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09-03 投稿


prank 发音

英:[pr??k]  美:[pr??k]

英:  美:

prank 中文意思翻译




prank 网络释义

n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑vt. 装饰;打扮vi. 炫耀自己;胡闹

prank 短语词组

1、nick prank ─── 尼克恶作剧

2、faint prank ─── 微弱的恶作剧

3、hair cut prank ─── 理发恶作剧

4、licking prank ─── 舔舐恶作剧

5、blindfold prank ─── 蒙眼恶作剧

6、aliens prank ─── 外星人恶作剧

7、cow prank ─── 奶牛恶作剧

8、kick me prank ─── 踢我恶作剧

9、street prank ─── 街头恶作剧

10、prank oneself up ─── 打扮

11、cracked screen prank ─── 破裂屏幕恶作剧

12、elevator prank ─── 电梯恶作剧

13、funny vines prank ─── 有趣的藤蔓恶作剧

14、scary noises prank ─── 可怕的噪音恶作剧

15、pass out prank ─── 散发恶作剧

16、destruction prank ─── 破坏恶作剧

17、annoying sounds prank ─── 恼人的声音恶作剧

18、green screen ghost prank ─── 绿屏鬼恶作剧

19、free prank games ─── 免费恶作剧游戏

prank 词性/词形变化,prank变形

动词过去式: pranked |动词过去分词: pranked |动词第三人称单数: pranks |动词现在分词: pranking |

prank 相似词语短语

1、plank ─── n.[木]厚木板;支架;政纲条款;平板支撑;vt.在…上铺板;撂下;立刻付款;n.(Plank)人名;(英、俄、芬、德)普兰克

2、prink ─── vt.化妆;打扮漂亮;vi.化妆;打扮

3、crank ─── n.想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L字形)曲柄;(非正式)脱氧麻黄碱(中枢兴奋药);(诗、文)妙语;v.转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯;(非正式)注射毒品;adj.(帆船)易倾覆的;n.(Crank)(美)克兰克(人名)

4、Frank ─── n.弗兰克(男子名)

5、prang ─── v.(使)撞击,碰撞;(使飞机)坠毁;n.猛炸;撞击;事故(坠机、撞车等);轰炸;n.(Prang)(美、泰)普朗(人名)

6、drank ─── v.喝;喝酒(drink的过去式)

7、pranks ─── n.恶作剧(prank的复数);v.盛装;打扮(prank的三单形式)

8、brank ─── n.荞麦

9、prana ─── n.普拉那(能量,生命素)

prank 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Later on, we found out that it was one of our friends playing a prank on us. ─── 后来我们才发现原来那是我们同去的一个朋友在和我们开玩笑呢。

2、What a mischievous prank. ─── 好可恶的恶作剧。

3、What may be thought of as nothing more thana 8tthful prank may, in reality, lead to serious consequences. ─── 一个似乎不过是年轻人的恶作剧实际上可能造成严重的后果。

4、If a prank ends up costing the company in terms of money, injuries or a staff member's dismissal then it has gone too far. ─── 如果恶作剧给公司造成了经济损失、导致人员受伤或同事被解雇,那就太离谱了。

5、A wicked prank; a critic's wicked wit. ─── 一个戏谑的玩笑; 批评家善于戏谑人的才思

6、A schoolboy joke,prank,etc ─── (中小学)男生的玩笑、恶作剧等.

7、A wicked prank;a critic's wicked wit. ─── 一个戏谑的玩笑;批评家善于戏谑人的才思

8、But the school board let them off with a suspension, arguing that the incident was just a childish prank. ─── 但校委会认为这次事件纯属学生的幼稚胡闹,将开除改成停学。

9、Something, such as a prank, intended as a hoax or joke; a spoof. ─── 戏弄目的在于欺骗或开玩笑,例如恶作剧;哄骗,戏弄

10、It is controversial whether sowing false news on the net on April Fool's Day is an online prank ─── 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是否算是网路恶作剧引起了争论

11、And all the prank calls was death threats ─── 并且所有的耍人玩的电话都是死亡威胁

12、"If you can actually remember a good prank, then it never happened." ─── "如果你记住了一个不错的恶作剧,但它从没发生过."

