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09-03 投稿



glossiness 发音

英:[['gl?s?n?s]]  美:[['gl?s?n?s]]

英:  美:

glossiness 中文意思翻译



glossiness 词性/词形变化,glossiness变形

副词: glossily |形容词比较级: glossier |名词复数: glossies |形容词最高级: glossiest |名词: glossiness |

glossiness 相似词语短语

1、glossies ─── adj.光滑的;有光泽的

2、blowsiness ─── 吹气

3、drossiness ─── 嗜睡

4、classiness ─── 上等;优等;有品位

5、gloominess ─── n.黑暗;沮丧

6、gassiness ─── n.充满气体状态;无实质内容

7、glassiness ─── n.玻璃质;玻璃状

8、flossiness ─── 絮状

9、bossiness ─── n.作威作福;跋扈

glossiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the sake of glossiness, you shoukd choose those with strong pearl gloss and with the feeling of internal reflected light. ─── 光泽上要选择具有强烈珍珠光泽的,有内部反射光的感觉。

2、The surface strength of flexo print was discussed from paper smoothness,paper glossiness,and print dot percentage.It was put forward that the surface strength is determined by rub resistance. ─── 从柔印所用纸张的平滑度、光泽度以及印品网点面积百分比等3方面,探讨了柔印印品的表面强度问题,表面强度是通过耐摩擦性能来衡量的。

3、The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating. ─── 涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。

4、Conversely, remove more the glossiness of the floor, diaphaneity , emulate spend and decorative pattern effect can be affected. ─── 反之,撤得多了地板的光泽度、透明度、仿真度和花纹效果都会受到影响。

5、And cast-iron crock glossiness is good, use fixed number of year is the longest in 3 kinds of crocks. ─── 而且铸铁缸光泽度好,使用年限是三种缸中最长的。

6、Keywords PP Transparent Agent Haze Glossiness; ─── 聚丙烯;透明剂;雾度;光泽;

7、Glossiness raise more than 28 degrees; ─── 光泽度提高28度以上;

8、Bright greenish blue,resistance to high temperature, good glossiness,applicable to fibre-masterbath,paint ─── 色光鲜艳,耐温性好,分散性好,适用于纤维母粒,油漆

9、To compare with epoxy acrylate, the film of modified epoxy acrylate have been improved more markedly on flexibility, glossiness and adhesive force. ─── 和未改性树脂相比,涂膜的柔韧性显著提高,光泽度增加,附着力变好。

10、The antifoaming agent can decrease the viscosity of the system and influence the dispersion, therefore can harm glossiness. ─── 消泡剂因能降低体系的黏度从而影响分散效果,对光泽度产生不利的影响;

11、The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating. ─── 摘要涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。

12、The influence of paint coating number, mass fraction of diluent on film thickness and glossiness was studied. ─── 研究了涂料涂装道数、稀释剂的质量分数对涂膜厚度和光泽度的影响。

13、The results show that the glossiness of the granite polished surface increases regularly with the decrease of diamond grind grain size. ─── 结果表明,花岗石抛光表面的光泽度随着金刚石磨盘磨粒的减小而增加,而且增加规律非常一致;

14、Keywords flexo printing;anti-friction performance;smoothness;glossiness;dot percentage; ─── 柔印;耐摩擦性能;平滑度;光泽度;网点百分比;

15、relative specular glossiness ─── 相对镜面光泽度

16、The pervious to light of the rice-pattern glaze is better, the surface of glaze is level smooth, the glossiness is higher. ─── 玲珑釉的透光性好,釉面平整光滑,光泽度较高。

17、As it is not the size or glossiness of the materials, but their being fitted each to its place, that gives strength to the arch; ─── 就像在修建拱门时要使其坚固,关键不在于材料的大小和光泽,而在于它们用在那里是否恰好严丝合缝;

18、Hold to a month later, hair sere state will ease, glossiness natural ascension. ─── 坚持一个月以后,头发的干枯状态会减轻,光泽度自然提升。

19、Protecting the glossiness of workpiece surface, suitable used as immersion liquid after polishing. ─── 保护工件表面的光泽。适于作抛光后的沉浸液。


21、Keywords composite resin;polishing;roughness;glossiness; ─── 复合树脂;抛光;粗糙度;光泽度;

22、Using color correction can be of much help to get Reflection and Glossiness maps. ─── 使用色彩校正对得到反射和折射贴图很有帮助。

23、In this paper,the morphologies of lapped and polished granite surfaces were observed and the surface roughness and glossiness were measured. ─── 对采用游离磨料研磨抛光后的花岗石表面粗糙度和光泽度进行了测量,并观察花岗石在研磨过程中表面形貌的变化。

