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09-03 投稿


inlet 发音

英:[??nlet]  美:[??nlet]

英:  美:

inlet 中文意思翻译




inlet 词性/词形变化,inlet变形


inlet 常用词组

air inlet ─── 进风口;进气孔

water inlet ─── 进水口,吸水口

inlet temperature ─── 入口温度;进气温度;进入温度

inlet 短语词组

1、combustion air inlet ─── [建] 燃烧层空气的入口

2、feed slurry inlet ─── [化] 滤浆入口

3、air inlet valve ─── [化] 进气阀; 空气进口阀

4、column inlet pressure ─── [化] 柱入口压

5、feed inlet ─── [化] 进料口

6、air inlet silencer ─── [机] 进气口消音器

7、flow inlet ─── [化] 供浆管; 供液口

8、Cook Inlet ─── 库克水道; ─── 库克海湾(阿拉斯加湾的岬角)

9、conjugate of the inlet ─── [医] 入口前后径(骨盆)

10、feed water inlet ─── [化] 供水口

11、air inlet ─── [化] 进气; 进气孔; 进风口; 空气入口

12、automatically operated inlet valve ─── [化] 自动操作进给阀

13、air inlet cam ─── [机] 进气口凸轮

14、feed liquor inlet ─── [化] 滤浆入口

15、feed liquid inlet ─── [化] 供液口

16、feed(water) inlet ─── [化] 给水口

17、feed water inlet valve ─── [化] 给水入口阀

18、double inlet centrifugal blower ─── [化] 双吸离心式风机

19、cold salt inlet ─── [建] 冷盐入口

inlet 相似词语短语

1、veinlet ─── n.[植]细叶脉;[解剖]小静脉

2、Violet ─── n.紫罗兰;堇菜;羞怯的人;adj.紫色的;紫罗兰色的;n.(Violet)人名;(西)比奥莱特;(法)维奥莱;(印、匈、英)维奥莱特

3、inset ─── n.(套印在大图片、地图等中的)小图,小地图;嵌入物;(服装面料的)镶嵌织物片;(杂志等的)插页;v.以(嵌入物)装饰;(在大图片、地图等中)套印(小图)

4、Millet ─── n.小米,粟;稷,黍的子实;黍类;n.(Millet)(美、法)米列特(人名)

5、finlet ─── n.小鳍

6、unlet ─── 未出租的

7、inlets ─── n.[地理][通信]入口;水湾(inlet的复数形式)

8、islet ─── n.小岛

9、aiglet ─── n.带端的金属尖头(或鞋带);坠饰(等于aglet)

inlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A new casting technology for inlet manifold in tilt casting machine for gravity die casting was described. ─── 介绍了在可倾式金属型浇注机上制造进气歧管的铸造新工艺。

2、If this potential exists, a seal flush from other than the HPRT inlet is generally recommended. ─── 如果这一个位存在,密封流溢从通常除了HPRT进模口之外被推荐。

3、TC1 is mounted directly on the pump inlet tee replacing the convectron gauge shown on the diagram. ─── TC1直接安装在泵进口三通上,取代图中所示的对流管压力表。

4、The large holes on the left and right represent the inlet and exhausting valve ports respectively. ─── 左右两侧的两个大孔,分别表示进气阀孔和排气阀孔。

5、Width, site, color and inlet or outlet connector of process pipeline. ─── 工艺管线的宽度、位置、颜色及进出接头。

6、Globe valves are usually installed with the inlet below the valve seat. ─── 安装截止阀时,通常把进口安装在阀座下方。

7、For foot valve, replace inlet end connection with an F. V. screen housing assembly. ─── 对于底阀,用一个F.V.滤网外壳组件更换进口连接管接头。

8、A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in theGulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. ─── 威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。

9、Close the cold water inlet valve and open a nearby hot water faucet. ─── 关闭冷水进水阀,打开附近的热水水龙头。

10、Turn off supply pressure and observe float drop to open air inlet. ─── 关闭供应压力,观察浮子下降,因此开启空气进口。

11、For compressible fluids, where pressure drop exceeds half the inlet pressure. ─── 对于可压缩性流体,如果压降超过进口压力的一半。

