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09-03 投稿



steamers 发音

英:[?sti?m?z]  美:[?stim?rz]

英:  美:

steamers 中文意思翻译



steamers 短语词组

1、bamboo steamers n. ─── 蒸笼

steamers 词性/词形变化,steamers变形


steamers 相似词语短语

1、teamers ─── 团队成员

2、stealers ─── n.偷窃者;偷干者

3、steamer ─── n.轮船;蒸汽机;蒸笼

4、streamers ─── n.水流纹(因显影搅动不正常而产生的不平均显影结果);飘带;燕尾服(streamer的复数形式)

5、screamers ─── n.异形终结(电影名);尖叫者(乐队名)

6、seamers ─── n.缝纫机;缝纫工;封口机;折边机;n.(Seamer)人名;(英)西默

7、sitkamers ─── 力量

8、stemmers ─── n.抽梗机,除梗器;抽梗工人;n.(Stemmer)人名;(德)施特默尔

9、steadiers ─── adj.稳的;连续的;坚定的(steady的比较级)

steamers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He embarked for America on the steamer. ─── 他乘那艘轮船去美国。

2、Shipment must be effected in three equal lots by separate steamers with an interval of at least 30 days between shipments. ─── 必须完成装运三批均由单独的轮船间隔至少30天之间的运输。

3、The passengers loaded into the steamer. ─── 乘客上了轮船。

4、They have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer. ─── 他们已将货物转运到一艘内河汽船里。

5、"It makes one despise steamers!" said the other. ─── “用不着轮船了

6、If the socks still stink after soaking, sit them in the steamer. ─── 如果短袜浸过后仍然臭,把它们放在蒸笼里。

7、They circled round and round the stranded steamer chatting excitedly. ─── 两艘汽艇围着搁浅的轮船来回绕圈子,艇上的人正起劲地议论着什么。

8、Shipment will be made by the first available steamer. ─── 我们会安排最近期的船只装运。

9、On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transhipment in your L/C. ─── 因为没有直达船,在你的信用证中请注明准许转船。

10、The steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines. ─── 挤满游客的轮船到达了码头。

11、A small boat edged down upon the big steamer. ─── 一只小艇缓缓驶近那艘大轮船。

12、The sailing boat has given place to steamer. ─── 帆船已为汽艇所代替。

13、The main products are:pasta pot,steamer,frypan,roaster,casserole,kettle,etc. ─── 主要产品有:意粉锅,芦笙锅,迷你锅,各种蒸锅,炒锅,砂光锅,胀形锅,煎盘,鱼盆,水壶等。

14、He bought a steamer to carry bananas from his farm on the island to the city. ─── 他买了一辆汽艇将香蕉从他岛上的农场运到城里。

15、He telephoned the steamship office to find out at what hour the steamer was due . ─── 他打电话给汽轮局查询那艘汽轮什么时刻到达。

16、Passepartout was promenading up and down in the forward part of the steamer. ─── 他走上了船甲板,故意装作非常惊奇的样子去“主动地”和路路通打招呼。

17、Then we'll get all the necessary information about the connecting steamers right away. ─── 我们马上着手了解衔接船只的情况。

18、I have seen big steamers going by on the Ganges, at the time hardly noticing their passing. ─── 我看过大汽船在恒河上走,当时几乎没有留意到它们在经过。

19、The arrival of the steamer is scheduled for the 1 6 th instant . ─── 客轮预定本月16日到达。

20、We crossed this river by steamer. ─── 我们坐汽船横渡这条河。

21、We'll ship the goods at an early time as long as there is a steamer. ─── 只要有船,我们就尽早装货。

22、As there is no direct steamer to your port, please allow transshipment. ─── 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。

23、The Inman steamer did not depart till the next day, and could not cross the Atlantic in time to save the wager. ─── s>它的一条巴黎号要第二天才开。

24、The steamer lay puffing alongside the quay, on the point of starting. ─── 卡尔纳蒂克号的烟囱里正冒着浓烟,就要启程。

25、He telephoned the steamship office to find out what time the steamer is due. ─── 他打电话到轮船公司办公室询问轮船何时到达。

26、He saw another large steamer flying the Swedish flag further up the dock. ─── 他看到另一艘悬挂瑞典国旗的大轮船向码头开来。

