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09-03 投稿



inroads 发音

英:[??nr??dz]  美:[??n?ro?dz]

英:  美:

inroads 中文意思翻译



inroads 词性/词形变化,inroads变形


inroads 短语词组

1、make inroads ─── 侵犯进入进军入 ─── 侵

2、make inroads into a country ─── [法] 侵袭某一得国家

3、make inroads on ─── 侵占, 耗去

4、inroads into ─── 侵入到……

5、make inroads into ─── 侵占, 耗去

inroads 相似词语短语

1、B roads ─── n.河流的浅而宽处(broad的复数)

2、onloads ─── v.装载;输入,装入(文件)

3、inros ─── 印度卢比

4、byroads ─── n.侧道;间道;小路

5、B-roads ─── n.河流的浅而宽处(broad的复数)

6、Broads ─── n.河流的浅而宽处(broad的复数)

7、A roads ─── A道路

8、A-roads ─── A道路

9、inroad ─── n.侵袭,袭击;减少

inroads 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their products are already making inroads in these new markets. ─── 他们的产品成功进入了这些新的市场。

2、Hospital bills had made deep inroads into her savings. ─── 住院的花销用去她一大笔积蓄。

3、But he predicted that the opposition was not going to make much inroad into Umno strongholds. ─── 对于我国的民主进程,他提出了“制度化,捉鬼,提升民主意识”。

4、At a time when dishonesty and selfishness seem to be making inroads into American life, Mazur’s selflessness set him apart as a role model. ─── 当狡诈与自私似乎正侵蚀美国社会的今天,麦哲的无私精神让他脱俗而成为典范。

5、Ms Tymoshenko is less territorial: most of her voters live in central Ukraine, but in this election she has made inroads in both east and west. ─── 季莫申科则较少本土化,她的选民大多数集中在乌克兰中部,但是在这次选举中她在东部和西部都有“斩获”。

6、Steel siding is available the world over, and quickly making inroads into the larger vinyl and aluminum industries. ─── 不过,这种敲边处理对地板面层要求严格,如果太薄,经过敲边,容易造成地板开裂。

7、Obama had trouble winning working class support in his primary battles with former rival Hillary Clinton, but pollster Clay Richards says he appears to be making some inroads. ─── 奥巴马在赢得工作一族的支持上不如他的前对手希拉里,但是他看来正在有所行动,

8、Women with keen intelligent minds are making inroads in formerly male-dominated occupations. ─── 具有敏锐心智的女子正在进入以前男性占绝对优势的职业中。

9、But President Bush made significant inroads among Hispanics in his successful president bids. ─── 但是布什总统在他成功的总统竞选中获得了大量拉美裔的支持。

10、He was asked about the inroads Taliban militants have been able to make in rural parts of Afghanistan . ─── 记者问他关于塔利班激进分子能够在阿富汗农村地区开展活动的问题。

11、Microsoft is going to make inroads into the design market ─── 微软将进军设计市场

12、make inroads into ─── 侵袭侵入

13、Overseas contribution is expected to grow significantly as the company makes inroads into major economies. ─── 海外捐款预计大幅增长,使该公司成为主要经济体中取得进展。

14、In Manhattan, the borough president, Ruth Messinger, worked hard for me, as did her young aide, Marty Rouse, who helped me make inroads into the gay community. ─── 在曼哈顿区,区长露丝.梅辛杰卖力地为我拉选票,她年轻的助手马蒂.劳斯也是如此,帮我打入了同性恋社会。

15、The refiner, which controls nearly a third of South Korea's oil market, has recently stepped up its efforts to make inroads into China in order to make up for sluggish domestic sales. ─── 为了弥补国内销售的停滞,这家控制着韩国近三分之一油料市场的炼油商,最近加快了向中国进发的步伐。

16、Sportswear and equipment manufacturers have been making inroads in the past few years. ─── 体育服装和涂育用品生产商在过去的几年中有了很大发展。

17、The company is starting to make inroads into the lucrative soft-drinks market. ─── 公司开始对赚钱的无酒精饮料市场做出努力。

18、The expenses of her illness made inroads upon the money that she had saved. ─── 她治病花去的开销用去了不少她的积蓄。

19、O. had trouble winning working class support in his primary battles with former rival Hillary Clinton, but pollster C.R. says he appears to be making some inroads. ─── 与前对手希拉里克林顿对决时没有把握赢得工人阶层的支持,但是民意调查专家C.R.称他正在取得一些进展。

20、Education is not the only area in which China is making inroads in Central and Eastern Europe. ─── 在东欧和中欧,中国的影响力可不仅仅局限于教育领域。

