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09-03 投稿


cauldron 发音

英:[?k??ldr?n]  美:[?k??ldr?n]

英:  美:

cauldron 中文意思翻译



cauldron 网络释义

n. 大汽锅,大锅;煮皂锅

cauldron 词性/词形变化,cauldron变形


cauldron 短语词组

1、cauldron discord ─── 大锅不和

2、cauldron mug ─── 大锅杯

3、lava cauldron ─── 熔岩火口湖

4、cauldron films ─── 釜式胶片

5、cauldron definition ─── 坩埚定义

6、cauldron clip art ─── 釜形剪贴画

cauldron 相似词语短语

1、chaldrons ─── n.煤量名

2、pauldron ─── n.护肩甲

3、pauldrons ─── 肩铠

4、caldrons ─── n.大锅;大汽锅

5、caldron ─── n.大锅;大汽锅

6、Sandron ─── n.桑德伦(等于Sandro,男子名)

7、cauldrife ─── adj.冷的;易受冻的

8、cauldrons ─── n.大汽锅,大锅;煮皂锅;坩锅

9、chaldron ─── n.煤量名

cauldron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The system of Burruchaga, a 4-4-2 nailed, is very I need: gives flight to Carrusca, Pavone and Cauldron. ─── 因此任何情况也有可能发生。球队已经开始为下赛季做准备了吗?是的。如果不经过努力,将一事无成。

2、Built into our table was a simmering cauldron of broth, into which we were to add side dishes and cook them until they were done. ─── 桌子中间嵌入一只汤锅,我们把一旁盘子里的食物倒进去煮熟就能吃了。

3、WHEN the internet took off in the1990 s, it was demonised as a steaming cauldron of porn. ─── 互联网在上世纪90年代兴起时被人诟病为淫秽内容的大熔炉。

4、Taufik Hidayat (L1) and other torchbearers kindle the Olympic cauldron with the sacred Olympic flame after the torch relay in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, April 22, 2008. ─── 4月22日,陶菲克(左一)等火炬手共同点燃圣火盆。当日,北京奥运会圣火传递活动在印度尼西亚雅加达举行。这是北京奥运会圣火境外传递的第十四站。

5、Stainless-steel reaction cauldron installed in Guangdong Shantou Hualin company. ─── 安装在广东汕头市华麟塑化公司不锈钢反应釜。

6、Olympic cauldron ─── 奥林匹克圣火台

7、Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine And Iraq In A Marxist Mirror ─── 东方大熔炉:马克思主义者眼中的伊斯兰、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦和伊拉克

8、Several men were thrown into a boiling cauldron. ─── 几个人被扔进滚水锅中。

9、medical thermostat water bath cauldron ─── 医用恒温水浴锅

10、Place a mat on the table, secure any small children and ceremoniously bring the cauldron to the table and place it in the center.Make sure you have a big ladle. ─── 在桌上铺上垫子,确定所有年幼的小孩子都被妥善照管无虞,慎重地将大釜移到桌中间,确定你有个大汤杓。

11、The words "if the king said"in the table of Lai tripod cauldron refer that the ministerial dukes reigned in the name of King Li. ─── ?鼎铭文中的“王若曰”是执政诸侯以厉王的名议在行政。

12、Because in the roiling cauldron of activity that governs galaxy formation, some stars go supernova. ─── 宇宙这口不断搅动的大锅控制着星系的形成,有些星体转变成了超新星。

13、And he would thrust it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot; all that the fork brought up, the priest took with it. ─── 14将叉子插入盆里,或鼎里,或釜里,或锅里;叉子所插上来的,祭司都取了去。

14、Chinese media reports have speculated that the cauldron will be lit by a fire-breathing dragon or phoenix. ─── 中国媒体推测圣火盆将由一条喷火的巨龙或者凤凰点燃。

15、vertical steaming and stir-frying cauldron ─── n. 立式蒸炒锅

16、Look, do you see that large cauldron of water which I am obliged to keep on the fire! ─── 瞧,你看见那一大锅水了吗?我不得不一直生火烧。

17、In the morning at 10:30, international boxing athlete Li Bin, the last torchbearer of Chongqing, lit up the cauldron. ─── 上午10时30分,国际级拳击运动健将、重庆传递最后一名火炬手李斌,将圣火盆点燃。

18、Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows. ─── 九根木头在大锅炉里面,猛烈或缓慢地燃烧着它们。火焰里的桦树在描绘出女神所知道的事。

