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09-03 投稿



unimpeded 发音

英:[??n?m?pi?d?d]  美:[??n?m?pi?d?d]

英:  美:

unimpeded 中文意思翻译



unimpeded 网络释义

adj. 畅通无阻的;未受阻的

unimpeded 短语词组

1、unimpeded passage through ─── [法] 不受阻通过

unimpeded 相似词语短语

1、impeded ─── 阻碍

2、unimproved ─── adj.未加改善的;未耕种的;未被利用的

3、unimpaired ─── adj.未受损伤的;没有削弱的,未减少的

4、unimpededly ─── 无障碍的,无阻挡的

5、unimpressed ─── adj.无印记的(没有印象的),不感兴趣的

6、unimpeached ─── 不容怀疑的;无可指摘的

7、unimparted ─── 无足轻重的

8、unimposed ─── 未关闭

9、unimplored ─── 不为人知的

unimpeded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Large glass planes virtually disappear within the ribbon, allowing unimpeded picturesque views of 18th century hay meadows and giant oaks. ─── 大玻璃窗几乎消失于螺旋带中,使得18世纪草场,巨大的橡树林这些生动的画面不受阻挡。

2、Some Internet users questioned, "Yao copy the copy" unimpeded so long, she copied from those published articles on the editorial to blame. ─── 有网友质疑,“姚抄抄”畅通无阻这么久,那些发表她抄袭文章的编辑就难辞其咎。

3、have unimpeded transport ─── 交通畅顺

4、I has sound management system, large-scale transport team, accurate, and efficient customs systems, so that your goods around the world unimpeded. ─── 我公司完善的管理制度,庞大的运输队伍,准确、快捷的报关系统,使您的货物在世界各地畅通无阻。

5、But others, greater and therefore humbler, became clear channels through which the music was heard unimpeded. ─── 而其他更伟大、也因此更谦逊的音乐家,则成为了使人们轻松了解音乐全貌的畅通渠道。

6、Bridge opening 200 feet high, large ships can pass unimpeded. ─── 桥孔高200英尺,大型船只也能畅行无阻。

7、unimpeded navigation ─── 无阻碍航行


9、As all prophets have taught us, injustice and transgression will eventually bring about decline and demise. Today, the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded. ─── 就像无数先知告诉我们,不公正和违法终会导致消亡。现在,返回真诚和道德的道路是开放和无阻碍的。

10、Unimpeded Project Using in Energy Saving ─── 畅通工程在节能中的运用

11、Now unimpeded, the cells can begin to move around. ─── 由于不再受阻,细胞便开始爬动。

12、Methods: PD catheters were examined with the classical method for 13 patients with non-heparinizated dialysis solution in primary stage after the operations,and were defferentiated unimpeded or not. ─── 方法:在13例病人植管术后初期,使用非肝素化透析液,采用传统的方法检测导管是否通畅。

13、The strengthening expends the Uygur power network the movement, achieves a newspaper to consumer's suit, the guarantee is every day unimpeded. ─── 强化消费维权网络的运行,对消费者的投诉做到每日一报,保证畅通。

14、Kai Xuan-check Cast Steel Valve in the fully open state, almost unimpeded fluid pressure, the pressure drop through the valve relatively small. ─── 旋启式止回阀在完全打开的状况下,流体压力几乎不受阻碍,因此通过阀门的压力降相对较小。

15、Study on the Evaluation Mathematics Model of City Unimpeded Transportation ─── 城市畅通工程评价数学模型研究

16、I craved swiftness, unimpeded action, fluidity, and amorphous New. ─── 我渴望快捷、不受阻碍的行动、流动性以及难以名状的新奇。

17、Any circumstance hitting a limit will begin to change. Change will in turn lead to an unimpeded state, and then lead to continuity. ─── 易穷则变,变则通,通则久。

18、An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting. ─── 绵亘的草原和丘陵形成一片宁静的景色。

19、She could drive unimpeded by slow-moving traffic. ─── 她可以不受影响地在缓慢的车流里行驶。

20、Love is perfect, love is perfect, it has given us great courage and confidence, let us confidence in life on the road unimpeded. ─── 爱也是完美的,爱是无瑕的,它给了我们很大的勇气和信心,让我们充满信心在人生的道路上畅通无阻。

21、In just a few years, the same ship may be able to sail unimpeded all the way to the North Pole. ─── 只需几年的功夫,同样的航行可以在北极毫无阻拦地四通八达。

22、Finally, with the dual-core processor and high-performance video card, it can be unimpeded when you play online games and watch videos. ─── 最后,它配有双核处理器和高性能显卡,在玩网络游戏和观看视频时不受阻碍。

23、I have a vast ocean, flying unimpeded! ─── 我有一片广阔的海洋,翱翔无阻!

