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09-03 投稿


compote 发音

英:['k?mp??t; -?t]  美:['kɑmpot]

英:  美:

compote 中文意思翻译



compote 网络释义

n. 煮熟的糖渍水果;高脚果盘

compote 短语词组

1、compote dish ─── 果盘

2、compote recipe ─── 复合配方

3、compote de pommes ─── 苹果酱

4、berry compote ─── 浆果果酱

5、fruit compote ─── 烩水果

6、compote de coing ─── 铸币厂

7、compote glass ─── 复合玻璃

8、compote definition ─── 组件定义

9、compote bowls ─── 果盘

compote 词性/词形变化,compote变形


compote 相似词语短语

1、composter ─── n.堆肥;混合物(compost的变形)

2、compotes ─── n.煮熟的糖渍水果;高脚果盘

3、comported ─── vt.行为;举动;vi.相称;适合;一致

4、compose ─── vt.构成;写作;使平静;排…的版;vi.组成;作曲;排字

5、composite ─── adj.复合的,合成的;(火车车厢)综合的;(柱式)混合的;菊科的;n.复合材料,合成物;综合提案;菊科植物;混合柱式;(嫌疑犯的)合成照片;v.合成(图片);使混合

6、compete ─── vi.竞争;比赛;对抗

7、compute ─── vt.计算;估算;用计算机计算;vi.计算;估算;推断;n.计算;估计;推断

8、compotier ─── n.高脚果碟

9、composted ─── n.堆肥;混合物;vt.堆肥;施堆肥

compote 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A rich and flavoursome compote of red and black fruits combined with a variety of spices. ─── 红色和黑色水果的口感丰润清爽,和辛香味恰到好处的融合。

2、In addition, the multifunctional combined tea set can prevent tea cups from falling down and can be used as compote. ─── 另外,本茶具还可防止茶杯摔落,并能兼作果盘使用。

3、Chilled ginger and pineapple compote ─── 姜酱金橘菠萝

4、Black fruit ,spice and fruit compote dominate the nose. ─── 有黑色浆果香,香料味以及果盘的清香。

5、Place fruit in a pedestal bowl or mixed nuts in a compote dish for a new look. ─── 将水果置于有底座的碗里,或将混合的各种坚果放在一个果盘里,呈现出一番新的景象。

6、The cook comBined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping FOR the compote. ─── 厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。

7、Apple Charlotte - It is a golden-crusted dessert made by baking a thick apple compote in a mold lined with buttered bread. ─── 用苹果泥,面包和牛油来烘焙的。(当然可以根据自己所好来添加写香料,比如说cinnamon, nutmeg. )发明这道本是为了解决一些剩下的面包。

8、If purchase,come 3 two bright pineapple, might as well first on any account hangs down strewn at randomly trice comes, or piles the sitting room altitude of a compote buy. ─── 如采购来两三只鲜菠萝,不妨先高低错落地垂吊起来,抑或堆码果盘置之客厅高处。

9、1. “Don't get mad,” we say indignantly. “We have plenty of fruit compote.” ─── “别发疯”,我们愤怒地说:“我们有足够的果盘。”

10、canned grape compote ─── 糖水葡萄罐头

11、Dark chocolate clusters of walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, candied fruit and peel, with red and bule berries and kiwi compote ─── 添加核桃的黑巧克力簇,巴西坚果,杏仁,果脯,红蓝系浆果,猕猴桃果盘。

12、Brilliant purple colour with ruby reflections - Crystallized red fruits Supple and round mouth which develops fruity and compote notes Round, balancedwine. ─── 亮丽并带有宝石红闪硕的红色,-象红色的水晶果实,口感柔和圆润带有水果和糖渍水果的特点,一款圆润,平衡的葡萄酒.