19、In addition, "The Deer and the Cauldron," the game developers trying to meet the players in the pursuit of diversity, functional set, visual effects, games and so have better strategies. ─── “我们已经进入了寒冬,但是寒冬究竟有多长?刚开始还是接近尾声?”春秋航空发言人张磊的话代表了航空业高管的心声。

20、The Chinese are certainly not happy about the disposals, with the Bank of China reportedly saying it would remember “those who extracted the firewood from under the cauldron” in the middle of winter. ─── 中资银行肯定也不高兴老东家走,中国银行最近发表声明说,它会记住那些“雪中撤炭”的人。

21、Another exciting possibility is that Titan might be a cauldron for extraterrestrial life. ─── 另一个让人兴奋的可能事件是提坦可能是外星生物的大锅炉。

22、Your symbols are the athame, torch, scourge, key and the cauldron. ─── 匕首、火炬、鞭子、钥匙与斧子是您的象征。

23、Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. ─── 九根木头在大锅炉里面,猛烈或缓慢地燃烧着它们。

24、She lit the tallest-ever Olympic cauldron, which rises to 57 meters. ─── 她点燃了有史以来最高的奥运火炉。

25、And we'll be joining up with additional security at the Leaky Cauldron too. ─── 与另外的安全措施结合起来。

26、5.2 rotation cauldron door handle opens the cauldron gate, will need the dewaxing the form to load the dewaxing cauldron special-purpose car artificially, thrusts in the dewaxing cauldron the car. ─── 5.2 转动釜门手柄打开釜门,人工将需要脱蜡的模壳装入脱蜡釜专用的小车,将小车 推入脱蜡釜中。

27、Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to conjure a Major Frost Protection Potion. Cauldron has 25 uses and lasts for 5 min. ─── 使用:在炼金师身边制造一个药锅,你所属的小队或团队中的友方单位可以使用药锅获取特效冰霜防护药水,药锅在被使用25次或5分钟或后消失。(翻译版)

28、10.To the conscious ego, Freud added the “super-ego”, which corresponds to conscience, and the “Id”, a cauldron of diverse untamed instincts and drives operating unconsciously. ─── 在自我之外,弗洛伊德加上了代表良心的“超我”,与不知羞耻的伊底相对应,而“伊底”(或本我)是一大锅各种各样的未经驯服的本能和驱力在无意识地运作。

29、Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to conjure a Major Nature Protection Potion. Cauldron has 25 uses and lasts for 5 min. ─── 使用:在炼金师身边制造一个药锅,你所属的小队或团队中的友方单位可以使用药锅获取特效自然防护药水,药锅在被使用25次或5分钟或后消失。(翻译版)

30、caldron; cauldron ─── 大锅

31、Ever since, the lighting of the Olympic cauldron has become the most hallowed moment of the Olympic Games. ─── 从那以后,奥运圣火的点燃就成了奥运会最激动人心的时刻。

32、Disturbed as a Boiling cauldron ─── 乱如鼎沸

33、The cauldron of 1964 was lit by Christl Haas (Alpine skiing) and the 1976 flame was ignited by Josef Feistmantl(Luge). ─── 1964年的火炬塔由高山滑雪运动员哈斯点燃,1976年的火炬塔由雪橇运动员法伊斯特曼特尔点燃。

34、In Harry's third year, they are staying at the Leaky Cauldron and use Ministry of Magic cars to get to King's Cross. ─── 在哈利三年级时,他们待在破釜酒吧,并使用魔法部的汽车到达国王十字车站。

35、Harry Potter( mail): All students must be equipped with one standard size2 pewter cauldron and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat or a toad. ─── 哈利·特()所有学生都必须准备一个标准尺寸的白蜡大釜,可自由携带一只猫头鹰,猫,或是蟾蜍。

36、Historical records, the Yellow Emperor invented artifacts have clothes, well, ball and socket, cauldron caldron, palace, ox cart, Zhou Ji, bows and arrows, tombs, books, deeds and so on. ─── 史载,黄帝发明的器物有衣裳、水井、杵臼、釜甑、宫室、牛车、舟楫、弓箭、墓葬、书契等等。

37、reactive cauldron ─── 反应釜

38、There was also one in room 11 of the Leaky Cauldron when Harry stayed there which spoke in a wheezy voice. ─── 在哈利住的破斧酒吧11号房间里也有一面说话声音老态龙钟的镜子。

39、Supplies you will need: two black candles, cauldron, paper and pen. ─── 你将需要:两个黑色蜡烛、大锅、纸和笔。

40、A cauldron can carry a lot of books (CS) so it must be a lot bigger [/COLOR] on the inside than it is on the outside. ─── 一只坩埚可以搬运很多的书(密室)所以坩埚的内部一定比外表看上去大[/COLOR]的多。