13、Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people's ability to report a fire. ─── 移除盒子将减少恶作剧电话的数量,同时也不会对人们报告火灾的能力造成影响。

14、"If we want China to get better football, hope to do more useful things, not to engage in such a prank. ─── “如果大家希望中国足球好起来的话,希望能多做一些有益的事情,不要搞这种恶作剧。”

15、If you had to choose. What would be your most memorable prank or joke you've ever pulled? ─── 如果你必须选择,你印象最深刻的恶作剧或者开的玩笑是什么?

16、----The effect of the virus may be a simple prank that pops up a message on screen out of the blue or the actual destruction of programs and data. ─── ----病毒的影响可以是一个单纯的恶作剧,如在蓝色荧光屏上突然出现一条信息或真的破坏程序和数据。

17、He's just playing a prank .- No! ─── 他只是在恶作剧-不!

18、Prank for the third game, a World of Warcraft to it. ─── 恶作剧游戏第三作,来恶搞一把吧。

19、techno prank ─── 利用现代技术搞的恶作剧; 利用电子计算机扰乱人心的恶作剧

20、WORD OF THE DAY: disavow: to deny responsibility for; repudiate. I disavow all prior knowledge of this prank. ─── 否认,推翻(前言)我否认知道有关这场恶作剧的一切!

21、When he does, what was a prank leads to a series of events and revelations that puts her marriage at risk, and leaves her looking for revenge. ─── 当他丈夫收到到做出了让他意外的行动,发生了一系列荒诞的闹剧。

22、I almost busted out laughing, thinking it was a prank, but something in my gut clenched my ass so tight I almost puked. ─── 我几乎要把它当作一个玩笑一笑了之,但是我的肠子被什么玩意揪得紧紧的,使得我几乎要吐出来。

23、Daughter of a very powerful force, they will cunningly lured into a trap and you come up with a lot of sophisticated and deadly horrible prank. ─── 女儿的力量非常强大,他们会狡猾地诱骗你进入陷阱和想出很多精致而致命的可怕恶作剧。

24、a prank or trick played on a person especially one intended to make the victim appear foolish. ─── 关于一个人的一个玩笑或恶作剧特别是一个人希望受害者表现出愚蠢。

25、He has no connection with that prank. ─── 他与那个恶作剧无关。

26、The senior prank was hilarious. ─── 四年级学生的恶作剧特逗。

27、Hickson, not entirely sure this wasn't some sort of prank, thought for a moment before replying. ─── 希克森,不肯定这是不是某种恶作剧,但是他还是想了一会儿,然后回答。

28、I text LeeLee best friend and the reply confirms that it is not a prank. ─── 我再发个简讯给莉莉最要好的朋友。简讯肯定这是事实。

29、A practical joke; a prank. ─── 恶作剧;玩笑

30、a childish/silly prank ─── 幼稚的/愚蠢的恶作剧

31、George Lucas played a prank on Christopher Lee, where a puppet of Master Yoda was placed on set, complete with fangs or vampire teeth. ─── 乔治。卢卡斯给克里斯托夫。李开了一个恶作剧玩笑,在原本尤达大师的木偶嘴上添置了吸血鬼的尖牙。

32、In addition,both writers oppose the false love and death through a prank way. ─── 另外,鲁迅与夏目漱石又都以一种近乎戏谑的方式来反对一种虚假的爱与死。

33、Enjoying the irony and ridiculousness of bad luck can make it seem less like a personal attack and more like a prank by the universe. ─── 嘲笑自己一下,享受坏运气的讽刺和荒谬,把它看作是一次人身攻击,而不是宿命。

34、"Our prank pays homage to the notion of independence and independent reporting. ─── “我们的恶作剧表示敬意,以概念的独立性和独立的报道。

35、A common prank is to make a file called ─── 一个常见的恶作剧是创建名为

36、Some people may feel angry about this childhood prank gone way awry, but I personally enjoyed it all. ─── 很多人对这个少年过分的恶作剧感到气愤,但我倒是很喜欢。

37、A mischievous trick; a prank. ─── 恶作剧淘气的把戏; 恶作剧

38、They said it might be a prank and I believed so. ─── 他们说可能是有的人无聊在胡闹呢!

