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09-03 投稿



Loire 中文意思翻译



Loire 短语词组

1、Loire Campaign (1429) ─── 卢瓦尔河战役(1429)

2、Loire Valley ─── [网络] 卢瓦尔河谷;法国卢瓦尔河谷;罗瓦河河谷

3、loire valley france ─── 法国金发谷

4、bibracte saone et loire ─── 比布拉特·萨恩和卢瓦尔河

5、meung-sur-loire ─── [地名] ─── [法国] 卢瓦尔河畔默恩

6、loire 46 ─── 金发碧眼46

7、loire river port ─── 卢瓦尔河港口

8、loire river and floodplain ─── 卢瓦尔河和漫滩

9、Pays de la Loire ─── [网络] 卢瓦尔河地区;罗亚尔河下游省;卢瓦尔地区

10、Loire River ─── [网络] 卢瓦尔河;罗亚尔河;卢瓦尔河谷

11、loire forez ─── 金发女郎

12、loire port ─── 卢瓦尔港

13、loire river valley bike ─── 重视卢瓦尔河

14、j s l de saone et loire ─── 索恩和卢瓦尔河

15、loire valley wines ─── 卢瓦尔河谷葡萄酒

Loire 相似词语短语

1、loirs ─── n.(欧洲产的)睡鼠;n.(Loir)人名;(法)卢瓦尔

2、gloire ─── 荣耀

3、loir ─── n.(欧洲产的)睡鼠;n.(Loir)人名;(法)卢瓦尔

4、loure ─── 乡间慢速舞(曲)

5、loipe ─── 闲逛

6、Coire ─── 核心

7、Loire ─── n.卢瓦尔河(法国中部)

8、lire ─── n.里拉(意大利货币单位);(法)阅读

9、lore ─── n.知识;学问;全部传说;(动物的)眼光知识;n.(Lore)人名;(意)洛雷;(英)洛尔

Loire 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. ─── 最负盛名的葡萄酒产地莫过于波尔多,勃艮第和鲁瓦尔河谷。

2、The great vineyards of Champagne, Burgundy, the Loire River, and Bordeaux all have quality limestone soil. ─── 在香槟产区、勃艮第、卢瓦河、波尔多地区有大片高质量的石灰石土壤。

3、"They are thought to have been made first in the Loire district of France in the mid-15th century. As they became popular, they were produced in many parts of France and the Low Countries until the end of the 16th century. " ─── 传说百花挂毯最初是15世纪中期在法国罗亚尔河地区制作的。之后逐渐盛行起来,在法国和一些低地国家生产,直到16世纪末才逐渐衰落。

4、The Loire, the longest river in France, rises south of the Central Massif and flows into the Atlantic Ocean 1020 km later. ─── 卢瓦尔河是法国最长的河流。它发源于中部山区,流经1020公里后,汇入大西洋。

5、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. ─── 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。

6、A historical region and former province of northwest France in the Loire River valley.Ruled by the powerful counts of Anjou in the early Middle Ages, it was annexed to the French crown lands by Louis XI in the1480's. ─── 安茹法国罗亚尔河谷的一个历史故地,曾是法国西北的一个

7、When the emperor returned from the Island of Elba, my brother instantly joined the army, was slightly wounded at Waterloo, and retired with the army beyond the Loire." ─── 当皇帝从厄尔巴岛回来的时候,我的哥哥立刻就去参了军,在滑铁卢受了轻伤,随军退到了卢瓦尔。”

8、Many regions such as the Rhine and Loire valleys of Europe are well known for their fine wines, and derive a significant portion of their economy from wine making. ─── 在许多地方,如欧洲的莱茵河和卢瓦尔河流域(两者皆以酿造美酒著称),酿酒已成当地经济重要组成部分。

9、Loire Valley ─── n. 卢瓦尔河谷(位于法国)

10、a city on the Loire river in north central France; site of the siege of Orleans by the English (1428-1429). ─── 法国中南部卢瓦尔河边的一个城市;年到年英国对奥尔良进行围攻的地方。

11、A town of central France on the Loire River northeast of Tours. It was the seat of the powerful counts of Blois and a favorite residence of French royalty. Population, 47,243. ─── 布洛瓦:法国中部城市,位于图尔城东北,鲁瓦尔河畔。它是有权势的布洛瓦伯爵的封地,同时也是法国王室最喜爱的居住地。人口47,243

