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09-03 投稿


ameliorates 发音

英:[??mi?li?re?ts]  美:[??mi?li?re?ts]

英:  美:

ameliorates 中文意思翻译




ameliorates 同义词

improve | upgrade | enrich | enhance | better | amend | meliorate | promote | perfect

ameliorates 短语词组

1、ameliorates synonym ─── 改进同义词

2、ameliorates defined ─── 改善定义

3、ameliorates define ─── 改善定义

4、ameliorates def ─── 改善def

5、ameliorates meaning ─── 改善意义

6、ameliorates mean ─── 改善平均值

7、ameliorates crossword ─── 改善纵横字谜

8、ameliorates definition ─── 改善定义

ameliorates 词性/词形变化,ameliorates变形

动词过去式: ameliorated |动词现在分词: ameliorating |动词第三人称单数: ameliorates |动词过去分词: ameliorated |

ameliorates 反义词


ameliorates 相似词语短语

1、meliorate ─── vi.改善;改良;变好;vt.改善;改良;变好

2、ameliorate ─── vt.改善;减轻(痛苦等);改良;vi.变得更好

3、ameliorated ─── v.使……变好,改善(meliorate的过去式和过去分词)

4、ameliorator ─── n.改良物;改良者

5、amelioration ─── n.改进,改善

6、meliorated ─── vi.改善;改良;变好;vt.改善;改良;变好

7、ameliorating ─── vt.改善;减轻(痛苦等);改良;vi.变得更好

8、meliorates ─── vi.改善;改良;变好;vt.改善;改良;变好

9、ameliorations ─── n.改进,改善

ameliorates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What does the expression of depressed disease have? Does the person have dualism case? Why when the speed that the mood ameliorates does not have addle so fast? ─── 抑郁症的表现有哪些?人都有双重性格么?为什么心情变好的速度没有变坏的时候那么快?

2、Numerous studies demonstrate a positive correlation between chronic diseases and obesity, and weight reduction prevents or ameliorates the presence or the severity of the diseases. ─── 摘要体重过重或肥胖常与许多慢性疾病的发生或严重程度有正相关,而减重可使其疾病症状减轻或消除。

3、The very act of replacing open parking lots and rotting piers with green space is regenerative and ameliorates the "heat island" effect. ─── 绿地取代了原来的开放式停车场和破败的码头,有助于缓解和改善城市的热岛效应。

4、How to make the mood ameliorates? ─── 怎样使心情变好?

5、enables efficient erythropoiesis,and ameliorates ESA resistance in the setting of iron deficiency, ─── 实现高效率红细胞,和在设置缺铁改善红血球生成刺激剂的抵抗,

6、Their simplicity ameliorates some of the communication challenges of global, virtual-solution delivery teams. ─── 它们的简单性改善了全球地域分布的风险,和虚拟解决方案交付团队。

7、Growth hormone and fibrin glue ameliorates healing of hormone ─── 生长激素

8、If myopic now can appear degree drops, where is the circumstance that glasses ameliorates ? ? ─── 如果现在近视了会不会出现度数下降,眼镜变好的情况呢??

9、RAAR ameliorates GAIMD in receiver ends and has good smoothness of sending rate and fairness with competing TCP flows. ─── RAAR在接收端对GAIMD进行了改进,使得它有良好的速率平滑性以及能够与竞争的TCP流公平地分享带宽.

10、How does ability make the mood ameliorates dot! The thing that remembers those irritated hearts occasionally very irritated! Should how does ability make him happy? ─── 怎么才能使心情变好点!想起那些烦心的事有时候很就烦!该怎么才能使自己开心呢?

11、Charity ameliorates, it softens blows, it pours oil on troubled waters. ─── 在困难时期,这无疑是一种力量和支撑的源泉,但是也正是由于慈善才抑制了社会改革的进行。

12、By importing advanced producing equipments、 our company ameliorates and consummates the quality of productions、 and administers strict bylaw both to the technique and after service. ─── 公司通过引进先进的生产设备、不断改进和提高产品的质量、并且从技术到售后服务都有严格的规章制度。

13、Simvastatin treatment ameliorates autoimmune disease associated with accelerated atherosclerosis in a murine lupus model ─── 在狼疮鼠模型上,辛伐他汀疗法能改善并发快速动脉粥样硬化的自身免疫性疾病

14、Blockade of intrathoracic lymphatic flow significantly ameliorates intestinal bacterial translocation in rats with obstructive jaundice ─── 阻断淋巴通道对梗阻性黄疸大鼠肠道细菌易位的影响

