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09-03 投稿



sketcher 发音

英:[?sket??r]  美:[?sket??(r)]

英:  美:

sketcher 中文意思翻译



sketcher 短语词组

1、sketcher deals ─── 素描交易

2、sketcher stores locator sketcher ─── 存储定位器

3、sketcher outlets locations ─── 草图绘制器出口位置

4、sketcher shoes women ─── 女素描鞋

5、sketcher shoes men ─── 素描鞋男

6、rough sketcher ─── 草图绘制者

sketcher 词性/词形变化,sketcher变形

动词过去式: sketched |动词现在分词: sketching |名词: sketcher |动词第三人称单数: sketches |动词过去分词: sketched |

sketcher 相似词语短语

1、sketched ─── n.素描;略图;梗概;vt.画素描或速写;vi.画素描或速写;n.(Sketch)人名;(英)斯凯奇

2、fetcher ─── n.取物的人;访问者

3、ketches ─── n.双桅纵帆船

4、kvetcher ─── kvetcher公司

5、etcher ─── n.蚀刻师;腐蚀铜版制作者

6、stretcher ─── n.担架;延伸器

7、sketchier ─── 概要的,不完全的,粗略的(sketchy的比较级)

8、Fletcher ─── n.弗莱彻(姓氏,男子名);弗莱彻(John,1579-1625,英国剧作家);弗莱彻(JohnGould,1886-1950,美国诗人及批评家)

9、sketches ─── n.[测]草图;示意图;草图法(sketch的复数);v.素描,写生(sketch的第三人称单数)

sketcher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Added concept sketch for world. ─── 加入对游戏世界的基本思想梗概。

2、Here are the three steps of drawing a sketch map of Siu Sai Wan. ─── 以下是绘画小西湾略图的三个步骤。

3、We now proceed to give a slight sketch of the Volsunga Saga. ─── 下面我们来简略介绍一下《沃尔松格传说》。

4、She quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site. ─── 她迅速画出一幅工地的草图。

5、Sketch of combat actions of tank units in 5 pages [scetch is missed -Valera P. ─── 坦克单位的战斗略图在第5页(注:图已丢失)。

6、A sketch of his apparatus is shown in Figure 3-2. ─── 图3-2是他的实验仪器的简图。

7、He was good at making a sketch of face. ─── 他擅长作面部素描。

8、To Modify and Replace a Sketched Format in Sketcher Mode ─── 在草绘模式下修改格式文件

9、At the meeting he gave a sketch of recent happenings. ─── 会上他简述了最近发生的事件。

10、The Sketch on Surface button did not work. This is fixed. ─── 修正"在曲面上描绘"按钮无法执行指令的错误。

11、Is Lumpy enjoying Wookiee cookies in your sketch? ─── 你的草稿里笨笨在享用伍基饼干吗?

12、Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and thedaffodils. ─── 山上的阴影,衬托出树和水仙的轮廓。

13、His sketch is very short and humo ( u ) rous. ─── 他的特写短而幽默。

14、The sketch Nello pointed to represented three masks. ─── 内洛所指的这幅写生,画的是三个假面。

15、He chalked out a rough sketch of the design . ─── 他绘制了设计草图。

16、He fills in a sketch with shadow. ─── 他在画稿上添衬上阴影。

17、He was a sketcher and a copper-plate engraver. ─── 他也是杰出的素描家和铜版画家。

18、Aster and Hoban had their heads bent over a sketch for the battle account. ─── 埃斯特和胡班已经在埋头搞一份附在战报中的略图。

19、To the untrained eye, the charcoal sketch looks worthless. ─── 对外行人来说,这炭笔素描看来毫无价值。

20、Jo had a book, Meg carried a cushion, Beth a basket and Amy a sketch book. ─── 乔带了本书,梅格带著坐垫,贝丝拿著篮子;艾美抱著本素描簿。

21、She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way. ─── 她画了一幅这个地区的略图,用来给我们指路。

22、A sketch can consist of handwritten notes such as symbols, annotations etc. ─── 将手绘草图存储到数据库中,供用户检索使用将非常有意义。

23、A picture or sketch drawn with this type of crayon . ─── 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。

24、Graham Chapman, co-author of the 'Parrot Sketch,' is no more. ─── “鹦鹉”短剧的联合创作者之一,已经不再。

25、Will you take this sketch to the art department? ─── 可否请你把这张草图拿到美术部门?