27、I've done a survey about the steamers available on the market to help you decide which will suit you best. ─── 我对市面上现有的轮船做了调查,以帮助你决定哪一种最适合你。

28、Frigates and armed steamers crowded the nearby waters known as Hampton Roads, one of the world's great natural harbors. ─── 护卫舰和武装蒸汽船在叫做HamptonRoads的水域中聚集,这也是全球最好的天然港湾之一。

29、The bridge is parting in the middle, and the tow halves are moving upwards. A big steamer is passing underneath. ─── 大桥正从中间分开,两半部分正往上升起,一艘大汽船正从下驶过。

30、The tugs left the steamer as soon as they were free of the harbor. ─── 一离开港口,拖船就离开轮船。

31、I was just in time for the steamer. ─── 我正好赶上轮船。

32、I met (with)a friend on the steamer. ─── 我在轮船上遇见一个朋友。

33、We will charter a steamer to convey the goods. ─── 我们将租一艘船运送这批货物。

34、Steamers for Shanghai leave on Wednesday. ─── 开往上海的轮船星期三启程。

35、With knowledge we have conquered natureinvented steamers, trainsairplanes. ─── 冯藉知识征服了大自然,并且发明了轮船,火车与飞机。

36、Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time? ─── 在横渡大洋的航线上,即使那些最好的客船迟到两三天也不算什么稀罕事!

37、Credit xy6401 direct steamer unavailable suggest amendment permit transept. ─── 信用证XY6401无直轮建议改证允许转船。

38、When does your steamer sail? ─── 你们的轮船什么时候启航?

39、We've known them and laughed at them, these fussy little steamers, all our lives. We have called them "the shilling sicks". ─── 咱们平日都知道而且讥笑这些花里胡哨的小汽船,管它们叫“花一先令买头晕”的船。

40、The lower reaches of the river are navigable for steamers. ─── 这河的下游能够行驶轮船。

41、It was impossible to take a trip on a fiver steamer without feeling sick. ─── 坐蒸汽船在河上漫游也会觉得恶心。

42、We watched the stern of the steamer disppear. ─── 我们看着汽船的船尾消失。

43、when the steamers were put over the fire , the eels would move around trying to get out , and cut themselves open on the nails. ─── 当蒸笼在火上加热时,鳝鱼就在里面来回移动想跑掉,然后就在钉子上把自己给切开了。

44、The bad weather delayed the departure of the steamer. ─── 坏天气延误了轮船的起程。

45、Its navy was antediluvian: mandarins tried to emulate Western paddle-steamers with junks propelled by coolies turning treadmills. ─── 它的海军落后西方:洋务官员提出纷纷效仿西方有帆的桨轮船的推动力由苦力变成了踏步机。

46、A steamer leaves Calcutta for Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th. ─── 25号中午加尔各答有一条轮船开往香港。

47、Miserable as he was on the steamer, a new misery came upon him. ─── 在游船上已经够痛苦,更痛苦的事发生了。

48、With knowledge we have conquered natrue and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. ─── 冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且发明了轮船,火车与飞机。

49、He put her aboard a steamer bind for new york. ─── 他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船。

50、I cannot help worrying to hear that there is no steamer this week. ─── 我听到本周没有汽船的消息,禁不住担忧起来。

51、The steamer George Washington is posted as late . ─── “乔治·华盛顿”号轮船被宣布晚点。

52、The steamer George Washington is posted as late. ─── "乔治·华盛顿"号轮船被宣布晚点。

53、We shall attend to the shipment of the goods ourselves,but your quotation must include delivery F.O.B. London steamer. ─── 我们负责货物装运,贵方的报价必须为伦敦港船上交货价。

54、In the background you can see the steamers piled high to the ceiling next to the guy working the steamer. ─── 后面负责蒸笼的师傅旁的蒸屉已经堆到天花板那么高了。

55、There are Chinese junks, Dutch clippers, early steamers and passenger liners. ─── 有中国平底帆船、荷兰快船、早期汽船和客轮。

56、On the very first day of the war, the U-30 torpedoed the steamer Athenia, costing 28 American lives. ─── 在战争爆发的当天,30号潜艇击沉了《雅典尼亚》号轮船,二十八个美国人丧生。

57、Remove fish from steamer, drizzle with additional cilantro sauce, and serve. ─── 从蒸锅中取出鱼片,把剩余的芫荽叶沙司浇在上面即可食用。

