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09-03 投稿



Trinidad 发音

英:[?tr?n??d?d]  美:[?tr?n??d?d]

英:  美:

Trinidad 中文意思翻译



Trinidad 常用词组

trinidad and tobago ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥(拉丁美洲岛国)

Trinidad 短语词组

1、Trinidad and Tobago national footba ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥国家足球

2、esso trinidad steel band iwant you back ─── 埃索特立尼达钢带我希望你回来

3、capital of Trinidad and Tobago ─── [网络] 特立尼达和多巴哥的首都

4、Trinidad and Tobago n. ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥(拉丁美洲岛国)

5、Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper ─── 特立尼达蝎子丁T肽

6、Trinidad Base Command ─── 特立尼达基地司令部

7、Trinidad and Tobago national football team ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥国家足球队

8、Trinidad spiny pocket mouse ─── 特立尼达旋转口袋鼠标

9、Trinidad pitch ─── [医] 特里尼达沥青

10、Republic of Trinidad and Tobago ─── [网络] 特立尼达和多巴哥共和国;千里达及托巴哥共和国;特立尼达及多巴哥共和国

11、Trinidad and Tobago Air Services Limited ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥航空服务有限公司

12、Trinidad and Tobago Review ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥评论

13、Trinidad Euphonia ─── 特立尼达Euphonia

14、Uprising in Trinidad and Tobago ─── 在特立尼达和多巴哥兴起

15、Trinidad and Tobago dollar ─── [网络] 特立尼达多巴哥元;特立尼达和多巴哥元;特立尼达和托巴哥元

16、Trinidad and Tobago Air Services Li ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥航空服务李

17、Trinidad asphalt ─── 特立尼达沥青

18、Trinidad Piping Guan ─── 特立尼达皮平关

19、Trinidad rabies virus ─── [医] 蝙蝠型狂犬病病毒

Trinidad 相似词语短语

1、Trinidad ─── n.特立尼达拉岛

2、granddad ─── n.爷爷;外公

3、grandad ─── n.爷爷;外公

4、trifid ─── adj.三(分)裂的;(古式汤匙)匙柄三凹口的

5、trinodal ─── adj.有三节的

6、triclad ─── n.三肠目涡虫

7、triad ─── n.三和音;三个一组;三价元素;三合会(华人黑社会);三合会成员;三人组合;三件套;三和弦;三题词

8、trinal ─── adj.三的;三倍的;由三部分组成的

9、Trinidadian ─── n.特立尼达人;adj.特立尼达的;特立尼达人的

Trinidad 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At a 34-country Summit of the Americas in Trinidad, Barack Obama called for a "new partnership" between the United States and Latin America. ─── 在特立尼达岛举行美洲34国峰会上,奥巴马总统号召美国和拉丁美洲之间建立“新伙伴关系”。

2、Eager for slave labor and its economic advantages, he embarks on a slave-gathering expedition to West Africa but ends up shipwrecked off of the coast of Trinidad. ─── 作为人而言他也惟利是图,野心勃勃,不借冒很大的风险去“创业”,这正是资产阶级个人企业家的典型形象。

3、9. This year Denmark is in 19th place with Bosnia-Herzegovina, New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 今年,丹麦与波黑,新西兰,特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛并列第19位.收藏指正

4、Barbados and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 巴巴多斯以及特立尼达和多巴哥共和国。

5、Sven-Goran Eriksson's side will face his compatriots Sweden as well as Paraguay and Trinidad and Tobago in group B. ─── 埃里克森的队伍在B组将面临来自他的同胞瑞典和特利尼达和多巴哥以及巴拉圭的挑战。

6、In Trinidad, the crew aboard a Mexican tanker was kept in isolation over the weekend. ─── 在特立尼达,一艘墨西哥油轮上的船员周末被隔离。

7、I am looking forward to playing my old team-mate Dwight Yorke with Trinidad and Tobago. He is someone who I share many great memories with. ─── “我很向往在与特里尼达和多巴哥的比赛中遇见约克。我和他有很多美好的记忆。”

8、Made-in-China Drawnet stuff and delegate of Trinidad, Tobago delegation. ─── 中国制造搜索网工作人员与特立尼达和多巴哥代表团代表。

9、Naipaul left Trinidad at 18, with a scholarship to study English at Oxford. ─── 奈波尔18岁离开千里达,拿到牛津大学奖学金前往攻读英国文学。

10、Eriksson will restore Peter Crouch to the attack alongside Michael Owen as he reverts to the 4-4-2 line-up that he expects to deploy against Paraguay and Trinidad &Tobago in Germany. ─── 埃里克森会重新把克劳奇放在欧文身边,把阵形变回到平行站位的4-4-2。他计划用这个阵形在德国对付巴拉圭和特立尼达和多巴哥。

11、His reputation there led to a contract to turn around the state-owned steel industry in Trinidad, which he later acquired. ─── 他在当地的声誉让他签订一份带领特里尼达一家国营钢铁企业扭亏为盈的合同,随后他就兼并了该钢铁厂。

12、Confused death two decades, since the great thoughts, Trinidad stood nowhere so miserable! ─── 十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘,千里孤坟无处话凄凉!