12、Those who love glowing reds will not be disappointed by the Loire Valley: here is Bourgureil, with the strong perfume of raspberries. ─── 那些喜爱红酒的人也不会在卢瓦尔河流域失望,这里的Bourgureil酒散发着浓郁的香气。

13、Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes ─── 叙利到沙洛纳间的卢瓦尔河谷

14、Crt-paca. Fr Centre Val de Loire Region ─── 中央·卢瓦尔大区

15、The Shop Manager Guillaume hails from Loire Valley region in France, equally famous for its wonderful wines and for the beautiful medieval castles. ─── 位于吧台后面的酒窖储藏室内,你会发现展厅里找不到的法国波尔多顶级红酒,虽然不是这里的最大特色,但也算是对本专卖店的一个有效补充吧!


17、made in California and the Loire valley in France ─── 产于加利福尼亚和法国卢瓦尔河河谷的酒

18、white grape grown especially in the Loire Valley in France ─── 特别是在法国卢瓦尔河谷种植的白葡萄

19、Although the U.S. is currently leading the effort, it is not alone.France has dismantled dams in the Loire Valley;Australia, Canada and Japan have also removed, or are planning to remove, dams. ─── 虽然美国在这方面的努力领先各国,但不是只有美国这麽做,像是法国已经拆除罗亚尔河谷的水坝,而澳洲、加拿大和日本也已经在进行或规画水坝的移除。

20、Castle, Loire Valley ─── 卢瓦尔河谷的舍农索城堡

21、"The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. " ─── 最负盛名的葡萄酒产地莫过于波尔多,勃艮第和鲁瓦尔河谷。

22、From Pierre Chainier, Loire Valley. Dry, zesty and oozing gooseberry fruit on the nose. Citrus lime flavours on the palate are balanced nicely with refreshing acidity. ─── 此款酒散发出充足的醋栗香气。入口后能品出柑橘类水果和青柠味,和酸度形成良好的平衡。

23、There are some places like Loire Valley in Britain. ─── 在英国有一些和卢瓦尔河谷相像的地方。

24、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. ─── 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵上。

25、Castles on the Loire ─── 卢瓦尔河边的城堡

26、In the Loire Valley, the story is similar. ─── 罗亚尔河谷也上演了类似的故事。

27、The great castles of the Loire Valley are arguably among the finest legacies history has left us. ─── 卢瓦尔河谷的伟大城堡可以说是历史留给我们的最好的遗产之一。

28、A river rising in south-central France and flowing about 410 km (255 mi) northward past Vichy to the Loire River. ─── 阿列河:发源于法国中南部的一条河流,流程约410公里(255英里),向北流经维希注入洛瓦河

29、creusot loire uddeholm process ─── 蒸汽氧脱碳法

30、This is all the castles in the Loire Valley, the most romantic one, and many couples are choosing wedding here. ─── 这是卢瓦尔河谷所有古堡中最富浪漫情调的一座,许多新人都选择在这里举行婚礼。

31、Visit medieval castles in Normandy and the Loire Valley. ─── 在诺曼底参观中世纪城堡和卢瓦尔河谷。

32、The world-famous Loire Valley - best known for its wines and chateaux - extends across two regions in west and central France. ─── 以葡萄酒和城堡闻名世界的罗亚尔河谷跨于法国中部和西部。

33、Very much like a good Loire Sauvignon. Intense fruit flavours, racy acidity, good length and mineral quality. ─── 非常象卢瓦谷苏维翁,有浓厚的果味,清爽的酸度,带矿石味,后味悠长。

34、After the capture of Avranches on July 30, he had left Brittany to wither on the vine and begun great sweep around the German armies in Normandy, moving southeast to Orleans on the Loire and then due east toward the Seine south of Paris. ─── 7月30日,他攻克了阿夫朗舍之后,放过布里塔尼,让它自生自灭,而开始向诺曼底的德军进行大迂回,向东南推进到卢瓦尔河畔的奥尔良,然后挥师东向,推进到巴黎南面的塞纳河。

35、Yes, the Seine, the Loire River, the Garonne, the Rhone River and the Rhine. ─── 知道,塞纳河、卢瓦尔河、加仑河、罗衲河和莱茵河。

36、The Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Versailles, Fontainebleau, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Loire Valley castles and other world-famous group of landscape attracts many tourists. ─── 卢浮宫、凯旋门、凡尔赛宫、枫丹白露、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢瓦尔河谷城堡群等举世闻名的景观每年吸引众多游客前来观光。

