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09-03 投稿



gl 中文意思翻译



gl 短语词组

1、GL. ─── [医] 最长度(测量胎)

2、entry data view gl sap ─── 条目数据视图总账sap

3、b gl ─── 井眼几何形状测 ─── 井(boreholegeometrylog)

4、gl suv gl suv

5、Direct Fast Turquoise Blue GL ─── [化] 直接耐晒翠蓝GL

6、goo gl goo ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社

7、gl studio ─── 虚拟仪表

8、gl science ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社科学

9、engine power is reduce gl ─── 发动机功率降低gl

10、h gl h ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社

11、gl dna marker gl dna ─── 标记

12、gl s abbr. ─── 气-液-固体色谱法(Gas-Liquid-SolidChromatograph)

13、gi gl gi ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社

14、cl gl cl ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社

15、by gl ─── 德国劳埃 ─── 德船级社

16、f gl abbr. ─── 完全成长的幼虫(fullgrownlarva)

17、no gl ─── 无总账

18、bold gl ─── 粗体gl

19、alizarin gl ─── 茜素gl

gl 相似词语短语

1、g/l ─── 克/升

2、gal. ─── abbr.加仑(gallon)

3、gl. ─── abbr.铍(glucinum)

4、egal ─── n.(Egal)人名;(索、阿拉伯、法)埃加勒

5、agal ─── n.头巾绳;毛绳头箍

6、gel ─── n.凝胶,胶体;发胶;胶滞体;上流社会少女;v.配合融洽;变明确;联手;起作用;形成胶体,胶化;喷发胶;n.(Gel)(俄、乌、美)格尔(人名)

7、gal ─── n.加仑(重力加速度单位);姑娘;n.(Gal)人名;(法、德、西、罗、塞、瑞典)加尔;(以、阿拉伯)贾勒;(英)盖尔

8、gul ─── n.古尔(姓氏);图形界面编程

9、gld ─── abbr.格尔德霉素(geldanamycin);基尔德(guilder)

gl 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ErbB-4: ErbB-4 were mainly found in the MCL, EPL and GL. ─── OMP:只位于嗅神经层(ONL)和小球层(GL)。

2、Using HP45 ink cartridges, easy to replace, cheap, no need more maintenance, print clearly, and compatible with most CAD HP-GL file. ─── 使用惠普HP45号墨盒,更换方便,价格便宜,无须过多保养,打印清晰,并与大多HP-GL文件兼容。

3、This video shows wind and solar power system. Lets use more wind and solar power and other clean energy sources、lets stop gl... ─── 再生能源,太阳能发电,绿色环保,耀能科技,能源开发,风力发电

4、temporal-spatial scanning of GL value ─── GL值时空扫描

5、Thus was born the GL. ─── 因此出生的冰川。

6、Glucosinolate(GL), oxazolidine (OZT) and isothiocyanate (ITC) contents in four native double low rapeseed meal were higher than in canola meal and lower than in ordinary rapeseed meal. ─── 与大豆粕相比,“双低”菜籽粕粗蛋白质、赖氨酸、总能值的含量较低,粗纤维含量较高。

7、In 1876, Mr GL Basset, a mining entrepreneur of Tehidy, opened a purpose-built laboratory at Camborne for the use of the pupils of the Miners' Association. ─── 在1876年,吉尔巴西特先生,一个Tehidy矿产企业家,开设了一个目的建立实验室坎伯恩对矿工的'协会的学生使用。

8、Secretory Expression of GL?7?ACA Acylase in ?E.coli? ─── GL-7-ACA酰化酶在大肠杆菌中的分泌表达

9、Anti-oxidative effects of extracts from Ganoderma lucidium (GL) and Ganoderma atrum (GA) were studied by using DPPH and pyrogallol autooxidation methods. ─── 分别用DPPH法、邻苯三酚自氧化法测定了赤灵芝和黑灵芝提取物的抗氧化作用。

10、Analysis on the Time Characteristic of GL Inductive Type Current Relay ─── 型感应式电流继电器时限特性分析

11、ErbB-4: At all ages, ErbB-4 was detected in the MCL, EPL and GL. c-fos: At all ages, c-fos was detected in the GL, MCL and GCL. ─── 二. 出生后发育各期ICR小鼠嗅球中CB,CR,PV,ErbB-3,ErbB-4,c-fos和

12、q=roma&gl=it shows the results for [Roma], but gives better rankings to pages related to Italy. ─── q=roma&gl=it显示[Roma](罗马)的搜索结果,将把与意大利(it)相关的网页给以更好的排名。

13、Term and Conditions: Fesco contractorACCOUNTABILITIES:- Set up and maintain the structure of GSGG Livelink, the GSGG gl...... ... ─── 公司名称:壳牌(中国)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-12

14、... lghuifgjklfhbvhjt mvb jc gbkjl gl;rpu./. ─── [五金制品、工具] [能源、冶金、矿产].

