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09-03 投稿



knoll 发音

英:[no?l]  美:[n??l]

英:  美:

knoll 中文意思翻译




knoll 网络释义

n. 小山n. (Knoll)人名;(英)诺尔;(法、德、匈、瑞典、捷)克诺尔

knoll 词性/词形变化,knoll变形


knoll 短语词组

1、Knoll's glands ─── [医] 克诺耳氏腺(假声带即室襞内的腺)

2、knoll spring ─── 圆丘泉

3、grassy knoll ─── 草丘

4、knoll light factory photo knoll light ─── 工厂照片

5、micro knoll ─── 微型圆丘

6、knoll light factory ─── 诺尔灯厂

7、beechy knoll ─── 山毛榉

8、Velichkov Knoll ─── 韦利奇科夫海穹

knoll 相似词语短语

1、knolly ─── 块茎

2、knolling ─── 面条

3、knolls ─── n.小山;n.(Knoll)人名;(英)诺尔;(法、德、匈、瑞典、捷)克诺尔

4、know-all ─── n.万事通

5、noll ─── 诺尔(人名)

6、knell ─── n.丧钟声;凶兆;哀伤的声音;vi.鸣丧钟;预报凶兆;发出哀伤之声;vt.敲丧钟召集

7、to knoll ─── 两个块茎

8、knoller ─── n.小山(knoll的变形)

9、knolled ─── 克诺尔

knoll 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Branch of Knoll Co.Boston,Mass.USA ─── 波士顿克诺尔公司分店,美国

2、But John Knoll's kid (Alex Knoll who played the Episode II padawan learner J. ─── 不过约翰-诺尔的孩子(亚力克斯-诺尔在EP2中扮演学徒J.

3、On the left side he could see a sloping descent that looked lighted up and a black knoll facing it that seemed steep as a wall. ─── 在左方可以看见被月亮照耀的慢坡,像垣墙一般陡峭,耸立于对方的黑魆魆的山岗。

4、The hard upper layer was quarried away, leaving a knoll. ─── 硬盘上层是开采离开,留下一个小丘。

5、Clifford steered cautiously down the slope of the knoll from the hall, and Connie kept her hand on the chair. In front lay the wood, the hazel thicket nearest, the purplish density of oaks Beyond. ─── 克利福小心地从他们的房屋所在的小山丘上,向着斜坡驶了下去。康妮在旁边用手扶着车子。树林在他们的面前展开着,最近处是擦树丛林,稍远处便是带紫色的浓密的橡树林。

6、"tonight we are going over to the Knoll and talk." ─── “今晚,我们去那边小丘陵地带谈谈。”

7、Governor Knoll, Attorney General Fisher with us today. ─── 管理者小山, 首席检察官渔夫由于我们今天。

8、By courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, gift of Knoll Associates, Inc. ─── 巴塞隆纳椅,密斯?范?德?罗厄设计于1929年;现藏纽约市现代艺术博物馆。

9、Dr Knoll reckons this is because molluscs and arthropods are able to buffer the chemistry of the internal fluids from which they create their shells. ─── 脑尔博士推测,这是因为软体动物和节肢动物能够缓冲体液的化学性质,从而制造它们的外壳。

10、Welcome, new students, to Maple Knoll High School Library! Here is an introduction of our school library. ─── 欢迎新同学们来到枫叶丘高中图书馆!这是我们学校图书馆的介绍。

11、Petroleum limitation: Knoll the alarm bell for Chinese automobile market ─── 石油短缺:敲响中国车市警钟

12、Knoll's glands ─── [医] 克诺耳氏腺(假声带即室襞内的腺)

13、On this knoll was a crowd of officers, and Pierre heard the French chatter of the staff, and saw Kutuzov's grey head sunk in his shoulders, and his white cap, with red braiding on it. ─── 土岗上有一群军人,可以听见参谋人员用法语谈话,看见库图佐夫戴着红箍白帽的、白发苍苍的脑袋和他那缩进两肩之间的满是白发的后脑勺。

14、When Winston followed her, he found that they were in a natural clearing, a tiny grassy knoll surrounded by tall saplings that shut it in completely ─── 温斯顿跟在她后面,见那里原来是块天然的空地,一个小小的土丘野草丛生,四周长满高高的小树,正把这空地遮蔽得严严实实。

15、Lines include Herman Miller, Eames, and Knoll Studio. ─── 网站简介 : Modern furniture, lighting and accessories.

