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09-03 投稿



glaucoma 发音

英:[ɡla??ko?m??ɡl???ko?m?]  美:[ɡla??k??m?; ɡl???k??m?]

英:  美:

glaucoma 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 青光眼


glaucoma 词性/词形变化,glaucoma变形

形容词: glaucomatous |

glaucoma 短语词组

1、hemorrhagic glaucoma ─── [医] 出血性青光眼

2、fulminant glaucoma ─── [医] 暴发性青光眼

3、malignum glaucoma ─── [医] 恶性青光眼

4、auricular glaucoma ─── [医] 耳性青光眼

5、apoplectic glaucoma ─── [医] 出血性青光眼

6、acute glaucoma ─── [医] 急性青光眼

7、congenital glaucoma ─── [医] 先天性青光眼

8、inflammatory glaucoma ─── [医] 炎性青光眼

9、glaucoma imminens ─── [医] 前驱期青光眼

10、infantile glaucoma ─── [医] 婴儿青光眼, 水眼

11、chronic glaucoma ─── [网络] 慢性青光眼

12、glaucoma absolutum ─── [医] 绝对期青光眼

13、absolute congenital glaucoma ─── [医] 绝对期先天性青光眼

14、normal tension glaucoma ─── 正常眼压性青光眼

15、glaucoma simplex ─── [医] 单纯性青光眼

16、closed-angle glaucoma ─── [医]闭角型青光眼,

17、Donders' glaucoma ─── [医] 东德氏青光眼, 单纯性青光眼

18、angle-closure glaucoma ─── 闭角型青光眼

19、glaucoma evolutum ─── [医] 进展期青光眼

glaucoma 相似词语短语

1、glauco- ─── 海绿石。

2、leucoma ─── 角膜白斑;颊白斑

3、glaucomatous ─── adj.青光眼的;绿内障的

4、Tacoma ─── n.塔科马港市(美国华盛顿州西部港市)

5、gladsome ─── adj.高兴的;可喜的

6、glaucodot ─── n.铁硫砷钴矿

7、gladiola ─── n.剑兰

8、glaucous ─── adj.蓝绿色的;绿灰色的;[园艺]表面起白霜的

9、glaucophane ─── n.[矿物]蓝闪石

glaucoma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Small incision trabeculectomy for closure angle glaucoma. ─── 小切口小梁切除术治疗闭角型青光眼

2、Methods 261 cases (493 eyes) with glaucoma were treated with filtering operation. ─── 方法对261例(共493只眼)手术治疗的青光眼病人进行回顾性分析。

3、The article reviews the researches of diurnal monitoring of IOP in glaucoma. ─── 文章就青光眼患者昼夜眼压监测的情况进行综述。

4、Corticosteroid-induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma has been recognized for more than 50 years. ─── 人们认识激素性高眼压和青光眼已经50多年了。

5、Yet the link between diabetes and glaucoma hasn't been proven conclusively. ─── 但糖尿病和青光眼之间的联系还没有被最终证明。

6、The prevalence of blindness caused by cataract, glaucoma and corneal opacity was lower in affluent households. ─── 在富裕的家庭中,白内障、青光眼和角膜混浊导致的失明发生率更低。

7、Some evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the intraocular pressure, or IOP, in people with glaucoma. ─── 一些证据表明经常的运动可以降低病人的眼内压力或者青光眼。

8、Detection of perimetric change for monitoring glaucoma progression: what should be paid attention to? ─── 利用视野监测青光眼进展需要注意的问题?

9、We performed these combined procedures in 63 medical uncontrolled open angle glaucoma eyes. ─── 本篇乃施用此术于63眼药物控制不良之隅角开放性青光眼患眼。

10、Primary angle closure--a new term in the definition of primary angle closure glaucoma? ─── 原发性房角关闭--闭角型青光眼的新定义?