41、China is BubBling like a cauldron ─── 中原鼎沸

42、An admixture of wealth, rivalry and instability has made the Middle East a brimming cauldron of the trade, accounting for a third of the world's arms deals. ─── 中东地区既拥有巨大的财富,又充满敌对和动荡不安,自然成为军火生意的兴旺市场,成交额占世界武器交易总额的三分之一。

43、They used the method of removing the burning brands from under the boiling cauldron. ─── 他们使用了釜底抽薪的办法。

44、In the town centre, men and children squatted around a Sufi cleric who sold bright yellow saffron rice from a big cauldron. ─── 在市中心,男人和孩子围着从大锅里卖嫩黄红花饭的苏菲派牧士蹲着。

45、Believe me, if I truly thought that witchcraft would help me smite my enemies, I'd be slaving over a hot cauldron right now. ─── 如果我真的觉得魔法可以帮助我对付敌人的话,我现在会围着热腾腾的坩锅团团转的...[/B

46、The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion. ─── 体育场内群情沸腾。

47、This Beijing 2008 Olympic Cauldron Collector's Edition is made by authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. ─── 北京2008年奥运会圣火盆(珍藏版)经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。

48、According to Long, is rising sun, the moon and air campaign, the wind blowing, falling like a seething cauldron. ─── 上午九时举行开业典礼。是时旭日朗照,睛空万里、金风习习、人气鼎沸。

49、But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub. ─── 不过,他还没有忘情到看不见王龙满不在乎地把水从铁锅里一个劲儿地往一个挺深的木桶里倒。

50、The motto is engraved on a cauldron. ─── 口号被刻在一个火炬塔上。

51、He will light the cauldron with the torch and release white doves which symbolize peace. ─── 他会用圣火点燃圣火台,接著释放代表和平的白鸽。

52、The first stage in cheesemaking is to heat the milk in a vat or cauldron to 32 degrees (90 degrees F), stirring constantly. ─── 奶酪制作的第一阶段是在大桶或大锅中把牛奶加热到32度,同时不停地搅拌。

53、The largest, known as the Cauldron, hosted the best combatants, and war barons and generals would attend, to seek out the soldiers that would win them their wars. ─── 其中最大的被称为“大锅角斗场”,拥有最好的战士。军阀和将军会在这里寻找能为他们赢得战争的士兵。

54、All Below heaven are Boiling like a cauldron ─── 天下鼎沸

55、The 150 men from Ranpur and two neighboring hamlets were told to pick a copper ring from a cauldron of boiling oil. ─── 从兰普尔村和附近村庄调查出来的150名嫌疑人被要求从滚烫的油锅中捞出一只铜铃。

56、sleeved reactive cauldron ─── 夹套反应釜

57、He makes the deep boil like a cauldron; He makes the sea like a pot of ointment. ─── 31??股钤??鋈绻??寡蠛H绻?蟹刑诘母嘤汀

58、The business world has always been a cauldron of personal animosity, and those animosities have been particularly intense in Silicon Valley. ─── 商业世界从来就不缺个人恩怨,在硅谷尤其如此。

59、He ran over to a neighbour's house to borrow a cauldron. ─── 他匆匆到邻居家去借一口大锅。

60、Simuwu cauldron ─── 司母戊鼎

61、Voices of the people like the BubBling of a cauldron ─── 人声鼎沸

62、Today, Leaky Cauldron reader Jeff reports two new titles have been trademarked by the same people. ─── 他们叫 哈利波特与为了霍格瓦茨的战争, 和 哈利波特与最后的被揭露的真相。

63、Supporters are allowed to bring flags and banners to Wednesday night's Champions League quarter-final decider against Roma, in order to help turn Old Trafford into a cauldron of noise and colour. ─── 为了让老特拉福德变成一个喧闹的红色坩埚,球迷可以在星期三晚上同罗马的欧洲冠军杯决战中带上旗帜和标语.