39、play a joke [prank] on; make jests ─── 开玩笑

40、46 Arrange public frail raft prank ─── 46按排公共的脆弱的竹筏是恶作剧

41、prank oneself up ─── v. 打扮

42、A clever, benign, and "ethical" prank or practical joke, which is both challe... ─── 大家一起来分享校园里充满善意、聪明和有道德的恶作剧吧!!!

43、You guys better stop playing those prank on your sister. ─── 你们几个家伙最好别欺负你妹妹了!

44、God played a big prank when I entered my university, but I knew nothing until I graduated from that beautiful campus. ─── 刚上大学的时候,上天曾经给我开了一个最大的玩笑.而这个玩笑直到大学快毕业的时候,我才知道.

45、You see, your prank was actually a ruse to distract Jerry while one of our boys swiped some documents from the Kommandant's office. ─── 你看,你的诡计得逞时,我们也有兄弟去Kommandant的办公室准备要偷点文件。

46、a childish prank ─── 像孩子般的胡闹

47、The nooses are no prank . ─── 套索不是一个恶作剧。

48、B: Great! A prank call! That's it. We're going to stay in a hotel tonight. ─── 太好了!一通骚扰电话!够了。我们今晚去住酒店。

49、Later on, we found out that it was one of our friends playing a prank on us. ─── 后来我们才发现原来那是我们同去的一个朋友在和我们开玩笑呢。

50、"When people come together to create a prank, it encourages creativity, teamwork and gives the office a shared experience outside of the workload. ─── “员工共同策划恶作剧能够激发创造力、增强团队合作,而且还能共同分享除工作外的一次经历。”

51、I was steamed after receiving two prank phone calls at 1 a. M. ─── 凌晨1点钟接到两个恶作剧电话以后,我十分恼怒。

52、He was the goat of their vicious prank. ─── 他成为他们恶作剧的对象。

53、White houses prank where once were huts. ─── 一幢幢的房子傲然矗立在一度只是破败陋室的地方。

54、A child in playing prank before its parents can be winsome, but if a grown man does this it cannot but he distasteful. ─── 孩子对父母撒娇可以看得有趣,若是成人,便未免有些不顺眼。

55、a mischievous prank. ─── 一个作弄人的恶作剧

56、Sorry, Brian, that's not what the prank demonstrated. ─── 对不起,布莱恩,这不是什么恶作剧证明。

57、A frivolous escapade or prank. ─── 恶作剧,怪诞动作无聊轻浮的越轨行为或恶作剧

58、A mischievous action; a prank. ─── 恶作剧,捉弄淘气的行动; 戏弄

59、They were all wet because their friend played a prank on them and sprayed water. Still, EVERYONE was happy and I took the picture happily too. ─── 他们身上都是?岬?因为他们的朋友恶作剧,拿著水泼往他们.然而,每一个人都很快乐,而我也很快乐的在拍照.

60、But, if you don't, you can expect a prank such as having your car windows soaped or your garbage cans turned over. ─── 但如果你不给,那就等着一场恶作剧吧,你会发现你的车窗被涂上了肥皂,垃圾桶翻倒在地,等等。

61、Oh, listen. If this is about those prank memos, I had nothing to do with them. Really. Nothing at all. Really. ─── 噢,听我说,如果是因为闹剧备忘录的事,跟我一点儿关系都没有,真的,一点都没有,真的。

62、Have you ever prank called before? ─── 你以前打过恶作剧电话吗?

63、1. It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool's day be an online prank. ─── 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是否算是网路恶作剧引起了争论。

64、You decide it would be fun to play a prank on your father. you enter his private restroom when no one is looking. and...? ─── 你决定对你得父亲来场恶作剧,在没有人看见得情况下,你进入了他得洗手间,接着你会做什么?

65、Speak frankly, you should take on the responsibility of your stupid prank! ─── 坦白跟你说,你要为你那愚蠢的恶作剧负责!

