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09-03 投稿


diagnosis 发音

英:[,da??g'n??s?s]  美:[,da??ɡ'nos?s]

英:  美:

diagnosis 中文意思翻译



diagnosis 词性/词形变化,diagnosis变形

名词复数: diagnoses |

diagnosis 短语词组

1、diagnosis ex juvantibus ─── [医] 治疗诊断

2、chemical diagnosis ─── [医] 化学诊断

3、continuous system diagnosis ─── [计] 连续系统诊断

4、bacteriological diagnosis ─── [医] 细菌学诊断

5、diagnosis by exclusion ─── [医] 除外诊断

6、deductive diagnosis strategy ─── [计] 演绎诊断策略

7、certificate of diagnosis ─── [法] 诊断证书

8、diagnosis in species description ─── 物种描述的鉴定要点

9、computer-aided diagnosis ─── [计] 计算机辅助诊断

10、diagnosis function test ─── [计] 诊断功能测试

11、cyclic diagnosis algorithm ─── [计] 循环诊断算法

12、diagnosis roentgen ─── [医] X射线诊断

13、deductive diagnosis ─── [医] 推论诊断

14、clinical diagnosis ─── [医] 临床诊断

15、anatomic diagnosis ─── [医] 解剖学诊断

16、biological diagnosis ─── [医] 生物学诊断

17、cytohistologic diagnosis ─── [医] 细胞组织学诊断, 细胞学诊断

18、diagnosis tag ─── [医] 诊断标签

19、cytologic diagnosis ─── [医] 细胞学诊断

diagnosis 相似词语短语

1、diagnose ─── vt.诊断;断定;vi.诊断;判断

2、diagnostic ─── adj.诊断的;特征的;n.诊断法;诊断结论

3、misdiagnosis ─── n.错误的诊断

4、diagnosing ─── v.诊断(diagnose的现在分词)

5、diagnosed ─── v.诊断;被诊断为(diagnose的过去分词)

6、diagenesis ─── n.[地质]成岩作用,岩化作用

7、diagnostics ─── n.诊断学(用作单数)

8、diagnoses ─── n.诊断;调查分析;评价(diagnosis的复数形式)

9、paragnosis ─── n.死后诊断

diagnosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A doctor cannot treat an illness until he has made a diagnosis. ─── 医生未作诊断前,不能治病。

2、Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness. ─── 早期诊断和治疗通常可以防止失明。

3、Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation. ─── 巴瑞特先生不擅长诊断,更不必提研究方面。

4、The clinical diagnosis value of CT in craniocerebral trauna. ─── CT对颅脑外伤的临床诊断价值。

5、What was the doctor's diagnosis of your disease? ─── 医生对你的病作出了什么诊断?

6、Next Steps After Your Diagnosis? ─── 告诉你:诊断之后怎么办?

7、He is sure his diagnosis will be confirmed. ─── 他肯定自己的诊断会得以证实。

8、The diagnosis of Prinzmetal's angina was made. ─── 因此确诊为变异性心绞痛。

9、According to the demands of modern theory of infection, study on the laboratory diagnosis tends to be rapid, simple, sensitive and economic. ─── 为适应现代感染学的需要,细菌性感染实验室诊断的研究方向应趋于快速、简便、灵敏及经济。

10、Once the diagnosis was confirmed, it was all up with her. ─── 一旦确诊,她就无望了。

11、An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests. ─── 准确的诊断是在一系列的检查后作出的。

12、PR has especial diagnosis value for mandibular fractures. ─── :PR优点是对下颌骨骨折诊断准确率高 ;

13、Clinical examination can give only a presumptive diagnosis. ─── 临床检查只能作出初步诊断。

14、The Diagnosis of Vertical Motion within Dry Intrusions. ─── 干侵袭中垂直运动的诊断。

15、CMR was objective basis for diagnosis of cerebral palsy. ─── CMR可以作为脑性瘫痪临床诊断的客观依据。

16、Oerall, 10% of subjects reported a diagnosis of lymphedema. ─── 总体上,共有10%的被调查者报告被诊断为淋巴水肿。

17、Diagnosis and treatment of subacute thyroiditis. ─── 亚急性甲状腺炎的诊断及治疗。

18、Application of TBS diagnosis in gynecologic screening is important. ─── 在职工妇科普查中 ,应用TBS诊断具有重要意义。

19、The IT15 gene diagnosis of Huntington disease. ─── Huntington舞蹈症的IT15基因诊断

20、Why the pulse diagnosis only uses three fingers? ─── 中医诊脉为何用三指?

