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09-03 投稿



excitability 发音

[ ?k,sa?t?'b?l?ti]

英:  美:

excitability 中文意思翻译



excitability 短语词组

1、excitability index ─── 兴奋性指数

2、reflex excitability ─── [医] 反射应激性, 反射兴奋性

3、Excitability Inducing Material ─── 兴奋性诱导材料

4、neuronal excitability ─── [医]神经元兴奋性

5、excitability level ─── 兴奋性水平

excitability 相似词语短语

1、equitability ─── 均匀度

2、cutability ─── n.可切性;精肉率

3、decidability ─── n.[数]可判定性

4、excludability ─── n.排他性;可排除性

5、exportability ─── n.输出,出口;出口商品(export的变形)

6、ensilability ─── 青贮能力

7、electability ─── 可选性;候选资格;当选呼声;有资格当选

8、actability ─── 可操作性

9、educatability ─── 教育

excitability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、peak epicardial excitability threshold ─── 心外膜兴奋阈峰值

2、flyingcandy:exciting about your words.may the excit,happy come at this night and stay with you all the night through. best wish.have he been right with you? ─── 对财物的执著,让我们无法过自由而高贵的生活。思想孕育一切,信念支撑未来,坚持成就自我,相信有一天我能改变这一切!

3、The excitability of muscles and nerve endings are increased when there are low blood calcium and magnesium levels which cause muscle cramping. ─── 当血液中钙、镁含量过低时可能刺激到神经末梢和肌肉并使其高度兴奋,从而造成抽筋。

4、The nerve excitability deteriorates . ─── 神经兴奋性衰退。

5、Objective To investigate the electrocardiogram recording methods and the clinical significance of arrhythmia induced by vagus nerve excitability enhancement. ─── 摘要目的对迷走神经活动增强所致的部分心电图改变进行记录方式和临床意义的探讨。

6、The significance of electrocardiographic changes in children with vagus nerve excitability enhancement ─── 儿童迷走神经活动增强性心电图变化的意义

7、This excitability is what enables Artisans to be oblivious to pain or fatigue, depending, of course, on what they're doing. ─── 兴奋度就是能够使狂热者忘却了疼痛或疲累,当然,这得是他们做了什麽而定。

8、Abnormal cortical excitability in sporadic but not homozygous D90A SOD1 ALS ─── 散发型而非纯合子D90A SOD1 ALS患者皮质兴奋性异常


10、A transcranial magnetic stimulation study of the excitability of motor cortex in patients with Parkinson's disease ─── 帕金森病患者运动皮质兴奋性的经颅磁刺激研究

11、He is a person of great excitability. ─── 他是极易激动的人。

12、Cyc-A produces a protective effect against experimental atrial fibrillation via a prolongation of repolarization, a decease of automaticity, and an inhibition of excitability. ─── Cyc-A抗心房纤颤的作用是通过延长复极、降低自律性和抑制兴奋性而产生.

13、As a result of a higher cortical excitability, stimulate the outside world so the feelings and reactions on the relatively strong and rapid. ─── 由于大脑皮层有着较高的兴奋性,因此对于外界刺激的感受和反应就就比较强和迅速。


15、The results showed T allele had positive effect in locomotion, excitability and exploration. ─── 初步认为该位点可作为衔取欲和游戏欲的辅助选择标记。

16、Abstract: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can increase the excitability of hippocampus by activating its receptor tyrosine kinase B and then result in temporal epilepsy. ─── 摘要: 脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)激活其受体酪氨酸受体激酶B,使海马兴奋性增高,从而促使颞叶癫痫产生。

17、Effect of shadow boxing on the cardiovascular excitability, adaptability and endurance in middle-aged and elderly patients with hypertension ─── 太极拳运动对中老年原发性高血压患者心血管系统应激性、适应性和耐受能力的干预效应

18、In view of important roles of IK and IA currents in the neuronal functions, these results suggest that cholesterol may play a regulatory role in the neuronal excitability. ─── 基于电压依赖钾通道在神经细胞功能中的重要作用,实验结果暗示神经细胞胆固醇含量变化可对神经细胞的兴奋性起调节作用。