16、The slopes of the knoll and all the inside of the stockade had been cleared of timber to build the house, and we could see by the stumps what a fine and lofty grove had beer destroyed. ─── 小山坡上和栅栏里面的树木都被砍来建这座木屋了,留下的树桩仍能使我们看出被毁掉的树林原先长得多么茂盛、高大。

17、died at 28, wasted from years of self - destructing on drugs(Jack Knoll) ─── 死时28岁,因多年吸毒造成的自我毁灭而精力耗尽(杰克 诺尔)

18、Clear Water Bay Knoll, an exclusive development by Far East Consortium Limited, offers you a rare opportunity to be the owner of an individually designed detached and semi-detached house. ─── 远东发展有限公司著意精心策划清水湾山庄---西贡(清水湾地段)近年罕有的独立及半独立洋房。

19、On two successive nights they tried in vain to seize a knoll that lay between their position and Monastery Hill. ─── 它们奋战两天两夜,企图夺取座落在它们阵地和修道院山地之间的小山,但未得手。

20、coral knoll ─── 珊瑚丘

21、a low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll ─── 低土丘或圆岗;小丘

22、"We'll let John worry about that," says George, referring to Visual Effects Supervisor John Knoll, who hasn't arrived in Australia yet. ─── “我们就让约翰来操心这件事吧。”乔治说道,他说的是视效监督约翰-诺尔,他还没有到澳大利亚。

23、It's a grassy knoll known only to locals where you can watch airplanes come in (shockingly close to your head) for a landing just a few hundred feet away at Reagan National Airport. ─── 约翰昆西亚当斯离开白宫以后住在附近的一个大厦里面,这里现在有美丽的雕像和层叠水池让你感受到一种欧洲皇家宫殿的感觉。

24、While Nuttgens gets the lighting in place, Lucas and Knoll talk at length about how they're going to make Christensen fit into the already shot plate of the Jedi Council. ─── 在Nuttgens让照明到位的时候,卢卡斯和克诺最后一次讨论他们将如何让克里斯腾森融合到这个早已拍竣的绝地会议室布景里去。

25、We went to the Knoll, the campus trysting place, and we sat down under an old oak, and she looked at me expectantly. ─── 我们去了’小山’,这是校园里人们幽会的地方。我们坐在一棵老橡树下,她用期待的眼神看着我。

26、Knoll glands knoll ─── 氏腺

27、At the northwest foothill knoll of Bogda, it has seed plants 261 species belonging to 180 generas and 42 families.2. ─── 主要研究结果和进展:1.博格达山西北麓低山丘陵区共有种子植物42科180属261种(含5个变种)。

28、The sound of the battle was suddenly a long way away but just as he closed his eyes and the black cloud engulfed him he thought he heard someone crying from the grassy knoll, "The Toasters are coming. ─── 而战场确是难以描写的,因为有太多的事情发生,可能也需要你拥有必要的军事策略的知识。

29、Although not large in size, it is the most beautiful of all gardens in Xiamen, located on the seaside and laid out against the slope of a knoll with flowers blooming all the year round and birds chirping all the while in the trecs. ─── 花园虽小,却傍山面海,气象万千,百花争艳,鸟语枝头,为厦门名园之最。

30、Rick and Kristie Knoll, who for 30 years have worked a 10-acre plot in Brentwood, Calif., used to hire interns who were eager to be part of a farm that supplies restaurants like Chez Panisse. ─── 瑞克在克里斯提也山庄,30年来一直是应对那些生活在城市里的学生,他们聘请实习生加入到一个农场中,或者做餐厅供应。

31、This was one of the places that Sir Geoffrey had cut during the war for trench timber. The whole knoll, which rose softly on the right of the riding, was denuded and strangely forlorn. ─── 这是大战中佐费来男爵伐木以供战壕之用的一个地方,在马路的右边渐次隆起的圆丘,一片光溜溜,怪荒芜的。

32、Almost immediately the footprints of a pig were discovered in the grass at a little distance from the knoll. ─── 差不多就在同时,在离小山包不远的草地上,发现了猪蹄印。

33、Knoll thinks for a moment and says,"Beg for mercy." ─── 克诺想了一会后说:“乞求宽大。”

34、Truth be told the grassy knoll ─── 只有青山听得到真相

35、Once one gets atop the knoll known as Gandeerao the majestic mausoleum comes into view, its three resplendent domes, resembling those of yurts, glittering in the midst of trees. ─── 登上甘德尔敖包,成吉思汗陵的雄姿便展现在眼前,3个蒙古包式的圆顶金碧辉煌,与丛林相映,光耀夺目。

36、It borns seven knoll sheeps, and is like all mother a love a kid similar love them. ─── 它生了七只小山羊,并且像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱它们。

37、An almost effortless 91-77 win by Greece ended China's modest two-game winning streak and sent the conspiracy theorists scrambling to find another grassy knoll. ─── 他们几乎不费吹灰之力以91-77击败中国队,结束了对手短暂的2连胜。结果那些私下里给他们出主意的家伙只好夹着尾巴逃跑了。