21、After diagnosis, Elaine did not give up. ─── 在诊断后,Elaine没有放弃。

22、CDUS was an efficient method for the diagnosis of the vascular ED. ─── 彩色多普勒超声对诊断血管性ED有重要意义。

23、CT? MRI or DSA is necessary for diagnosis. ─── CT、MRI和DSA检查是明确诊断的必要手段 ;

24、Foreman: You have no evidence to support a poisoning diagnosis. ─── 你没有证据支持你的中毒诊断。

25、High suspicion is essential for early diagnosis. ─── 临床医师唯有秉持着高度的怀疑心,方能及时诊断。

26、Ctn I is important and specific for diagnosis of VMC in children. ─── cTn I是诊断小儿病毒性心肌炎中具有一定特异性的重要指标。

27、Radiologic diagnosis will be given precedence. ─── 将给予放射学诊断以优先。

28、They are waiting for the doctor's diagnosis. ─── 他们正在等待医生的诊断结论。

29、We waited in dead silence until the doctor told us the diagnosis. ─── 医生告诉我们诊断结果前,我们一直都在死一般地沉寂中等待着。

30、Anthropometric measurements are essential to diagnosis. ─── 人体测量数据对诊断是至关重要。

31、Although the diagnosis of this syndrome is still controversial, neurologists and psychiatrists have begun to pay it more attention. ─── 虽然诊断此症候群仍有争议,但此症候群已被越来越多神经、精神学家注意。

32、Many methods and markers have been used in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion, with different advantages and disadvantages. ─── 许多方法和指标都曾尝试用于恶性胸腔积液的诊断,各有利弊。

33、It's obviously important to develop fault diagnosis system of TCU. ─── 因此开发TCU控制器的故障诊断系统显得尤为重要。

34、We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis. ─── 我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。

35、ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis. ─── ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。

36、The specificity of anti ASGPR for diagnosis of AIH were 89.6%. ─── 抗 ASGPR检测对AIH诊断的特异性为89 .6%。

37、The diagnosis should not be taken lightly. ─── 应该认真对待诊断结果。

38、SAIF is a useful serum marker for the diagnosis of HCC. ─── SAIF与肝癌大小无关。

39、A definite diagnosis is made in the basis of the pathology. ─── 因为其病例少,症状又不特殊,临床上并不容易诊断,常常需要进一步的病理报告。

40、The diagnosis is usually made at laparotomy. ─── 在此,我们报告一例大网膜出血的病例。

41、Your diagnosis was referred to a specialist. ─── 你的诊断已被提交给一名专家了。

42、She said the committee's own data shows that very few who currently have a diagnosis would be dropped. ─── 她说,根据委员会所掌握的现有数据显示,只有极少部分现诊为患有孤独症的人群会被排除在外。

43、MRI is helpful to the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis(AIP). ─── MRI在AIP的诊断中作用显著,对临床诊断及治疗有重要指导意义。

44、The pathogenesis and the criteria of diagnosis were discussed. ─── 对本病发病机理、诊断标准等作了一般综述。

45、Piecewise Tendency Diagnosis of Weather Regime Transitions. ─── 天气状态转换的分段趋势诊断。


47、Diagnosis and treatment of vestibular neuronitis. ─── 前庭神经炎的诊治。

48、A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer. ─── 只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性之后,才能作出明确诊断。

49、A diagnosis of lichen striatus with onychodystrophy was made. ─── 所以诊断为线性苔藓合并指甲失养症。

50、Doctors have to be careful with their diagnosis. ─── 医生必须小心的诊断。

51、He was hospitalized for diagnosis and treatment. ─── 他入院接受诊疗。

52、Initial clinical diagnosis was viral illness or viral hepatitis. ─── 初步临床诊断为病毒性疾病或病毒性肝炎。

53、OCT seem to be a clinical value in diagnosis and treatment of CSC. ─── OCT对CSC的诊断和判断治疗的预后有临床应用价值

54、Diagnosis at biopsy was Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. ─── 尸检诊断为克罗伊茨费尔特-各布病。