64、"A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love" ─── 一锅火热的爱

65、The earthenware which appears together with the ashes concluded initially is cauldron which the life uses. ─── 与灰烬一道出现的陶器初步断定是生活用的釜。”

66、Second, between two water well close's more than 100 meters, some 78 ashes, from a cauldron kind of pottery shard can also conclude that is the Han Dynasty. ─── 二是两口水井相距的100多米之间,有七八处灰烬,从釜一类的陶片上也能断定是汉代的。

67、She reverently touched a 500-year-old iron cauldron in a room that served as a classroom in Hogwarts, the wizards' school that Harry Potter attends. ─── 在一间屋子里她轻轻地触摸着一个有着500年历史的大锅炉,这间屋子被用来当做霍格沃茨的一间教室,霍格沃茨就是哈利所就读的巫师学校。

68、All along the route, and in a large crowd at the cauldron lighting, red Chinese national flags vastly outnumbered Australian flags or banners from any other nation along the route. ─── 在火炬传递过程中,在点燃圣火盆现场的人潮中,火红的中国国旗远远超过了澳大利亚国旗和其他任何国家的横幅标语。

69、To becut and mained by knife and Boiled in a cauldron ─── 刀锯鼎镬

70、Harry dumps an entire collection of Lockhart's books into Ginny's cauldron, for example.And apparently it didn't get too heavy for an eleven-year-old to carry as a result (CS4). ─── 举个例子,哈利把收藏的洛哈特的书全部都扔到了金妮的大釜里。

71、Terror of the lecher , hope of the mad recluse : The Sky ! Black cover of the great cauldron In which boils vast, imperceptible Humanity . ─── 纵欲者的恐惧,疯隐士的希望:天空!那口大锅的黑色盖子锅中沸煮着无数渺小的人类。

72、Then there was a great scraping of chairs and the next moment, Harry found himself shaking hands with everyone in the Leaky Cauldron. ─── 一阵椅子划过地板的声音之后,哈利发现自己正在和“破釜酒吧”里的每一个人握手。

73、"The only explanation that I can give is that they felt the need to throw into the cauldron other teams beyond Juventus." ─── "我能给的唯一解释就是他们觉得需要一些球队和尤文一起受罚."

74、Everyone crowded around a huge cauldron of boiling sap ─── 大家都围挤在一个熬枫浆的大锅旁。

75、Mexican hurdler Enriqueta Basilio became the first woman to light the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony. ─── 墨西哥跨栏选手巴希里奥成为了首位在奥运会开幕式上点燃火炬的女性。

76、A cauldron of milk, a woman hung upside-down, a live snake extracted from her mouth. ─── 一大锅牛奶、一名倒挂的女人,从她的嘴中用力拽出一条活蛇。

77、Chinese NBA star Yao Ming will carry the torch to ignite a ceremonial cauldron before a celebration at the palace, organizers said. ─── 中国NBA球星姚明将带着火炬点燃仪式主火炬,随后是在颐和园的庆祝活动.

78、a witch's cauldron ─── 女巫的大锅

79、The syrup cauldron consists of canlaron body,stirrer,motor and reducer,heat preservation device,etc. ─── 奶糖搅拌锅:由锅体、搅拌浆、减速电机、保温箱组成;

80、The second year students were making this when Harry threw a firecracker into Goyle's cauldron to create a diversion. ─── 二年级学生在制作肿胀药水,这时哈利往高尔的坩埚里扔了一个烟火,转移了大家的注意力。

81、Use: Creates a cauldron that raid members can use to conjure a Major Fire Protection Potion. Cauldron has 25 uses and lasts for 5 min. ─── 使用:在炼金师身边制造一个药锅,你所属的小队或团队中的友方单位可以使用药锅获取特效暗影防护药水,药锅在被使用25次或5分钟或后消失。(翻译版)

82、Medical thermostat water bath cauldron is widely used in clinic,but its temperature control is not accurate.This paper presents a digitalized revolution on medical thermostat water bath cauldron. ─── 医用恒温水浴锅在临床上使用广泛,但控温不准,针对此情况特进行数控化技术革新。

83、Crackling cauldron in some train yard ─── 倒进火车车厢中

84、A cauldron can carry a lot of books( CS) so it must be a lot bigger[/ COLOR] on the inside than it is on the outside. ─── 一只坩埚可以搬运很多的书(室)以坩埚的内部一定比外表看上去大[COLOR]多。

85、what would happen to Yugoslavia, a cauldron of diverse ethnic provinces, which had been held together by the iron will of Marshal Tito; ─── 南斯拉夫会变成怎样?这个国家由不同民族的大行政区构成,因为有了铁托元帅铁的意志才联合在了一起。

86、If we gain in the Cauldron, will be average it Ties the one that will have. ─── 如果我们这场赢了,我们就会几乎可以拿到冠军。

87、Digitalized revolution on medical thermostat water bath cauldron ─── 医用恒温水浴锅的数控化革新

88、Councillor Paul Rowen, Councillor Jones’ party boss, said: "This is just a storm in a cauldron and has been blown out of proportion. ─── “我全力支持那些努力经营此类活动的人们,我们也已经收到五六封表支持态度的信了。”






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