24、The mind in itself wants nothing, unless it creates a want for itself; therefore it is both free from perturbation and unimpeded, if it does not perturb and impede itself. ─── 心智本身什么也不需要,除非它为自己制造一个需求。因此,只要它不自我烦扰与妨碍,就能免于困扰,不受妨碍。

25、Uncle John never once missed his target as the hairbrush attacked my unprotected flesh with unimpeded accuracy. ─── 约翰叔叔每一下也没有都不受阻碍地打在我没有保护的屁股上。

26、In the collision that formed it, the stars mostly missed each other and went speeding ahead, relatively unimpeded. ─── 在形成该星云团的碰撞过程中,大多数恒星彼此分离并且快速向前运动,几乎未受任何阻力。

27、This protein distributes on the secretion germ cell's amnion, the control chloride ion's transportation, causes the mucus to be unimpeded. ─── 此蛋白分布于分泌性细胞的胞膜上,控制氯离子的运输,使黏液畅通。

28、The leading principle in itself wants nothing, unless it makes a want for itself;and therefore it is both free from perturbation and unimpeded, if it does not disturb and impede itself. ─── 指导的原则本身除了需要自己之外,再不要任何东西,所以它是免除了打扰,不受阻碍的,只要它不扰乱和阻碍自己。


30、The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea. ─── 从阳台望去,视野越过海岬直到大海。

31、pass unimpeded ─── 畅行无阻

32、Stool unimpeded, to lose weight more helpful. ─── 大便畅通,对减肥更有帮助。

33、unimpeded passage through ─── [法] 不受阻通过

34、In order to guarantee the sound waves unimpeded,there is no strut in the acoustical resonator. ─── 二是面板弧度自然形成,木料的纹路和毛细孔不受人为扭曲和创伤。

35、Unimpeded by predators or competitors, they could quickly reproduce and cover the surface of the planet. ─── 免遭食肉动物和竞争者的侵袭,它们很快会再生并覆盖整个星球的表面。

36、Article 29 The State ensures unimpeded civil air defense communications and warning in order that air defense warning signals are promptly and accurately transmitted and sent out and civil air defense is effectively organized and directed. ─── 第二十九条国家保障人民防空通信、警报的畅通,以迅速准确地传递、发放防空警报信号,有效地组织、指挥人民防空。

37、Learning From "Unimpeded Transportation Movement": on Cooperation Mechanism of Urban Construction and Traffic Administration in China ─── 从"畅通工程"看我国城市建设和交通管理等部门的合作协调机制

38、The toy company' s brand signified a company with a reputation as an excellent place to work because of its familial culture that is unimpeded by hierarchies. ─── 玩具公司的品牌突出了该公司,以其未受等级制度影响,家庭式的企业文化而著名,成为一个工作的好地方。

39、18. constant efforts shall be made to increase knowledge of nature by scientific research and to disseminate such knowledge unimpeded by restrictions of any kind. ─── 18.应经常努力进行研究以增进有关大自然的知识,并不受任何限制地广为传播这种知识。

40、The impeller shall be of a multi or single-vaned, fully shrouded enclosed design and shall have large passages to provide smooth flow transition and unimpeded passage of large spherical solids. ─── 叶轮应该采用多叶片或单叶片、全包裹封闭式结构。应该配置能够进行流体传输的大型通道,和大型球体实心颗粒能够不受阻碍的通道。

41、If gas congestive strong, with blood and gas, the line unimpeded by natural with no pain. ─── 若气充血旺,气顺血和,则经行通畅无阻,自然无疼痛之患。

42、If it was too large, it plowed through unimpeded and continued in orbit about the sun. ─── 如果太大,它便能轻松地穿越阻碍并持续绕行太阳。

43、Today, the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded. ─── 现在,返回真诚和道德的道路是开放和无阻碍的。

44、If you try it, you'll see that the book doesn't hit the table unimpeded, but lands on a little cushion of compressed air. ─── 如果你试试看,你会发现书在撞击桌子时候到了阻碍,落在了压缩空气形成的缓冲垫上。

