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09-03 投稿



eking 发音

英:[?i?k??]  美:[?i?k??]

英:  美:

eking 中文意思翻译



eking 词性/词形变化,eking变形

动词现在分词: eking |动词过去式: eked |动词过去分词: eked |动词第三人称单数: ekes |

eking 短语词组

1、eking viliv s equing viliv s ─── 公司

2、eking out v. ─── 竭力维持;弥补……的不足

3、eking m eking ─── 公司

eking 相似词语短语

1、deking ─── n.(尤指冰球)假动作;v.(尤指冰球)用假动作诱骗对手

2、king ─── n.国王;最有势力者;王棋;vi.统治;做国王;vt.立…为王;adj.主要的,最重要的,最大的;n.(King)人名;(德、英、葡、捷、西)金;(中)金(普通话·威妥玛);(泰)京;(东南亚国家华语)京

3、ewking ─── ewking公司

4、keeking ─── v.偷看,偷窥;侦察;n.偷窥,偷看

5、peeking ─── v.窥视(peek的ing形式);瞥

6、aking ─── n.(Aking)(美、印尼、马来)阿金(人名)

7、eying ─── n.眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点;vt.注视,看;n.(Eye)人名;(德)艾厄;(英)艾

8、euking ─── 尤金

9、Peking ─── n.北京的旧称,现在称Beijing

eking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、eke: To get with great effort or strain: ─── 勉强维持:通过艰苦努力而获得:

2、He works hard all day long every day to eke out a living for his family. ─── 他整日穷忙,全都是为了这个家呀。

3、The miners had survived by eking out two days' rations. ─── 经过两天的定量补给,矿工们幸存了下来。

4、He had been eking out a wretched existence, story-telling, or selling tobacco. ─── 他辛辛苦苦地凑合着生活,说书,或者卖烟草。

5、A favourite at the Old Bailey, and eke at the Sessions, Mr. Stryver had begun cautiously to hew away the lower staves of the ladder on which he mounted. ─── 斯特莱佛先生在老贝勒和在法院里都颇为受宠。 此时他已开始小心却也大步地跨进他已登上的阶梯的下层。

6、To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation's 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring, migrating north to find more flowers for their bees. ─── 以养蜂为全职工作的,大概一半全美2000多商业养蜂人每个春天都会迁移到南方去寻找更多的花给他们的蜜蜂。

7、Ma eke a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart. ─── 在你的左手边你会看到一座就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了.

8、He asked about the present condition and I tried to eke out the little knowledge I had collected. ─── 他问起目前情况,我把我所收集的一些材料尽量告诉了他。

9、John Eke ─── 埃克

10、Eke a bare existence from farming in an aridarea. ─── 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日。

11、One day, while trying to 1)eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. ─── 有一天,他正在地里干活为家人谋生计,突然听见附近沼泽地里传来了呼救声。

12、They raise their families, they put food on their tables, eke out the little money they have with great stoicism and hope for a better future. ─── 他们自食其力,养活一家老小,即使只挣很少的钱,也以苦为乐,宁静淡泊,对未来充满了希望。

13、We are no more inclined to eke out our sentimental sorrows than to cherish our bodily pains ─── 我们不愿意增加我们多愁善感的悲哀,正如我们不愿意保留我们身体上的疼痛一样。

14、Manufacturing is what you do if your only alternative is eking a living from the soil, or what lies beneath it. ─── 如果你除此之外的唯一选择就是依靠土地和土地之下的东西维持生计,在这种情况下,制造业才是你的选择。

15、Even if the Fed had joined Bear shareholders in eking out better terms from JPMorgan, as it should have, the state's pretence that it could walk away would have convinced nobody. ─── 即使美联储已经尽了本份,帮贝尔史登从摩根大通那里争取到了更好的收购条款,谁也不相信国家会就此放手不管了。

16、A direct torque control system for IPMSM based on advanced extended Kalman filter (EKE) had been proposed. ─── 提出了一种基于改进的扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)的永磁同步直接转矩控制方法。