21、A radically different scheme known as continuously variable transmission (CVT) has lurked in the background for 50 years, however, and has recently made inroads in small and midsize cars and in hybrid vehicles. ─── 另有一种截然不同的设计,称为无段自动变速系统(CVT),50年来一直鲜少被注意,最近开始出现在中小型汽车和混合动力车辆上。

22、The implementation of CEPA will help our enterprises make further inroads into the Mainland market. ─── CEPA的实施,将有助香港企业进一步拓展内地市场。

23、Obama had trouble winning working class support in his primary battles with formal former arrival Hillary Clinton. But Pollster Clay Richards says he appears to be making some inroads. ─── 奥巴马与上阶段竞争者希拉里争夺工人阶级支持率时碰到了一些麻烦,不过民意调查专家理查德称他似乎将开展一系列的进攻措施。

24、Private entrepreneurs in China have made substantial inroads into the steel sector in the past decade, usually by buying up and restructuring tottering state-owned firms like Tonghua. ─── 2005年,私有的建龙集团首次提议收购通钢。建龙是中国最大的私营钢铁企业之一。

25、The havoc that months had previously wrought was now emulated by the inroads of hours. ─── 前几个月已经使他垮下来,如今更是一小时一小时地在恶化。

26、make inroads on crop ─── 侵害农作物

27、Already the children have make considerable inroad on the food ─── 孩子们早已吃掉不少食物

28、Citing an example, he said Petronas made inroads into Uzbekistan in 1994 but went in aggressively in 2004. ─── 他举例说,马来西亚国家石油公司进军乌兹别克斯坦于1994年,但在积极地去在2004年。

29、Amy Woo, "China-Health: AIDS makes Deadly Inroads in the Hinterlands," Inter Press Service (New Delhi), 24 April 1997; in Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, 24 April 1997, http://www.lexisnexis.com . ─── 4月7日在世界卫生日的纪念会上,卫生部长陈敏章说“艾滋病现在正在中国流行”。

30、inroad n. ─── 侵略;侵害;

31、Today's paper artists have made accelerated inroads into other realms like fashion design and product design. ─── 向读者展示了图案设计领域的最新趋势,书中还包括特别为本书设计的作品。

32、Doctors are making great inroads in the fight against cancer. ─── 在抗癌的战斗中医生正取得重大进展。

33、But President Bush made significant inroads among Hispanics and his successful presidential bids.He won more than 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004. ─── 但是布什为其成功的总统竞选在拉美裔内部做出了重大的突破,在2004年他获得了40%的拉美裔投票。

34、He was an honest man, oppressed by the inroads of dissent. ─── 他是个诚实的人,为不信教者的侵蚀所苦恼。

35、The little rusticities and awkwardnesses which had at first made grievous inroads on the tranquility of all, and not least of herself, necessarily wore awa... ─── 她起初引起大家议论纷纷,并使自己忐忑不安的那些小小的粗俗无知和笨拙,自然而然地消失了。

36、Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt. ─── 增加税收已使国债有所减少。

37、make inroad into sb.'s life ─── 干预某人的生活

38、Meanwhile digital presses make inroads in volume runs. ─── 同时数码印刷机的推出,以数量计分。

39、This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation,educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time. ─── 以物质平衡方式和不定态水侵公式等油藏工程理论为基础,得出无水期采收率和油藏见水时间的计算公式。

40、The company acquired several Chinese brands as a way to make inroads into the market quickly. ─── 为了尽快打入市场,该公司先后收购了好几个中国眼镜品牌。

41、We can't just be happy to be the best in Oceania and expect to make any inroads in terms of recognition.We need to be proving ourselves on stages like this one. ─── “我们不会安逸于我们是大洋洲的霸主,希望能通过比赛我们被世人所认识,我们希望在这样的舞台证明自己。”

42、Their resent economic difficulties have caused serious inroads to be made into their gold and currency reserves. ─── 他们最近的经济困难造成他们黄金储备和货币储备严重削减。

43、In the realm of Jewish culture, books on Jewish subjects that have been translated into Chinese have succeeded in making inroads among the broad public. ─── 在犹太的文化的领域, 在在宽广的公众之中做袭击在那已经被翻译成汉语的犹太的对象上的书已经成功。

44、inroads on one's health ─── 使某人的健康受到损害

45、Abroad, Western powers were making ominous inroads. ─── 国外,西方势力露出侵略的野心。

46、"The militants have been making inroads into Peshawar for many months, if not longer, and I do not think anything happened necessarily in Peshawar happened that was new this week to prompt this. ─── 他说:“激进分子侵占白沙瓦的情况至少已经持续了几个月了,我不认为这个星期白沙瓦一定发生了什么新的事情激化了目前的局面。