13、Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque. ─── 另一个则在特立尼达岛是一位享有盛名的偏远清真寺的教长。

14、Made-in-China Drawnet Vice-secretary Zhang Zhongjun and delegates of Trinidad, Tobago delegation. ─── 中国制造搜索网张忠军副秘书与特立尼达和多巴哥代表团代表。

15、All see the meeting as a useful precursor to the Copenhagen deliberation on climate change.The states present in Trinidad range from flat, vulnerable islands to powerful carbon-belching economies. ─── 因此,出席特立尼达峰会者既有海拔低、生存受到威胁的岛屿国家,也有身为碳排放大户的经济强国。

16、Winter, Trinidad frozen, snow-wrapped, open fields, animals come and go. ─── 冬季,千里冰封、银装素裹、原野空旷、禽兽出没。

17、This year Denmark is in 19th place with Bosnia-Herzegovina, New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 今年丹麦与波黑、新西兰、特立尼达岛、多巴哥岛并列第19位。

18、of or relating to the island of Trinidad. ─── 属于或关于特立尼达岛的。

19、At the village off La Brea, on the island of Trinidad, in the West Indies, is a large lake of asphalt called Pitch Lake. ─── 在西印度群岛特立尼达岛上的拉布利亚村,有一个大沥青湖。

20、report from Harvard University shows that Massachusetts produces math scores comparable to South Korea and Finland, while Mississippi scores are closer to Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 哈佛大学2011年的一份报告显示,马萨诸塞取得了堪比韩国和芬兰的数学成绩,而密西西比州的分数则更接近特立尼达和多巴哥。

21、This stunning goal line clearance kept England in the game against Trinidad and Tobago during the competition. ─── 世界杯赛中,特里在球门线处一技出色的凌空解围帮助英格兰队战胜小组赛对手特立尼达和多巴哥队。

22、I am a Tire Importer in Trinidad and Tobago. I need around 6000 used Tires every 3 months. ─── 我们需要购买汽车轮胎,请尽快与我们联系。

23、Neville dismisses the public perception that Group B, which also contains Sweden, Paraguay and Trinidad &Tobago, amounts to a bye into the second round for England. ─── 内维尔不认为公众应该轻视包括巴拉圭、特立尼达和多巴哥以及瑞典的B组,任何大衣都可能使英格兰队翻船。

24、The 56-year-old left the Cape Verde Islands off Africa's western coast on Jan. 12, battling waves of up to 30 feet (9 meters) and strong winds and arrived in Trinidad on Feb. 5. ─── 56岁的珍妮弗于1月12日离开非洲西海岸的佛得角群岛,经过和高达30英尺(9米)的巨浪和狂风一般搏击后与2月5日到达特立尼达岛。

25、As in Rio, the highlight of the Trinidad carnival is the parade of masqueraders in their brightly coloured costumes ─── 和在里约热内卢一样,特立尼达岛狂欢节的精彩场面是身穿艳丽服装,头戴假面具的游行队伍。

26、Trinidad trip Footwear Company Limited was established in 2006 in June, mainly produced at the end of the Melaleuca children cloth shoes. ─── 千里行鞋业有限公司成立于2006年的6月,主要生产千层底的儿童布鞋。

27、In the dual-island republic, Trinidad is often seen as the mother island. ─── 在两岛共和国,特立尼达经常被认为是母岛。

28、Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. ─── 在沃尔特·罗利爵士在1595年访问过特立尼达的著名沥青湖,据说该湖的沥青容量有90亿吨。

29、First runner-up was Angola, followed by Mexi-co as second runner-up. The other two finalists were Trinidad &Tobago and Sweden. ─── 亚军和季军分别为安哥拉和墨西哥小姐获得,另外两位进入决赛的选手分别来自特立尼达和多巴哥以及瑞典。

30、Zhang Jun (1846-1927). The word Trinidad, No. Po, night deposit No. Buddhist Cham, Tai Qifeng run xian Chihli Tuo village. ─── 张人骏(1846-1927).字千里,号安圃,晚号湛存居士,直隶丰润县大齐坨村人。

