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09-03 投稿



frondose 发音

英:[[fr?n'd??s]]  美:[[fr?n'do?s]]

英:  美:

frondose 中文意思翻译



frondose 词性/词形变化,frondose变形

副词: frondosely |

frondose 短语词组

1、frondose definition frondose ─── 定义

frondose 相似词语短语

1、frondous ─── 弗朗多斯

2、fronds ─── n.(蕨类等的)叶,复叶;叶状体

3、frondages ─── n.叶

4、condos ─── 独立产权的公寓((condo的名词复数,condo是condominium的缩写)

5、frondescent ─── 前倾的

6、Pondos ─── 点数

7、rondos ─── 回旋曲(rondo的复数)

8、frondless ─── 不向前的

9、frondage ─── n.叶

frondose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The frondose techniques of heat transfer enhancement were comparatively amply introduced,and the relevant new structures to enhance heat transfer were enumerated. ─── 比较全面地介绍了换热器的强化传热技术及其应用,列举了相应的强化传热新结构;

2、Stems erect, sometimes becoming 2-lined, rarely weakly frondose. ─── 茎直立,有时2排队,很少弱具叶。

3、The text brief introduce the each technology index of susceptibility to temperature by example in text,and analyzed frondose meaning of each index and point out actual significance for adduction these index. ─── 通过试验中的实例 ,对温度敏感性的各项技术指标进行了简要介绍 ,剖析了各项指标所代表的具体涵义 ,指出了引用这些指标的实际意义

4、This paper brings forward the mathematics model that confirms the predication by combining the fuzzy and probability theoretics.It expresses the abstract problem via frondose mathematics expressions. ─── 通过模糊数学与概率论相结合分析提出了确定预测敏感指标的数学模型,把抽象的敏感指标确定问题通过具体的数值表示了出来。

5、Then it put up the frondose progrmmer, and realizes the browse of the databank table, the record sccession, deletion, and the modification. ─── 按照数据库设计理论一步一步地给出了系统需求说明书、系统流程图、系统功能模块、建立数据库,然后进行了具体的程序设计,实现了数据库表的浏览,记录的添加、修改和删除。

6、This mode was putforward according to the research on characters of some relate mode in the worldand frondose instance in our country.It is an effective tool on maintenance modedecision. ─── 这个模型是在充分的研究了国内外一些有关模型的特点和我国的具体的情况下提出来的,对维修方式的决策是一个有效的工具。

7、Frondose analyse, not only because the clerical staff had made progresses, but also because peoples' information was not enough.So they could not go to court. ─── 具体分析,除了行政人员执法水平有所提高外,就是公众手里掌握的信息不够,很难起诉。

8、Frondose cultivation methods should root in school resource - using, curricula - setting, teacher's web information literacy - enhancing and academician web information l... ─── 具体的培养方法需从学校的资源利用、课程设置、教师网络信息素养的提高和加强大学生网络道德教育等方面进行。

9、the using of mathematic tool to solve frondose problem. ─── 在定性分析的同时充分运用定量分析工具以解决具体问题;

10、In the frondose juridical practice, there are inspires of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle to our juridical judge. ─── 德沃金的法律原则理论对我国的司法实践也具有一定的启示作用。

11、Then the classification of DoS attacks methods and frondose fashions are analyzed and detailed analysis on DDoS attacks tools. ─── 然后对DoS攻击方法分类和具体方式进行分析,以及详细的分析DDoS攻击的攻击工具。

12、The frondose techniques of heat transfer enhancement were comparatively amply introduced, and the relevant new structures to enhance heat transfer were enumerated. ─── 比较全面地介绍了换热器的强化传热技术及其应用,列举了相应的强化传热新结构;

13、Yesterday I told you that some applications,but don"t tell frondose way to use it. ─── 昨天我只讲了想象力的一个应用,并没有具体讲我们怎样好好利用它。

14、Stems erect, sometimes becoming 2-lined, rarely weakly frondose. ─── 茎直立,有时2排队,很少弱具叶。

15、At the same time,with institution reform ,human resource mechanism desigm,come into being frondose,executable scheme .and validated in the practise. ─── 形成新的工作流程,辅之以机构重组、人力资源及激励机制设计,形成具体的、具有可执行性的方案,并在实践中得到一定的验证。

16、branches erect to arching, not or weakly frondose. ─── 枝直立到拱起,不具叶或稍具叶。

17、In the frondose juridical practice, there are inspires of Dworkin's Theory of Legal Principle to our juridical judge. ─── 德沃金的法律原则理论对我国的司法实践也具有一定的启示作用。

18、Finally, the article demonstrate the optimization model of financing combination with frondose case. ─── 最后,本文结合具体案例,论证了所设计的融资组合优化模式。

19、1 Sepals entire, at least outer broadly elliptic; stems erect, not or weakly frondose. ─── 萼片全缘,至少外部的宽椭圆形;茎直立,不具叶或稍具叶。

20、In the third part, it describes five common characters of duties: sociality, inequality, special functions, special realizing processes, special frondose forms. ─── 第三部分概括了经济法责任的具体特征,并详细论述了其社会性、不对等性、功能特殊性、追究程序特殊性以及责任形式特殊性。

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