26、Pointing at a sketch map, he explained the long-term plan to the visitors. ─── 他指着示意图给来宾讲解远景规划。

27、He made a thumb-nail sketch to show me where he lived. ─── 他画了一张草图,告诉我他曾住过的地方。

28、They only gave us a sketch of the whole event. ─── 他们只向我们简略地介绍了整个事件。

29、She was quite enough pleased with the first day's sketch. ─── 她对第一天的成绩感到称心。

30、He did a sketch of the ballet dancers. ─── 他为这些芭蕾舞者画了一张素描。

31、Sketcher will allow you to make comments on webpages in graphic form through doodles you create, save and link. ─── Sketcher让你在网页用绘画方式创建、保存、连接涂鸦来进行评论。

32、Can you sketch in a few details of the proposal? ─── 你能把建议的一些细节补充概述一下吗?

33、The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car. ─── 剧社上演了一出夫妻二人买新车的短剧。

34、Solid models for injection molded parts usually have both surfacing and sketcher based features. ─── 在两块区域之间必须有连续的曲率变化率,否则他们的反射看起来会断开。

35、Subsequently he carved a seal, basically based on this sketch. ─── 后来他刻好了,基本上是依这个草图。

36、Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the Indians. ─── 安妮拿出画本和铅笔, 迅速地画了一幅印第安人的素描。

37、Yes, but a pattern cutter should have enough knowledge about sketch. ─── 但裁剪师也必需有足够的图纸方面的知识。

38、Could you sketch your final match? ─── 你能描述一下最后的比赛吗?

39、He drew a rough sketch showing the position of the entrance. ─── 他粗略地画了张草图,说明入口处的位置。

40、Nine missing sounding pipe covers to be renewed as per attached sketch. ─── 只失落物测量管罩补齐。

41、Sketch out a general idea of where, your money must go on a regular basis. ─── 你可以概略地讲一下根据常规哪些地方必须花钱的总设想。

42、A biography or biographical sketch. ─── 传记,传略

43、The intensity of electric field lines can be observed from this sketch map. ─── 从示意图上可以看出电场线的强弱。

44、Before the King of Frost-cuckoo land, they did another favorite sketch. ─── 在演出《寒霜-杜鹃国国王》之前,他们先演了另一个很受欢迎的滑稽短剧。

45、RO fairyland fable finely with human rough sketch appreciation. ─── RO仙境传说精美同人画稿欣赏;

46、So it is necessary to substitute sketch with calligraphy. ─── 因此以书法代替素描成为必要。

47、She thought his sketch detestable. ─── 她认为他的速写毫无味道。

48、Keep your sketch this side of 1,000 words. ─── 你的短文不要超过1,000字。

49、SUMMARY: Peepingself's sketch in beijing nature history museum. ─── 光猪今天的自然博物馆写生。

50、To delete an area of your sketch, make the X-tap gesture on that area. ─── 如要删除你的草图,在该区作一个划叉手势。

51、Sketcher: Sketcher will allow you to make comments on webpages in graphic form through doodles you create, save and link. ─── 17.SketcherSketcher让你在网页用绘画方式创建、保存、连接涂鸦来进行评论。

52、He made a sketch of the motor. ─── 他画了一张电机的草图。

53、OK. I will ask our designer give some of sketch for you. ─── 好的。我将告诉我们的设计师。

54、His brief sketch of the creature was repulsive. ─── 他对来客的简短描绘足以令人反感。

55、Sketch possible equations, figures, and schemes. ─── 展示相关的方程,图表和示意图。

56、This sketch does not conform with the specifications. ─── 图文不符。

57、Mr. A finished the sketch not only effortlessly but also masterfully. ─── 先生完成了素描,不但不费力,而且很熟练。