12、In the condition,the yield of DOPO-ITA is 91% with a nitrogen inlet. ─── 工业氮气保护条件下DOPO-ITA的收率为91%。

13、However, for certain temperaturesensitive materials the inlet gas temperature must be lowered. ─── 但是,对于某些温度敏感的材料,进入的气体温度必须降低。

14、They went to a fishing village on a small inlet of the sea. ─── 他们去了小海湾边的一个渔村。

15、A city of western Turkey on the Gulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. ─── 伊兹密尔,士每那土耳其西部一城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的一个海湾。

16、A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, caused by tidal currents. ─── 三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成

17、Meantime assumed that, the variation of the fluid within the inlet and outlet of pump is a isoth... ─── 在计算泵提供给气体的扬程时给出了三种算法,并对实例计算结果进行了分析比较。

18、The liquid has been pre-swirled at the inlet of impeller. ─── 在叶轮进口处,液流已有预旋,流动撞击损失较大;

19、Remove the air inlet hose from the throttle body and air cleaner. ─── 从节流阀体和空气滤清器上拆下气流入口软管。

20、Narrow River Inlet at the quiet water, food concentration, easy to choose the best habitat to fish. ─── 河汊处水窄水静,食物集中,便于鱼栖息的最佳选地。

21、While S2 only bore the maximum inlet toluene concentration(5.72 mg/L) with 65.65% removal efficiency. ─── 对于S2菌种而言,当最高进口浓度达到5.72 mg/L,甲苯的降解率仅可以达到65.65%。

22、Fjord - A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes. ─── 在两面陡峭斜坡中间的狭长水深的海湾。

23、However, for certain temperature sensitive materials the inlet gas temperature must be lowered. ─── 但是,对于某些温度敏感的材料,进入的气体温度必须降低。

24、The air pressure at the hot value inlet does not become excessively low. ─── 在热风阀进口处的风压不要变得太低。

25、The influent of the exhaust gas temperature and inlet air temperature to PGT10 gas turbine is presented. ─── 介绍了出口乏气温度、入口空气温度对PGT10燃气透平的影响;

26、A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea. ─── 巴布亚湾珊瑚海的一个位于新几内亚东南岸的大海湾

27、Broad, deep inlet of the Pacific Ocean indenting western British Columbia. ─── 北太平洋东部宽阔的深水湾,向加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省中西部延伸成锯齿状。

28、The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in1888. Population, 120,000. ─── 吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入口处,1888年由法国人建城。人口120, 000

29、So a section of jacketed pipe is used in front of the inlet. ─── 因此将入口处进塔前一段油气管改为套管,外套与分馏塔连接,内外套间填充隔热材料。

30、The lever and weight is mounted on the right side of the valve when facing the inlet. ─── 在面对这阀门的入口时,操纵杆和压铁安装在阀门的右边。

31、The air distribution mechanism is composed of an air inlet pipe, a housing, and a burning cylinder. ─── 配风机构是由进风管、外壳和燃烧筒组成。

32、A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove. ─── 小湾在海岸线上的小港湾,比如小湾伸入陆地内

33、A burgh of eastern Scotland southeast of Dundee on Saint Andrews Bay, an inlet of the North Sea. ─── 圣安德鲁斯:苏格兰东部一自治市,位于在丹地的东南北海的小湾圣德鲁斯湾上。

34、Two glass windows located inlet of coal feeder for watching running line of belt. ─── 两个玻璃观察窗位于给料机进口端(端门),用于观察胶带运行状况。

35、A city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea,the 2nd largest city of Greece. ─── 希腊中北部的一个城市,位于爱琴海入海口,希腊第二大城市。

36、Install a shut-off valve in the cold water inlet line. ─── 在冷水进水管处安装一个关闭阀。

37、The engine-feed system interface is at the turbopump inlet flanges. ─── 发动机与供应系统的交界是在涡轮泵的进口法兰盘处。

38、If Outlet is COLDER than Inlet, temperature differential is minus (-). ─── 如果出口温度比入口低,温度差是减(-)