38、This house, consisting of two parts is gently perched side saddle to the mountain ridge, joining the main slope with a rocky knoll. ─── 住宅包括两个部分,它们缓缓地跨越侧壁和山体脊梁,并连同附近的一个小山丘与主要的斜坡最终汇合。

39、Orli had a hard time refraining from tearing and blinking while wearing them, something that George Lucas and John Knoll felt confident they could reduce in post if necessary. ─── 奥瑞丽拼命忍住流泪和眨眼的本能反应,乔治·卢卡斯和约翰·诺尔倒是确信,倘若她实在忍不住的话,他们可以在后期制作时进行修正。

40、There was a knoll nearby, which he climbed at once. Looking far into the distance from the height, he was utterly surprised. ─── 附近有一座小山丘,他立刻爬上去。居高远望,使他大吃一惊。

41、knoll spring ─── 圆丘泉

42、Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll. ─── 对于希尔弗来说,爬上那小山丘真不是件容易事。

43、He looked around on that knoll for a while, transfixed with amazement, and then went down. ─── 他呆呆的在那小山丘上望了一会儿,走下来。

44、7.The actors rehearse in their dressing gowns and then adjourn for final costume adjustments, while Lucas and Knoll continue to examine the footage. ─── 演员们穿着晨衣进行了排练,然后暂停了一下以进行最后的服装调整,这期间卢卡斯和克诺继续检查着电影底片。

45、died at 28, wasted from years of self - destructing on drugs(bJack Knoll) ─── 死时28岁,因多年吸毒造成的自我毁灭而精力耗尽(b杰克 诺尔)

46、knoll An elevation rising less than 1,000 meters from the sea floor and with limited extent across the summit. ─── 海丘海拔上升少于1,000公尺距离海洋底部,且具有有限的范围越过高峰。

47、He crawled up a small knoll and surveyed the prospect. ─── 他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形。

48、"If an investor or buyer has time on his side, I suggest buying one of the many short sales in those areas, " said Knoll. ─── “假如投资者或买家有充裕的时间,我建议他可以在那些地区购买卖空的房屋。”诺尔说。

49、Point Knoll ─── 诺尔角,是美国制造的巡逻艇

50、knoll grassy ─── 长满青草的小土丘

51、Clifford steered cautiously down the slope of the knoll from the hall, and Connie kept her hand on the chair. ─── 克利福小心地从他们的房屋所在的小山丘上,向着斜坡驶了下去。康妮在旁边用手扶着车子。

52、sea knoll ─── 海丘

53、Knoll landform new town ─── 丘陵城市新区

54、1. There is a bower on the knoll . ─── 小山上有一个凉亭。

55、A serpentine column moving through the elephant grass on the back of a knoll. ─── 一列蜿蜒拄型的纵队正穿行在草木稀少的小山背后。

56、Only a dank ride in a motor-car up a dark, damp drive, Burrowing through gloomy trees, out to the slope of the park where grey damp sheep were feeding, to the knoll where the house spread its dark Brown facade, ─── 只是当他的汽车在阴森的林中的潮湿空气里开过,经过那有些灰色绵羊在那里吃着草的园圃斜坡

57、11. From right in front, the central hall and the two wings present the appearance of a giant standing head and shoulders above a rounded knoll. ─── 从正面望去,相互连接的正殿、东殿、西殿,像一位站在山上把头颈和双肩伸过山顶的巨人;

58、The Knoll Water Electricity Stands the Front-panel Concrete Changes the Application that Experiment Hits by Bullet the Mold Formula and Analysis ─── 小山水电站面板混凝土徐变试验中弹模公式的应用与分析

59、The knoll sheeps say:"Good mother, we will beware of.You go to, need not worry."The old goat Mie Mie ground called several voice, then trusted ground to go. ─── 小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。

60、"died at 28, wasted from years of self-destructing on drugs" (Jack Knoll) ─── “死时28岁,因多年吸毒造成的自我毁灭而精力耗尽”(杰克·诺尔)

61、The knoll sheeps say:"Good mother, we will beware of. ─── 小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。

62、On this knoll was a white patch which Rostov could not understand;was it a clearing in the wood, lighted up by the moon, or the remains of snow, or white horses? ─── 这个山岗上有个罗斯托夫根本没法弄明白的白点,是否是被月牙儿照亮的林间空地,抑或是一堆残留的积雪,抑或是白垩垩的房屋?