17、When I was living from paycheck to paycheck, eking out a living just like 90% of this country working class, I fell in love with the mysterious absolute beauty of old mine jadeite. ─── 我一直记得这句话“仓廪实而知礼仪”。

18、His defense during the final match was superb, allowing him to eke out a draw. ─── 决赛中的出色防守使他保住了平局。

19、To make up their deficit they cultivate side crops, catch fish or shrimps, raise poultry or pigs, or sell part of their labour power, and thus eke out a living, hoping in the midst of hardship and destitution to tide over the year. ─── 不足部分,可以种杂粮、捞鱼虾、饲鸡豕,或出卖一部分劳动力,勉强维持生活,于艰难竭蹶之中,存聊以卒岁之想。

20、Jardo,eke chjti. xo,eke chjti. ─── 不是的,不是这样。

21、She managed to eke out her student loan till the end of the year. ─── 她想方设法节约用钱使学生贷款维持到了年底。

22、Meanwhile, a preliminary study has been also made on the mechanism of the sustaining of Matsa's intensity in parallel with diagnostic analyses of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) budget. ─── 对其登陆后强度持续维持的机理作了初步探讨;对登陆后涡动动能收支作了诊断分析。

23、As a fire chief, Quinn is responsible for warding off the beasts and keeping a small community alive as they eke out a meager existence. ─── 昆的母亲是一名建筑工程人员,在一宗伦敦隧道挖掘工程惊醒了沉睡数个世纪的喷火巨龙。

24、Some have to hide eking out a living for decades. ─── 有些老华侨甚至躲藏了数十年,偷偷谋生。

25、eke out a bare living; scrape along ─── 勉强维持生活

26、It's always easier to eke out a living in the place where you were born and bred. ─── 你是那里土生土长的,总好想办法一点呵

27、She is eking out her income by working in the evenings ─── 她在晚上工作以增加收入。

28、Eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. ─── 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日

29、3. In old China workers and peasants could hardly eke out a living, let alone send their children to school. ─── 在旧中国,工人农民连生活都难以维持,更谈不上送子女上学了。

30、In old China workers and peasants could hardly eke outa living, let alone send their children to school. ─── 在旧中国,工人农民连生活都难以维持,更谈不上送子女上学了。

31、Sales of its perfumes and apparel have suffered in the downturn, but the legendary Paris fashion house says it expects to eke out sales growth in '09. ─── 在经济低迷时期它的香水和服饰销量遭受了打击,但是传奇性的巴黎时装店认为它希望能尽力弥补09年销量上的损失。

32、To eke out her small income, she contributed feature articles to The Baltimore Sun, most of them related to marine zoology. ─── 为了增加她微薄的收入,她也在巴尔地摩太阳报撰写和海洋动物学相关的专栏文章。

33、3. They eke out a bare existence (ie They scarcely manage) on his low salary. ─── 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强口.

34、They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps. ─── 他们靠在垃圾场捡垃圾维持着朝不保夕的生活。

35、I have gained sonic achievements in my tea eking practice on cultivating creative thonght.whi ch I hope can atiord some new thoughts to the biological experimental teaching in the middle school. ─── 本人从创造性思维构成因素的三个方面进行教学实践,取得了一定的成果,希望能对中学生物实验教学提供一点借鉴。

36、They eke out a bare existence (ie They scarcely manage) on his low salary. ─── 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强 口。

37、They eke out a bare existence on his low salary. ─── 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强糊口.