39、Essentially balanced single seat minimizes a variation in delivery pressure resulting from a varying inlet pressure. ─── 基本平衡单阀座最大限度减小进口压力变化对输出压力的影响。

40、A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. ─── 山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。

41、The air blower is equipped at the inlet, can shortens the dryingtime. ─── 入口处加装风刀,加速烘乾时间。

42、The capital of New Zealand, on an inlet of Cook Strait in extreme southern North Island. It was founded in1840 and supplanted Auckland as capital in1865. Population, 133,200. ─── 威灵顿新西兰的首都,位于新西兰北岛最南端的库克海峡的小港内。建于1840年,在1865年它代替奥克兰成为首都。人口133, 200

43、Neijiang-bottle is the inlet, the shape of the bottleneck. ─── 宝瓶口是内江的进水口,形似瓶颈。

44、Specify the functions of the various objects as they relate to the fluid (an inlet, or outlet, or obstruction, etc. ─── 为不同的物体指定不同的流体功能(一个进水口,或出水头或障碍物,等等。

45、Install a vacuum relief anti-siphon device in the cold water inlet line. ─── 在冷水进水管上安装一个反虹吸的真空安全法。

46、The Urinal flush valve is able to be connected with top or rear water inlet urinal ceramics. ─── 吉博力小便冲洗阀可与上进水或后进水的小便器相连。

47、To assist with removal a small flow can be applied by "cracking" the inlet valve slightly. ─── 为了有助于拆卸,可以通过轻微"分裂"阀门进口来产生一小股流体。

48、A city of western Turkey on theGulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. ─── 士麦那:又名伊兹密尔,土耳其西部一城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的一个海湾。

49、A series of calculation of the additional drag of an adjustable bicone inlet has been made. ─── 尔后,文中利用此程序对混压式进气道设计几 何参数的选择作了分析研究。

50、Connect the pattern inlet with outlet of the machine. ─── 将模具入口接本机的热水出口处。

51、Cardigan Bay:a wide-mouthed inlet of St. George's Channel on the western coast of Wales. ─── 卡迪根湾威:尔士西部海岸圣乔治海峡的开阔海湾.

52、The effect of blade bowing on the inlet condition of rotor was also studied. ─── 以及尾迹形状与扩散过程的变化对动叶进口条件的改变;

53、Dip Tube Carries cold inlet water deep into the tank to minimize temperature dilution of hot water. ─── 将进入的冷水引入内胆底部,将热水温度混合稀释作用降到最小程度。

54、Changes for 1971 were minimal and included a more complex 6 inlet grille design and fender gill louvers. ─── 1971年进行的改良并不算多,其中包括复杂的6口排气网设计和挡板上的鳃型百叶。

55、At the same time air is sucked into the inlet to replace the exhausted air. ─── 同时,外面空气由进气口吸入代替被排出的空气。

56、Upon inquiry, he learnt that the inn was near an inlet. ─── 在询问之后,他知道了客栈在一个水湾附近。

57、The air inlet filter should be maintained in a clean state, there is no dust and litter stays on the surface. ─── 进气滤镜应保持洁净状态,没有灰尘和废屑停留在其表面之上。

58、Two steep limestone bluffs rise up each side of the narrow inlet. ─── 两座陡峭的石灰石断崖耸立在狭窄的入口两侧。

59、If using a split/ splitless inlet, check that the purge valve is ON. ─── 如果使用分流/分流进样口,检查分流阀是否打开。

60、Install proper filtration on pump inlet plumbing. ─── 在进口处安装过滤器。

61、It is an adiabatic,humidification,and cooling process for gas turbine inlet air by water spray evaporative cooling. ─── 对燃气轮机的进气采用喷雾蒸发冷却的方式降温是一个绝热加湿冷却过程。

62、Connect the air inlet hose to the throttle body and the air cleaner. ─── 将空气入口软管接至节流阀体和空气滤清器。

63、He first meet her in a small village on an inlet of the sea. ─── 他在海湾边上的一个小村子里与她初次相遇。

64、Cut the stuff into pieces of meat whose sizes are similar to that of the feeding inlet after its skin and bone are removed. ─── 移除的东西都切得粉碎,其肉的入料口的皮肤后大小相似,和骨骼。