37、Some farmers brought their cows and tractors to blockade government buildings across the country including Brittany, the Loire Valley, and Alsace. ─── 一些奶农带着自己的奶牛和拖拉机封锁了全国各地政府大楼,其中包括布列塔尼、卢瓦尔河谷和阿尔萨斯。

38、Loire or Alsace red wine ─── 普罗旺斯桃红酒

39、Outside of Beaujolais this variety hasn't been very successful but it is cultivated in the Loire Valley and California. ─── 薄酒来区以外只有罗亚尔河谷与加州种植较为成功。

40、His hotel is situated in one of the loveliest places on the Loire. ─── 他的旅馆坐落在卢瓦尔的一个最优美的地方。

41、"The specialized plant" cluster in the Loire Valley focuses on genomics and the production of high value-added seeds, trees, flowers and aromatic plants. ─── 卢瓦尔河谷的“特殊植物”园区着力发展园艺和有高附加值的种子、树木、花卉和芳香植物的生产。

42、It was a hybrid developed by Joannes Seibel in the Loire Valley of France, based on a number of undetermined Native American species and Seibel hybrids. ─── 在60年代初发行,种植面积稳步增加,在凉爽的沿海南特西部卢瓦尔河谷地区在法国。

43、This is the principle soil type of the Loire Valley, Champagne and Burgundy regions. ─── 这是卢瓦河谷、香槟区和勃艮第区的标准土壤。

44、French wine region is made up of Bordeaux, Bourgogne, Alsace, Languedoc, Champion, Loire river valley and etc. ─── 法国葡萄酒主要由波尔多,勃艮第,阿尔萨斯,郎多克,香摈产区,卢瓦尔河谷等产区组成。

45、A good occasion for neophyte and wine lover to understand better Loire Valley wines (in Chinese only). ─── 葡萄酒的外行和内行有个好机会多了解卢瓦尔河谷的葡萄酒,都是中文版的。

46、It takes a while, as you walk around the streets of Nantes, a city of half a million people on the banks of the Loire River, to realize just what it is that is odd. ─── 位于卢瓦尔河畔的南特,是个拥有50万人口的城市。漫步街头,你可能一时意识不到,它的奇怪之处在哪里。接着你就明白了:这里有空着的停车位。

47、The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. Champagne, a drink used in celebrations, is named after the place where sparkling wine was first produced in 1700. ─── 最负盛名的葡萄酒产地莫过于波尔多,勃艮第和鲁瓦尔河谷。常常用于庆祝的香槟就是以其最初的产地而命名的,那里早在1700年就酿制出了香槟。

48、1. made in California and the Loire valley in France. ─── 在法国卢瓦尔河谷种植的白葡萄。

49、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, art and daily life. ─── 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。

50、dry white wine from the Loire Valley in France. ─── 产于法国卢瓦尔河河谷的白酒。

51、After the Carolingian decline, it became a powerful feudal duchy, which by the 10th century controlled much of France south of the Loire. ─── 加洛林王朝没落后,亚奎丹在10世纪时成为一强盛的公爵领地,控制了法国南部的罗亚尔河流域。

52、He was this same "brigand of the Loire. ─── 他正是那卢瓦尔的匪徒。

53、One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. ─── 其中一个著名的风景区便是洛里山谷,这儿你可以参观到法国国王和皇后们过去居住过的城堡。

54、Pays da la Loire ─── 罗亚尔河大区

55、Our Asia area manager also got married this Summer. The party took place in the seacoast of our West of Loire Valley Region. ─── 我们的亚洲区销售经理也是今年夏天结了婚。婚礼在卢瓦尔河谷的海岸西部举行了。

56、Romantic France Paris and The Loire Valley ─── 浪漫的法国:巴黎和卢瓦尔村历史

57、made in California and the Loire valley in France. ─── 产于加利福尼亚和法国卢瓦尔河河谷的酒。

58、He was this same "brigand of the Loire." ─── 他正是那卢瓦尔的匪徒。

59、Pays de la Loire ─── 卢瓦尔河地区

60、ahistorical region and former province of northwest France in the Loire River valley. Ruled by the powerful counts of Anjou in the early Middle Ages,it was annexed to the French crown lands by Louis XI in the1480's ─── 安茹,法国罗亚尔河谷的一个历史故地,曾是法国西北的一个省。中世纪早期由掌权的安茹伯爵统治,15世纪80年代被路易十一并入法国王室领地

61、One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. ─── 其中一个著名的风景区便是洛里山谷,这儿你可以参观到法国国王和皇后们过去居住过的城堡。