15、The paper describes the apperance and development of point fixing gl azed building,its behaviour,kinds and forms.Its application status quoted in Chi na is presented with some engineering examples. ─── 在介绍了点式支承玻璃建筑体系的产生和发展简史后,着重阐述其特点、种类及其组成,并结合工程实例介绍其在我国的应用现状。

16、GL STEEL GRIT: Although harder than GP steel grit,GL also loses its sharp edges during shotbhasting and is particularly suited to descaling and suface preparation applications. ─── GL钢砂:此类钢砂的硬度比GP钢砂要高,但在喷砂过程中仍会失去棱角,特别适合于钢材表面去除氧化皮及预处理作业。


18、Wu YL, Liao ML, Jiang GL, et al.Specialty Committee of Lung Cancer, Chinese Association of Anti-cancer.Clinical guidance of diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. ─── 吴一龙,廖美琳,蒋国梁,等。中国抗癌协会肺癌专业委员会。肺癌的诊断治疗临床指引。

19、GL ARRIS STEEL GRIT Although harder than GP steel grit, GL also loses its sharp edges during shotblasing and is particularly suited to descaling and surface perparation applications. ─── GL棱角钢砂尽管此类钢砂的硬度比GP钢砂要硬一些,但在喷砂过程中仍会失去棱角,特别适合于去除氧化皮及表面预处理作业。

20、SMOAK CG,BURKE GL,WEBBER LS,et al.Relation of obesity to clus-tering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children and young adults:The bogalusa heart study.Am J Epidemiol,1997,125(2):364. ─── 作者单位:1南昌大学公共卫生学院,江西330006;2九江市浔阳区疾病预防控制中心;3萍乡市疾病预防控制中心;4南昌市东湖区疾病预防控制中心

21、ErbB-3: ErbB-3 were mainly found in the IPL, GCL and SEL, some in GL and EPL. ─── 化分布TH:主要出现在嗅球的小球层(GL),外网织层(EPL)有少量。

22、A new algorithm called gene learning algorithm(GL) which is developed from PBIL and selfish algorithm, is presented. ─── 在PBIL算法及自私基因算法的基础上,提出了一个适应性更广、搜索能力更强的优化搜索算法。

23、Baddiley J, Cantoni GL, Jamieson GA. Structural observations on"Active Methionine" [J]. J Chem Soc, 1953, 4: 2662. ─── 余志良,杨晟,蔡谨等.S-腺苷甲硫氨酸研究进展[J].中国医药工业杂志.待发表

24、XX found himself in an unknown land, from which he eventually reached to GL. ─── 他意识到自己正处于一个陌生的陆地上,从那里他终于到达了GL

25、I have really come to know Woo from Face Off, one of the best movies in my list.I'm gl... ─── 因为在我最初看电影的时候实在没有看出来它是这样一部深刻的...

26、AC,head rice rate(HRR),ChS and ChR segregated significantly in BC_2F_5 generation,but CRE,CRL, HRL,GW,GL,L/W,ASV and brown rice rate(BRR) had a little difference among most of the lines. ─── BC2F5株系中的AC、整精米率(HRR)、ChS、ChR产生了较大的性状分离,但绝大多数株系在CRE、CRL、HRL、GW、GL、L/W、ASV、糙米率(BRR)等性状上的差异较小;

27、thicker the crust — especially Sicilian — the higher the GL of the meal. ─── 厚——尤其是sicilian pizza (pizza made with a thick crust)——吃这顿饭血糖愈高。

28、GL displacement agent can keep oil - water interfacial tension at ultralow status with oil sulfonate, as well as improve the fluid flowability of formations at the same time. ─── GL型驱油剂是在保持石油磺酸盐可以使油水达到超低界面张力作用的同时,复合了改善地层流体流动性的功能;