11、Here, one case of neovascular glaucoma underwent pars plana filtering operation, with suscessful control of intraocular pressure is reported. ─── 作者尝试使用新的手术方法-经过睫状坦部的滤孔手术,来治疗此种疾病,获得良好的结果。

12、Combined trabeculotomy-trabeculectomy may offer the best chance of success in late onset congenital glaucoma. ─── 本文认为小梁网切开术合并切除术对处理晚发型先天性青光眼可提供更好的手术成功机会。

13、This test summarise incidence rate, risk factors, nosogenesis and clinical therapy of silicone oil glaucoma. ─── 本文对此类青光眼的发病率、危险因素、发病机制及临床治疗等方面进行了综述。

14、Expanding the education about cataract is an important means to prevent blindness caused by phacolytic glaucoma. ─── 开展白内障防盲教育是预防本病的重要手段。

15、The major comp lications encountered were cataract, corneal scar and glaucoma. ─── 并发症主要包括白内障、角膜疤痕、青光眼。

16、A isual field test may be performed on glaucoma suspects to detect peripheral ision loss. ─── 对疑似青光眼的患者需要做一项视觉测试来确定外周视力减退。

17、Modified argon laser peripheral iridoplasty is an effective method lor treatment ol middle and later stages ol closure angle glaucoma. ─── 改良氩激光周边虹膜成形术是治疗中、晚期闭角型青光眼的有效方法之一

18、It suggests that in glaucoma patients atracurium might be a better choice. ─── 提示对患有青光眼的病人进行全麻时,阿屈可林是一种较好的选择。

19、Smoking increases your risk of cataracts, glaucoma, dry eyes, and age-related macular degeneration. ─── 抽烟增加你痪上的白内障、青光眼、干的眼疾病和老年视网膜黄斑性病变的危险性。

20、Clinical features include microspherophakia, lens ectopia, glaucoma, brachydactyly, short status and so on. ─── 临床表现为球形晶状体、晶状体脱位、青光眼、短指、身材矮小等。

21、Non Q-twitched Nd:YAG laser was used for the peripheral iridotomy in 41 cases(49 eyes)of primary angle closed glaucoma. ─── 应用非调Q脉冲Nd:YAG激光仪作了41例49只眼的周边虹膜切开术,治疗早期闭角型青光眼。

22、Objective To evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of dexamethasone delivery system for surgery of refractory glaucoma. ─── 摘要目的评价地塞米松缓释系统在可调缝线小梁切除术对难治性青光眼的效果。

23、It is successful for 33 cases ophthalmic surgery to use peribulbar anesthesia . including senile cataract 23 cases, glaucoma 4 caes. ─── 在球周麻醉下成功施行眼科手术33例,其中老年性白内障23例,青光眼4例,裂源性网脱6例。

24、Under the impression of absolute glaucoma, evisceration was performed. ─── 其后六年眼痛之症状获得舒缓未再出现。

25、She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. ─── 可以推断出是一种眼疾。

26、Systemic use of the anti-muscarinic agents can also precipitate glaucoma in such predisposed patients. ─── 对於有这种发病倾向的患者,全身性应用抗毒蕈碱类药物也能诱发青光眼。

27、It was a good method to treat those who had suffered from glaucoma and cataract at one time. ─── 对于青光眼与白内障同时发生的病人,合并手术实为一可行的治疗方法。

28、Subjects with central anterior chamber depth (CACD) less than 2 mm accepted further glaucoma examinations in Beijing Tongren Hospital. ─── 凡前房轴深小于2mm者到北京同仁医院接受进一步检查。

29、Contact Diode Laser Trans-scleral Cyclophotocoagulation Treatment for Neovascular Glaucoma[J]. ─── 引用该论文 宋艳萍,金中秋,周和政,王柏川,丁琴,赵霞.