38、to get along; to make a living; to eke out an existence ─── 度日

39、EKE Lighting is a commercial lighting brand which is recommended by Guangdong Pinyi Lighting Co.,Ltd and Germany Commercial Lighting. ─── 意柯(EKE)照明是广东品艺灯饰公司和德国商业照明联合推出的商业照明品牌。

40、They eke out a precarious existence(= they have hardly enough money to live on). ─── 他们勉强维持着朝不保夕的生活。

41、They had to have some way of eking out a reasonable existence. ─── 他们不得不辛辛苦苦地维持合理的生活。

42、At a Catholic church recently, they were making soup to share among those, like themselves, eking out the last of their savings. ─── 最近他们在一座天主教教堂中熬汤,与那些同自己一样、靠最后一点积蓄勉强度日的人们分享。

43、This is a result of their research? Oh my God! Such a terrible research! A white-collar can't even eke out his/her daily living? ─── 据说这是他们的研究成果,天啦!!!!!!!!!!!!这个研究也太可怕了,白领竟然难以解决温饱问题??????

44、I have taken to playing golf at we eke nds. ─── 我养成了在周末打高尔夫球的习惯。

45、Greece has had trouble for years eking money out of its government land holdings. ─── 多年来希腊一直难以依靠政府持有的土地补充收入。

46、In certain cases, education and enlightenment can serve to eke out evil. ─── 在某种情况下,教育和智力都是可以起济恶的作用的。

47、eking out a meagre existence ─── 勉强维持贫困的生活.

48、My name is Sunlin and I live in Beijing. I was born in 1980. I will graduate from eking University this July. I have majored in accounting. ─── 我叫孙林,住在北京。我出生于1980年。今年七月将从北京大学毕业,我主修的专业是会计学。

49、Eking out a bare Democratic majority isn't good enough. ─── 勉强维持一个单纯的民主党多数也并非万全之策。

50、70, To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation’s 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring. ─── 70,为了让蜜蜂整年都有花采,全国2,000名商业养蜂人中大约有一半每年春天都要搬家。

51、They had to have some way of eking out a reasonable existence . ─── 他们不得不辛辛苦苦地维持合理的生活。

52、Ethiopia still has too many people eking out a living on too little land, depending on rains that can never be relied on. ─── 埃塞俄比亚仅有的一点耕地根本无法养活那么多的人口,完全依靠降雨的农田也因常年干旱而荒芜。

53、One day while trying to 1) eke out a living for his family he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. ─── 有一天,他正在地里干活为家人谋生计,突然听见附近沼泽地里传来了呼救声。他立刻丢下农具,朝沼泽地奔去。

54、Playing well and learning will make far more difference in the postseason than perhaps eking out a fluky win after playing poorly. ─── 发挥好和学习会比在发挥差的情况下取得一场侥幸的胜利更能在季后赛制造不同。

55、I lived near a year upon that, spending very sparingly, and eking things out to the utmost ─── 我就靠着这点钱,克勤克俭,七拼八凑地又过了几乎一年。

56、Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, and eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination. ─── 一些人学会了玩狡猾借口的把戏,他们用含糊不清代替真相,以持保留态度来竭力自圆其说,在好人看来这实在讨厌。

57、He had been eking out a wretched existence, story-telling, or selling tobacco. ─── 他辛辛苦苦地凑合着生活,说书,或者卖烟草。

58、I hope they can continue to eke writing their hobby,to feel obligated to reflect society in their writings,to channel their emotions with their pens,and to continue the fine literary tradition of working hard without expecting any returns. ─── 我希望他们继续把写作当作一种嗜好,把反映社会当作是自己的义务工作,把文笔当作是抒发感情的渠道,继续发挥文人只求耕耘不求收获的美德。

59、The high hurdles - the barriers measure 3ft 6in for men - quickly eke out any physical weaknesses in the protagonists and magnify them to the point of physical agony. ─── 3英尺6英寸高的跨栏,可以将人类的生理弱点推向一个极高的点而导致极大的痛苦。

60、to eke out a living with a second job ─── 以做第二种工作来弥补收入的不足

61、Eke out a living at an extremely low economic level ─── 勉强过着极为贫困的生活

62、At that time, the peasants could apply to the change of society ,and the peasants who had many burdens could still eke out their livelihood, apparently because of the existence of the sidelines. ─── 在当时,农民能适应社会的变化,并在种种负担下,仍能勉强维持其生计,显然是由于副业的存在。