30、The gradation of 8 isolates from bigness to smallness in colonydiameter was BL、GL、LJ、Z、YM、PG、PP and XBC at the same level of nitrogen sources. ─── 在对氮源的综合利用上各菌株表现也不一致,各菌株菌落直径由大到小的顺序为BL、GL、LJ、Z、YM、PG、PP、XBC。

31、XX found himself in an unknown land, from where he eventually reached to GL. ─── 从他最终到达GL的那个地方,他意识到自己正处于一个陌生的陆地上。

32、Gl plastic, connecting you and me, valence-ping quality. ─── 众联塑胶,联接你我,价平质优。

33、GL matrix and its product op-erator ─── GL矩阵及其乘积算子

34、The LOD score was 2.689.45.Three QTLs qGL-5,qGWt-1a and qGWt-1b were both detected under upland and lowland environments(common QTL). Two co-localized QTLs(qGL-1a and qGWt-1a,and qGL-1b and qGWt-1b) controlling GL and GW were detected. ─── 其中控制粒长的qGL-5及控制粒重的qGWt-1 a和qGWt-1b在水、旱条件下均能检测到,在抗旱育种中可用于分子标记辅助选择籽粒性状。

35、GL: Empire is a much different film than Star Wars. ─── 《帝国反击战》是和《星球大战》非常不同的电影。

36、GL: Mainly using the camera and editing. ─── 主要是对摄影机的使用,以及电影剪辑。

37、The Application of OPEN GL in Computer Campus Virtual Roaming ─── OPEN GL在计算机校园虚拟漫游中的应用

38、All our products type approvals are carried out by Marine Inspection Bureau and we can supply CCS, LR, GL, ABS, DNV, NK and BV Marine Inspection Certificates. ─── 产品均经国家船检局型式认可,并可提供中国CCS、英国LR、德国GL、美国ABS、挪威DNV、日本NK、法国BV等国船级社的检验证书。

39、Davy DT, Dilley GL, Krejci RF.Determination of stress patterns in root-filled teeth incorporating various dowel designs[J].J Dent Res 1981 ,60(7):1301-10. ─── 唐高妍,巢永烈,文志红等.四种桩材料对牙本质应力分布影响的三维有限元分析[J].华西口腔医学杂志,1998,16(3)259-262.

40、Polar Decomposition and GL Partial Ordering for Quaternion Rectangular Matrices ─── 四元数矩阵的极分解及其GL偏序

41、Participate in month end closing and reporting and account reconciliations between GL and Sub Ledger. ─── 参与每月的财务关帐和财务报表制定以及总帐和分类帐的对帐。

42、VoiceChatter now supports the Mac PPC processor and OS X Tiger.A properties pane has been added to the main screen, which also allows new features like channel moderation and... gl... ─── VoiceChatter 是一个跨平台支持的语音聊天工具,主要是为游戏设计,是一个轻量级的可以再很窄的带宽上传递高质量的语音。

43、Direct Fast Turquoise Blue GL ─── [化] 直接耐晒翠蓝GL

44、At the same time, it can provide NK, GL certificate. ─── 同时可提供日本NK、德国GL等船级社产品证书。

45、GL leaves this year the game edition mostly is the JAVA edition, has not seen the SIS edition nearly, whether this did mean GL has already discarded part S60V1, the S60V2 user in the strategy? ─── 今年GL出的游戏的版本大多为JAVA版本,几乎没有看见SIS版本,这是否意味着GL已经在战略上舍弃了部分的S60V1、S60V2的用户?

46、In China, GL is well known through it's highly qualified technical services cover ship classification, certification and verification, and industrial inspections. ─── 在中国,德国劳氏以它在检验,审核,认证以及工业领域范围内高质量的技术服务享有盛誉。

47、All these trends in the asset price bubble and the emer-gence and spread of the bubble of gl... ─── 在这样的背景下,资产价格的泡沫的出现和泡沫的全球化蔓延对我国经济发展提出了新的挑战和思考。

48、To introduce a local bias, add the gl parameter to Google's search results URL. ─── 想引入“本地化偏见”,在Google的搜索结果的URL后面加上gl的参数。

49、Accountabilities: -Maintain daily and monthly GL entries including accruals and adjustments -Working closely wit...... ... ─── 公司名称:汉高(中国)投资有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-6-13

50、With the tools of MS index、RCA index、NTB index and GL index,this paper compares the international competitiveness of China's wooden furniture with other countries. ─── 利用国际市场占有率、显性比较优势指数、可比净出口指数和产业内贸易指数,将中国木质家具的国际竞争力同它国进行显性比较。