30、The workers look for conditions including glaucoma , night blindness and other problems. ─── 医疗工作者查看情况包括青光眼,夜盲症和其它问题。

31、Hours in front of a computer screen may increase the risk of glaucoma in people who are myopic or short-sighted, Japanese scientists said on Tuesday. ─── 日本科学家11月15日表示,长时间使用电脑可能会引发眼部疾病,而这种危害对近视眼患者尤为严重。

32、Nine patients (16 eyes) with narrow angle type of chronic simple glaucoma were evaluated. ─── 本文对9例(16眼)窄角型慢性单纯性青光眼(简称“窄角慢单”)的诊断治疗进行了分析,指出窄角慢单是原发性开角型青光眼的一种特殊类型。

33、Talk with your doctor before using a decongestant if you hae high blood pressure, kidney disease, glaucoma, thyroid problems or diabetes. ─── 当您有高血压、肾病、青光眼、甲状腺病或糖尿病,要在使用解充血药之前跟医生讲明。

34、In some cases, abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball (glaucoma) also can result. ─── 在一些案例中,眼球内反常的高压(青光眼)也是原因之一。

35、The two leading causes of blindness in the United States are cataracts and glaucoma. ─── 在美国,造成失明的两个最主要的病因是白内障和青光眼。

36、In children, the risks of cataracts and glaucoma were negligible with ICS, whether a mouthpiece or a mask interface was used. ─── 在儿童,吸入皮质激素导致白内障的危险安和青光眼的危险是可以忽略的,无论是使用衔嘴还是使用大面积的面罩方式。

37、Method 130(184 eyes) glaucoma patients were treated with trabeculectomy with releasable sutures. ─── 方法对施行该术式的130例(184只眼)青光眼患者进行术后眼压测量、前房深度观察。

38、Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) is a blind leading hereditary disease . ─── 原发性先天性青光眼 (primary congenital glauco-ma,PCG)是一种遗传性致盲眼病。

39、Methods Observe the anesthesia effect ,surgery, vision after operate ,intraocular pressure,follicle of 45 cases catarct united glaucoma. ─── 方法:观察45例白内障合并青光眼的麻醉效果、手术方法、术后视力、眼压、滤过泡。

40、My mother went blind with glaucoma when she was in her sixties. ─── 我母亲60多岁时因青光眼瞎了。

41、They looked at diagnoses of sleep apnea and subsequent diagnoses of glaucoma. ─── 他们观察对睡眠呼吸暂停的诊断,并观察后续对青光眼的诊断。

42、Objective To investigate the etiology, manifestations and treatment of glaucoma secondary to chalasia and/or dialysis of the lens zonular fiber. ─── 摘要目的探讨晶状体悬韧带松弛及部分断裂继发青光眼的临床特点及治疗方法。

43、Methods RIA method was used to detect ET in 30 patients with acute angle closure glaucoma and 30 normal people. ─── 2方法 采用放射免疫分析法 (RIA )测定了 30例急性闭角型青光眼及 30例正常人血浆 ET1 的含量。

44、The longterm effect of two surgical methods in early chronic angle closure glaucoma. ─── 早期慢性闭角青光眼两种术式远期疗效观察

45、A clinical study on treating primary open-angle glaucoma by Prunella vulgaris L. ─── 夏枯草膏治疗原发性开角型青光眼的临床观察。

46、All the 423 patients in acute glaucoma group and 346 in the chronic glaucoma group finished the survey and were analyzed in the result. ─── 急性青光眼患者423例及慢性青光眼患者346例均完成测试,全部进入结果分析。

47、Title: The clinical effect of cyclophotocoagulation on late glaucoma to relieve pain. ─── 关 键 词: 睫状体光凝术;晚期青光眼;眼压;

48、Rehak J. Neovascular glaucoma and intraocular pressure. Acta Univ Palaoki Olomuc Fac Med1992;133:71. ─── 李俊,孙兴怀,褚仁远,等.50例新生血管性青光眼临床分析.中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志1997;2()10.