19、Strengthen the effect of intercourse on the most basic foodstuffs are to enhance the effect of parasympathetic nerve excitability, phospholipid-rich food. ─── 强化性交精力最具效果的基本食品是具有提升副交感神经兴奋性效果,磷脂质含量丰富的食物。

20、gradual decrease in the excitability of a nerve to a previously adequate stimulus, usually resulting in total loss of excitability. ─── 衰竭神经对足够的刺激所产生的兴奋的逐渐减少,常导致兴奋的完全丧失。

21、reflex excitability ─── [医] 反射应激性, 反射兴奋性

22、years of supernormal employment during the war; a phase of supernormal excitability. ─── 战争期间异于寻常的职业年覆一年;异常兴奋的状态。

23、a phase of supernormal excitability. ─── 异常兴奋的状态。

24、Meperidine Suppresses the Excitability of Spinal Dorsal Horn Neurons. ─── 杜冷丁抑制脊髓背角神经元的兴奋性。

25、Numerous lakes excit in both islands with the major south island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery. ─── 岛上湖泊星罗棋布,其中大部分南岛湖泊坐落在风景秀丽的群山之中。

26、Alpha CF does not cause drowsiness, nervousness, sleeplessness, or excitability. Safe for people taking other medicines. ─── 阿尔法CF片不会导致嗜睡,精神紧张,失眠,或兴奋。与其他药物不相克。

27、A gradual decrease in the excitability of a nerve to a previously adequate stimulus, usually resulting in total loss of excitability. ─── 衰竭神经对足够的刺激所产生的兴奋的逐渐减少,常导致兴奋的完全丧失。

28、1. The manic-depressive has alternating moods of black depression and wild, uncontrollable exaltation or excitability. ─── 1、癫狂抑郁症患者。这种病人一会儿绝望到顶,一会儿极度兴奋或者控制不住的狂喜。

29、a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person ─── 减少兴奋性使人安静下来的药

30、Excitability and adaptivity, as two main basic properties of living body, both touch upon the relationship of living beings and environment. ─── 应激性和适应性为生物体的两大基本特性,均涉及生物同环境的关系。

31、monosynaptic reflex excitability ─── 单突触反射兴奋性

32、excitability level ─── 兴奋性

33、Objective Investigating the effect at commonly used local anesthetics on the excitability of the ischiadic nerve of toad, providing electrophysiology besis for clinical use of local anesthetic. ─── 摘要目的观察常用局麻药对蟾蜍坐骨神经干兴奋性的影响,为临床用药提供电生理学依据。

34、3. Farmers' collective excitability lead the defeat of the movements. ─── 农民集体兴奋的情绪导致运动的过火、失控和最终失败。

35、In order to cause the different level the student makes the progress, the teacher must use the evaluation to carry on the excitability appraisal to the student. ─── 为了使不同层次的学生取得进步,教师需采用评语对学生进行激励性评价。

36、One component of this is that the afferent input generated by injury and intense noxious stimuli triggers an increased excitability of nociceptive neurons in the spinal cord. ─── 其中重要的一点是伤害性刺激的持续传入使脊髓内伤害性神经元的兴奋性增强。

37、At the same time, pulse current has the effect of reducing the excitability of ache receptivity and inflammation tissues, so it can knead cells and eliminate pains. ─── 同时脉冲电流本身具有可以使疼痛感受器兴奋性和炎症组织兴奋性降低的特点,可以起到对组织细胞按摩和镇痛的作用。

38、The Effect of Increased Ambient Pressure on Lumbosacral Motoneurone Excitability in the Rat. ─── 增强的外界压力对老鼠腰骶运动神经元兴奋性的影响。

39、a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person. ─── 减少兴奋性使人安静下来的药。

40、55. The features affected by family environment are intelligence, steadiness , excitability, perseverance, courage, sensitivity and suspicion. ─── 受家庭环境影响的人格特质为:聪慧性、稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、敏感性和怀疑性。

41、He discovered that there was a growling (groaning) center in midbrain in cat,and its excitability may be involved the mechanism of emotion and pain. ─── 他主要用其研究情绪表征的神经机制。发现猫中脑怒叫中枢,且其兴奋性可能与疼痛及情绪机制有关。

