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09-03 投稿


cashiering 发音

英:[k?????r??]  美:[k????r??]

英:  美:

cashiering 中文意思翻译



cashiering 词性/词形变化,cashiering变形

动词过去式: cashiered |动词现在分词: cashiering |动词过去分词: cashiered |动词第三人称单数: cashiers |

cashiering 短语词组

1、cashiering duties ─── 出纳职责

2、cashiering sop ─── 出纳sop

3、cashiering 101 ─── 出纳101

4、cashiering umd ─── 收银员umd

5、cashiering area ─── 出纳区

6、cashiering duties and responsibilities ─── 出纳职责

7、cashiering dept ─── 出纳部

cashiering 相似词语短语

1、cankering ─── n.[植保]溃疡病;口疮;腐败的原由,弊害;vi.产生溃疡;腐败起来;vt.使患溃疡;使腐败

2、cambering ─── n.辊型设计;中凹度磨削;弧线,弧形化;v.成弧形;起拱(camber的ing形式)

3、coshering ─── vt.溺爱;给好吃的东西;vi.过寄生生活;依赖他人生活

4、cashierment ─── 收银员

5、capering ─── v.雀跃;n.刺山柑花蕾;不法活动;惊险喜剧片;跳跃;刺山柑;滑稽怪诞的行为;n.(Caper)(美)卡珀(人名)

6、cantering ─── n.慢跑;流浪汉;vi.慢跑;vt.使慢跑;n.(Canter)人名;(英)坎特;(西、意、瑞典)坎特尔

7、calvering ─── 崩解

8、beshivering ─── 养蜂;

9、adhering ─── adj.附着,粘附性的;[物]粘附的

cashiering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A cashier ran away with the day's takings. ─── 出纳员偷走了当天的进款。

2、He takes a part-time job as a cashier. ─── 他利用工作的空馀时间兼差做收银员。

3、Why do I have to use the cashier envelope? ─── 在前台接待换班时都应使用现金信封。

4、They hire the president and vice-president, along with the cashier. ─── 他们雇佣了总裁、副总裁和出纳员。

5、Sir, please go to the cashier desk here. ─── 先生,您请到这边收银台。

6、Make certain that all cashiering work for each shift is audited properly prior to completion of the final report of the audit. ─── 确保在每次审计报告完成之前,已经对每一班收银工作进行了正常检查。

7、To ensure that the outlet cashiering procedures are strictly adhered to. ─── 确保部门的收银工作按照严格程序进行。

8、Liaise with Department Heads about cashiering problems. ─── 与部门经理联系处理现金方面的问题。

9、The cashier paid the money out efficiently. ─── 出纳员极为利索地付钱。

10、They squared up with the cashier and checked out of the hotel. ─── 他们同出纳员清了帐,离开了那家饭店。

11、Being Honest is an essential character to a cashier. ─── 一个出纳人员的最基本品格是诚实。

12、Assistant general cashier to count hotel cash revenue. ─── 协助总出纳清点饭店现金收入。

13、They are neither accountant nor cashier. ─── 他们既不是会计员也不是出纳员。

14、Yes, of course.Please pay at the cashier's. ─── 当然可以。请到付款处处款。

15、AT the cashier's desk. Just follow the arrow, please. ─── 在收款台,顺着箭头指的方向走。

16、The cashier has done a bunk with the day‘s takings. ─── 出纳员偷走了当天的进款.

17、At least two years cashier working experience in FIE. ─── 外企两年以上工作经验.

18、The cashier embezzled $50,000 from the bank. ─── 出纳员盗用了银行5万美元。

19、Neither the cashier nor the clerks was present. ─── 出纳员和办事员都不在。

20、The cashier put the purchases in bags. ─── 出纳把我买的东西装入袋子里。

21、Just across the corridor in the cashier's office. ─── 在现金办公室走廊。

22、Your last check bounced, so please send a cashier's check. ─── 你的上一张支票跳票了,请寄一张即期支票来.

23、Here is the bill, miss.Please pay the cashier. ─── 小姐,这是帐单,请到收银台付款。

24、The cashier absquatulated with the funds. ─── 出纳员拐款潜逃。

25、The cook gives the order to the cashier. ─── 厨师把菜单给了收银员。

26、The cashier died in harness. ─── 出纳员以身殉职。

27、Cashier: Of course. Can I have your passport, please?. ─── 出纳员:当然可以。请您出示一下护照,可以吗?.

28、At the end of the day the cashier was ten pounds down. ─── 一天下来出纳员缺款。

29、You'd better see the cashier about that. ─── 你最好侃侃出纳是怎么做。

30、When I got back he was at the cashier's desk settling the bill. ─── 当我回去的时候,他坐在出纳桌前结算账单。

31、David: No,thanks. Where is the cashier? ─── 大卫:不了,谢谢。收银台在哪?