15、Conclusion: Pentoxifyline significantly ameliorates the symptoms of CIA rats, and inhibits the development of inflammatory swelling.PTX can significantly decrease the serum TNF-a level. ─── 结论: PTX对大鼠CIA关节炎具有缓解症状、抑制炎症肿胀的作用,PTX能够显著降低血清TNF-a水平。

16、By importing advanced producing equipments, our company ameliorates and consummates the quality of productions, and administers strict bylaw both to the technique and after service. ─── 公司通过引进先进的生产设备,不断改进和提高产品的质量,并且从技术到售后服务都有严格的规章制度。

17、It ameliorates wrinkles, dry and dark skins, diminishes pores, giving your skin a natural, youthful appearance. ─── 长期使用,提高肌肤含水量,毛孔细小,皮肤细致光滑,白里透红。

18、Spironolactone ameliorates renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis of rat unilateral ureteral obstruction model ─── 螺内酯抑制大鼠单侧输尿管梗阻后肾间质纤维化

19、The opto-function obviously ameliorates. ─── 双眼视功能较术前明显改善。

20、What method makes the skin ameliorates? ─── 有什么办法使皮肤变好?

21、Mildronate [3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate dehydrate] is a new type of cardioprotective agent,which ameliorates cardiac function during ischemia by modulating myocardial energy metabolism. ─── 米屈肼为新型心肌能量代谢改善药,它通过改善心肌的代谢而增加心肌对缺血和/或再灌性损伤的耐受,从而对缺血心脏产生明显的保护作用。

22、This paper investigates whether managed care ameliorates or aggravates ethnic and racial health care disparities in Medicare. ─── 本文研究是否设法减轻或加重照顾民族和种族差异的保健医疗。

23、Red Mold Rice Ameliorates Impairment of Memory and Learning Ability in Intracerebroventricular Amyloid Beta-infused Rat by Repressing Amyloid Beta Accumulation. ─── 红麴山药降血脂、抗氧化与抑制动脉粥状硬化复合性保健功效之研究。中华民国。

24、The prohibition of felling wildwood ameliorates ecological environment on one hand, but it brings about the problem of an acute fuel shortage for the farmers living on mountains on the other band. ─── 摘要天然林禁采禁伐一方面极大地促进了生态环境的改善,另一方面也使居住在高半山的农村居民面临生活所需燃料极度匮乏的困境。

25、Foundations of various flames model that domestic and international scholar building up are summarized,and some ameliorates are bring forward on the bases of particles system method. ─── 在总结了国内外学者所建立的各种火焰模拟方法的基础上,基于粒子系统模型,对传统粒子系统的火焰模型进行了一些改进。

26、The second part expounds that LiHongzhang, ameliorates the army s weapon and equipment, develops the army scomprehensive quality and promotes the modernization process of ZhiLi army. ─── (二)论述李鸿章督直期间改良淮系防军及练军的武器装备,提高陆军综合素质,推进直隶陆军走向近代化。

27、Atorvastatin Improves Cardiac Lipid Metabolism in Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats and Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy ─── 阿托伐他汀改善自发性高血压大鼠的心肌脂质代谢和抑制心肌肥厚

28、Whether to drink red jujube water for long to you can make the skin ameliorates? ─── 长时间喝红枣水是否可以使皮肤变好?

29、If myopic now can appear degree drops, where is the circumstance that glasses ameliorates? ? ─── 如果现在近视了会不会出现度数下降,眼镜变好的情况呢??

30、The Study on Preconditioning with Diazoxide Ameliorates Neurological Injury in the Early Period Induced by Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest ─── 二氮嗪预处理对深低温停循环脑早期保护作用的实验研究

31、The results of hot test show that this ameliorates measure can solve high temperature corrosion problem. ─── 经过实炉的热态实验表明,该文所提出的改造方案,能够解决高温腐蚀问题。

32、According to this calculation method, japanese government discovers at that time although GDP year grow 8.5 % , after subtract pollution ameliorates cost, have 5.8 % only in fact. ─── 根据这计算方法,日本政府发现当时虽然GDP年增长8.5%,扣掉污染改善成本后,事实上只有5.