42、Under special stimulus, inhibited children may have lower threshold of excitability than uninhibited ones in amygdalar, prefrontal cortex and striatal, with higher level of cortisol and heart rate. ─── 与非行为抑制个体相比,在特定的刺激条件下,行为抑制个体的杏仁核、纹状体和右前额区域的激活水平可能较高,心率和可的松水平也倾向于较高。

43、His wife's calm nature act as a counterbalanceto his excitability. ─── 他妻子生性从容不迫,这对他的易冲动的个性起著平衡作用。

44、Any food or drink containing theobromine is forbidden. Chocolate, cocoa, coffee, and tea contain theobromine, which can cause over excitability, cardiopathy, and death. ─── 任何含有可可碱的食物或饮料都是被禁止的,巧克力、咖啡和茶都含有可可碱,这些能引起过度兴奋、心脏病和死亡。

45、"A mischievous excitability is the most obvious expression of [his face]. If he were a horse, nobody would buy him;with that eye no one could answer for his temper" (Walter Bagehot). ─── “顽皮的兴奋是最明显的表情。 如果他是一匹马,没有人会买他;带有那种眼神的人,没有人能知道他的性情” (沃尔特·巴杰特)。

46、minimal excitability value ─── 最小兴奋值

47、Stress increased the contents of serum corticotrophin (Cor) and adrenocortictropin homone (ACTH) (P

48、excitability of cardiac muscle cells ─── 心肌细胞兴奋性

49、Wife's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability. ─── 他妻子的沉着冷静抵消了他的火爆脾气。

50、ventricular excitability threshold ─── 心室兴奋阈, 心室应激阈

51、In the group with compressing teat of the facial nerve for 5 seconds, the recovery period of nerve excitability conduction and blink reflex was (60.75±45.3)h. ─── 压迫面神经5s组,神经兴奋性传导恢复时间和瞬目反射恢复时间都是(60.7±45.3)h;

52、His wife 's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability ─── 他妻子生性从容不迫,这对他的易冲动的个性起著平衡作用

53、excitability threshold ─── 兴奋阈, 剌激阈

54、A growing number of experimental studies have used patch-clamp amplifiers(PCAs) in the current-clamp(CC) mode to investigate classical excitability. ─── 但是随着越来越多的人使用膜片钳放大器(PCA)以电流钳模式记录细胞快速变化的电压信号,研究人员发现记录到波形的幅值和相位会发生明显的畸变。

55、excitability n. ─── 易兴奋性;

56、Business Unit Description :EDS' Global Solution Centre in China is one our fastest growing divisions. Providing an excit...... ... ─── 公司名称:电子资讯系统(武汉)有限公司工作地点:湖北省武汉市发布时间:2009-7-8

57、Finally, fluctuations of vestibular excitability correlated positively with the extent of subjectively perceived vertigo. ─── 最后,前庭兴奋性的波动与主观认为的眩晕的程度是正性相关的。

58、Though the development speed of e-commerce in our country is very fast, some corresponding questions do excit. ─── 尽管电子商务在我国的发展速度很快,但也相应的存在一些问题。

59、years of supernormal employment during the war; a phase of supernormal excitability ─── 战争期间异于寻常的职业年覆一年;异常兴奋的状态

60、Keywords choeropondias axillaris;total flavones of choeropondias axillaris(TFC);guinea pig;papillary muscle;contractility;functional refractory period (FRP);excitability; ─── 广枣;广枣总黄酮(TFC);豚鼠;乳头肌;收缩力;功能性不应期(FRP);兴奋性;

61、Alteration in excitability and conductivity of a nerve or muscle during the passage of an electric current through it. ─── 电紧张当电流通过时,某一神经或肌肉产生的易激动性和传导体的变化

62、excitability cycle ─── 兴奋性周期

63、Neurosciences And Neuroanaesthesia: M. Kakinohana and K. Sugahara Level of consciousness affects the excitability of spinal motor neurones during propofol sedation in humans ─── 在异丙酚镇静期间,人的意识水平对脊髓运动神经元的兴奋性产生影响

64、His wife's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability. ─── 他妻子的沉着冷静抵销了他的急性子脾气。

