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09-03 投稿


opine 发音

英:[o??pa?n]  美:[???pa?n]

英:  美:

opine 中文意思翻译



opine 网络释义

vt. 以为;想vi. 以为;想;表示意见

opine 短语词组

1、opine mt ─── 意见mt

2、opine crossword ─── 奥平纵横字谜

3、opine al ─── 意见

4、opine definition ─── 阿片定义

5、opine defined ─── 定义的鸦片

6、opine font opine ─── 字体

opine 词性/词形变化,opine变形


opine 相似词语短语

1、ovine ─── adj.绵羊的,似绵羊的

2、spine ─── n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊

3、oping ─── adj.开着的;露天的;展开的;营业着的;对……开放;坦率的(等于open);v.打开;展开;正式对外营业;正式开办;使更广为人知;断开(电路)(等于open)

4、pine ─── n.松树;松木;凤梨,菠萝;v.渴望;痛苦;憔悴;为……悲哀;哀悼;n.(Pine)派因(人名)

5、opines ─── v.以为;持…意见(opine的第三人称单数)

6、opined ─── v.以为,表示意见,说明

7、chopine ─── n.高底鞋

8、tropine ─── n.托品碱

9、propine ─── n.[有化]丙炔;vt.赠送(礼品)

opine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Farr AK,Guyton DL.Strabismus after retinal detachment surgery[ J ]Curr Opin Ophthalmol,2000(3):207. ─── 吴夕,姜燕荣,黎晓新.视网膜脱离手术后的手术特点和疗效.眼外伤职业眼病杂志,2000(6):625.

2、alolycopineopine ─── 苦石松碱

3、Credit rating agencies have been quick to downgrade and opine about several sovereigns . ─── 信用评级机构已迅速点名并下调一些主权国家的评级。

4、Keywords cervical erosion;OPIN suppository;Infrared Ray Therapy; ─── 宫颈糜烂;奥平栓剂;远红外光照射术;

5、Observation on the Treatment Effect of 280 Cases Cervical Erosion with POME plus OPIN ─── 波姆光联合奥平治疗宫颈糜烂280例疗效观察

6、Dalton W S.Clinical and laboratory approaches to drug resistance[J].Curr Opin Oncol,1991,3(6):1043. ─── 何耿劲,张全安,郭仁宏.艾迪注射液治疗原发性肝癌的临床观察[J].实用临床医药杂志,2005,9(8):61.

7、Conclusions: POME plus OPIN is an effective method in treating cervical erosion. ─── 结论:波姆光联合奥平是治疗宫颈糜烂较理想的方法。

8、Observation of treatment of cervical erosion with OPIN suppository complicated with KS therapy apparatus ─── 奥平栓联合KS治疗仪治疗宫颈糜烂疗效观察

9、Weatherhead M,Autunes G.Chemotherapeutic management of malignant pleural effusion[J].Expert Opin Pharmacother,2004,5(6):1233. ─── 王永强,耿勇,霍建宏,等.恶性胸腔积液的临床治疗体会[J].中华现代临床医学杂志,2005,3(12):1182.

10、Bertelmann E,Kojetinsky C. Posterior capsule opacification and anterior capsule opacification[J]. Curr Opin Ophthalmol, 2001,12(1):3540. ─── 汪朝阳,黄秀榕,祁明信,等.中医中药对细胞凋亡的影响研究进展[J].中国中西医结合杂志,2000,20(9):712714.