51、The measured photon count rate of a Gomphrena gl obosa bud after light illumination follows a hyperbolic decay law,indicating the coherence of biophoton emission. ─── 千日红花蕾的延迟发光遵循双曲线衰减规律,说明生物光子具有一定的相干性;

52、GL Type Zero - Value Switching Module ─── GL型无触点开关组件

53、Duties and Responsibilities: 1.GL &GL master daily maintenance 2.Maintain AFSC finance month-end closing check l...... ... ─── 公司名称:弗雷通信技术(深圳)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-11

54、Interchange station for the Loli Line, BL line and GL line. ─── 乘客可以换乘萝莉线,蔷薇线,白合线前往沿途各站。

55、On the Subgroups of Order 6 Contained in GL(4,Z)(I) ─── GL(4 ,Z)的6阶子群 (I)

56、RR of highest GL quintile vs. lowest, 1.34; ─── GL最高五分位数与最低组相对危险比1.34;

57、RM289-RM598 on chromosome are the loci of GW, L/W, CH and WE that explain variance 16.13%, 6.19%, 27.35%, 13.20% and could decrease GW, CH at quite high degree. The genotype from Jiafuzhan could increase GL and L/W, but decrease CH. ─── 5号染色体上RM289-RM598区间同时检测到粒宽、长宽比、垩白率和粒重的QTL,贡献率分别为16.13%、6.19%、27.35%和13.20%,佳辐占的基因型能有效增加粒长和长宽比,降低垩白率。

58、SUV models: the ML multi-functional off-roader, the GL luxury off-roader, the G-Class, R-Class Grand Sports Tourer and Mercedes-AMG series. ─── SUV系列-ML多功能越野车、GL豪华越野车、G级越野车、R级大型豪华运动旅行车;

59、At 3 w, the villa circumferences, areas, heights and crypt depths in the jejunum were higher in GL than GF, while villa circumferences and heights were higher in GB than GF. ─── GL组3w空肠绒毛周长、绒毛面积、绒毛高度及隐窝深度均超过GF组,GB组3w空肠绒毛周长及绒毛高度超过GF组;

60、Prepare timely reconciliation between G/L &S/L, monthly reporting of financial results and make sure integrity of financial data in GL. ─── 全球员工共同分享并实践同样的理念:倾听别人,交流意见并不断创新以达到共同发展 ;

61、Booking Petty Cash &Bank accounts, and regularly reconcile with the GL. ─── 及时登记现金和银行存款日记账,定期与总账核对。

62、CB: At all ages, CB-IR were predominately localized in the GL, while immunoreactivity was rarein the EPL, GCL and SEL. ─── CB:主要出现在小球层(GL),外网织层(EPL)、内网织层(IPL)有少量。

63、Position: Accountant (GL)Key Responsibilities (Essential Functions) 1. Responsible for expense reimbursement, daily chec...... ... ─── 公司名称:百思买商业(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-28

64、BV failed to buy GL(continued) ─── GL婚嫁一波三折(续)

65、Author CHENG GL;ZHU XF;WANG HY; ─── 作者程桂兰;朱晓峰;王海燕;

66、RESPONSIBILITY:1.TO DEAL WITH GL DAILY WORK AND CLOSING ; 2. CHECK THE EMPLOYEE‘S EXPENSE DISBURSEMENT ; 3. CHEC...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海吉萨投资管理咨询有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-19

67、GL matrix and its product operator ─── GL矩阵及乘积算子

68、Zhang GL, Ge BF, Jing H, Zhang JH, Zeng SQ.Repair of soft tissue defect with combined skin flap.Zhongguo Xiufu Chongjian Waike Zazhi(Chin J Repara Reconstr Surg), 2000,14: 17-19. ─── [4]张功林,葛宝丰,荆浩,张军华,曾术强.联合皮瓣修复软组织缺损.中国修复重建外科杂志,2000,14:17-19.

