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09-03 投稿


funis 发音


英:  美:

funis 中文意思翻译



funis 短语词组

1、funis brachii ─── [医] 头正中静脉

2、funis landscaping ─── 福尼斯园林

3、funis argenteus ─── [医] 脊髓

4、funis presentation ─── [医] 脐带先露

5、funis vermis ─── 蚓部

6、funis parasitus ─── 阳伞

7、funis hippocratis ─── [医] 跟腱

8、funis lawn care ─── 福尼斯草坪护理

funis 相似词语短语

1、Zunis ─── 祖尼斯

2、Tunis ─── n.突尼斯(突尼斯首都)

3、funks ─── n.恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味;vt.害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味;vi.惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味;n.(Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克

4、finis ─── n.终结;死;n.(Finis)人名;(英、西)菲尼斯

5、fenis ─── 菲尼斯

6、fundis ─── n.手艺人;专家;n.(Fundi)人名;(罗)丰迪

7、funs ─── vi.开玩笑(fun的第三人称单数)(非正式)

8、munis ─── n.市政债券;市政公债

9、funds ─── n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金

funis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To negotiating in other detail, da Funi did not disclose. ─── 对于洽谈中其他的细节,达芙妮并未透露。

2、Da Funi and a thousand times sale employment level all appears of different level drop, still rank the 2nd to mix the 3rd respectively. ─── 达芙妮和千百度的销售业级则均出现不同程度的下降,仍然分别名列第二名和第三名。

3、" according to Da Funi afore-mentioned controller disclose. ─── 据达芙妮上述负责人透露。

4、Da Funi and a thousand times the situation that sold outstanding achievement to all present small to rise, continue to be discharged respectively this month the 3rd is mixed in the 2nd. ─── 达芙妮和千百度的销售业绩均呈现了小幅上涨的形势,本月继续分别排在第二名和第三名。

5、Ma Xue is asked for advocate the first job of the board of directors is to help Da Funi search presiding finance affairs official and supply chain controller. ─── 马雪征入主董事会的首要任务是帮助达芙妮寻找首席财务官和供应链管理者。

6、funis argenteus ─── [医] 脊髓

7、head (face, foot , knee, shoulder, breech, arm, funis) presentation ─── 头(面,足,膝,肩,臀,臂)先露

8、China makes dark amount to, the famous brand shoe such as bird of riches and honour, Kang Nai, Teliya, strong person, Da Funi also the times favour that gets broad customer. ─── 中国制造的森达、富贵鸟、康奈、特丽雅、强人、达芙妮等名牌鞋也倍受广大消费者的青睐。

9、funis presentation ─── 脐带先露

10、To investing Da Funi, xue Zheng of TPG president horse discloses, "The long-term growth foreground that we consume retail trade to China is confident. ─── 对于投资达芙妮,TPG董事总经理马雪征透露,“我们对中国消费零售业的长远增长前景充满信心。”

11、funis brachii ─── [医] 头正中静脉

12、funis hippocratis ─── [医] 跟腱

13、Allora i soldati tagliaron le funi della scialuppa, e la lasciaron cadere. ─── 于是士兵砍断救生艇的绳子,任它掉下去。

14、And now, although " Da Funi " also appear in each high-grade bazaar of big city, but it had become civilian price by aristocratic price. ─── 而现在,虽然“达芙妮”也出现在各大城市的高档商场,但是它已经由贵族价变成了平民价。

15、China still needs the industry that large quantities of one so successful like Da Funi transition upgrade. ─── 中国还需要一大批像达芙妮这样成功转型升级的企业。

16、"Of group of Ma Xue ask forring bring a lot of brand-new resource to us into initiate, da Funi gives the person's feeling the figure that is household company before. ─── “马雪征团队的进入会给我们带来很多全新的资源,达芙妮以往给人的感觉是家族企业的形象。

17、9 see joke: I tell the story of a Nixon to everybody: Ni Funi Asia is added beautifully in the scenery, have a brilliant little boy, he is pure and kind-hearted, childlike. ─── 9看笑话: 我给大家讲一个尼克松的故事:在风景秀丽的加尼福尼亚洲,有一个英俊的小男孩,他纯洁善良,天真烂漫。

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