45、Memories of the previous evening came back into my mind, untainted, unimpeded and gaily escorted by my hopes for the night to come. ─── 在我的脑海里清清楚楚地浮现出昨晚的景象,接着又甜滋滋地做起了今晚的美梦。

46、In order to guarantee the traffic flow of trunk road unimpeded , the signal control system should be analyzed to make it in coordination . ─── 为了保证主干路交通流的畅通,应对各个交叉口的信号进行系统分析和协调控制。

47、When a program forks, GDB will continue to debug the parent process and the child process will run unimpeded. ─── 当一个程序fork时,GDB将继续调试主进程而子进程的运行不受影响。

48、Do an unpretentious bridge, let afresh those roads which is separated by flowing water and deep abyss are unimpeded! ─── 做一座朴实无华的桥吧,让那些被流水和深壑阻隔的道路重新畅通!

49、Since the teensy particles only weakly interact with ordinary matter, they are thought to easily fly through the sun's core toward the surface unimpeded by other particles. ─── 由于跟普通物质之间只是发生微弱的相互作用,这些微小的轴子能够很容易地穿过太阳核心,朝着表面飞去,不会受到其他粒子的阻拦。

50、Despite the odd scuffle, the torch continued unimpeded andin a city where protests have often turned into ugly conflicts, thelow-key nature of the protest was notable for its peaceful nature. ─── 尽管有零星的混战,火炬传递没有阻碍的继续,而这座城市抗议经常转变成难看的冲突,为了和平低调的抗议更注目。

51、The program will continue running unimpeded otherwise. ─── 与此同时程序将无阻碍地继续运行。

52、Flow, logistics, information flow unimpeded for the new era of economic development provides a very convenient transportation conditions. ─── 人流、物流、信息流畅通无阻,为新时期经济发展提供了极为便利的交通条件。

53、traffic conditions : Guozhanjieyuan North North sanhuan is unimpeded, to the northeast is the gateway to the high-speed Road Capital Airport, convenient access door. ─── 交通状况:国展家园往北是畅通的北三环,往东北方向是通往首都机场的高速路,出入国门方便快捷。

54、In the course of evolution members of the primate line have acquired large eyes while the snout has shrunk to give the eye an unimpeded view. ─── 在进化过程中,灵长目动物的眼睛变大,同时鼻子变小以使视野不受阻碍。

55、Secondly, the parties express their will in time unimpeded express their comprehensive real meaning of the rights is a fundamental principle of autonomy meaning. ─── 第二点,当事人在表达自己意愿的时候,不受妨碍地表达自己全面的真实的意思的权利,这是意思自治原则的一个基本的含义。

56、Love is perfect, and it gave us a great deal of courage and confidence, so that our confidence on the road in life unimpeded. ─── 爱也是完美的,它给了我们很大的勇气和信心,让我们充满信心在人生的道路上畅通无阻。

57、For most of the next three weeks traffic northward on the MSR would be unimpeded. ─── 在接下来的近三个星期里北上的主要补给线将会是畅通无阻。

58、HIGHWAY 80 IN SOUTHERN IRAQ - Allied forces crossed the Euphrates River and were halfway to Baghdad on Saturday, their swift advance unimpeded by lingering resistance in the cities of Basra and Umm Qasr. ─── 伊拉克南部80号公路?联军于星期六渡过幼发拉底河,正向巴格达挺进途中,他们的快速推进并没有被来自巴士拉和乌姆盖斯尔的持续抵抗所阻挡。

59、unimpeded access ─── 无条件进入

60、an unimpeded view of the bay ─── 一览无余的海湾风光

61、I know, the road is not completely unimpeded. ─── 我知道,路并非全然无阻。

62、therefore it is both free from perturbation and unimpeded, if it does not perturb and impede itself. ─── 因此,只要它不自我烦扰与妨碍,就能免于困扰,不受妨碍。

63、Nowadays modernization is an unimpeded historical trend. It includes three ─── 学校思想政治教育方法与现代化

64、We promise:365 day, 24 hours, It is unimpeded with the Customer on ?line, you Occupy, Cooling hongze! ─── 我们的承诺:365天,24小时与顾客保持联系。您有事,找鸿泽!