11、“OPINE” as a new generation substitute for cigarette, is developed and produced by Shenzhen Huangting technologies Co. ─── 深圳市皇霆科技有限公司研发出了新一代香烟替代品----“傲派”纯香烟,它是一种非燃烧型电子香烟,利用微电子技术与超临界雾化技术把烟碱稀释液雾化成烟雾。

12、The design process of GSHP is expounded The Ground-Source Heat pump is a fresh domain in china and has a promising level opine. ─── 地源热泵在我国是一个新兴的科学研究领域,节能、环保、美化环境,有着广阔的发展前景,存在着广阔的空间值得我们进一步的研究和试验。

13、Yoon W.Embolic agents used for bronchial artery embolisatian in massive haemoptysis[J].Expert Opin Pharmacotuer,2004 ;5 (2):361. ─── 陈义雄,陈绿娇,陈建业,等.支气管动脉栓塞治疗大咯血的疗效分析[J].介入放射学杂志,2005;14(2):195-196.

14、Iriki A. (2006) The neural origins and implications of imitation, mirror neurons and tool use. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 16(6):660-7. ─── 也许等到未来神经科学研究更成熟之后,科学家就会知道怎样对一般人描述镜子神经元了。

15、He added, Theres a lot of issues that I suspect people are going to opine about during the Olympics. ─── 我想,在奥运会期间人们应该会有很多意见要表达。

16、Ruef C.Immunization for hospital staff.Curr Opin Infect Dis 2004; 17:335-339 ─── 杜民权,江汉,台保军,郭颖,黄薇.牙科医生对感染控制的态度和行为分析.武汉大学学报.医学版2003;24;373-376

17、Hippo: (open the big mouth and burst out laughing) You do fancy yourself as a star. You opine you'd be Yang Shu with a stripe T-shirt! ─── 河马:(张开大嘴放声大笑)你真把自己当明星了。你以为你穿了件条纹T恤就成了杨舒了!

18、Job description:1.Maintain and further strengthen current media relation and build up a company network of industry opin...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海友创人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-29

19、Keywords cervical erosion;POME;OPIN;recovery rate.; ─── 宫颈糜烂;波姆光;奥平;治愈率;

20、Opine paper electrophoresis ─── 冠瘿碱纸电泳

21、The transformants were confirmed by opine analysis.The transformation frequency was about 5%. ─── 根癌农杆菌对原生质体的转化能力与原生质体生长状态及菌株相关。

22、students long to attend colleges or universities for various reasons. in my opin... ─── 请简要阐述为什么学生们渴望上大学。

23、A physician testifying on causation issues will be asked to opine in the form dictated by the legal rule. ─── 为因果问题提供证词的医生会被要求以法律规定要求的形式出具其证词。

24、Thirteen governmental agencies [had] the opportunity to opine upon the merits of a transactions and whether it [raised] any national security concerns. ─── 因此我们主动走了这个程序,而且通过了审查。

25、Few players opine that sustaining the uptrend may be difficult as judging from the build up of inventories this week, SM consumption from downstream styrenic resins sector has remained weak. ─── 一些玩家认为保持上升趋势可能是困难的,因为从本周建立的库存判断,下游苯乙烯树脂业界的 SM 消费仍然保持弱势。

26、In terms of content, in a traditional personal injury claim, the physician may be asked to opine on the actual cause of the patient's illness or injury. ─── 就内容而言,在传统的个人伤害赔偿案中,医生可能被要求就患者的疾患或伤害的实际原因发表意见。

27、Bloggers opine about world politics on TV alongside members of the Council on Foreign Relations. ─── 博客写手们敢在电视节目里与美国外交关系委员会成员大谈世界政治。

28、Harker LA.Physiology and clinical applications of platelet growth factors[J].Curr Opin hematol,1999,6(3):127-134. ─── 任雨笙,陈强,贾国良,等.猪血小板衍化生长因子的提取和纯化[J].第二军医大学学报,200

29、I felt my chin drop, my mouth opin in astonishment. ─── 我觉得我的下巴下降,我的惊讶嘴里奥平。

30、Clowes JA,Peel N,Eastell R.Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.Curr Opin Rheumatol 2001;13(4):326-32 ─── 张维成,陈志信,王和平,等.大鼠骨髓基质细胞体外成脂、成骨分化的研究[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2005,11(1):45-8

31、With the development of opin up and international communication,China Civil Aviation will faceunprecedented chance and challenges,in the field of governmental regulation. ─── 随着对外开放和对外交流发展,我国民用航空运输业在规制体制改革方面面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。

32、It replaces other traditional food.Some people think it is good some people disagree with it.What's your opin ... ─── 全国大学生英语写作大赛一月试题Topic: Fast food is developing more and more popular.

