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09-03 投稿


denominate 发音

英:[d?'n?m?ne?t]  美:[d?'nɑm?net]

英:  美:

denominate 中文意思翻译



denominate 网络释义

vt. 为…命名;把…称作…adj. 有特定名称的

denominate 词性/词形变化,denominate变形

形容词: denominable |动词第三人称单数: denominates |动词过去式: denominated |动词过去分词: denominated |动词现在分词: denominating |

denominate 短语词组

1、denominate artery ─── 分母动脉

2、denominate quantity ─── 名称量

3、denominate number n. ─── 名数

4、denominate data ─── 命名数据

5、denominate means ─── 命名方式

6、denominate definition ─── 命名定义

7、denominate defined ─── 定义的名称

8、denominate meaning ─── 命名意义

denominate 相似词语短语

1、renominate ─── vt.再任命;再提名

2、denominable ─── 名数的

3、renominated ─── vt.再任命;再提名

4、denominates ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

5、prenominate ─── 预先提到;预先命名

6、denominator ─── n.[数]分母;命名者;共同特征或共同性质;平均水平或标准

7、renominates ─── vt.再任命;再提名

8、denominated ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

9、denominative ─── adj.有名称的;自名词派生出来的;n.由名词派生出来的动词

denominate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、12 in 12 pounds is denominate. ─── 12在12英镑中就是一个denominate(记数)

2、to denominate someone a docter ─── 称某人为博士(或大夫)

3、Denominate: issue or express in terms of a given monetary unit ─── 以某种给定的货币单位发行

4、At that time, associate to close and be Asia-Pacific area and big China area one, denominate is " Asia-Pacific and Russia area ", present as leading role by Chen Shaopeng. ─── 当时,联想将亚太区与大中华区合而为一,定名为“亚太和俄罗斯区”,由陈绍鹏领衔。

5、baptize; brand; call; characterize; christen; define; denominate; depict; describe; determine; distinguish; establish; fix; ─── 确定,使明确,描述,表现,说明,区别,加标记,命名

6、Change according to chroma, but denominate is beeswax yellow, chestnut yellow, Qiu Kui yellow, chrysanthemum the egg is yellow, yellow etc. ─── 根据色度变化,可定名为蜜蜡黄、栗色黄、秋葵黄、黄花黄、鸡蛋黄等。

7、aggression revert contender harassment coincidence trade settlement settle trade denominate ─── 侵略还原竞争者侵扰,骚扰巧合贸易结算

8、31b and 15 ft are denominate numbers. ─── 3镑和15英尺都是名数。

9、Big call together only then build Yu Mingchao 10 thousand all previous 7 years (1579) , clear acting Chong Dewu year (1640) repair again, continue to use of denominate boundless temple up to now. ─── 大召,汉名无量寺,蒙语称“伊克召”意为“大庙”。大召始建于明朝万历七年(1579年),清代崇德五年(1640年)重修,定名无量寺沿用至今。

10、While developed markets have little incentive to denominate their trading in yuan, emerging markets are different. ─── 虽然发达市场没有什么动力用人民币进行贸易结算,但新兴市场不一样。

11、Among other things, the yuan is now used to settle trade deals and to denominate tranches of investments. ─── 如今,人民币被用于进行贸易结算,部分投资也实行以人民币计价。

12、Denominate: issue or express in terms of a given monetary unit ─── 以某种给定的货币单位发行

13、denominate quantity ─── 名称量

14、From denominate " super Aobama " conclude not hard, game consulted to go up century of 90 time be the rage " super Marie " . ─── 从定名“超级奥巴马”不难推断,游戏参照了上世纪90年代风靡一时的“超级玛丽”。

15、This kind trades means, be by denominate " continuously redound " , be considered as participator of electronic business affairs by Chen Xiaowei people core driving force. ─── 这种交易方式,被定名为“持续回报”,并被陈晓伟认为是电子商务参与者们的核心驱动力。

16、Pearl River shipping company held water formally in Hong Kong denominate on October 18, 1962. ─── 珠江船务公司于1962年10月18日正式在香港定名成立。

17、So after that, I decided to use this word to denominate and start my band. ─── 因此在那之后我决定用这个词命名乐队。

18、It is thought that the lunar New Year formal denominate is the Spring Festival, after the revolution of 1911. ─── 据说,把农历新年正式定名为春节,是辛亥革命后的事。

19、denominate method ─── 命名方法

20、There are ways quiet to contract the nod.But the ways denominate for perseverance. ─── 他越来越多地考虑怎样为自己安排一个满意的晚年。

21、We establish the denominate criterion, which makes the relic management and research work more scientific and exact; ─── 制定玺印类文物的定名标准,使文物管理和研究工作趋于规范、科学、精确,以此带动其他类文物管理工作的改进和提高;

22、to denominate the length a foot ─── 把这一长度叫做1英尺

23、And the Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge and pretend that they did not know what was the real reason of the absence of the abandoned creature whom they denominate their standard-bearer. ─── 独立党的党员们只好竭力听信这一拙劣的托词,假装不知道他们提名为候选人的这个放荡不羁的家伙未曾出席大会的真正原因。

24、denominate number ─── n. 名数

25、After liberation, the scholastic circles denominate this crop of common vegetable-fruit as Doushu in Chinese language. ─── 摘要建国后,学界把该常见蔬莱-水果作物定名为豆薯。

26、I wove a very economic technology target, denominate is " of formula of " contented family name, can use at stock option market, go up in intellectual property problem excuse me, what right can I enjoy? ─── 我编制了一个非常实用的技术指标,定名为"陶氏公式",可以用于股票期货市场,请问在知识产权问题上,我可以享有哪些权利?

27、Beijing east face introduces, at present headquarters of this express company is set in Shanghai, the denominate at the beginning of interior is " Shanghai circle strides express company " . ─── 京东方面介绍,目前该快递公司总部设在上海,内部初定名为“上海圆迈快递公司”。

28、The State Council approved harbor of Dongguan sanded cropland and harbor of peace and tranquility to incorporate 1997, build a nation a kind of port, denominate is tiger door harbor. ─── 1997年国务院批准东莞沙田港与太平港合并,建设国家一类口岸,定名为虎门港。

29、Three pit respectively denominate is 1, 2, 3 Terra Cotta Warriors pit. ─── 三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑。

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