49、Should People With Type 2 Diabetes Be Screened for Glaucoma? ─── 2型糖尿病患者是否发生青光眼的几率较低。

50、Nd: YAG Laser Peripheral Iridectomy in Treating Angle-closure Glaucoma: a Clinical Research[J]. ─── 引用该论文 谢爱宏,李桃云,谭辉,谭笑笑,刘素勤.

51、Trabeculectomy for acute primary angle closure glaucoma. ─── 小梁切除治疗急性原发性闭角型青光眼

52、This article mainly explained the application in ophthalmopathy nowadays especially in glaucoma and made a review articles. ─── 本文主要阐述其在眼科的应用现状,尤其是在青光眼方面的研究,作一综述。

53、The scientists said there appeared to be a link between glaucoma and heavy computer use in the near-sighted . ─── 科学家认为这表明青光眼和大量使用电脑的近视人士之间存在着联系。

54、Two years ago that specialist said he'd been tracking me long enough that I'd better start on these eye drops. I officially had glaucoma. ─── 两年前那位专家说他一直在跟随检测我相当长的时间了,说我最好开始点眼药水。我正式地患上了青光眼。

55、The patient with acute angle-closure glaucoma requires immediate medication to lower the IOP. ─── 急性闭角青光眼病人必须立即应用药物降低眼内压。

56、We will review selected studies with an emphasis on glaucoma elevations associated with IVTA. ─── 本文将重点综述玻璃体内注射曲安奈德所致青光眼的研究进展。

57、His eyes are going; he says he has glaucoma. ─── 他的视力在衰退;他说他得了青光眼。

58、How does the occurrence eye of can abrupt sex see not fair thing? Be glaucoma augural? Meeting blindness? ─── 怎么会突然性的出现眼睛看不清楚东西?是青光眼前兆吗?会失明吗?

59、Methods 410 eyes with primary close angle glaucoma, which were treated with trabeculectomy, were investigated retrospectively. ─── 方法 对410只实施小梁切除术的原发性闭角型青光眼进行回顾性总结。

60、The case was complicated with glaucoma and abnormalities of the electroretinogram. ─── 在此,我们就此稀有病例讨论其并发症与特殊的病程。

61、Uveitic Glaucoma–Uveitis is swelling and inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye. ─── 葡萄膜性青光眼—葡萄膜炎是指眼睛中膜葡萄膜的肿胀和炎症。

62、Most patients with elevated IOP after IVTA are successfully managed with topical glaucoma medications. ─── 大多数在玻璃体内注射曲安奈德后眼内压升高的患者均能用药物成功控制。

63、Objective To understand the epidemiology of primary open angle glaucoma in rural population in Heze. ─── 摘要目的了解农村原发性开角型青光眼流行病学状况。

64、Posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma and exophthalmos. ─── 后部包膜白内障,眼压上升,青光眼,眼球突出。

65、Glaucoma - one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness - is usually treated with eye drops. ─── 青光眼,一种主要的导致视力丧失和失明的疾病,其主要治疗方法是滴眼药水。

66、Berke, who is also chief, glaucoma serice, Nassau Uniersity Medical Center, East Meadow, NY. ─── 他说:我们相信本次研究的结果足以改变我们对同时存在白内障和青光眼的患者治疗策略的转变。

67、Complications included traumatic cataract, glaucoma, vitrous fibrosis, retinal detachment and phthisis bulbi, ect. ─── 主要的并发症包括外伤性白内障、青光眼、玻璃体纤维化、视网膜剥离及眼球萎缩等。

68、Twenty-nine eyes of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) were tested with patternreversal VEP(PR-VEP). ─── 29只原发性开角型青光眼行图象反转视觉诱发电位(PR-VEP)检查。

69、Primary angle closure glaucoma is still the most common type in clinic. ─── 原发性闭角型青光眼仍为常见类型的青光眼 ;

70、A decrease in phagocytic actiity has been proposed in the pathogenesis of glaucoma and glucocorticoid-induced glaucoma. ─── 在青光眼和激素性青光眼的发病机制的研究中已经发现小梁网细胞的吞噬功能有所下降。