47、"The used book market doesn't seem to have made the inroads into the new book market we initially feared, " he said. ─── 二手图书市场并不是我们最初恐惧的那样,它并未对新书出版市场造成多大冲击。

48、For those companies that have made inroads over several years, the Games represented a moment for people worldwide to wake up to the potential of China as a business and leisure destination. ─── 对于那些几年来已进入中国的公司而言,北京奥运会就是这样一个市口:全世界的人民都将意识到,中国作为商务和休闲目的地具有巨大的潜力。

49、Already the children had made considerable inroads on the food. ─── 孩子们早已吃掉不少食物。

50、Post-modernism and the Social Science: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions ─── 后现代主义和社会科学:洞察、袭击和侵扰

51、NSS is making a very major inroad in both GSM and CDMA. ─── 其他部门也呈现良好的发展形势。

52、The long illness made serious inroads into his savings. ─── 他长期患病使他耗去许多积蓄。

53、The peasants sprayed pesticides to prevent the inroads of locusts on the crops. ─── 农民们喷洒农药,以防止蝗虫侵害庄稼。

54、Armed with digital multi-media technologies and marketing know-how, ReignCom is all set to make major inroads into the fast-growing car information system market. ─── 在数码多媒体科技和市场运做知识的武装下,电友公司准备就绪,要大举攻入快速成长的汽车信息系统市场。

55、Hitler made no inroads on the famous state art collections of France. ─── 希特勒没有侵犯法国各著名的国立艺术收藏所。

56、All the more astounding, then, that sake has also made inroads into the inner sanctum of French gastronomy, mainly within the last year. ─── 令人吃惊之馀,日本清酒已入侵法国烹调内殿;这主要是过去一年内的事。

57、make inroads into a country ─── [法] 侵袭某一得国家

58、He shared RI's initiatives in China( two clubs to be chartered), the Rotary handshake between Turkey and Cypress and recent Rotary inroads in Cuba. ─── 他分享了在中国的国际扶轮运动(个临时扶轮社将要被授证)扶轮于土耳其与塞普勒斯居间促成握手言和以及最近扶轮于古巴的进展。

59、A strong euro not only threatens Germany's market share in the US, says Mr Ruerup.He fears it will also curb German sales in the eurozone and in Asia where lower-cost competitors are making inroads. ─── 吕鲁普先生表示,他担心欧元走强不仅会威胁德国产品在美国的市场份额,而且会抑制德国在欧元区及亚洲的销售情况,而低成本的竞争国正在亚洲侵占地盘。

60、''It's a very difficult process," he said.''I think we have a great inroad into that process with Yao and Tracy being so young and being so great. ─── “这真是个艰难的过程呀”,他说,“我想我们的开头做的很棒,你看,姚和麦蒂是那么年轻,那么出色。

61、Apple has made aggressive inroads in the education market. ─── 在教育市场,苹果有着咄咄逼人的发展势头。

62、Some see it as a tool that can aid domestic and government-owned companies and protect them from inroads by foreign multinationals. ─── 一些人将其视为帮助国内和国有企业,防止它们受到外资企业冲击的一个工具。

63、Fortunately the establishment of the new Applied Scholastics international training center means we can make inroads towards handling this problem at the proper order of magnitude. ─── 幸运地是新的应用教育哲学国际训练中心之成立,这代表我们能以恰当的尺度来深入处理这类的问题。

64、Unhampered by matrimony or widowhood, they made vast inroads on the convalescents, and even the least attractive girls, Scarlett observed gloomily, had no difficulty in getting engaged. ─── 她们既未结婚又非守寡,便乐得向那些康复者大举进攻,据思嘉冷眼旁观,于是连那些很不好看的姑娘,也是不难找到订婚对象的了。

65、But Richard rival Hillary Clinton, but pollster Clay Richards says he appears to be making some inwords inroads. ─── 但是民意测验专家克雷理查德说奥巴马在这方面已经有所改善。

66、But President Bush made significant inroads among Hispanics in his successful presidential bids. ─── 但是布什总统在他当年的成功选举中,其中的西班牙取得重大的胜利。

67、Bhupathi and Mirza could not make any inroads into their opponents' serve,winning just seven receiving points for the match,and were under constant pressure. ─── 布帕迪和米尔扎在对手发球中毫无斩获,只得到了七个接发球得分,压力激增。