32、The cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement. ─── 出纳员不会给未获批准的支票兑付现金。

33、Beginning with the cashier said membership card. ─── 一开始说要用收银员的会员卡号。

34、Perhaps the cashier made a mistake. ─── 也许是收银员出错了。

35、Mr Smith wanted to speak to the real manager. He wasn't going to be satisfied with some bumped-up cashier. ─── 史密斯先生要找真正的经理谈话。他才不会认为同一个一步登天的出纳员谈谈就满足了。

36、She found a place as a cashier. ─── 她得到一个出纳员的职位。

37、One brother is a cashier and the other sells. ─── 两个兄弟一位当出纳, 另一位当店员。

38、Accounting, cashiering, financial management and other related jobs. ─── 会计、出纳、财务管理及其他相关职位。

39、As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a cashier. ─── 一旦训练期满,我就准备当一名出纳员。

40、The cashier rang up 15 yuan for the beer. ─── 出纳员把啤酒的货款15元记入现金记录机。

41、Handle all front desk cashier duties. ─── 处理所有收款事宜。

42、Stilwell would be like a cashier at a bank. ─── 史迪威的角色就像银行出纳一样。

43、You pay at the cashier over there. ─── 在哪儿付款?

44、Sorry, I'll ask the cashier to check it up again. ─── 对不起,我问一下收银员,请他再核对一下。

45、The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. ─── 出纳说他走时把保险柜锁上了。

46、Smith's monthly salary is paid into the bank by the cashier . ─── 史密斯的每月工资由出纳员存入银行。

47、Cashier: Yeah. The 3)hazelnut; cheesecake and the 4)mocha torte. ─── 店员:有的。榛果口味的起司蛋糕和摩卡鲜奶油蛋糕。

48、The cashier is adding up her receipts. ─── 出纳员正把所收的款项加总起来。

49、The cashier fell asleep again. ─── 出纳员又睡去了。

50、Cashier made off with all the money in the safe. ─── 出纳员偷走了保险箱里所有的钱。

51、Carrying a gun, he walked up to the cashier and demanded money. ─── 他拿着枪,走到收银员那儿要钱。

52、The cashier shortchanged me. ─── 出纳员少找我钱了。

53、Be they accountant or cashier? ─── 他们是会计员还是出纳员?

54、The cashier absconded with an amount of money. ─── 出纳员携款潜逃。

55、The cashier had done a bunk with the day's takings. ─── 出纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了。

56、Mr Brown has a proud stomach, he acknowledges no one in the office lower than the Chief Cashier. ─── 布朗先生很高傲,办公室里主任出纳以下的人他都不放在眼里。

57、Please pay at the cashier's desk over there. ─── 参考答案:请去那边账台付款。

58、Assist servers with expediting problem payments. Ensure all cashiering procedures are processed in compliance with accounting procedures. ─── 帮助服务员快速处理结账问题,确保每一步骤都遵守财务制度。

59、Support special discount event by handling staffing and cashiering responsibilities. ─── 通过处理为配备人员和处理掉对的责任支撑特殊折扣事件。

60、Meanwhile, the cashier had not so much as raised his head. ─── 在这半个钟头里,出纳员连头也没抬一抬。

61、Cashier was found guilty of peculation and removed from his post. ─── 出纳员被发现犯了盗用公款罪便被解除了职务。

62、The young cashier gave a patient sigh. ─── 年轻的出纳员忍耐地叹了一口气。

63、The cashier rang up $300 by mistake. ─── 出纳员在现金记录机上把售货金额错打成300美元。

64、At the cashier's desk. Just follow the arrow,please. ─── 在收款台,请顺着箭头指的方向走。

65、Liaise with Department Heads about cashiering problems. ─── 与部门经理联系处理现金方面的问题。

66、The cashier receipted the bill. ─── 出纳员在账单上盖上“收讫”印记。

67、A Ok. The cashier is over there. ─── 好,现金兑换处在那边。

68、Henry's monthly salary is paid into the bank by the cashier. ─── 亨利每月的工资由出纳员存入银行。

69、He says, " If you'd pay the cashier . ". ─── 他说:“请你到出纳员那儿交款。”

70、A: $15.00 Please pay the cashier. ─── 乙:十五美元,请交给收款员。

71、Shall I pay the cashier for the ticket? ─── 买票的钱我要付给出纳吗?

72、I smile at the cashier in the subway booth when I ask for change. ─── 去柜台换钱时,对里面的伙计,我脸上也带着笑容。

73、Within a year he was promoted from teller to assistant cashier. ─── 一年之内他便由出纳员提升为出纳主任助理。

74、Would you like to wait here or go with me to the cashier? ─── 人员:请问您要在这里等或是跟我到柜台买单?

75、The cashier has got away with the takings. ─── 出纳员携赃款逃跑了。

76、The cashier shut the till and locked it. ─── 出纳员把钱柜关好并锁上了。

77、Cashier: Your room number, please? ─── 出纳员:请问您的房间号是多少?

78、Shop Please pay at the cashier. ─── 售货员: 请您去款台付账。

79、Performs the function of cashier and responsible for System cashiering procedure. ─── 执行收银员的职能并负责电脑收银程序。

80、Cashier: Okay. Many thanks. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us. ─── 好的,非常感谢。但愿您在我们酒店住得愉快。

81、Ari: (To the cashier) Two tickets, please. How much are they? ─── 对收银员说)请买两张票。多少钱?

82、Why did you engage that man as cashier? ─── “你为什么雇那个人当出纳?”

83、A cashier takes and gives out money in a bank or shop. ─── 出纳员在银行或者商店里收付钱款。

84、Cashier's office is over there. Please look at the sign. ─── 一四、付款台在这边,请您看提示牌走。

85、Basic knowledge of Reception and Cashiering; ─── 基本的接待和收银工作知识。

86、Cashier: You know what day it is today? ─── 你知道今天是几号吗?

87、They squared up accounts with the cashier. ─── 他们跟出纳员结清帐目,离开旅馆。

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