69、The card was signed "Love, D ad, " and the gift was a ring with a sm all piece of red gl ass to represent my birthstone, a ruby. ─── 卡片上写着“爱你的,爸爸”。礼物是一枚嵌着红色玻璃石--代表我的生辰石是红宝石的戒指。

70、Modules: 2 Positions FI (GL, AR, AP, AM, LM, CA) and CO (OM, PA, PC)1 Position MM, SRM, WM1 Position PM, PP-PI...... ... ─── 公司名称:群硕软件开发(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-4


72、If the -gl option is ALL, you must be the owner of the table or have DBA authority or have ALTER privilege. ─── 如果-gl选项为ALL,则您必须是表的所有者,或拥有DBA权限或ALTER特权。

73、A front-wheel drive model in either GL or GLX grades (petrol), ─── 前轮驱动模式,要么冰川或GLX年级(汽油),

74、In part I,we reported that the repetitive administration of Shaoyao-Gancao-Tang(SGT)increased the bioavailability of glycyrrhizin(GL)in SGT. ─── 在第I部分中 ,已经报告了芍药甘草汤 (SGT)的连续给药提高了SGT中甘草酸 (glycyrrhizin,GL)的生物利用度。

75、The sanitary unit should meet the requirement of SOLAS.And GL products approval certificate , EC certificate and Maker’s certificate should be provided for fire door. ─── 五、 卫生单元应符合SOLAS公约要求,防火门应提供GL产品型式认可证书、EC证书和工厂产品合格证书。

76、Introduced for the 2007 model year alongside the redesigned M-Class, the GL sees the introduction of a 50-state BlueTEC diesel powerplant for 2009. ─── 介绍了在2007年款的同时,重新设计的M级,使GL认为采用50国BLUETEC柴油机动力于2009年。

77、The company's products meet the specifications of the classification societies, and it gets access to BV, GL, DNV, ABS certification. ─── 公司产品满足各船级社的规范要求,获得BV,GL,DNV,ABS等船级社的认证。

78、GL general ledger and chart of ledger account. ─── 会计总类账目和分类账目。

79、lghuifgjklfhbvhjt mvb jc gbkjl gl;rpu./. ─── [五金制品、工具] [能源、冶金、.

80、About 63 percent of Americans pollde said the way they spend and save has "forever changed"due to the downturn.only 29percent said they would gl back to their previous patterns of spending and saving. ─── 全美民意调查显示,大约63%的美国人表示,由于经济衰退,他们已彻底改变了消费和储蓄方式,只有29%表示会回到原先的消费和储蓄模式。

81、GL production of bubble games, super-fine picture quality than the classic Bubble and strongly recommended! ! ! ─── GL出品的泡泡游戏,画面超级精美,质量超过经典的泡泡龙。

82、Gameloft products of the novelty of a Russian box game, this type of game produced by the GL, a variety of games! ─── Gameloft的出品的一款比较新颖的俄罗斯方块类游戏,这类型的游戏由GL制作,多种游戏方式!

83、In these regions, the two flanks of RM411 on chromosome 3 confer the phenotypes of GL, GW, L/W and WE, which explain variance 31.72%, 13.34%, 18.25%, 13.81% respectively and could increase GL, L/W effectively. ─── 3号染色体上的RM411标记附近存在粒长、长宽比和粒重的QTL,贡献率分别为31.72%、18.25%和9.78%,佳辐占的基因型能够有效增加粒长和长宽比;

84、Rank: MGR6Report to: Chongqing GMBased in ChongqingKey Responsibilities Finance:- Branch GL maintenance and moni...... ... ─── 公司名称:华侨银行(中国)有限公司成都分行工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2008-11-18

85、The GL series of plastic chain &flight sludge collectors apply to the rectangular advection sedimentation tanks of large、medium、small urban sewage treatment plants and waterworks etc. ─── GL系列非金属链条式刮泥机适用于大、中、小型自来水厂及城市污水处理厂等的矩形平流式沉淀池。

86、Quando dunque fai limosina, non far sonar la tromba dinanzi a te, come fanno gl’ipocriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per essere onorati dagli uomini. ─── 因此你施舍的时候,不可到处张扬,好像伪君子在会堂和街上所作的一样,以博取众人的称赞。

87、GL: Yes, he has a prominent part in the next film. ─── 会的,在下一部电影里他有很重要的戏份。

88、Objective:To study the suppressive effect of glycyrrhizin (GL), a Chinese medicine, on contact hypersensitivity (CHS) induced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB). ─── 利用二硝基氟苯(DNFB)诱发的小鼠接触性超敏反应(CHS)的动物模型,研究甘草甜素(GL)对T细胞介导免疫反应的作用;

89、Keywords penicillin acylase;GL 7ACA acylase;BALB/c mice; ─── c小鼠;青霉素酰化酶;头孢菌素酰化酶;抗体;

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