66、But according to the mother, she just booked a prank from a show company and it was the company's fault to send a wrong performer. ─── 但这名母亲表示,当时只是想演出公司预定了恶作剧,但演出公司竟然出现差错。

67、to blue angela, this is nt the prank episode. this is very early round of compt. ─── 他没被淘汰,因为当天还有别人输,不是每位都被淘汰.

68、Hiding our teacher's bike from her was a great prank. She was looking for it for hours! ─── 把我们的老师的自行车藏起来是一个很棒的恶作剧,她找了好几个小时。

69、online prank ─── ph. 【电脑】网路恶作剧

70、A mischievous trick;a prank. ─── 恶作剧淘气的把戏;恶作剧

71、My car was stolen last weekend. At first I thought it was some kind of fraternity prank. ─── 上周末,我的车被偷了,起初我还以为是兄弟会的恶作剧。

72、3.In order to take part in that important party, she pranks herself up in her best tonight, unexpectly, the party is just a prank. ─── 为了参加今晚的重要晚会,她穿上了最漂亮的衣服,把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的;谁料,那聚会只是一个恶作剧.

73、The vast majority of false fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners. ─── 绝大多数火灾误报都是用街角的消防报警箱匿名拨打的恶作剧电话。

74、One of these skits, "The King of Beasts" resembles a traditional frontier prank. ─── 一出滑稽短剧《兽王》酷似传统的边疆闹剧。

75、Today, my friends thought it would be funny to prank me with a fake winning lottery ticket. ─── 今天,我的狐朋狗友们认为用一张虚假的中将彩票对我恶作剧会很有趣。

76、If you laid that load on me a few months ago, I'd have laughed in your face and probably begun plotting some elaborate prank that'd teach you not to go around spewing hippy bullshit. ─── 如果你在几个月前告诉我这些即将发生在我身上的事,我会当着你的面大笑,或许还会精心谋划几个恶作剧,让你知道不要四处鼓吹这些嬉皮士的胡话。

77、Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank. ─── 姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。

78、51 A family of humans has vowed revenge on a group of halflings for a swindle or prank. ─── 51某个人类家庭宣布要因诈骗或者戏弄而报复一群半身人。

79、3.Eager to pull a prank on his chiropractor, Dennis taped a bag of potato chips to the small of his back. ─── 为了跟他的脊椎指压治疗者开个玩笑,丹尼斯在自己的腰背部捆了包薯片。

80、10.Something, such as a prank, intended as a hoax or joke;a spoof. ─── 戏弄目的在于欺骗或开玩笑,例如恶作剧;

81、Pull a prank. ─── 恶作剧!

82、Can you imagine Sir Alex Ferguson attempting a disruptive prank like this? ─── 你能想象弗爵爷以这种打断采访的形式来和球员开玩笑么?

83、don't wake him up with tickling and laugh at him like you've just done the prank of a century. ─── 千万不要像恶作剧似地去吵醒它,不要去挠它痒痒,更不要去笑话它。

84、He didn't know why he'd done it, but the look in her eyes made him realize how cruel his prank was. ─── 他不明白自己为什么要这样做,但她的眼神让他意识到,他的恶作剧有多么残酷。

85、play a trick on; play a prank on ─── 恶作剧

86、Quebecer's Prank Call Raises Questions About Palace Security ─── 一名魁北克人的恶作剧电话引起人们对王宫在安方面的疑问

87、The prank crammed his mailbox with computer-delivered electronic junk mail. ─── 该恶作剧病毒把他的邮箱塞满计算机发送的电子垃圾邮件。

88、To dispel his fears, he decides to engage in one final prank on the legacy hunters.He spreads a rumor that he has died and then tells Mosca to pretend that he has been made his master's heir. ─── 为了消除害怕,他决定开这些遗产涉猎者最后一个玩笑,他散布谣言说他已经死了并且立莫斯卡为遗产继承人。

89、If this is about those prank memos, I had nothing to do with them. ─── 如果是因为那个恶作剧的备忘录,我和那个一点关系都没有。

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