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09-03 投稿



embedment 发音

英:[?m?bedm?nt]  美:[?m?bedm?nt]

英:  美:

embedment 中文意思翻译



embedment 短语词组

1、length of embedment ─── [化] 埋入深度

2、embedment method ─── 埋入法

3、embedment anchor ─── 埋入锚

4、embedment length ─── 埋入长度, ─── 埋置长度,嵌入长度

embedment 相似词语短语

1、embodiment ─── n.体现;化身;具体化

2、cumberment ─── 累赘

3、embayment ─── n.湾;形成港湾

4、embowelment ─── 栓子

5、embodiments ─── n.体现;化身(embodiment的复数)

6、embankment ─── n.路堤;堤防

7、embowerment ─── 实动力

8、embalmment ─── n.薰香;尸体的防腐处理

9、embowment ─── n.弯成弓形

embedment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The error analyses are presented and attentions about calibration,embedment and maintenances are discussed. ─── 分析了产生误差的原因,并探讨了土压力盒标定、埋设和维护等方面的注意事项。

2、Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces. ─── 将转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。

3、technique of embedment ─── 包埋法

4、Discussion on Indoor Gas Copper Tubing Embedment ─── 室内燃气铜管暗设的探讨

5、Developing Library Network Database in Embedment Database Manner ─── 以嵌入式数据库方式开发图书馆网络数据库

6、Embedment and observation of interior instruments are important for safety monitoring of pumped storage power stations. ─── 内观仪器埋设观测是抽水蓄能电站水工建筑物安全监测工作的重要内容。

7、embedment depth effect ─── 埋深效应

8、embedment concrete anchors ─── 嵌入式混凝土锚

9、The pile repletion measurement, drilling, the embedment of the steel casing and pile drilling are emphasized. ─── 强调了桩位复测、护筒埋设、钻孔、成孔等每道工序在检查过程中需注意的问题。

10、Embedment of stainless steel is used to install accessible sensor. ─── 不锈钢嵌入件用于接近传感器的安装。

11、Quality Control of Underground Chamber Observation Instrument Embedment in Dachaoshan Hydropower Plant ─── 大朝山水电站地下洞室观测仪器埋设质量控制

12、What's more, the paper gives some feasible suggestions on how to exploit the scientific clinic evidences and facilitate the implementation of EMB practice. ─── 对如何开发临床科学证据、进我国循证医学实践的开展提出了具体建议。

13、Experimental results agree with the theoretical values, basically.It shows that the introduced embedment method makes the FBG be able to monitor the strain in the flexibility material effectively. ─── 实验结果与理论预期基本一致,表明此埋置方法可实现FBG传感器对弹性材料的内应变进行有效地监测。

14、Keywords cell wall polysaccharides;immobilization;embedment;adsorption;plumbum;cadmium; ─── 关键词细菌胞壁多糖;固定化;包埋;吸附;铅;镉;

15、the structural response of the simplified building-soil system increases with decreasing foundation embedment ratio; ─── 建筑结构系统反应与基础埋入深度成反比;

16、Info:various caps here availbale:baseball cap,sports cap,emb cap, golf cap, flat cap,etc. ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉适用对象:男款式:棒球帽

17、In the domestic, the researches of EMB are begun only several years ago. Several companies such as Bosch, Siemens and Teves have developed some EMB models, but the researches are still blank in China. ─── 在国外,EMB系统的研究也只是近些年刚刚开始,Bosch、Siemens、Teves公司已经取得了部分研究成果,而国内的研究仍属空白。

18、2)under conditions of shallow embedment, vault displacement increases with embedment depth and displacement mainly happens during excavation of tunnel before lining construction; ─── 2.在浅埋条件下,拱顶下沉有随埋深增大而增大的趋势,位移释放在开挖完成、支护之前就已经大部分完成。

19、instrument embedment ─── 仪器埋设

20、What s more,the paper gives some feasible suggestions on how to exploit the scientific clinic evidences and facilitate the implementation of EMB practice. ─── 对如何开发临床科学证据、促进我国循证医学实践的开展提出了具体建议。

21、Considering the effect of the embedment and friction in the post elastic period, we also made some adjustment on this method. ─── 本文在弹性后阶段提出了埋置作用和摩擦作用的假设,并对等代拉杆法进行了修正。