24、* The indicators of our products(including Water resistance,flatness, tensile strength,glossiness) reach the world advanced level. ─── * 抗水性、平整度、抗张强度、光泽度等各项指标均达到国际先进水平。

25、Examine the begin size that the quality of aluminous gusset plate basically sees its surface mesh is even, arrange orderly, the glossiness after exterior gush model is good, ply is even wait. ─── 检验铝扣板的质量主要看其表面网眼的开头大小是否均匀,排列是否整洁,表面喷塑后光泽度是否好,厚度是否均匀等。

26、Used in aqueous wood lacquer with excellent performance of hardness, glossiness, buildiness, water resistance, abrasion resistance and yellowing resistance. ─── 用于水性木器漆体系中,使漆具有优异的硬度、光泽、丰满度、耐磨性及耐水和耐黄变性;

27、And the grain of brilliant beautiful face is more clearer than crystal face lucid, glossiness is taller also. ─── 而晶靓面的纹理则比水晶面更加明晰透彻,光泽度也更高。

28、Keywords granite;lapping and polishing;surface roughne ss;glossiness; ─── 花岗石;研磨抛光;表面粗糙度;光泽度;游离磨料;

29、Keywords poly(vinyl chloride);profile;differential scanning calorimetry;gelation;glossiness; ─── 关键词聚氯乙烯;型材;差示扫描量热法;凝胶化;光泽度;

30、Three parameters, whiteness, glossiness and scuff resistance was used to evaluate the ink film quality. ─── 从分析不同上光油量的印刷品,所带来的上光膜层质量的变化,来确定最佳上光油量。

31、The pervious to light of the rice-pattern glaze is better,the surface of glaze is level smooth,the glossiness is higher. ─── 玲珑釉的透光性好,釉面平整光滑,光泽度较高。

32、Supplies the SAMSUNGCLP300 compatible selenium drum, the bottomless ash, glossiness is good, the output effect may with the original installation setoff. ─── 供应SAMSUNGCLP300兼容硒鼓,无底灰,光泽度好,输出效果可与原装媲美。

33、Comparisons were made in terms of the size and dispersity of latex particles as well as the glossiness, water resistance, solvent resistance and mechanical properties of the latex films. ─── 测定了乳胶粒子的大小,粒径分布及胶膜的光泽度,耐水耐溶剂性,热学和力学性能。

34、In the case of the gums or teeth it wasn t much more than a tweak to the glossiness parameters to obtain the right degree of 'wetness . ─── 在制作牙齿和牙龈的时候没有什么比扭曲光泽参数更能体现“湿润”的效果了。

35、The relation between glossiness and fractal dimension was studied.The physical meaning of granite polished surface has been put forward by studying mechanism of polishing granite surface. ─── 研究了花岗石抛光表面光泽度与分形维数的相互关系,并从花岗石表面抛光的机理揭示了花岗石抛光表面分形的物理意义。

36、We also can provide the PVA bag(Water-Soluble) which is green and environment protection. The bags have the fine glossiness and degree of transparence. ─── 我们还可以提供聚乙烯醇袋(水溶性)这是绿色和环境的保护。塑料袋有光泽和优良的透明程度。

37、Keywords X-ray spectrometic analysis;surface glossiness; ─── 射线光谱分析;表面光洁度;

38、Based on a series of test, the polishing technology of serpentine is studied, and the surface glossiness obtained under different polishing conditions is discussed. ─── 以试验为基础研究了蛇纹石的抛光工艺,并对各种抛光条件对表面光泽度的影响进行了探讨。

39、Toenail is thicker drier, lack moisture and fat to pledge, accordingly, its health condition and glossiness depend on moist degree. ─── 脚趾甲更厚更干,缺少水分和脂质,因此,其健康状况和光泽度取决于滋润程度。

40、Keywords solid polishing agent;stainless steel product;glossiness; ─── 固体抛光剂;不锈钢制品;光泽度;

41、Next I added two glossiness and reflection layers for realistic final look. ─── 接下来,我叠加了两个光泽和反射层,这样图看上去会更真实。

42、According to the peaceful skin on boiled milk kidney bean variety pure, a grain of standard, glossiness are good, the protein content is high, in international market quality excellent. ─── 依安的奶花芸豆花色纯正、粒型规范、光泽度好、蛋白质含量高,在国际市场上品质上乘。

43、Defect is crural feeling difference, without flexibility, common product design and color is less, decorative pattern is not quite clear, glossiness is general. ─── 缺点是脚感差,没有弹性,普通产品花色较少,花纹不够逼真,光泽度一般。

44、Keywords dispersing agent;glossiness;lubricate;compatibility; ─── 分散剂;光亮度;润滑;相容性;

45、Refl. Glossiness: Controls the blurryness of reflection 1 means perfect mirror-like reflections, lower values produce blurry reflections. ─── 控制反射的模糊程度.1表示没有模糊反射,较低的数值反射越模糊.

