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09-03 投稿



iguana 发音

英:[??ɡwɑ?n?]  美:[??ɡwɑ?n?]

英:  美:

iguana 中文意思翻译



iguana 短语词组

1、common iguana ─── [网络] 普通鬣蜥

2、Iguana Girl ─── 鬣蜥女孩

3、genus Iguana ─── [网络] 鬣蜥属

4、marine iguana n. ─── 海鬣蜥

5、desert iguana ─── [爬行动物]沙冠壁虎属

6、Iguana iguana ─── [网络] 绿鬣蜥;美洲鬣蜥;美洲绿鬣蜥

7、Galapagos Marine Iguana ─── 加拉帕戈斯海洋鬣蜥

8、green iguana ─── 绿鬣蜥

9、fijian crested iguana ─── 斐济冠鬣蜥

iguana 词性/词形变化,iguana变形


iguana 相似词语短语

1、guanay ─── n.冠鸬鹚

2、guano ─── n.海鸟粪;鱼肥料;鸟粪石;vt.施海鸟肥料;n.(Guano)人名;(意)瓜诺

3、iguanid ─── n.鬣蜥

4、Tijuana ─── n.提华纳(墨西哥西北部城市)

5、Agana ─── n.阿加尼亚(美国关岛首府)

6、Juana ─── n.胡安娜(女子名)

7、iguanas ─── n.[脊椎]鬣蜥(iguana的复数);美洲蜥蜴

8、grana ─── n.[细胞]基粒(granum的复数形式);n.(Grana)人名;(法、葡、意、塞)格拉娜(女名),格拉纳

9、iguanian ─── 鬣蜥

iguana 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles. ─── 巨型蟾蜍和安第斯鬣蜥是爬行动物的代表。

2、A rare Fijian crested iguana surveys his surroundings from a tree on Yaduataba Island, one of the 333 islands making up Fiji. ─── 斐济333个岛屿之一的亚杜阿塔巴岛上,一只稀有的斐济冠鬣蜥在树上仔细观察着四周。

3、" Tiny PV (as regulars call it) changed forever when movie director John Huston chose to film his classic Night of the Iguana here. ─── 当电影导演约翰-休斯顿选定此地来拍摄他的经典作品"鬣蜥之夜"时,小阿卡普尔科-大多数人们这么叫它-时刻都在改变。

4、Suddenly, he found a lizard window to his desk, he saw the iguana extremely happy. ─── 突然,他发现一只蜥蜴从窗户外跳到他的书桌上,他看到那只蜥蜴高兴极了。

5、Galapagos Marine Iguana ─── n. 加拉帕戈斯海蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,钝鼻蜥)

6、The iguana stared at them with its hot orange eyes, and did not move. ─── 蜥蜴用它那凶狠的橘黄色眼睛盯着他们俩,一动不动。

7、3.A large herbaceous lizard(Sauromalus obesus) of the southwest United States and Mexico, related to the iguana. ─── 变色蜥一种大型食草性蜥蜴(变色蜥变色蜥属),生长于美国西南部和墨西哥,与鬣鳞蜥相关

8、Fijian Banded Iguana ─── n. 斐济斑蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,低冠蜥)

9、This iguana is one of the few lizards found in that cold climate. ─── 这种鼠鳞蜥是在寒冷的气候条件下发现的少数蜥蜴当中的一种。

10、2. A large herbaceous lizard(Sauromalus obesus) of the southwest United States and Mexico, related to the iguana. ─── 变色蜥一种大型食草性蜥蜴(变色蜥变色蜥属),生长于美国西南部和墨西哥,与鬣鳞蜥相关收藏指正

11、Desert Iguana ─── n. 美洲沙蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,沙鬣蜥)

12、Amblyrhynchus cristatus [Galapagos marine iguana] ─── 钝鼻蜥

13、A man holds his pet Iguana before blessing rites at a church in Manila as part of celebrations of World Animal Day and the feast day of St.Francis of Assisi, the patron of animals. ─── 在世界动物日,一名男子抱着他的宠物绿鬣蜥在马尼拉一所教堂准备接受祝福仪式,这一天同时也是动物守护神圣芳济的节日。

14、Rhinoceros Iguana ─── n. 犀蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,犀蜥)