22、I h a d a gre at time in my study in Engl a nd.It is a be a utiful country a nd t he people in t here is very kind, a lthough sometime i got myself emb a rr a ssed bec a use of different culture. ─── 我在英国的学习很愉快,虽然有时因为文化的差异让我成为笑柄,但是英国真的是个美丽的国家,那里的人民很友好。

23、Reformation of Fundamental Medicine Education as Development of EMB ─── 弘扬循证医学思想改革基础医学教育

24、EMB with major customers in the second quarter of the original signed and the implementation of the contract, the signing of the implementation was postponed to the second half. ─── 公司与重大客户EMB原定于二季度签定并将执行的合同,推迟至下半年签定执行。

25、the conception of Evidence-based medicine (EMB) comes from clinical practice and has been widely used in all kinds of clinic and basic research. ─── 循证医学(EBM)思想来源于临床实践,目前已广泛深入到各种临床实践和基础研究。

26、Emb Card Brothers exclusive licensing Delphinium machine memory card and brothers licensing Delphinium plane PC-8200 dedicated accessories. 8 M memory. 40-socket. ─── Emb Card 兄弟牌锈花机专用存储卡,是兄弟牌锈花机PC 8200专用配件。内存8M。40芯插座。

27、The characters of FDIagglomeration lead to the embedment and the upgrade of companies in value chain becomesmore possible because of the upgrade of industrial clusters. ─── 外国直接投资的集聚特征使得企业通过嵌入集群,借助集群的升级实现在价值链上的攀升成为可能。

28、Immunohistochemistry and EM examination can be used as a supple-ment to the Dallas diagnosis standard in order to improve accuracy of EMB in diagnosing VMT. ─── 免疫组化及电镜观察可作为Dallas诊断标准的补充,提高EMB对VMT诊断的敏感性。

29、EMB Standard List of Suppliers ─── 供应商名单

30、Installation, embedment, observation and analysis of dam safety monitoring instruments for exploratory tunnel emergency reinforcement project across Yellow River at Weishan ─── 位山穿黄探洞应急加固工程大堤安全监测仪器安装埋设、观测及分析

31、The study on capability of degradation of embedment of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to nitrobenzene was carried out. ─── 实验研究了黄孢原毛平革菌的包埋固定化技术处理硝基苯废水。

32、To underpin the implementation of the QF, EMB proposes to set up Industry Training Advisory Committees ITACs to develop Industry Training Specifications ITSs for individual industry sectors. ─── 为协助资历架构的推行工作,教统局建议成立行业训练谘询委员会,为个别行业制订行业培训规格。

33、The results showed that the diagnostic cases? number of UCG,MRI,ACG,EMB and autopsy for EMF are 5/22,4/5,21/21,13/18,and 8/8,respectively. Right ventricular endocardiectomy and tricuspid valve replacement have been performed in 3 patients. ─── UCG、MRI、ACG、EMB和尸检对获得EMF诊断的病例数分别为5/22、4/5、21/21、13/18和8/8。

34、The first method is an improved DCT-based private watermarking algorithm.The embedment intensity of watermarking is enhanced by the quantization of the originality carrier image. ─── 一个是在分析原有的明文水印算法基础上,通过对原始载体图像进行量化处理来增强水印的嵌入强度。

35、Construction Technique for Reinforcing Bar Embedment in Foundation of Access Bridge Pier for Permanent Navigation Lock at Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡工程永久船闸交通桥墩基础植筋施工技术

36、The study on capability of decolorization of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor to dye wastewater and technology of embedment was carried out. ─── 实验对黄孢原毛平革菌和杂色云芝的染料废水脱色性能及其包埋技术进行了研究。

37、Design of a Power Harmonic Analyzer Based on Embedment and DSP ─── 基于嵌入式和DSP的电力谐波分析仪的设计

38、EMB agar, eosin-methyleneblue agar ─── EMB琼脂, 曙红亚甲蓝琼脂

39、The Council met with SWD, EMB and the sector to discuss the transitional arrangement of services. ─── 先后多次与社署、教统局及业界会面,讨论合并之各项过渡安排。

40、With the decrease of foundation embedment, the foundation stiffness is decreased, and the interaction become more evidently. ─── 随着基础侧限埋深的减小,基础刚度降低,相互作用体现得更加明显。