65、A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes. ─── 峡湾在两面陡峭斜坡中间的狭长水深的海湾

66、Chy-Tech (H.K.) Industrial Co.,Ltd. - Products include AC inlet, AC socket, rocker switch, push switch, tact, slide. ─── 云泰实业公司-主要设计和生产人体感应开关、传统或遥控调光器、太阳能灯组件、电子变压器(火牛)、电子镇流器和夜灯等。

67、There are two feeding rotors near the inlet of heavy-duty crusher. ─── 在重型破碎机的进口附近有两个给料辊。

68、Sean the plastic inlet to the mouth of the bottle, with a hard hose in the bottom of the visco-connected to the exhaust pipe on the syringe. ─── 把进水管胶塞安到瓶口,用硬胶管把粘在底部的抽气管连接到注射器上。

69、By selecting a group of suitable entrance parameters, a submerged inlet with the trapezoid entrance on the plane surface is designed and verified. ─── 通过选取一组合适的入口参数,设计了一种在平面上具有梯形入口的水下入口,并进行了验证。


71、Correct Action: Check to determine if the tank outlet is closed, but the tank inlet is open. Correct valving error. ─── '检查并确保罐出口阀关闭而进口阀打开'-------那液位不越来越高了?!

72、If using a split/splitless inlet, check that the purge valve is ON. ─── 如果使用分流/不分流进样口,检查分流阀是否打开。

73、The figure 85 and 90M closes at the inlet of the sillcock. ─── 型号85和90M在洒水龙头的进口处关闭。

74、Inlet of the Ionian Sea, western Greece. ─── 希腊西海岸爱奥尼亚海的深水海湾。

75、Ellipse inlet aperture of grape wine. ─── 产品描述:葡萄酒椭圆人孔。

76、Turn off water supply at the shut off valve in the cold water inlet. ─── 关闭冷水进水阀门来关闭水供应。

77、There is only one inlet into the room. ─── 只有一个通道进入这个房间。

78、Slough: Also slue A stagnant swamp, marsh, bog, or pond, especially as part of a bayou, an inlet, or a backwater. ─── 也作slue停滞的水域,泥泞的沼泽:浑浊的沼泽、湿地、泥塘或池塘,尤指作为海湾、水湾或死水的一部分。

79、The efficiency of pumping for LVAD inlet inserted directly through apex of heart was better than that through atrium. ─── LVAD输入导管可分别由心房和心尖置入的手术缝合方式,而由心尖置入的方式可得较佳的运转效率。

80、The QH type safety valves are composed of two spring loaded safety valves paralleling.There is only one inlet. ─── QH型切换阀是两个弹簧式安全阀并联,具有同一进口。

81、The air gap must be at least two times the diammeter of the watersupply inlet and no less than one inch in diameter. ─── 在水槽的下水管和地板下水管之间.气隙的大小应至少为进水管直径的两倍,直径不应小于一英吋.

82、The only options are to make sure the inlet liner is clean and silanized. ─── 唯一的选择是保证进口的洁净与硅烷化。

83、Includes the strongest double walled stainless steel inlet strainer available. ─── 可提供最坚固的双夹层不锈钢进口过滤器。

84、An essentially balanced single seat minimizes variation in delivery pressure resulting from varying inlet pressure. ─── 一个基本平衡的单阀座最大限度减小进口压力变化对输出压力的影响。

85、Remove the relief valve hose from fitting below inlet ball valve. ─── 从进口球阀下面连接件拆卸安全阀软管。

86、A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet,caused by tidal currents. ─── 三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成。

87、A city of southeast Panay, Philippines, on Iloilo Strait, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. ─── 伊洛伊洛菲律宾班乃东南部一城市,位于伊洛伊洛海峡边沿,苏禄海湾。

88、The refrigerator is the outdoor unit of an air conditioner on which a refrigerant inlet and a refrigerant outlet are arranged. ─── 其中的制冷器为空气调节器的室外机,其上有冷媒进、出口。

89、Detach the sensing line from the inlet ball valve and the elbow on the relief valve. ─── 从进口球阀和安全阀上的弯头处拆卸感应管道。

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