33、Conclusion: Earlier rehabilitation therapy obviously ameliorates motor function and increase quality of life in ACVA patients. ─── 结论:早期康复能明显地改善急性脑卒中患者的运动功能,提高生命质量。

34、To find the right way to explain alarm signal,this paper ameliorates the previous function,then simply introduces the approach of fault diagnosis. ─── 对以前的目标函数进行了改进,此外简单介绍了采用遗传算法进行故障诊断的步骤。

35、Ameliorates both the time complexity and the space complexity Third, introduces the new development of timed automaton that is event-recording automata, event-predicting and event-clock automata. ─── 接着介绍了时间自动机的最新进展,即有关事件记录自动机,事件预测自动机以及事件时钟自动机。

36、On the basis of that, this paper ameliorates to form an improved method, namely, ameliorated advancing front approach (AAFA) as the algorithm of triangular mesh generation. ─── 选择一种方法即边界推进算法,在此基础上提出了一种改进的边界推进算法,作为本论文生成三角形网格的算法。

37、Yol S, Ozer S, Aksoy F, et al. Whole gut washout ameliorates the progression of acute experimental pancreatitis [J]. Am J Surg,2000,180(2): 121. ─── 王兴鹏.重视肠道衰竭在重症急性胰腺炎发病中的作用[J].中华消化杂志2002,21(2):5.

38、Results of analysis and experiments show that this method strengthens the details of edges and ameliorates visual effect obviously. ─── 分析和仿真结果表明,该法能够较好地突出图像的边缘细节信息,明显地改善图像的视觉效果。

39、How can you make Morpheus ameliorates? ─── 怎么样能使睡眠变好?

40、Objective To study whether pioglitazone therapy ameliorates endothelial dysfunction in pre-diabetic patients and the mechanism of it. ─── 目的观察吡格列酮治疗糖尿病前期患者血管内皮细胞功能的变化及其可能的机制。

41、The text mostly do a successful example on Yunxi ofHeitai Gold,It explain theory and method to one silo directional of the blind silo,and make some ameliorates to one one silo directiona. ─── 主要以河台金矿云西矿区盲竖井定向成功为实例,说明盲竖井一井定向原理及方法,并对一井定向方法作了一定的改进。

42、Conclusion We came to the conclusion that octreotide ameliorates the clinical symptoms and signs, decreases the incidence of complications in patients with ANP. ─── 结论奥曲肽能有效降低血清淀粉酶和腹腔液淀粉酶的活性,改善临床症状,降低并发症的发生率。

43、In general,self-regulation declines the "good" efficacy of inner-stressor,ameliorates the "bad" efficacy of ex-stressor. ─── 总体来说,自我调控减少了内源压力的“良”性作用,改善了外源压力的“劣”性作用。

44、How to make eyesight ameliorates? ─── 怎样使视力变好?

45、So that the design ameliorates its elimination of heat,and has taken effectively measures to depress noise. ─── 同时也采取了更有效的降低噪声措施。

46、Its bore was designed that looked like axial fan.So that the design ameliorates its elimination of heat,and has taken effectively measures to depress noise. ─── 其特点在于将隔声罩内腔设计成更接近轴流风机气流通道的形状,从而改善散热性能;

47、Although such a response ameliorates the risk of passivity or an inappropriately aggressive reaction to possible repudiation, it dose not entirely eliminate it. ─── 虽然担保的确能在一定程度上降低预见方被动等待的风险及当事人故意违约的可能性,但这种风险和可能性却无法得到根除。

48、How can you make the mood ameliorates? ─── 怎样会使心情变好?

49、We'll look at how that plug-in system works by developing a standalone module that ameliorates some of the horrors of working with XML. ─── 我们将会了解那个插件系统如何通过开发一个独立模块来运行,改善使用XML的一些担心。

50、Marini M.Bamias G.Rivera-Nieves J.Cominelli F TNF-alpha neutralization ameliorates the severity of murine Crohn's-like ileitis by abrogation of intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis 2003 ─── 李哲.袁守军.聂丽平.田增月.徐兰平.韩昌明青蒿琥酯诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡与抑制存活蛋白表达有关[期刊论文]-中国临床药理学与治疗学2004(6

51、The paper ameliorates MC algorithm by reducing the number of triangles.The ameliorated algorithm merges the output facets into large coplanar polygon with little damage to quality of 3D model. ─── 本文改进了该方法,将三维表面的重建和简化过程融为一体,在等值面的生成过程中就自适应的完成了面片合并,从而在损失精度很小的情况下获得了更适合交互显示的简化模型。

52、When the mood is bad, with what can the method make the mood ameliorates? ─── 心情不好的时候,用什么方法可以使心情变好?

53、Modern civilization destroys conventional national cultures rapidly while it ameliorates the subsistence quality of human being. ─── 现代文明在改善着人的生存质量的同时,也在迅速消解着传统的民族文化。

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