68、Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt. ─── 增加税收已使国债有所减少。

69、As one sips the fragrant brew, the mind traipses back a year or so, recalling with some trepidation the stealthy inroads the Chinese dragon has been making in the day-to-day aspects of our lives. ─── 在品尝这芬芳的泡茶的同时,思绪回到一年多以前,不安地想起中国龙如何鬼鬼祟祟地进入我们生活的方方面面。

70、Cationic epoxy systems have not found a major inroad into the wood coating markets. ─── 它还没被发现进入木制品涂料行业。

71、until, these having become sufficiently powerful to repel such inroads, the invading nations, deprived of this outlet, were obliged also to become agricultural communities. ─── 后来农业部落变得强大得能够击退这种入侵,入侵的部落便失去了这种出路,也就被迫变成农业社会。

72、Many students complained that their career-service departments didn't do enough to help them build contacts or make inroads to a new career. ─── 很多学生抱怨说,他们的求职服务部没有尽力帮助他们建立联系或为通向新的职业铺平道路。

73、According to the Wall Street Journal, Bryant in recent years has waged a "deliberate campaign" to make inroads in the world's most populous country. ─── 华尔街日报透露,科比在近些年来已经开展了一项“深思熟虑的计划”,寻求在这个世界上人口最为密集的国度取得进展。

74、These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings. ─── 医院的这些费用严重消耗了我的积蓄。

75、invade; intrude; make an incursion; make inroads ─── 入侵

76、inroads on wheat field ─── 侵害麦田

77、make inroads on one's health ─── 使其健康受到损害

78、The Volkswagen, shaped like a Beetle, quirky and idiosyncratic, made inroads into the lives of people who wanted a car that was sturdy, popular, and different. ─── 形似甲壳虫、风格怪异、独具特点的“大众”牌轿车突然闯入到那些需要结实耐用、时尚流行、与众不同的轿车的人们的生活中。

79、Juve have made inroads into their 17-point penalty with two wins and a draw from their opening three games, and Bojinov is confident they can secure promotion back to Serie A. ─── 前三轮比赛过后,尤文取得两胜一平的成绩,已经使他们的-17分减少。博季诺夫信心十足地认为,球队能够确保回归甲级。

80、In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into movies. ─── 在意大利,如同在别国一样,电视严重影响了电影市场。

81、The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century,increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as the Goths. ─── 公元3世纪,罗马帝国由于受到来自北方的部落民族如哥特任的侵扰而开始衰退。

82、At a time when dishonesty and selfishness seem to be making inroads into American life, Mazur's selflessness set him apart as a role model. ─── 当狡诈与自私似乎正侵蚀美国社会的今天,麦哲的无私精神让他脱俗而成为典范。

83、Several points of analysis and suggestions on the inroads of china fire products into the US market ─── 中国消防产品进入美国市场的几点分析及建议

84、At this time of national disaster and intensified clashes between indigenous and Western cultures and as the traditional Chinese religions struggled for survival, Protestantism and Catholicism made large-scale inroads into China. ─── 中国传统宗教在国难当头和中西文化冲突的夹缝中挣扎,这时基督教(Protestantism)和天主教(Catholicism)却大规模传入中国。

85、inroads on the domestic market ─── 对国内市场的侵蚀

86、While in the job, she's continued to use some of the tactics with coworkers in the hopes of making inroads to a full-time position. ─── 工作期间,她继续在同事中用一些小技巧,希望别人能帮她转到全职聘用的职位。

87、It is the dominant religion in Europe, North, Central and South America, and has made significant inroads in all other parts of the world. ─── 它在欧洲与整个美洲占统治地位,在其他地区也拥有巨大影响力。

88、Although Golden Dragon started off as a light coach builder, it ventured into the medium-sized coach market in 1997 and made inroads into the large-sized coach manufacturing sector in 1999. ─── 公司虽然从制造轻型客车起家,但面对市场需求的变化,先后于1997年开始进军中型客车市场,于1999年起大举进入大型客车制造领域。

89、They tried their best to stay the inroads of a disease . ─── 他们尽力阻止疾病的侵入。




**的树林里分出两条路, 可惜我不能同时去涉足, 我在那路口久久伫立, 我向着一条路极目望去, 直到它消失在丛林深处。 但我却选了另外一条路, 它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂, 显得更诱人、更美丽, 虽然在这两条小路上, 都很少留下旅人的足迹, 虽然那天清晨落叶满地, 两条路都未经脚印污染。 呵,留下一条路等改日再见! 但我知道路径延绵无尽头, 恐怕我难以再回返。 也许多少年后在某个地方, 我将轻声叹息把往事回顾, 一片树林里分出两条路, 而我选了人迹更少的一条, 从此决定了我一生的道路。


Robert Frost - The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood. And looked down one as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there.Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay. In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I. I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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