31、So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty. ─── 因此,接下来三周对新加坡、印度、特立尼达和多巴哥、中国和韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。

32、On Friday, Bolt will face the two men who won medals behind him in the Beijing 100, Richard Thompson of Trinidad &Tobago and American Walter Dix. ─── 博尔特在苏黎世说:“我来到这里后已经睡了一觉,不感到疲劳。现在我试图让自己重新热血沸腾起来。”

33、The hit song " Yes, We Have No Bananas, " is reminiscent of this drum-heavy musical style , especially from Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 畅销曲“是的,我们没有香蕉”令人想起这种特别是出自千里达和托巴哥鼓声沉重的音乐风格。

34、On a thrid voyage in 1498 Columbus found Trinidad and explored the northern coast of South American. ─── 1498年哥伦布第三次出航,发现了特立尼达,探访了南美的北部海岸线。

35、I thought he would become the best fighter from Puerto Rico, even better than champions like Felix Trinidad and Miguel Cotto. ─── 之前,我以为他将成为波多黎各的最佳拳手,甚至超越特里尼达德、库托等等拳王;

36、On the one hand, Trinidad and Tobago played very defensively and cautiously, spending almost the entire game trying to neutralise their opposition. ─── 一方面,特立尼达和多巴哥队今天大打防守战,踢得非常谨慎,整场比赛都试图与英格兰队握手言和。

37、The 56-year-old left Cape Verde Islands off Africa's west coast January 12, battling waves of up to 30 feet and strong winds.She arrived in Trinidad Sunday. ─── 56岁的菲格于1月12日从西非海岸的佛得角出发,途中曾与高达30英尺的巨浪和狂风抗争,最后于周日抵达特立尼达岛。

38、Mostly, though, he was a travelling man; he grew up in Canada and has lived for the past six years in Trinidad. ─── 他生活的大部分时间都在旅游,在加拿大长大,在特立尼达生活了六年。

39、He might never be as big as Wilfredo Gomez and Felix Trinidad on the island but a victory over the top pound-for-pound fighter would undoubtedly make him an idol. ─── 在这个岛国上,或许他永远都不如维尔弗雷多.戈麦兹以及菲利克斯.特里尼达德那么大牌,但是,打败砰砰响头牌无疑将使他成为偶像级人物。

40、Against Paraguay he took the free-kick that went in for an own goal and against Trinidad& Tobago he put in the cross in for Peter Crouch's goal. ─── 在首场比赛他迫使对手自摆乌龙,和特立尼达的比赛他又帮助克劳奇进球。

41、Yet Felix Trinidad didn't usurp him after his controversial 1999 win over De La Hoya in a battle between then unbeaten welterweight champions. ─── 1999年,特里尼达德和霍亚两位战无不胜的次中量级拳王巅峰对决,特里尼达德有争议地胜出。获胜的特里尼达德并未因此取代霍亚的地位。

42、Cotto is respected. Trinidad is beloved. There's a difference. ─── 库托只是受人尊重,而特里尼达德却能深入人心。

43、Another is the Mid-Autumn Festival, during the festival times Sze. The number of people gathered to, and how many people to send Acacia Trinidad? ─── 声声祈福请轻风替我传送,缕缕眷注托流水替我寄予,固然忙繁忙碌无法常集中,但却时时候刻把你惦念。

44、The rebels seized control of the Victoria, San Antonio, Santiago and Concepcion, and plotted to take the flagship, Trinidad, and kill Magellan ─── 反叛者控制了“维多利亚号”、“圣安东尼奥号”、“圣地亚哥号”及“康塞普西翁号”,并阴谋占领旗舰“特立尼达”,杀死麦哲伦。

45、Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen by Trinidad Lake Asphalt ─── 千里达湖天然沥青改性国产重交通沥青的路用性能研究

46、A separate poll showed that more than a third of Britons do not know where Trinidad and Tobago is. ─── 另有一项调查表明,超过三分之一的英国人不知道特立尼达和多巴哥地处何方。

47、In the Three Lions' second match, a spectacular clearance from underneath his own crossbar by Terry spared England the embarrassment of trailing at half-time against minnows Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 在三狮军团的第二场对阵特鲁尼达和多巴哥的比赛中,特里在本方禁区内一次精彩的救险避免了英格兰在半场前丢球。

48、In his pictures of Trinidad the sea is warm and the foliage tropical. ─── 在他的画里,特立尼达的海是温暖的,热带花草密密丛丛。

49、In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads. ─── 在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青—即用作铺路的物质—形式存在。