46、Does not have glossiness flesh is the flesh has the wrinkle aged indication. ─── 没有光泽度的肌肤是肌肤产生皱纹的老化征兆。

47、This washable, unfading and visually gentle product has high glossiness, superior wear resistance as well as the ability in heat resisting and anti after tack to some extent. ─── 该产品高光泽度,视觉柔和,耐水洗,不褪色,抗磨擦性能优越,并具有一定的耐热防回粘能力。

48、Apply certain amount with the soft precision applicator.First paint over the central part of your nail, and then spread out.Apply 2 to 3 times more to deepen the colour or glossiness. ─── 以刷子沾取适量,先涂甲面中央部分,再涂两边,如需要加深颜色或光泽度,可待干后重复上述方法2-3次。

49、This paper discusses the anti-friction performance of flexo print from paper smoothness,paper glossiness and print dot percentage. ─── 主要从柔印所用纸张的平滑度、光泽度以及印品网点面积百分比3个方面,探讨了柔印印品表面的耐摩擦性能。

50、This paper discusses the anti-friction performance of flexo print from paper smoothness, paper glossiness and print dot percentage. ─── 摘要主要从柔印所用纸张的平滑度、光泽度以及印品网点面积百分比3个方面,探讨了柔印印品表面的耐摩擦性能。

51、Used in aqueous wood lacquer with excellent performance of hardness, glossiness, buildiness, water resistance and abrasion resistance. ─── 用于水性木器漆体系中,使漆具有优异的硬度、光泽、丰满度、耐水性及耐磨性;

52、Essential factors affecting the print glossiness of bronze powder in intaglio printing ─── 影响凹印铜金粉印金光泽度的主要因素

53、After mixing fixature and hair breast, wipe go up in wet hair, can take out hair curls, finalize the design on the gush on the hair after work again water, increase complaisant spend and glossiness. ─── 将发胶和发乳混合后抹在湿发上,能去掉发卷,再在干后的头发上喷上定型水,增加柔顺度和光泽度。

54、Keywords hollow sphere plastic pigment;glossiness;whiteness;opacity;bulk thickness;smoothness;paper surface intensity;paper surface efficiency;ink absorptivity;printing glossiness; ─── 涂布纸;空心球塑料颜料;光泽度;白度;不透明度;松厚度;平滑度;纸面强度;纸面效率;油墨吸收性;印刷光泽度;

55、The results show that the glossiness of the granite polished surface increases regularly with the decrease of diamond grind grain size. ─── 结果表明,花岗石抛光表面的光泽度随着金刚石磨盘磨粒的减小而增加,而且增加规律非常一致;

56、Keywords porcelain veneer;bracket;roughness;glossiness;polish; ─── 瓷修复体;托槽;粗糙度;光泽度;抛光;


58、Paraffin wax also happens to help make candles, and may even provide the polish on an apple or the glossiness of chocolate. ─── 石蜡同时也成为制作蜡烛的原料,并且提供了水果或是巧克力表面的清洁蜡。

59、The paper surface smoothness, luster, draw ink 3 indicators on the cards and membership cards to make the glossiness of the finished product will have an impact. ─── 纸张的暗不天凹凸量、平华性、吸不朱性3个指标,不不差制卡和会员卡制作制品的平华量城市爆发感化。

60、The Study on Glossiness Characteristic of Granite Polished Surface ─── 花岗石磨抛光的表面光泽度特性

61、Methods for measuring the glossiness of ceramic pigment ─── 日用陶瓷颜料光泽度测定方法

62、Study on the suitable Glossiness of Granites before Polishing ─── 花岗石抛光前适宜光泽度的研究

63、Color density and glossiness are very important characters of water-based graven ink, which decide the printing effect of package.The inks consisted of different kinds of promoter were prepared. ─── 摘要色密度和光泽度是水性凹印油墨的重要性质,决定着包装产品印刷效果的优劣。

64、Three parameters,whiteness,glossiness and scuff resistance was used to evaluate the ink film quality. ─── 从分析不同上光油量的印刷品,所带来的上光膜层质量的变化,来确定最佳上光油量。

65、Results show that the more of coating number, the thicker of film's thickness and the higher of glossiness; ─── 结果发现,涂装道数越多,涂膜厚度越大,光泽度越高;

66、Effects of Stone Weathering Mineral Content and Joint on the Glossiness of Facing Stones ─── 石材风化、矿物含量、节理发育对石材表面光泽度的影响

