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09-03 投稿



sparingness 发音


英:  美:

sparingness 中文意思翻译




sparingness 反义词


sparingness 词性/词形变化,sparingness变形

副词: sparingly |名词: sparingness |

sparingness 同义词

sparse | merciful | mean | limited | restricted | frugal | scotch | stinting | meagre | parsimonious | economical | careful | insufficient | meager | scanty |thrifty | scant | cautious

sparingness 相似词语短语

1、daringness ─── n.勇敢;胆大

2、sneakingness ─── 鬼鬼祟祟

3、unsparingness ─── 节省

4、searchingness ─── 搜索性

5、aspiringness ─── 抱负

6、savingness ─── n.节约;挽救;存款(saving的变形)

7、glaringness ─── n.显著;耀眼

8、boringness ─── 无聊

9、sterlingness ─── 涩

sparingness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oh, Mrs. White, can you spare me a minute? ─── 哦,怀特太太,你能为我抽出一点时间吗?

2、Spare me a couple of minutes from your time. ─── 你抽出几分钟时间给我吧。

3、He did experiments in his spare time. ─── 他在业余时间做实验。

4、They asked for bid for the supply of spare parts. ─── 他们要求卖方给供给的备件出价。

5、He took to collecting stamps in his spare time. ─── 他喜欢在业余时间集邮。

6、He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time. ─── 他不知道怎样安排业余时间。

7、The armistice did not spare France a pang. ─── 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。

8、Spare a thought for those less fortunate than you. ─── 关心一下比你困苦的人。

9、He said his wife have the spare key, so he'd have to go home by taxi. ─── 他说他的妻子带着备用钥匙,所以他要坐出租汽车回家。

10、He has invest his spare capital in a computer shop. ─── 他已将其闲置资金投资于一个计算机商店。

11、A Party member had no spare time. ─── 一个党员没有空暇的时间。

12、What do you usually do in your spare time? ─── 你业余时间一般做什么?

13、He spends his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests. ─── 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。

14、Their friends begged them to spare themselves. ─── 他们的朋友都恳求他们不要太劳累了。

15、You should try to husband your spare time. ─── 你应该设法好好利用你的闲暇时间。

16、Most of his spare time was devoted to the translation of those works. ─── 他把大部分的馀暇都有于翻译那些作品。

17、They will not pity,nor spare,nor have mercy. ─── 他们不会同情,不会宽恕,也不会发慈悲的。

18、I wonder if the manager can spare me half an hour tomorrow. ─── 不知经理能否明天给我半小时的时间。

19、You shall not fiddle away your spare time . ─── 你不该浪费你的业余时间。

20、He spent much of his spare time roaming about the streets. ─── 他把大部分的闲暇时间用来逛街。

21、Spare your energy for some other work . ─── 你节省点精力准备做其它工作吧。

22、His sleeves flapped over spare burnt arms. ─── 他的两只衣袖在他那晒黑的瘦胳膊上啪哒啪哒飘动。

23、They wanted to spare her the suffering. ─── 他们希望别让她受这痛苦。

24、Can you spare some paper for me? ─── 你能匀出一些纸给我吗?

25、Do you have any sugar to spare? ─── 你的食糖有富余吗?

26、Can you spare me a few litres of petrol ? ─── 你能匀给我几升汽油吗?

27、The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the neglect of his duty. ─── 他把花在打扮上的时间省下来,却用到了玩忽职守上去。

28、How do you spend your spare time? ─── 你业余时间怎么打发?

29、Oh,Mr. Black,could you spare me a few minutes? ─── 哦,布莱克先生,你能为我抽出一点儿时间吗?

30、He likes to watch the drama in his spare time. ─── 他喜欢在业余时间去看戏。

31、As your agent we shall spare no effort to promote the sale of your slippers on our market. ─── 作为你方代理我们将不遗余力地在我们的市场上推销你们的拖鞋。

32、Immediate delivery of spare parts from stock. ─── 为您快速提供零备件的交付服务。

33、He has nothing to do in his spare time. ─── 他空闲时间无事可做。

34、Oh,Mrs. White,can you spare me a minute ? ─── 哦,怀特太太,你能为我抽出一点时间吗?

35、He build himself a car in his spare time. ─── 他在工余时间自己组装了一辆汽车。

36、Can you spare me five minutes? ─── 你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗?