65、And yet, you persisted, undeterred by your past errors and unimpeded by the prospect of more mistakes.You had an unshakable faith that you would eventually get it right, and indeed you did. ─── 然而,你坚持这样做,没有被以前犯得过错吓倒,也不担心会犯更多的错误.有一个坚定不移的信念,最终你会让它恢复正常的轨道,实际上你做到了。

66、A description of the internal area and surfaces of a tool or tubular assembly through which there is an unimpeded internal diameter. ─── 内径无阻碍的工具组合或管子组合的内部区域和表面的描述。

67、Iraq has not complied with its obligation to allow immediate, unimpeded, unrestricted and private access to all officials and other persons as required by Resolution 1441. ─── 伊拉克并没有履行自己的义务,没有按照联合国安理会第1441号决议的要求,允许武器核查人员立即、不受阻挠,不受限制地私下采访伊拉克的任何官员和其他个人。

68、Effect of Non-Heparinizated Dialysis Solution on Catheter Unimpeded in Primary Stage after Operations ─── 腹膜透析植管术后初期非肝素化对透析管通畅的影响

69、ensure unimpeded flow of goods and materials ─── 保证物流畅通

70、Conclusion Relying on image inspection,early diagnosis,unimpeded respiratorg tract,establishment of infusion route and preventing bleeding and epilepsy are the key to increase the cure rate. ─── 结论依靠影像学检查、早期避免漏诊、保持呼吸道通畅、建立输液通路,并给予早期手术清创止血及预防癫痫是提高治愈率的关键。

71、Child The new process is debugged after a fork. The parent process runs unimpeded. ─── 之后调试的新进程。父进程的运行不受影响。

72、More photosynthate was translated to grains after flowering,and the flow was unimpeded between the sink and the source. ─── 花后光合产物用于籽粒充实的比例大,库源间流的通畅性好。

73、Also make the traffic road recover immediately unimpeded. ─── 也使交通道路马上恢复畅通。

74、Becourse nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on prajna paramita is unimpeded in his mind. ─── 故知般若波罗蜜多。大神咒。是大明咒。

75、Mobile office will make your career unimpeded, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. ─── 移动办公室将使你的事业畅通无阻,实现完全自由通信的梦想。

76、unimpeded transit ─── 畅通无阻的通行往来

77、Establishing Unimpeded System for Blind Children's School ─── 盲校无障碍体系构建

78、These make the blood veins unimpeded and relax bone joints and alleviate the symptom of Qi& Blood block. ─── 激活人体组织细胞,推动并加快全身气血循环与微循环,使血脉畅通、骨活络、改善气滞血瘀的症状。

79、When a TMS coil is activated near the scalp, an extremely powerful and rapidly changing magnetic field travels unimpeded through skin and bone. ─── 当TMS的线圈在头壳附近启动时,某个极为强大且快速变化的磁场就轻易穿越皮肤及头骨。

80、In order to guarantee the traffic flow of trunk road unimpeded, the signal control system should be analyzed to make it in coordination . ─── 为了保证主干路交通流的畅通,应对各个交叉口的信号进行系统分析和协调控制。

81、The seating surface has been designed to be flexible and orients itself parallel to the pilot - ideal for unimpeded take-off and ground handling. ─── 座板可随时与飞行员的身体保持平行的角度,这意味着无论是你在起飞时还是在地面控伞时都会感觉很舒适。

82、free and unimpeded trade ─── 自由顺畅的贸易

83、governed ultra guarantees unimpeded ─── 治超保畅

84、Yongning Township Government to the Hot Springs Road unimpeded, the flow of travellers between extremely convenient. ─── 永宁乡政府到温泉的公路畅通无阻,旅客往来极为方便。

85、a design goals : network-center, a world imprisoned in the absence of any fixed server circumstances, people can still unimpeded for peer-to-peer exchanges, transfer files, voice and video! ─── 在没有任何固定服务器的情况下,人们仍然可以畅通无阻的进行点对点的交流,传输文件,语音,视频等!

86、Entry to and exit from these lines of work appear unimpeded in the North China world they describe. ─── 在她们所描述的华北世界里,进入或退出这些行业都未受限制。

87、Reality today requires ethical justification for free inquiry and for unimpeded publication of fact rather than of opinion. ─── 今天的现实要求为新闻调查自由、为不受限制地发表事实而不是观点提供职业道德方面的合法性。

88、One couldn't help but notice that Rijkaard's stroppy stomp in the direction of the ref was miraculously unimpeded by stewards. Now, there's a thing. ─── 但让我禁不住注意的一点是,当里杰卡尔德蛮横的针对裁判时,场上并没有人阻止他,多么令人惊讶呀,这说明了一些问题!

89、Unimpeded Mode of Underground Space in the City Center ─── 城市中心区地下畅通模式探讨



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