33、By comparing the combined treatment method of OPIN suppository and Infrared Ray Therapy with the treatment method of infrared ray therapy. ─── 采用奥平栓剂与远红外光照射术联合治疗慢性宫颈糜烂,并与单纯远红外光照射术进行了比较。

34、We believe that they're also correct to opine that "earlier technologies often required expensive and lengthy technical implementations, as well as the realignment of formal business processes. ─── 我们相信,他们也会正确的认识到, “早期的技术往往需要昂贵和漫长的技术实施,以及不断调整的正式业务流程。

35、Moreover, because there is no industry to back it, behavioral therapy has been grossly underrated, Diller and others opine. ─── 狄勒和同行都认为,因为缺乏产业界的支持,行为治疗受到严重忽略。

36、Pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.Curr Opin Opin.Gastroenterol 1999; ─── 参考文献 1 Katz JA, Itoh J, Fiocchi C.

37、Expert Opin Phamacother 2007 Apr; ─── 杂志全称及年卷期;

38、I don't like to opine on the stock market, and again I empha that I have no idea what the market will do in the short term. ─── 我不喜欢对股票市场发表意见,我再一次强调我对于市场在短期内会如何波动一无所知。

39、I don't like to opine on the stock market, and again I emphasize that I have no idea what the market will do in the short term. ─── 我不喜欢发表意见股票市场,我再次强调,我不知道市场将在短期内如此。

40、Although this can be tiring and time consuming, just opine of the reward that you can reap by being vigilant always. ─── 爱上穷鬼才子英雄好汉的女人也很多,因为聪明的她们知道,才气、勇气和力量正是获取金钱的必备素质,它们给女人们希望。

41、de Vos WM.Gene expression system for lactic acid bacteria[J].Curr Opin Microbiol,1999,2:289 ─── 凌代文,东秀珠.乳酸菌分类鉴定及实验方法[M].北京:中国轻工业出版社,1999

42、The result shows that the weightlifters of Chinese Taipei and mainland have different opin ion on nutrition, they have some deviation and hobbies in dietetic habit. ─── 结果表明,海峡两岸举重运动员营养观念不同,饮食习惯带有地区特色,有不良饮食嗜好,训练后补充饮料欠科学。

43、I don’t like to opine on the stock market, and again I emphasize that I have no idea what the market will do in the short term. ─── 我不喜欢对股票市场发表意见,并再次重申,我对市场的短期行为没有任何的想法。

44、Therefore, we opine that it is fairly befitting to call Lin's translation" distortion", by which we do not mean that every translation by Lin is a product of distortion. ─── 所以我们觉得称林译为“歪译”,比较切贴。

45、He goes on to opine that the new UIGEA regulations have so many exceptions that, when they do finally get officially promulgated, Americans will still be able to play poker online for money. ─── "举例来说,联邦机构认识到,银行没有,也不能阅读文件检查。

46、Keywords cervical erosion;OPIN;Fufang Potassium dichromate; ─── 宫颈糜烂;奥平栓;复方重铬酸钾;

47、Keywords Agrobacterium rhizogenes;hairy roots of Panax ginseng (HRPG);PCR;opine; ─── 发根农杆菌;人参毛状根;聚合酶链式反应(PCR);冠瘿碱;

48、Sicherer SH. The impact of maternal diets during breastfeeding on the prevention of food allergy. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;2:207-210. ─── 王玉琼,李兰娜.150例变态反应性疾病过敏原检测分析.广东医学2003;24:5.