50、If the manager wants to bring me off and put Wayne Rooney on, as he did against Trinidad, then that's his decision. ─── 哪怕教练用鲁尼把我换下,就像在与特立尼达和多巴哥比赛中那样,那时他的决定。

51、view, you might see, "hi Minshan Trinidad snow," a panoramic view; ─── 举目远眺,“更喜岷山千里雪”尽收眼底;

52、Birmingham officials are also in negotiations with Sunderland trying to agree a fee for their Trinidad & Tobago hitman Jones. ─── 伯明翰官网同样希望与桑德兰谈判签下特立尼达和多巴哥球星琼斯。

53、Mr.Bush said, "The Comfort will make port calls in Belize and Guatemala and Panama and Nicaragua and El Salvador and Peru and Ecuador and Colombia, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname. ─── 布什说:“安慰号医疗船将访问伯利兹、危地马拉、巴拿马、尼加拉瓜、萨尔瓦多、秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚、海地、特立尼达和多巴哥、圭亚那和苏里南。

54、Year-leave-sheng Friends clouds; Trinidad flatter, was packed with distinguished guests. ─── 十旬休假,胜友如云;千里逢迎,高朋满座。

55、Carl Ratner, Director of the Institute for Cultural Research &Education in Trinidad, California, has written a provocative essay entitled "The dubious science of evolutionary psychology. ─── 卡尔瑞特内,加州大学特立尼达岛文化研究与教育院主任,写了一篇具有影响力的评论,名为“进化心理学是有争议的科学。”

56、The US come to Wembley on May 28 before the trip to Trinidad and Tobago on June 1. ─── 5月28日,美国将来到温布利,然后6月1日要前往特立尼达和多巴哥。

57、A type of music that originated in the West Indies, notably in Trinidad, and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects. ─── 卡力骚曲一种起源于西印度的音乐,在特立尼达有影响,主要特征是根据主题或广泛的幽默体裁即席而作的音律

58、This year Denmark is in nineteenth place with Bosnia-Herzegovina, New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago. ─── 今年,丹麦与波黑,新西兰,特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛并列第19位.

59、Book Reviews: 1. Keeping Amphibians. A practical guide to caring for frogs, toads, newts and salamanders2. The Snakes of Trinidad &Tobago. ─── 书评:1.两栖类之饲养.蛙类,蟾蜍类与蝾螈类指南.2.千里达与托贝哥的蛇类

60、Below we take to the Trinidad and Tobago Soca known as a King song. ─── 下面给大家放一首被誉为特立尼达和多巴哥Soca国王的歌。

61、At the Trinidad and Tobago National Championships at the weekend, the former world record holder clocked an impressive 9.96-seconds in his first race since being sidelined with the shoulder injury. ─── 在本周末的特立尼达和多巴哥全国锦标赛上,这位前世界纪录保持者跑出了令人印象深刻的9.96秒,这也是他因为肩伤休息后的第一场比赛。

62、President Barack Obama has arrived in Trinidad for the 34-nation Summit of the Americas meeting. ─── 总统巴拉克奥巴马抵达特立尼达参加34国参加的美洲峰会。

63、In the silence of the night sky, the care of the moon, sent away the blessings of family and friends far away, they pray for Granville, "Tangshan Tangshan, Trinidad were lovely. ─── 在寂静的夜空里,守着月亮,把祝福遥寄给远方的亲朋好友,威它们祈祷,“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”。

64、Arrives islands successively and so on Bahamian archipelago, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad. ─── 先后到达巴哈马群岛、古巴、海地、多米尼加、特立尼达等岛。

65、An aerial view of the city of Trinidad, in northern Bolivia, partially flooded due to heavy rains, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2008. ─── 图为2月9日航拍的玻利维亚南部特立尼达地区,由于连日暴雨,当地遭受了严重洪水灾害。

66、trinidad pladj. ─── 千里达

67、Standard Specification for Graded Trinidad Lake Modified Asphalt Binder ─── 分级特立尼达湖地改良沥青的标准规范

68、SCIENTIST on a flight across America falls into conversation with his neighbour, who turns out to be gratifyingly interested in his research on wild guppy populations in Trinidad. ─── 一位科学家飞越美国时,与他的邻居密切的交谈。这位邻居对特立尼达岛的古比人的研究显示出极大的兴趣。

69、Against Trinidad & Tobago - Rooney's return, Crouch and Gerrard's very late winners, and 80 minutes of head-scratching - England again showed the world how best to play below one's abilities. ─── 对阵特里尼达和多巴哥-鲁尼回来了,克劳奇和杰拉德稍迟的进球,第80分钟的头球一蹭,英格兰再一次展示给这个世界怎样在状态不好时反而能打得更好。