37、A walnut sundae,and don't spare the whipped cream. ─── 做胡桃圣代冰淇淋,就甭想少用掼奶渍。

38、He bought up all the spare building land in the district and can now charge what he wants for it. ─── 他把这个地区的所有闲置的建筑土地全部买下了,现在他可以随心所欲地要价了。

39、Have you any spare cash you can lend me? ─── 你有多余的钱借给我吗?

40、Please spare me (ie don't tell me) the gruesome details. ─── 你可别给我讲那些可怕的细节。

41、He spends his spare time visiting workers. ─── 他空余时间都用来探望工人。

42、We have enough and to spare of bad novels. ─── 到处充斥着恶劣的小说。

43、A tall, spare man stepped in from the corridor. ─── 一个身材瘦长的男人从走廊走进来。

44、What do you do in your spare time ? ─── 你闲暇时做些什么?

45、 双语使用场景

46、What do you think of the old saying: "Spare the rod, spoil the child."? ─── 你对"孩子不打不成器"这句老话有什么看法?

47、He usually spends his spare time watching TV. ─── 他常以看电视消磨他的空闲时间。

48、How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watch television? ─── 他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了,还能学什麽东西呢?

49、You are sure you can spare the drawing - board ? ─── 你能匀出你的画图板吗?

50、He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare. ─── 他将车倒进一个非常窄的停车位置。

51、His sister took to knitting in her spare time. ─── 他妹妹在空闲时打毛线。

52、You can sleep in the spare bedroom. ─── 你可以睡在那间空着的卧室。

53、Do you carry a spare wheel in your car? ─── 你的汽车上有备用车轮吗?

54、Well, first of all we can't possibly spare the time. ─── 你看,最主要的是我们实在抽不出时间。

55、If you have two pounds to spare, lay it on Brown Willie for the nest race. ─── 你要是匀得了两英镑,下次赛马时城押在棕色威利那匹马上。

56、Next week perhaps I'll have more time to spare. ─── 下星期或许我能多一点空余时间。

57、They have enough grain and to spare. ─── 他们的粮食自给有余。

58、They want any money you can spare. ─── 你有多少闲钱他们都要。

59、He could spare so considerable a sum. ─── 他要割舍这么可观的一笔钱。

60、He spent all the time he could spare in study. ─── 他把空闲的时间都用来学习。

61、Could you spare one of your staff to help us out? ─── 你能不能从你手下抽一个人过来帮帮我们?

62、I can not spare him today, we need everybody here. ─── 今天我抽不出时间,这里需要每个人。

63、He repairs radios for his friends during his spare time. ─── 他利用业余时间给朋友们修理收音机。

64、You can borrow my keys,I have a spare set. ─── 你可以借用我的钥匙,我还有一套。

65、Try to spare her as much distress as possible when you tell her. ─── 你告诉她的时候,尽量不要让她伤心。

66、I can spare you some, if you want, at cost. ─── 你如果想要,我可按成本让给你一些。

67、He implored the judge to spare his life . ─── 他恳求法官饶他一命。

68、He employs his spare time in reading. ─── 他把余暇用于阅读。

69、Have you any spare time to help me? ─── 你有空帮助我吗?

70、Are you sure you can spare these tapes? ─── 你能肯定这些磁带你们暂时不用吗?

71、Can you spare me a few litres of petrol? ─── 你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?

72、He spent his spare time composing poetry. ─── 他用空余时间写诗。

74、Perhaps he cannot spare any time except on sundy. ─── 他,大概除了星期天,不会有空。

75、He intended to get in some horse riding in his spare time. ─── 他打算在业余时间安排一些骑马活动。

76、Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition? ─── 你能一能抽出点时间来看看我们的美展?

77、Would you spare us some chemical fertilizer? ─── 你们能匀一些化肥给我们吗?

78、Only the girls were invited-though I am sure she has room to spare for all of them-she's probably the kind that can't be bothered having boys around. ─── 只有女孩子被邀前往,尽管我敢肯定她家可容纳下所有的人——也许她是那种见了男孩子就烦的人。

79、Their spare supply of food was running out. ─── 他们的少量食物供应也快要完了。

80、Could your patients spare you for a few hours? ─── 你的病人可以让你有几小时空闲的时间吗?

81、What do you like doing in your spare time? ─── 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?

82、Spare the rod and spoil the child. ─── 不打不成器。

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