63、With only a total of15 detached and semi-detached houses, Clear Water Bay Knoll is only reserved for the most discerning of taste. ─── 清水湾山庄仅建有十五幢独立及半独立式豪华洋房,每户附设有私家花园、台及独立停车位。

64、The Lin reaches to turn round to pull hiking of Zhao Tie Zhu and run to the knoll of one side in the jungle park Lin Li. ─── 琳达转身拉着赵铁柱的走,跑向了森林公园一旁的小山林里。

65、When the quiet of snow falling in the valley, the soft silver light knoll my heart. ─── 当雪花静静的飘落在山谷里,柔和的银色的光叩响了我的心扉。

66、This add-on for Knoll Light Factory (2.5) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups, color linking, Z-depth intensity, and full 3D obscuration. ─── 这项附加为诺尔灯饰厂(2.5),包括像后效果神奇功能边缘的突发,颜色连接,直深入的力度,全3D的蒙昧。

67、50 years ago, Changsha dart-Ling. Master the four territories are squatted on a knoll, not to speak of all, Zhi Gougou stare at the ground Luoyang spade. ─── 50年前,长沙镖子岭。四个土夫子正蹲在一个土丘上,所有人都不说话,直勾勾盯着地上的洛阳铲。

68、Surrounded by lush greenery, Clear Water Bay Knoll reflects the beauty and harmony of the natural forest. ─── 都市繁嚣中,随时寻得更珍贵的时间和空间。

69、8.Majestically located in the supreme area of Sai Kung, Clear Water bay Knoll embraces lush greenery and stays away from hustle and pollution. ─── 大自然的清新气息,令人浑忘琐碎俗务与都市繁嚣,宁谧中享受天地。

70、cradle knoll ─── 根拔坑凸地

71、knoll city ─── 丘陵城市

72、Knoll and Tosca also say the finding doesn't rule out the possibility that less salty waters once flowed on the planet. ─── 诺尔和托斯卡说,这一发现并不能排除盐分较低的水曾流过火星的可能。

73、On the crown of the knoll where the oaks had stood, now was Bareness; and from there you could look out over the trees to the colliery railway, and the new works at Stacks Gate. ─── 圆丘的顶上,从前有的话多橡树,现在一株也没有了。在那儿,你从树梢上望去,可以看见煤矿场的铁道和史曲门的新工厂。

74、Low knoll laterite in south Hunan ─── 湘南低丘红壤区

75、After going round a knoll to see the Boundary Obelisk, we had a swim at Kau Leng Chung Beach. ─── 看过屿南界碑后,于狗岭涌沙滩分别下过咸淡水。

76、ERNST H,KNOLL M.Electrochemical characterisation of uric acid and ascorbic acid at a platinum electrode[J].Anal Chim Acta,2001,449(1 -2):129-134. ─── 李建平舒柏崇等.铂微粒修饰固体石蜡碳糊电极对过氧化氢的电催化及分析应用[J].分析化学,:.

77、Names like, "The Grassy Knoll," or "Roswell," roll off our tongue with deliberates reserved by most other nations for holy lands. ─── 我们带着和其它大多数国家对这片圣土保留的一样的小心谈论着诸如“碧草丘”、“罗斯威尔”之类的名词。

78、We'd probably know for sure whether someone was shooting at the president from that famous grassy knoll. ─── 我们可能确定是否有人正在从那个著名的草地山丘草地上向总统射击。

79、The Construction Term : The Shawan is 618 square kilometers, mountainous area accounts for 68.2%, the knoll area accounts for 17%, massive mountainous areas are in elevation 800 - 2,000 meters. ─── 建设条件:沙湾区幅员面积618平方公里,其中山区面积占68.2%,丘陵面积占17%,大量山区面积在海拔800-2000米。

80、If you were looking for hot growth stocks, you would probably find Icon of interest but drop Knoll like a hot potato. ─── 如果你在寻找高成长性的股票,你可能会对Icon很感兴趣而把Knoll当烫手山芋。

81、With only a total of 15 detached and semi-detached houses, Clear Water Bay Knoll is only reserved for the most discerning of taste. ─── 清水湾山庄仅建有十五幢独立及半独立式豪华洋房,每户附设有私家花园、天台及独立停车位。

82、A low mound or ridge of earth;a knoll. ─── 小丘低土丘或圆岗;小丘

83、Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby "grassy knoll"? ─── 是否存在第二杀手,也许他就潜伏在附近的那个草坪上?

84、But wolf it of the black claw son take at window up, the knoll sheeps see the black claw son then calling a way together:"We don't open the door. ─── 可是狼把它的黑爪子搭在了窗户上,小山羊们看到黑爪子便一起叫道:“我们不开门。

85、PIERRE got out of his carriage, and passing by the toiling peasants, clambered up the knoll from which the doctor had told him he could get a view of the field of battle. ─── 皮埃尔下了马车,从干活儿的后备军人身边走过去,爬上那个医生告诉他从那儿可以看见战场的土岗。

86、A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll. ─── 小丘低土丘或圆岗; 小丘

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