58、Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw. ─── 填写的图表并按他们看到的动物的样子给那种动物作一个速写。

59、A few months later, Toby signed Vinnie to do a sketch in his show. ─── 几个月以后,托比聘威尼在他的节目中演一个小品。

60、Scrap design: Leverage the powerful NX sketcher to place curves and specify associative scraps. ─── 废品设计: 利用功能强大的NX 草图绘制工具,可以添加曲线并规定关联废品。

61、The architect quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site. ─── 建筑师快速地设计出一幅建筑工地的草图。

62、A short, usually descriptive literary sketch. ─── 小品文简洁的描述性文学短文

63、Using UDF method and other technique of UG including sketcher, expression, a blade root warehouse was established. ─── 应用用户自定义特征(UDF)的方法,结合草图、参数化及表达式技术,建立了叶根库;

64、He can throw off a sketch of it. ─── 他能马上把它速写下来。

65、You need to sketch in his character a little more. ─── 对他的性格你应当刻画得再详细一些。

66、He often goes to the Bund to sketch. ─── 他经常到外滩写生。

67、An assembly, part, drawing, format, layout, case study, sketch, and so on. ─── 一个装配体,部件,绘图,格式,布局,例子研究,草绘等等

68、Industrial designers sketch and create rough prototypes from foam board and other materials. ─── 工业设计者会拟出草图,用泡沫板和其他材料创建出粗略的原型。

69、He drew a sketch before making a painting. ─── 作画前他先画了一张草图。

70、All you pattern cutter can read the sketch? ─── 你们的裁剪师都能读得懂图纸吗?

71、Fourteen bilge roses to be renewed as per attached sketch. ─── 只污水沟蜂巢箱按附图换新。

72、A: All your pattern cutter can read the sketch? ─── 你们的裁剪师都能读得懂图纸吗?

73、She is still working on her sketch. ─── 她还在画她的素描。

74、He was a sketcher and a copper-plate engraver. ─── 他也是杰出的素描家和铜版画家。

75、He squiggled a sketch on the ground. ─── 他在地上胡乱地画了个草图。

76、Apply heavy line weight to trace the light sketch. ─── 再加上重线条在之前的草图上。

77、A sketch can stimulate one's own imagination. ─── 图形能促进一个人的想象力。

78、He gave me a sketch of his plans for the expedition. ─── 他给我一份他探险计划的草案.

79、He often goes to the countryside to sketch. ─── 他常下乡去写生。

80、An editor and journalist, he is an adroit sketcher of historical events, but even more of character. ─── 作为编辑和记者,罗伯特?普尔不仅擅于描述历史事件,更是人物描写的能工巧匠。

81、Sketcher is a brand new action arcade game that its creative thought came from importing the concept of drawing into the mobile game. ─── “素描人”是一个全新的动作游戏,其创造性思维引入了绘画的概念。

82、Cut out, try on the dress stand and compare with the sketch. ─── 剪下样板,放在胸架上试穿,并与图比较。

83、He made a sketch of the city for me. ─── 他给我画了一张这个城市的略图。

84、By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story. ─── 不一会,我又想法子往旁处岔,花言巧语地把她那么一哄,她就居然把她的故事粗枝大叶地说了一遍。

85、At this studio, the sketcher works out concepts and client corrections with the art director and designer. ─── 在这个工作室中,素描人员将创意画出来,然后客户与艺术指导和设计师一同进行修正。

86、Learning colour is pen paint from life later; Should be pencil sketch next. ─── 学完色彩以后就是钢笔写生;接下来就应该是铅笔素描。

87、Suo sketch plan, row form, even spread, chart"use how English say? ─── "缩略图、列表、平铺、图表"用英文怎么说?

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