65、state of recovery of excitability ─── 兴奋性恢复状态

66、The mechanisms of injury include overload of calcium, injury of free radicals, production of excitability amino acid and nitrogen monoxidum and so on. ─── 损伤的机制主要与氧自由基的损伤、钙超载、兴奋性氨基酸、一氧化氮等有关。

67、threshold of excitability ─── 兴奋阈

68、To Estimate Early Postmortem Interval by Investigating Changes of Rats'Gastrocnemius Excitability ─── 大鼠死后腓肠肌直接电兴奋性变化与早期死亡时间的关系

69、Keywords persistent sodium current;4-AP sensitive K+ current;excitability classification;bifurcation;noise;resonance;neuron;mesencephalic V; ─── 持续性钠电流;4-AP敏感的钾电流;兴奋性分类;分岔;噪声;共振;神经元;三叉神经中脑核;

70、In this paper, we use the word "excitability" to denote degree that two players who play a continuous game have good luck and take a risk, respectively. ─── 摘要本文用刺激性(感)来描述游戏一个零和对策的两个局中人的风险性和侥幸取胜性,游戏不同的零和对策可能有不同的刺激感。

71、excitability recovering time ─── 兴奋性恢复时间

72、Excitability Inducing Material ─── 可激发性诱导材料

73、2. His wife's calm nature act as a counterbalance to his excitability. ─── 他妻子生性从容不迫,这对他的易冲动的个性起著平衡作用。

74、I feel excit... ─── 倒数第二日...

75、The periodicity changes and their characters of myocardial excitability, Autorhythmicity and pacemaker of heart; ─── 心肌兴奋性的周期性变化及其特点,自律性和心脏的起搏点;


77、Mild changes in personality occur, as well as erethism characterized by excessive, undue embarrassment, timidity, depression , discouragement, irritability, resentfulness, or excitability. ─── 人的性情出现轻微的变化,以及过度兴奋、过分烦恼、胆小羞怯、抑郁不乐、沮丧泄气、神经质的烦燥、忿恨不满或易兴奋、激动。

78、As an outward, voltage-dependent potassium channel, M type channel is crucial in the regulation of neuronal excitability; ─── 摘要M型通道作为一种外向型电压依赖型钾通道,在调节神经系统兴奋性方面发挥着重要作用。

79、Term formerly used in psychology to designate a neurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions. ─── 以前在心理学上是指一种精神官能症,表现为情绪亢奋,心理、感觉、血管收缩及内脏功能都发生紊乱。

80、excitability index ─── 兴奋性指标

81、Brain imaging studies indicate increased neuronal excitability and decreased density of benzodiazepine receptors in temporal (auditory) cortex but the source and mechanism of such changes are unknown. ─── 大脑影像学研究表明(耳鸣患者)颞叶(听觉)皮层神经元兴奋性增高,也存在苯二氮卓受体密度减小,但这种转变的原因和机制未明。

82、A temporary suspension of conductivity or excitability in a nerve. ─── 中断神经中对传导和兴奋的暂时中断


84、It has been found that NaSal significantly suppresses the functional activity of GABA neurons, suggesting that NalSal raises excitability in the central auditory system to induce tinnitus. ─── 我们发现该药物显著地压制GABA神经元的自发活动水平,提示水杨酸钠通过提高中枢听觉系统的兴奋性诱导耳鸣。

85、It also has the actions of raising the excitability of nerves and muscles, regulating the meridians and collaterals, improving the flow of Qi and blood. ─── 并有提高神经肌肉兴奋性,调整经络的功能,改善气血循环等作用。

86、In the study conducted using a fruit fly, they found that negative feedback mediated by PI3K regulates the excitability of neurons, an issue in a number of ailments that include neurofibromatosis. ─── 在用果蝇的实验中,研究人员发现由PI3K介导的负反馈可以调节神经的兴奋性,这个问题在包括神经纤维瘤等许多疾病中存在。

87、Super 3D Golf gives you the most realistic and excit... ─── 一款不错的3D高尔夫球游戏。

88、Keywords procaine;lidocaine;bupivacaine;ischiadic nerve;excitability;toad; ─── 普鲁卡因;利多卡因;布比卡因;坐骨神经干;兴奋性;蟾蜍;

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