62、In the Loire, where we find him a lot, he gives a clear red fresh and fruity wine. ─── 在卢瓦尔河,我们可以找到大量的品丽珠,它可以酿造出一种明净清新而且带有水果香气的红葡萄酒。

63、Renowned grape in the Loire Valley, Graves, and of late, New Zealand ─── 以生长的卢瓦河谷和格拉夫地区和新西兰而知名

64、La politique de Loire ─── 第三种力量

65、Originated in the Loire Valley of France creating a perfect aperitif wine or accompaniment to food ─── 起源于法国的卢瓦河谷,可制成完美的开胃酒或佐餐酒

66、"Located in the heart of the Sancerre region in the village of Chavignol in the Loire Valley, this producer of great Sancerre and Pouilly Fume suppliers Paris' finest restaurant. ─── 亨利布吉瓦庄园位于卢瓦尔河谷的桑谢中心,出品的桑谢和布伊芙美干白是巴黎所有最好的餐馆必备酒品.

67、one drinks the Seine,the Marne, the Yonne, the Oise, the Aisne, the Cher, the Vienne and the Loire in a glass of water from the well of Grenelle. ─── 我们可在一杯格勒内尔井水中喝到塞纳、马恩、荣纳、瓦兹、埃纳、歇尔、维埃纳和卢瓦尔这些江河的水。


69、dry white wine from the Loire Valley in France ─── 产于法国卢瓦尔河河谷的白酒

70、Loire Valley wine is particularly suited with goat’s milk cheese and a very local characteristics to drinking apple pie. ─── 卢瓦河谷葡萄酒特别适合配合羊奶奶酪和极具地方特色的苹果馅饼来饮用。

71、He was the "brigand of the Loire. ─── 这就是那个卢瓦尔的匪徒了。

72、a department of northwestern France in the Pays de la Loire region. ─── 法国西北部的一个省,位于卢瓦尔河的比斯开湾地区。

73、the Loire Valley ─── 卢瓦尔河谷

74、Origin: Loire region, isolated by the University of Nantes (ITV) in collaboration with Lallemand ─── 起源:宫区内孤立大学南特(电视)与

75、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, arts and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. ─── 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。

76、He was called "poor child," because he had for a father "a brigand of the Loire." ─── 这孩子就是我们先头提到过的那个。大家称他为“可怜的孩子”,因为他的父亲是

77、a city on the Loire river in north central France; site of the siege of Orleans by the English (1428-1429) ─── 法国中南部卢瓦尔河边的一个城市;1428年到1429年英国对奥尔良进行围攻的地方

78、4. white grape grown especially in the Loire Valley in France. ─── 法国西部罗亚尔河河谷的一个以前的省。

79、a department of northwestern France in the Pays de la Loire region ─── 法国西北部的一个省,位于卢瓦尔河的比斯开湾地区

80、With the CDs: Broceliande, Icones, Mont saint-Michel, Chateaux de la Loire. ─── 网站简介: The official web site of the French composer Patrick Broguiere.

81、The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue: Bordeaux, Val de Loire and Beaujolais. ─── 这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦·卢瓦尔和博若莱。

82、A journey on the Loire is a meander in history art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. ─── 徜徉在卢瓦尔河上,如同荡漾在历史、艺术与现实之中。欧洲这小小的一角,却已深深镌刻在人们的内心深处。

83、Best Western Hotel Val de Loire : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

84、The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue: Bordeaux, Val de Loire and Beaujolais . ─── 这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦·卢瓦尔和博若莱。

85、Domain Huet is now considered to be one of the best wines from Loire River area. ─── 悦伟酒庄被誉为卢瓦河谷最好的葡萄酒之一。

86、This brigand of the Loire was M. Gillenormand's son-in-law, who has already been mentioned, and whom M. Gillenormand called "the disgrace of his family." ─── 这位卢瓦尔的匪徒是吉诺曼先生的女婿,我们在前面也已提到过,也就是吉诺曼先生所谓的“他的家丑”。

87、Chenonceau, "chateau des dammes", le plus romantic chateau sur la Loire. ─── 舍侬娑堡,一座精致浪漫的水上城堡,被誉为古堡中的王后。

88、a dry white wine made from grapes originating in the Loire River valley ─── 由产于卢瓦尔河流域的葡萄制成的一种干白葡萄酒

89、On the banks of the Seine or along the green Loire, ─── 在塞纳河两岸或是沿着绿色的卢瓦尔河,

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