅利安一系列宇宙飞船,并支持在法属几内亚的发射装置。

48、Roraima's full importance only became apparent during the decades after Schomburgk returned from British Guiana. ─── 罗赖马的重要性在尚伯克从英属圭亚那回来几十年后才凸显出来。

49、South America: Rivers of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Amazon basin in Brazil and Peru. ─── 南美洲:在巴西与秘鲁的盖亚那,苏利南,法属圭亚那与亚马逊河流域的河。

50、Other countries (e. g. French Guiana and Guyana) have recently included yellow fever vaccination in their national routine programme for immunization. ─── 其他国家如法属圭亚那和圭亚那最近已将黄热病预防接种纳入国家常规免疫接种规划。

51、English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado. ─── 英国宠臣沃尔特·雷利爵士曾两次到圭亚那寻找黄金国。

52、Guiana Current ─── 圭亚那海流

53、Both countries claimed land that bordered the British colony of Guiana on the northeast coast of South America. ─── 委内瑞拉和英国都声称对英国位于南美洲东北海岸的殖民地圭亚纳地区拥有领土主权。

54、Like the other overseas departments, French Guiana is also an overseas region of France, one of the 26 regions of France, and is an integral part of the French Republic. ─── 与其它海外属地一样,圭亚那也是法国26个海外地之一,是法兰西共和国不可分割的一部分。

55、a region of northeast South America including southeast Venezuela,part of northern Brazil,and French Guiana,Suriname,and Guyana ─── 圭亚那,南美洲东北部一地区,包括委内瑞拉东南部、巴西北部的部分地区及法属圭亚那、苏利南和盖亚那

56、Guiana Highlands ─── 圭亚那高原

57、Any stamp collector would like to own the one-cent British Guiana. ─── 任何邮票收藏家想以自己的一个仙英属圭亚那。

58、It will reinforce the protection of the Guiana space center and of the airspace of French Guiana. ─── 这将增强圭亚那空间中心和法属圭亚那的防卫能力。

59、located in the southern French Guiana in South America across the northern part of the Guyana plateau, the highest point 850 meters high. ─── 法属圭亚那南部位于横跨南美洲北部的圭亚那高原前,最高点高850米。

60、French Guiana is part of the territory of France, it is also part of the European Union. ─── 法属圭亚那是法国领土的一部分,因此它也是欧洲联盟的一部分。

61、Gazetteer South America: Amazon and Orinoco River basins and major rivers of French Guiana. ─── 南美洲:法属圭亚那的亚马逊河与奥里诺科河河流域与主要河。

62、One of the most important launches in European spaceflight history is about to take place in French Guiana. ─── 法国圭亚那将会发生欧洲航天历史上重要的一次发射。

63、British Guiana, however, was a marginal problem. ─── 可是,英属圭亚那仍然极不稳定。

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