41、Synergy Education Provider Co LTD is one of the NET teacher provider companies listed in the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Schemes by the Education and Manpower Bureau(EMB). ─── 多年来已为超过100间中小学、30间慈善团体及30间私人机构提供优质外籍及华籍导师。

42、Application of the CGM High Strength Non-shrinkage Grout Material in Steel Bar Embedment Engineering ─── CGM高强无收缩灌浆料在加固植筋工程中的应用

43、Digital Control System Design and Application of EMB Based on DSP ─── 基于DSP的电磁轴承控制系统的设计与应用

44、Based on the analysis result, an experimental system was established using 5 special concrete embedment strain sensors at a highway, and the experiments were carried on. ─── 在此分析的基础上,建立了实测移动车载下的路面板底拉应变响应的方法,并用5个特殊的混凝土埋入式应变传感器在高速公路上建立了实测试验环境进行实测试验。

45、Here, the EMB once again tries to mislead the public by sidestepping the crux of the problem. ─── 在这里,教统局又再次迴避问题,误导公众。

46、To investigate the embedment features of the shallow underground water , and to evaluate its corrosion to the concrete. ─── 调查场地浅部地下水埋藏条件,并评价其对混凝土的腐蚀性。

47、Keywords: Thiokol, Infrared optical system, bond, seal, embedment, Filling, ─── 关键词:聚硫橡胶,红外光学系统,粘接,密封,灌封,填补

48、straight embedment of anchorage ─── (无弯钩的) 钢筋直端锚固

49、In such condition, EMB is most persuasive. ─── 在这种情况下,只有循证医学才能够为治疗方案的选择提供最充分的证据。

50、Front EMB: Green embroidered 3 logo on front. ─── 前教统局:绿绣三日标识上前线。

51、we need is taffeta or shantung or organdy or tulle Emb or shantung prints . ─── 塔夫绸或者山东绸或者玻璃纱或者其它薄纱绣花或者山东绸印花。

52、The primary drugresistance(PDR) rates were 22.7% , 15.8%, 22.7% and 7.7% for INH, RFP, SM and EMB,respectively. ─── 各药的原始耐药率分别为:H22.7%,R15.8%,522.7%,E7.7%;

53、endo-myocardial biopsy(EMB); ─── 心内膜心肌活检;

54、This paper introduces successful construction method and control measure currently used for holedrill,borehole deviation,protection tube,and embedment and installation of bimetal mark. ─── 介绍了目前比较成功的倒垂孔钻孔、钻孔偏斜、保护管安装、双金属标的埋设及安装等施工方法和控制措施。

55、Once the sample factory submitted those back pocket embroidery, we will simply use the colors from the and make emb’d on the waistband. ─── 一旦工厂寄的样办有后袋绣花,我们将直接使用它,并且腰头绣花。

56、Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces. ─── 将转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。

57、A Technique of Double Layer Embedment Lactobacillus and Biological Activity of Embedded Bacterium ─── 乳酸菌双层包埋技术及包埋菌生物活性的研究

58、Traumatic shock treatment has a histroy of morn than 100 years,but some of which still remained argued.The author reviewed the new advance about EMB in treatment of traumatic shock. ─── 创伤性休克的治疗已经历了上百年的研究和实践,并应用于临床救治,但其中仍存在一些误区和争论。

59、Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces. ─── 转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。

60、EHB(Electrohydraulic Brake) and EMB are called brake-by-wire by a joint name,it is a filiation of X-by-wire. ─── EHB(Electrohydraulic Brake,电子液压制动)与EMB统称为brake-by-wire(线控制动),它是X-by-wire技术的一个分支。

61、evidence-based medicine ( EMB ) ─── 循证医学

62、A High Perfomance and Embedment DSP Chip TMS320LF2401A Used for Motor Control ─── 一种高性能用于电机控制的嵌入式DSP芯片TMS320LF2401A

63、Successful List will be submitted to EMB in April 2007. ─── 于4月向教统局递交甄选名单。

64、Digital Control System Design of EMB Based on DSP ─── 基于DSP的电磁轴承控制系统设计

65、Tiandes net fixed asset reaches 28.6M EMB with registered capiral 8M RMB. ─── 几年来,本公司已完成各类建筑工程业务3.8亿元人民币。