55、The psychological diagnosis of evidence. ─── 心理诊断的证据。

56、On the psychological diagnosis of facts. ─── 对事实的心理学诊断。

57、I need to have a second test to establish the diagnosis. ─── 我需要再化验一次,以确定对我的诊断。

58、The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge's collapse . ─── 工程师对桥的倒塌做一次彻底的调查分析。

59、In the beginning, we used it on diagnosis. ─── 开始是运用在诊断。

60、Clinical Drug Allergy Diagnosis and Management II. ─── 临床药物变态反应诊断与处理2。

61、CT and MRI is helpfulto the early diagnosis and treatment of SAE. ─── CT与MRI检查可以对SAE作出早期诊断,有助于早期治疗。

62、Conclusion Diagnosis of perianal Crohn's disease is very difficult. ─── 口服柳氮磺吡啶+静脉滴注甲硝唑治疗效果满意。

63、My diagnosis is that you have a malignant tumor osteogenic sarcoma. ─── 我的诊断是您得了恶性骨肉瘤。

64、His symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis. ─── 他的症状无法作出明确的诊断。

65、Leaf color is usually used in the diagnosis of crop N status and leaf color threshold(LCT)is the basis for precise fertilizer-N application. ─── 叶色是氮素营养诊断最常用的指标,获得准确的叶色诊断指标是水稻精确定量施氮的基础。

66、Whats the doctors diagnosis? ─── 医生诊断了怎么说?

67、The %CDT is a better marker for diagnosis of ALD than GGT and MCV. ─── 对于ALD的诊断 ,%CDT、GGT、MCV均具有一定的诊断价值 ,尤其 %CDT是一个很好的辅助诊断指标。 %CDT与GGT联用可提高敏感度

68、A simple and effective diagnosis method is propounded. ─── 在此基础上,提出了一种简单有效的诊断方法。

69、CT guided needle biopsy settle on qualitative diagnosis. ─── ct定位穿刺活检可做出定性诊断。

70、Early diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. ─── 原发性肝癌的早期诊断。

71、Clinical guidelines for diagnosis and therapy. ─── 临床诊疗指南。

72、Joan's fever led to a diagnosis of pneumonia. ─── 对琼发烧的诊断是她得了肺炎。

73、An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests. ─── 准确的诊断是在一系列的检查后作出的。

74、Histopathological diagnosis was Crohn's disease. ─── 口腔溃疡活检病理诊断为克罗恩病。

75、In order to enhance the early diagnosis level of FRS,especially the invasive type of fungus nasosinusitis,this article summarizes the clinical characteristics,the diagno... ─── 为了提高对真菌性鼻窦炎尤其是侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎的早期诊断水平,本文就不同类型真菌性鼻窦炎的临床特征、诊断、治疗及预后予以综述。

76、Small Animal Neurology: What's Your Diagnosis? ─── 小动物神经学:你如何诊断?

77、The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease. ─── 医疗辐射学医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗

78、The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease. ─── 两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。

79、PC-based unit with integrated diagnosis assembly group. ─── 基于pc单元集成诊断大会组。

80、Just as you needed to understand all the details of your original diagnosis, so you also need to know what you're dealing with now. ─── 正如你在初诊时有必要了解诊断的所有细节一样,这时候,你同样需要了解你在应付的问题。

81、CDFI is a simple and reliable method in the diagnosis of AMD. ─── 应用CDFI检测AMD患者的方法简便、诊断准确,值得临床推广应用。

82、The diagnosis and management of chronic cough. ─── 儿童慢性咳嗽诊断流程。

83、No diagnosis has as yet been made of his disease. ─── 他的病尚未确诊。

84、DCDU is the first candidate for diagnosis of ED. ─── DCDU为筛选血管性ED的一线诊断方法。

85、Cere-bral angiography cleared the diagnosis. ─── 全脑血管造影可确立诊断。

86、The diagnosis of verruciform xanthoma was made. ─── 因而吾人诊断为疣状黄色瘤。

87、Inaccuracy diagnosis of TEE was been identified in 27 cases (5.8%). ─── TEE诊断失误27例(5.8%)。

88、CT and MRI are the main means in confirming the diagnosis of AIH. ─── CT和MRI是确诊AIH的最主要检查手段。

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