15、Iguana species [iguanas] ─── 美洲鬣蜥

16、The pink iguana, named after its salmon-colored skin, lives only on the Wolf volcano on the island of Isabela. ─── 这种因其拥有类似鲑鱼的粉红色皮肤而得名的粉色鬣蜥,只居住在位于加拉帕戈斯群岛的沃尔夫火山上。

17、Hughes: Well, last week when I was there he had a baby iguana running around the place. ─── 休兹:上星期我去他家里,有一只出生不久的鬣蜥蜴走来走去。

18、"The tortoise and iguana populations in the area are not threatened," he said by telephone. ─── 报道说,很多加拉帕戈斯陆龟栖息在火山口附近,其中一些陆龟的寿命都超过了150年。

19、A colorful iguana is captured up close on Cozumel Island off the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. ─── 半岛东海岸外科苏梅尔岛上,一只色彩斑斓的鬣蜥被近距离捕捉到。

20、An iguana lay on a path near joggers in Davie, Fla., Sunday. Iguanas become catatonic in the cold and fall from trees. ─── 一只在寒冷天气中变得反应迟钝的鬣蜥趴在路边,佛罗里达,美国。

21、6.You look over to the corner of your room and see that Ignatius, your pet iguana, is sound asleep up on his shelf. ─── 你朝房间角落看去,看见你的宠物鬣蜥伊格那蒂乌斯正在自己的架子上熟睡。

22、" Ambitions in the show, the iguana Or as a result of the recent problems faced by the team issued a trace of concern. ─── 在表明雄心后,伊瓜因还是对球队近期面临的问题发出了一丝担忧。

23、Iguana virus ─── 鬣蜥病毒, 鬣疱疹病毒1

24、The Night of Iguana ─── 巫山风雨夜

25、long iguana ─── 长鬣蜥

26、MICHAEL: Maybe it was an iguana. ─── 哥哥迈克尔:也许是只蜥蜴。

27、In his right hand he carried a staff made of the longbone of a flying reptile. In his left sat an iguana, his pet and advisor. ─── 右手杵著由某种具有飞行力的动物遗骨做成的柺杖。左手边则是他的宠物与他的参谋,伊蜗纳。

28、Software Description: About Turkey Pet, A cat, dog, iguana, and turtle dressed for Thanksgiving ─── 感恩节图片,包括猫,狗,鬣蜥,和海龟。

29、Male lion cub in two years beginning about long hair, but its prime iguana when iguana is the longest MAO. ─── 雄性的小狮子在两岁左右开始长鬣毛,但是它壮年的时候鬣毛是最长的。

30、Despite its scaly shield, the species is still considered vulnerable to extinction because of non-native rats, feral cats, and dogs that feed on iguana eggs and young. ─── 尽管其鳞片盾牌,物种是仍然被视为易于灭绝,因为是非土生老鼠,野猫,和狗的饲料在鬣蜥蛋和青少年。

31、3. The toy "Roboreptile" came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo. ─── 在伦敦动物园里,一个玩具“机械迅猛龙”和一只真的犀牛鬣蜥遭遇面对面的“对峙”。收藏指正

32、An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes. ─── 鼠鳞蜥可以在水里呆28分钟。

33、Light colored thread carbuncle arm, small operator bind iguana XieGua green cloud. Meet with a thousand years. ─── 彩线轻缠红玉臂,小符斜挂绿云鬣。佳人相见一千年。

34、"Schuster told reporters" iguana as a result of the recent good, we must see this. ─── 舒斯特尔对记者说道,“伊瓜因最近状态很好,我们必须看到这一点。

35、A fence lizard or a desert iguana--each cold-blooded--usually has a body temperature only a degree or two below that of humans and so is not cold. ─── 美洲一种小型蜥蜴和沙漠鬣蜥同属冷血动物,但实际上它们的体温通常只比人类的体温低1-2度,因此并不是真正的冷血。

36、Amo el romance entre el oso y la iguana. ─── 我深爱野熊与鬣蜥蜴之间的恋曲。

37、marine iguana ─── 海鬣蜥

38、For instance, three keywords, "Beijing," "space shuttle," and "iguana," are used. ─── 例如,使用 3 个关键字 “Beijing”、“space shuttle” 和 “iguana”。