66、Treatment with Frontal Membrane of Pupil after Embedment of Artificial Lens ─── 人工晶状体植入后瞳孔前膜的处理

67、groundwater embedment depth ─── 地下水埋深

68、Effects of foundation embedment on super imposed stress in subgrade ─── 基础埋深对地基附加应力的影响

69、The correlation between factors or components and embedment between components in regression analyses will decrease the creditability of regression equations. ─── 为此本文提供了衡量回归方程合理性可信性的6条准则。

70、Improvement of Infill Wall Tie Bar Embedment Construction ─── 填充墙拉结筋预埋施工的一种改进

71、Besides the influence from the social politics and economy, the embedment of the historical culture is also an important factor affecting the religious authority of Buddhism. ─── 佛教的宗教权威除了受到特定的社会政治与经济影响外,其背后的历史文化的镶嵌也是非常重要的因素。

72、In the sparking park, the darling dark dog barked at the emb ked larks. ─── 在闪着火花的公园-?,可爱的深色狗对着装载于船993600迫阜徒?.

73、CLPM can be used to compute dynamic response of arbitrarily shaped surface and embedment lumped foundations harmonically vertical oscillating on a homogeneous half-space. ─── 利用该模型可以计算均质半空间上块体基础在竖向扰力作用下任意频率、任意形状(不包括环型)的明置和埋置基础的动力响应。

74、Effects on finger-jointing performances:(1) Embedment is a guarantee to make the force act on the finger surface. ─── 嵌合度是保证指接作用力有效地作用于指榫斜面的指接参数。

75、Keywords Human emb ryo;Olfactory ensheathing cells;Cell culture; ─── 关键词人胚胎;嗅神经鞘细胞;体外培养;

76、historical embedment ─── “历史镶嵌

77、The performances of EMB system are directly affected by position measurement error. ─── 在电磁轴承系统中,位置测量误差直接影响着系统性能。

78、The percentage of drug-resistance to INH, STR, RIF and EMB was 26.3%, 24.3%, 18.4% and 10.5%, respectively. ─── 四种抗结核药物的耐药率依次为INH(26.3%)、STR(24.3%)、RIF(18.4%)、EMB(10.5%)。

79、Objective To discuss the formation of frontal membrane of pupil and its treatment after embedment of artificial lens. ─── 目的探讨人工晶状体植入术后瞳孔前膜的形成机制与处理方法。

80、Chrysler suppliers are required to perform and document an annual self-assessment per the "Elements of Manufacturing Basics" (EMB) criteri. ─── 凡是克莱斯勒的供方,每年必须按照“制造基础要素的判别准则”EMB这份文件的要求进行自我评估并且形成文件.

81、embedment manner ─── 埋设方式

82、For enquiry, please feel free to contact the Council and Secondary Section, EMB at 2892 5856. ─── 如有查询,请致电28925856与教育统筹局议会及中学组联络。

83、Under the newly revised system, the Observatory will continue to liaise closely with EMB and provide the necessary weather information in support of their decision-making on class suspension. ─── 在新修订系统下,天文台会继续与教统局保持紧密联系,提供天气资料以协助教统局作出学校暂时停课的决定。

84、Not all adenocarcinomas identified in an EMB are from the endometrium. ─── 并非所有EMB(子宫内膜活检)发现的腺癌都起源于子宫内膜。

85、Ms Ho and some of her EMB colleagues have been taking tai chi lessons on Saturday mornings for three years. ─── 何女士与同事三年来每逢星期六清晨都上太极班。

86、embedment or ahernation polymerization ─── 嵌段或交替共聚法

87、It is deemed that the interaction between the base of the foundation and saturated soil is independent of embedment depth. ─── 土与基础在四周及基底处紧密接触且接触面是完全透水的。

88、Keywords ethambutol (EMB);isoniazid (INH);rifampin (RIF);two-dimensional gel electrophoresis( 2-DE);proteome; ─── 关键词乙胺丁醇;异烟肼;利福平;双向电泳;蛋白质组学;

89、The effects of the horizontally inhomogeneous soil increase with the thickness and the embedment depth of the box foundation. ─── 随着水平方向不均匀土的厚度的增加和基础埋深的增加,其影响增大。

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