13、Dark chocolate clusters of walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, candied fruit and peel, with red and blue berries and kiwi compote. ─── 添加核桃的黑巧克力簇,巴西坚果,杏仁,果脯,红蓝系浆果,猕猴桃果盘。

14、Sprinkle powdered sugar and serve with apple compote if desired. ─── 喜欢的话,可以跟上适量苹果泥一起食用。

15、"By 9 a.m., Ruth had already made compote from old strawberries and picked flowers I didn't even know we had in the garden. ─── “上午9点,露丝已经用花园里的熟草莓和鲜花制作了水果盘,我甚至都不知道我们的花园里有这些东西。

16、canned haw compote ─── 糖水山楂罐头

17、Place fruit in a pedestal bowl or mixed nuts in a compote dish for a new look. ─── 将水果置于有底座的碗里,或将混合的各种坚果放在一个果盘里,呈现出一番新的景象。

18、Won't mask a fruit to shine beautiful appearance, still can beautification bedroom, basket of the compote that is not hollow out design certainly, fruit not is belonged to. ─── 不会掩盖水果亮丽外形,还能美化居室,一定非镂空设计的果盘、果篮莫属。

19、The cook combined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping for the compote. ─── 厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。

20、summer compote ─── 夏日糖渍水果

21、This baked cranberry compote couldn't be easier to prepare and tastes terrific on top of sliced Thanksgiving Turkey. ─── 这道烘烤红莓果酱不是很轻松就能做好的,把它涂抹在切片的感恩节火鸡上味道极佳。

22、A flowers or compote are put on tea table, make bedroom atmosphere more clear pure lovely. ─── 茶几上放一盆花卉或果盘,使居室气氛更为清纯可爱。

23、Serve with apple compote or vanilla sauce. ─── 可以和苹果泥或是拌以香草汁食用。

24、Brilliant purple colour with ruby reflections - Crystallized red fruits Supple and round mouth which develops fruity and compote notes Round, balanced wine. ─── 亮丽并带有宝石红闪硕的红色,象红色的水晶果实,口感柔和圆润带有水果和糖渍水果的特点,一款圆润,平衡的葡萄酒。

25、Grilled swordfish filet with tomato compote and champagne beurre blanc sauce ─── 烤剑鱼柳配番茄汁及香槟白酒汁

26、canned lotus seed compote ─── 糖水莲子罐头

27、Mandarin orange and melba compote ─── 梅尔巴柑果酱

28、That silver on the desk dish go up the display that grows 3 thick greenery, it is so hold compote in the palm. ─── 桌上那个银盘上长出三片厚绿叶的陈设,原来是个托果盘。

29、The topping is frequently sweetened with sugar and flavored or topped with puree or compote of fruit. ─── 最上层经常会放些经过处理的美味糊糊或是水果。

30、fruit compote ─── 烩鲜水果

31、Outer piece when shopping, discovered all sorts of beautiful compote when you, scarcely wants oversight their existence. ─── 在暖和的家换上了春天的布置之后,平滑的果盘恰好符合清新的居室风格。

32、The beautiful compote of different pattern, can set off fruity is bright, make the decoration that the eye offends in the bedroom, let us obtain more fun when enjoying fruit big eat. ─── 精心挑选它们的颜色和外形,使其成为房间里漂亮的点缀。

33、Singing group buying the membership card a + sings over two hours fries m spend compote! ! ! ! ! ─── 唱歌团购会员卡一张+欢唱长达两小时薯条米花果盘!

34、Upon his death in 1967 , a quarter of the items were sold off for compote, to a high- class hotel restaurant . ─── 直到他1967年去世,这些藏品的四分之一已经作为拼盘向高档酒店抛售一空。

35、The hamper of brilliant red, compote and delicate aureate eat pay time excessive variety, on table festival and grand show! ─── 红艳艳的食盒、果盘和精致的金色餐垫流光溢彩,餐桌上的喜庆隆重上映!

36、The cook combined whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla to make a topping for the compote. ─── 厨师把掼奶油、糖和香草精混合起来做成果盘的浇汁。

37、A very complex aromatic intensity with aromas of ripe compote fruits, spices and mineral nuances. ─── 给予各种成熟浆果的多种芬芳,带有香料和矿物之嗅觉。

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