39、Black Spinytail Iguana ─── n. 黑栉尾蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,栉尾蜥)

40、But I know we'd have to take the iguana back. And the pet store might not let us. ─── 不过我们得把鬣蜥蜴扛回去,而且宠物店可能不会让我们这么做。

41、7.The toy "Roboreptile" came face to face with a real Rhinoceros Iguana at the london Zoo. ─── 在伦敦动物园里,一个玩具“机械迅猛龙”和一只真的犀牛鬣蜥遭遇面对面的“对峙”。

42、"Ornamentation includes crests on the head, Back, or tail; spines; Brightly coloured throat fans; and throat frills. Most species feed on insects and rodents, But some, such as the iguana, eat plants. See also Gila monster; horned toad." ─── 其头、背或尾部有棱脊,喉部皮肤有皱褶且颜色鲜艳,喉部下垂。多数蜥蜴以昆虫及啮齿动物为食,但有些种类(如大鬣鳞蜥)为草食性者

43、We got whole iguana on a stick for twenty bucks, and our prime select pieces for eight bucks. ─── 烤整蜥蜴是二十块,精选肉块的是八块。

44、5.The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles. ─── 巨型蟾蜍和安地斯山的鬣蜥是爬行动物的代表。

45、Discovered by outsiders in 1979, the crested iguana’s numbers are rapidly dwindling due to the brisk spread of introduced species, such as feral cats and black rats. ─── 冠鬣蜥自1979年被来自岛外的人们发现以来,由于随之引入的例如野猫和黑鼠等外来物种的迅速蔓延,他们的数量正在急剧缩减。

46、ELLIOTT: It was not an iguana. ─── 艾略特:才不是只蜥蜴呢。

47、By some unknown means, an iguana can end its own life. ─── 鬣蜥蜴能结束自己的生命,方法还不清楚?

48、"The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae. ─── 这是当地的龙,一只海生鬣蜥,它正在吃绿藻。

49、Gabriele Gentile, of Rome's University Tor Vergata, and colleagues are the first team to research and document the iguana, which will receive a formal scientific name in an upcoming paper. ─── 来自罗马第二大学的GabrieleGentile和他的同事们是最早对这种鬣蜥进行研究并为其建档的队伍,他们将在今后的报告中给这种生物取一个更为正式的学名。

50、I'm going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? ─── 而是打开计算机制作一部关于我的宠物蜥蜴的电影?

51、These ornithopods stood upright on their hind legs and were about the size of a large, modern-day iguana. ─── 这些鸟脚亚目恐龙能够两脚直立,大小相当于现代的大型鬣蜥。

52、an iguana slithered across the path. ─── 一只蜥蜴从路上溜过

53、A green iguana is seen at the Noel Kempff Mercado Zoo in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Aug. 17. (Reuters ─── 八月十七日周日,一只绿色的鬣蜥蜴出现在玻利维亚圣克鲁兹的诺尔普夫梅尔卡多国家公园。(路透社照片)

54、A rare Fijian crested iguana surveys his surroundings from a tree on Yaduataba Island, one of the 333 islands making up Fiji. ─── 斐济333个岛屿之一的亚杜阿塔巴岛上,一只稀有的斐济冠鬣蜥在树上仔细观察着四周。

55、Figian iguana ─── 马鬃蜥

56、The analysis also suggests the pink iguana is one of the earliest examples of species diversification on the islands. ─── 分析还表明,粉红色鬣蜥是这一群岛上物种多样化的最早标本之一。

57、Name: iguana! ─── 大哥大!

58、A large herbaceous lizard(Sauromalus obesus)of the southwest United States and Mexico,related to the iguana. ─── 变色蜥一种大型食草性蜥蜴(变色蜥变色蜥属),生长于美国西南部和墨西哥,与鬣鳞蜥相关

59、If you are thinking about getting an iguana, it's very important that you know what it's going to involve on your part. ─── 如果您想获得一个鬣蜥,这是非常重要的是,你知道这将涉及您的部分。

60、Their skin is rough, with a set of pointy scales along the iguana's back. ─── 它的皮是粗的。还有鳞在它的身体。

61、Green Iguana ─── n. 美洲绿鬣蜥(美洲鬣蜥科,美洲鬣蜥)

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