49、Elsbach P,Weiss J.Role of the bactericidal/permeability increasing protein in host defence[J].Curr Opin Immun,1998,10:45-49. ─── 郑江袁建成.杀菌性/通透性增加蛋白模拟肽小鼠体内拮抗内毒素作用的研究[J].第三军医大学学报,:.

50、Some people opine that Rani Ketki in fact the first Urdu short story. ─── 某些人民opine那Rani Ketki实际上第一Urdu短篇小说。

51、Perry P J, Arnold J R, Jenkins T C. Telomerase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer:the current perspective[J].Expert Opin Investing Drugs,2001,10 (12):1241. ─── 刘韧,王升启.端粒酶诊断标志物及抗癌药物靶点的研究进展[J].国外医学药学分册,2003,30(2):73-77.

52、Keywords condyloma;high frequency electric knife;Opin suppository; ─── 关键词尖锐湿疣;高频电离子;奥平栓;

53、(Open the big mouth and burst out laughing) You do fancy yourself as a star. You opine you'd be Yang Shu with a stripe T-shirt! ─── (张开大嘴放声大笑)你真把自己当明星了。你以为你穿了件条纹T恤就成了杨舒了!

54、Methods:200 cases of chronic cervicitis were divided into two groups,randomisely.The experimental group was treated by Opin combined with Zhimilinshuan.The control group was treated only by Opin. ─── 方法:将我科诊断为宫颈糜烂的200例患者随机分为2组,实验组用奥平栓配伍治糜灵栓治疗,对照组单用奥平栓治疗。

55、I opine that it will rain before night. ─── 我想天黑以前要下雨的。

56、In my opine ,it is a shame to deceive your Friends . ─── 我认为,这是一个耻辱,来欺骗你的朋友。

57、Dermatologists opine that as much as 90 percent of aging is caused by sun exposure. ─── 皮肤学家认为由于曝晒导致的肌肤衰老高达90%。

58、Wozney JM,Seeherman HJ.Protein?based tissue engineering in bone and cartilage repair[J].Curr Opin Biotechnol,2004,15(5):392?398. ─── 郑军,齐新生.骨形态发生蛋白在骨缺损和坏死修复中的成骨机制和运用[J].中国矫形外科杂志,2004,12(23、24):1888?1890.

59、my opine, it is a shame to deceive your Friends. ─── 我认为,这是一个耻辱,来欺骗你的朋友。

60、In the text, we presentation and discuss concept of stratagem, we opine that stratagem is significant for formed the best sub-branch. ─── 本文通过对战略这一概念的介绍与探讨,认为战略对于构建一流支行具有十分重要的意义。

61、Previously not, and will not now, then opine that we should be forced out of the tears back, unruffled start up their own things. ─── 从前没有,现在也不会,于是心一横,把就要流出来的眼泪硬逼回去,从容不迫地开始收拾自己的东西。

62、Keywords Opin;Human papilloma vius;Subclinical infection;The expand of PCR; ─── 奥平;人乳头瘤病毒;亚临床感染;PCR扩增法;

63、' He added, 'There's a lot of issues that I suspect people are going to opine about during the Olympics. ─── 当时这两个国家都有着强大的政权,它们的社会、政治政策都受到了全世界许多国家的反对。

64、This may have been unintentional but there are those who opine that Jules Janssen was a source if not the full source of their strains base. ─── 这可能是无心的,但是也有人是这么想的,儒勒·詹森即使不是该系完全奠基者,但至少也是来源之一。

65、Then, he says, a judge will normally demand a few details but is also likely to rule that the works council will then have to opine. ─── 随后,法官通常会要求一些详细信息,但也可能判定工会必须发表意见。

66、Treatment of vulval pointed condyloma with high frequency electric knife and Opin suppository ─── 高频电离子与奥平栓联合治疗外阴尖锐湿疣疗效观察

67、founding father will continue to opine. ─── 国父将继续表达意见。

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