67、Considerably increase the glossiness, adhesive force, fullness and aging resistance of theproducts. ─── 能显著提高产品的光泽度、附着力、丰满度、耐老化性。

68、Effect of Coated Film Thickness of Polyester Coating Products on Color Difference and Glossiness ─── 聚酯涂层产品涂膜厚度对色差及光泽度影响的研究

69、and increasing mass fraction of diluent results in decreasing film's thickness and glossiness. ─── 稀释剂的质量分数增大,涂膜厚度减少,光泽度降低。

70、To improve the grinding function and the polishing glossiness,the optimal contents of the ingredients are as follows:phenol resin 25%? ─── 要得到较高的磨削比和抛光光泽度,各组分的最佳含量(质量分数)值是:酚醛树脂为25%?

71、Through studying the polishing process of granite in theory and experiment, the writers thinkthat high glossiness surface is the result of grinding of abrasives and adhereing of sofe met-al. ─── 文章从理论和实验上研究了花岗石的磨抛过程,认为石材高光泽表面的形成是磨粒研磨和软金属粘附共同作用的结果。

72、Keywords serpentine surface glossiness polishing technology polishing condition; ─── 蛇纹石;表面光泽度;抛光工艺;抛光条件;

73、According to the test, the hardness of the Tianbao Green is above 6 and the glossiness is over 90. ─── 它的构造非常特殊,实质细腻、既有硬度又有柔度,经我们测试它的硬度已达6度以上,光泽度为>90度。

74、surface glossiness ─── 表面光泽度

75、Proof was made with gravure test press,and the color density and glossiness of the samples were measured. ─── 色密度和光泽度是水性凹印油墨的重要性质,决定着包装产品印刷效果的优劣。

76、The surface glossiness of ceramic ware after glazing, especially the metallic sheen of lusterware. ─── 虹彩陶器上光后表面的光泽,尤指虹彩陶器的金属光泽

77、Keywords flexo printing;surface strength;rub resistance;smoothness;glossiness;dot percentage; ─── 柔印;表面强度;耐摩擦性能;平滑度;光泽度;网点百分比;

78、Changes of surface roughness and glossiness of the composite resins during polishing ─── 抛光过程中复合树脂表面粗糙度和光泽度的变化

79、The coating film has predominant performance of hardness, glossiness, buildiness, waterresistance and abrasion resistance, especially yellowness resistance and high glossines. ─── 该产品具有非常优异的耐黄变性和非常高的光泽度。

80、Go to the first specular highlight slot (it is called specular layer) and adjust it until you have a large shape (glossiness) which is not too bright (level). ─── 在第一个高光样本槽调整它,直到你得到一个大而不亮的高光形态(即glossiness光泽度较小,level高光级别不太高)。

81、From all aspects like texture, cutting, glossiness or the refraction effect, they are as fine as those sold at special counter. ─── 无论从质感,切工,光泽度,折光效果各方面衡量,都与专柜品无二。

82、this series of products can dispel the young wrinkles rapidly. after using, 3 days --the glossiness of skin increases, the small wrinkles reduces slightly; ─── 本系列产品能迅速消除幼纹。使用后,3天皮肤光泽度增加,细纹微微减少;

83、The indicators of our products(including Water resistance,flatness, tensile strength,glossiness) reach the world advanced level. ─── 抗水性、平整度、抗张强度、光泽度等各项指标均达到国际先进水平。

84、The present situation of domestic FRP mould preparation were analysed, the preparation methods of FRP mould with high glossiness were mentioned. ─── 本文分析了我国玻璃钢模具制作现状,简单介绍了高光泽度玻璃钢模具的制作。

85、Late-bolting, dark green and glossiness leaf, thick and wider petiole, good quality. ─── 晚抽薹、叶色深绿,有光泽,叶柄宽厚,品质好。

86、Five, various cellosilk of net printing plate condition is all suitable for use, but dry time, and glossiness concealing a force being affected by mesh number, both direct law and indirect law can. ─── 五,网版条件各种纤维丝都适用,但干燥时间,光泽度和遮盖力受到筛目数影响,直接法和间接法都可以。

87、The coating material of copolymer has good hardness and glossiness. ─── 共聚物的涂膜具有较好的光泽度及硬度。

88、But after redemptive home is spread, discover however, the standard floor color that shows in floor color and supermarket and glossiness are different. ─── 但买回家铺完后却发现,地板颜色和超市里展示的标准地板颜色和光泽度都不一样。

89、In addition, each function index more hasten is reasonable, like glossiness, moistureproof permeability can, heat-resisting, frost resistance can wait. ─── 此外,各项性能指标更趋合理,如光泽度、防潮透气性能、耐热、抗冻性能等。

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