70、He repeated his claim that the people of Trinidad and Tobago backed his action. ─── 他再三重复他所声称的:特立尼达和多巴哥的人民支持他的行动。

71、orchid of South America and Trinidad having large yellow and reddish-brown flowers; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium. ─── 南美洲和特立尼达岛的兰花,花大、黄色或微红褐色;有时归入金蝶兰属。

72、The other internationals of Chelsea interest tonight are Eidur Gudjohnsen's Iceland v Trinidad & Tobago at Loftus Road and Lassana Diarra's France Under 21s v Slovakia. ─── 另外一名切尔西的国际球员古德约翰森所在的冰岛队和特立尼达多巴哥队进行了一场比赛,还有迪亚拉的法国队和斯洛伐克的21岁以下国家队的比赛。

73、Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Wild Mix of Trinidad and Tobago," March 1994, National Geographic magazine. ─── 图片为国家地理杂志1994年3月“特里尼达和多巴哥的原始结合”拍摄,未发表。

74、a tropical tree(Peltogyne paniculata) native to Guiana and Trinidad,having very hard,durable brown wood that turns a purple color on exposure ─── 一种产于圭亚那和特里尼达的热带树(雌蕊木属紫心木),其韧性的褐色木材暴露在空气中即变成紫红色

75、Standard Practice for the Identification of Trinidad Lake Asphalt in Asphalt Mixes ─── 在沥青混合物中鉴定特立尼达湖沥青惯例

76、Research on pavement performance of composite modified asphalt mixture with Trinidad lake asphalt(TLA)[J].Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development,2005,22(1):13-16. ─── TLA复合改性沥青混合料路用性能研究[J].公路交通科技,2005,22(1):13-16.

77、Health minister Trinidad Jimenez said a 23-year-old man who returned from studying in Mexico last Wednesday tested positive for the virus at a hospital in southeastern Spain. ─── 卫生部长特立尼达希门尼斯说,上周三在西班牙东南部一家医院一名从墨西哥学习回来的23岁男子被检查出猪流感病毒阳性。

78、In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt ─── 在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青的形式出现。

79、V. S. Naipaul was born into an Indian Brahmin family in Trinidad, the West Indies. ─── 奈保尔出生于西印度群岛的一个印度移民家庭。

80、32 After card mix Despite scoring against Trinidad and Tobago, Peter Crouch still has his detractors. ─── 尽管在对特立尼达和多巴哥队的比赛中进球,彼得?克劳奇仍然遭到很多的人的批评。

81、Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana. ─── 巴巴多斯、买加、立尼达和圭亚那等国的母语。

82、As feeding, often feed the horse pull carts have strength, Trinidad appetite big enough to do cars. ─── 因为喂食一样,常马吃饱了有力气拉车,千里食量大吃不饱拉不动车。

83、Cuba is likely to be at the forefront of discussions at the Summit of the Americas, a gathering of 34 heads of government that has always excluded Cuba, starting April 17 in Trinidad. ─── 古巴很可能将是美洲峰会的讨论焦点。美洲峰会将于4月17日在特立尼达开幕,届时将有34个国家的政府领导人参加。

84、On his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to discover the island of Trinidad. ─── 1498年的今天,在其第三次向西半球的航海过程中,克里斯托弗·哥伦布成为首人发现特里尼达岛的欧洲人。

85、HAVANA, PINAR DEL RIO, CIENFUEGOS, TRINIDAD, SANTA CLARA and VARADERO ─── 哈瓦那,皮那省,西恩富戈斯,特里尼达,圣达克拉拉和巴拉得罗

86、A type of music that originated in the West Indies,notably in Trinidad,and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects. ─── 卡力骚曲,一种起源于西印度的音乐,在特立尼达有影响,主要特征是根据主题或广泛的幽默体裁即席而作的音律。

87、An Improved Solids-Control Technique for Onshore Drilling in Trinidad ─── 先进的特林尼达陆上固控技术

88、STM trip to Suriname &Trinidad for Pastor Grace, Sister Cheryl Kwan, Brothers Summy Cheng &Philip Chan from October 11 to 22. ─── 为神保守本堂在过去卅五年感谢神;求神继续引领,叫弟兄姊妹爱神爱人的心愈发加增。

89、Naipaul was born on the West Indian island of Trinidad as a descendant of immigrant workers from India, in a milieu where peoples and cultures from fourb continents mixed. ─── 奈保尔生于西印度群岛的特立膍达,是印度移民劳工的后代,他周围的人来自五洲四海,文化混杂。

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