58、Excursion steamers from Buenos Aires reach the falls in six days. ─── 从布宜诺斯艾利斯出发的旅游船在六天内可抵达伊瓜苏瀑布。

59、On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. ─── 因为没有直达船,请在你信用证中注明允许转船。

60、He swung the steamer hard by the barge. ─── 他调转紧挨着驳船的那条汽船。

61、Line a foil paper in a mid-sized bamboo steamer and lightly grease. ─── 准备一个中号竹蒸笼,铺好锡纸,抹油备用。

62、Bottom: The shop also sells bamboo steamers made by another craftsman. ─── 下图:桶店内也卖蒸笼,不过是另请师傅制做的。

63、Chinese liquor distil derives from the main body of Chinese rice steamer. ─── 它都由中国饭甑为主体而演变成中国酒甑。

64、They entered the steamer office and secured cabins for four persons. ─── 他们一同走进了海运售票处,订了四个舱位。

65、Patterns in Nature: Food Steamer clams pile up in Eastham, Massachusetts. ─── 意译:食物在自然界的模式。蒸笼的蚶堆起在麻塞诸塞州的Eastham。

66、In case there is no direct steamer, will you consider allow transshipment? ─── 万一没有直达船,能否允许转运呢?

67、The steamer sails at 00 noon on Wednesday,and the boat train leaves Victoria Station for Southampton at 00. ─── 客轮于星期三中午12点启航。登船专列8点钟由维多利亚车站始发,开往南安普顿港。

68、One new steamer was launched yesterday. ─── 一艘新轮船昨天下水.

69、The porters and fellahs rushed down the quay, and a dozen boats pushed off from the shore to go and meet the steamer. ─── 成群的搬运夫和苦力都急急忙忙地跑上了码头。

70、The steamer tray doesn't fit into the pot. ─── 屉跟锅不合适。

71、Set a steamer basket in the skillet, and arrange fillets in basket. ─── 将鱼片摆放于一个蒸笼里上锅蒸。

72、For this steamer, Liverpool is not a port of call. ─── 利物浦不是这条船的中途停靠口岸。

73、We have completed the insurance on the cargo per your steamer. ─── 对于装载贵轮船的货物,已办妥保险。

74、Contract 189199- book Weihai or other direct steamer. ─── 合同189,199号预约威海号装运,或其他直船只也可。

75、As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, in most cases, goods have to be transhipped from Hongkong. ─── 由于到你方港口的直达船稀少,在大多数情况下,货物必须在香港转运。

76、I sighted a steamer to starboard. ─── 我看到右舷有一艘轮船。

77、The owner of the steamer bound for New York received a bill of store for supplies designed for use on board the ship. ─── 开往纽约的这艘船的船主收到海关发给的一份免税单,对供船上使用的给需品予以免税。

78、With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. ─── 冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且爱猫扑.爱生活船,火车与飞机。

79、We've booked a direct steamer, which is due to sail to your port next month. ─── 我们已经定好了直达你方港口的船只,该船下个月启航。

80、Into the 20th century, steam propulsion became so advanced that you could ride a giant steamer across the ocean. ─── 到了20世纪时,蒸汽推进的技术越来越进步,你甚至可以搭着大型蒸汽船横渡海洋了。

81、Our steamer touched at Naples . ─── 我们的轮船曾在那布勒斯停靠过。

82、Donfeng steamer advisable even loading slightly later. ─── 即使装载略迟,用东风轮还是较为方便。

83、His steamer had been held back two days by rough weather. ─── 因为天气不好,他乘坐的那艘船在途中耽搁了两天。

84、On account of lack of direct steamer please allow transshipment in your l/c . ─── 因没有直达轮船, 请贵方在信用证中注明允许转船。

85、Do you know how to use a bamboo steamer? ─── 你知不知道如何使用竹蒸笼吗?

86、But now--look--this little steamer, like all her brave and battered sisters, is immortal. ─── 哎,现在这条小汽船,像所有其他英勇殉难的小汽船一样,都永垂不朽。

87、The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm. ─── 刚出锅的馒头真热火。

88、"It makes one despise steamers! " said the other. ─── “用不着轮船了!”另一个人随声附和说。

89、Contract189199- book Weihai or other direct steamer. ─── 合同189,199号预约威海号装运,或其他直船只也可。

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