71、Ophthamic laser endoscopic operations can be applied in the management of glaucoma, vitreoretinopathy and so on. ─── 另外泪道内窥镜在泪器疾病中的应用、鼻内窥镜在鼻眼相关手术中的应用也有很大的发展。

72、This finding implies that a patent iridotomy is not a safeguard against acute angle-closure glaucoma. ─── 所以替此类病患散瞳做眼底检查时,必须特别注意防患。

73、Ocular structures of 32 cases(64 eyes)with acute primary angle closure glaucoma were measured by color doppler instrument. ─── 本文采用彩色多普勒仪对32例(64眼)原发性急性闭角型青光眼进行活体结构测量。

74、The highlight in the scope of primary angle closure glaucoma is the new classification and criteria of early diagnosis of the condition. ─── 有关原发性闭角型青光眼的分类与诊断标准的学术争论是近来国内青光眼研究领域探讨的焦点问题之一。

75、Although the filtering surgery for glaucoma is the most effective therapy of lowering intraocular pressure,it has risks and complications. ─── 抗青光眼滤过性手术是一种最有效的降眼压治疗方法,但它又有一定的风险和并发症。

76、Ancient doctors have speculated Meniere's syndrome vertigo pathology similar to the high tension glaucoma. ─── 古代医生曾猜测美尼尔氏综合症眩晕的病理类似青光眼的高眼压。

77、Phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis, phacolytic glaucoma and phacotoxic uveitis are all lens-induced uveitis with indistinctive clinical features. ─── 摘要晶状体蛋白过敏性眼内炎,晶体溶解性青光眼和晶体中毒性虹彩炎,都是因为水晶体的燮化而产生之虹彩炎。

78、Glaucoma can be very destructive to your vision; in fact, it's the second-leading cause of blindness in the United States. ─── 青光眼可以严重损害人的视力。事实上在美国,青光眼也是致盲的第二大因素。

79、The article is to expatiate the applications of UBM on diagnosis、therapy、and syndrome of glaucoma. ─── 本文主要对UBM在青光眼的诊断、治疗及并发症等方面的应用现状进行综合论述。

80、How can glaucoma be prevented? ─── 怎样才能预防青光眼?

81、Contrary to popular belief glaucoma is not always caused by elevated intraocular pressure. ─── 和流行的观念不同,青光眼并不总是由于眼压升高而引起。

82、The workers look for conditions including glaucoma, night blindness and other problems. ─── 工作人员可以看青光眼,夜盲症及其他一些疾病。

83、Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness analysis has been used in glaucoma and some other ocular diseases. ─── 摘要以神经纤维分析仪分析神经纤维层厚度已应用于许多眼疾。

84、Chronic glaucoma can be treated with drugs that contract the pupil. ─── 慢性青光眼的治疗可用缩瞳药使水样液的外流增加以降低眼内压。

85、Neovascular glaucoma or rubeosis iridis developed in five eyes (83%). ─── 有五个病例(83%)发生新生血管性青光眼或虹膜新生血管。

86、Secondary glaucoma (n=1) and ablepsia (n=1) were find in the chronic cases of 6, respectively. ─── 其中急性病例均治愈,慢性病例中1例继发青光眼,1例失明。

87、In particular, literature pertaining to glaucoma in response to intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide will be reviewed. ─── 并且有关玻璃体腔内注射曲安奈德引起青光眼的文献也被重点回顾。

88、The scientists said there appeared to be a link between glaucoma and heavy computer use in the short-sighted. ─── 因此科学家们表示,近视眼患者过度使用电脑与青光眼的发生,这两者之间似乎存在一定关系。

89、Antimetabolites,interferins and heperin were used experimentally and clinically for glaucoma filtering surgery. ─── 如:抗代谢药物、干扰素、肝素等已用于滤过术后的实验及临床研究。

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