63、eke out one's existence ─── 勉强糊口

64、In the fierce heat of the Kandahar summer, eking out what little shade I could while waiting by the runway for a military flight, I got chatting to a British soldier. ─── 在坎大哈的酷暑中,我在路边的一小片荫凉下等待下一场战斗的降临,这时我跟一名英国士兵聊了起来。

65、Traditional Extended Kalman Filter (EKE) is suitable for constant parameter system, it will cause greater error or even filtering divergence if it is applied in maneuvering target tracking. ─── 传统的推广卡尔曼滤波适用于定系统定参数的情况,如果运用到机动目标跟踪上会导致误差增大甚至滤波发散。

66、EKING articles and works in the extensive media attention in recent years has been the award-winning, popular works. ─── 冯易进的文章和作品在媒介广泛关注,近几年来也不断的获奖,作品倍受欢迎。

67、It has been two days since the latest slum eradication, but families are still eking out a living amid the ruins. ─── 最后一个棚户区被彻底清除已经过去两天了。但是好多家庭还在废墟中艰难地生存着。

68、He will put his finger in the dyke, and the fragile mess of an auto industry will eke through the next few months. ─── 他用一个手指头堵住大坝的漏洞,让一塌糊涂的汽车业再捱过几个月。

69、It has been two days since the latest slum eradication, but families are still eking out a living amid the ruins. ─── 最后一个棚户区被彻底清除已经过去两天了。但是好多家庭还在废墟中艰难地生存着。

70、At a Catholic church recently, they were making soup to share among those, like themselves, eking out the last of their savings. ─── 最近他们在一座天主教教堂中熬汤,与那些同自己一样、靠最后一点积蓄勉强度日的人们分享。

71、I lived near a year upon that, spending very sparingly, and eking things out to the utmost. ─── 我就靠着这点钱,克勤克俭,七拼八凑地又过了几乎一年。

72、eke out a scanty livelihood [living] ─── 勉强维持生计

73、Odds of survival in 10 years: Some of them will still be eking out19) an existence, but the handwriting is on the wall20). ─── 10年内存在的可能性:有些二手书店仍然能勉强支撑,但是明显不会长久。

74、With green hath clad the hill and eke the vale; ─── 山谷染青,峰峦披上绿装;

75、Cars must eke out 39 miles (63km) per gallon, on average;light trucks must manage 30 miles. ─── 汽车必须维持一加仑汽油跑39英里(63公里)的标准,小型卡车必须维持30盈利。

76、I lived near a year upon that, spending very sparingly, and eking things out to the utmost. ─── 我就靠着这点钱,克勤克俭,七拼八凑地又过了几乎一年。

77、EKE will try the best to provide the best commercial lighting products, and EKE wants to cooperate with the friends on this field, and create beautiful tomorrow jointly. ─── EKE将不断努力为世人提供最优良的商业照明产品,EKE愿与业界携手共进,共创美好明天。

78、In the surrounding countryside, farmers eke out a living growing a variety of crops, mostly rice and peanuts. ─── 一个理发师在街上正为一名男孩剪头,我从旁而过。

79、Despite the extreme temperatures and sparse rainfall characterizing these arid landscapes, more than one billion people eke out a living in desert regions today. ─── 尽管极端的温度和稀少的降雨特色这些干旱不毛之地的风景,今天超过10亿人勉强维持生活在沙漠地区。

80、To my surprise I eke out a small sound. ─── 出乎我意料之外的是,我只能勉强吹出细小的声音。

81、Ethiopia still has too many people eking out a living on too little land, depending on rains that can never be relied on. ─── 埃塞俄比亚仅有的一点耕地根本无法养活那么多的人口,完全依靠降雨的农田也因常年干旱而荒芜。

82、the clearing of land or marshes to make way for farmers trying to eke out more profits on the international markets or for multinational companies looking to build new factories. ─── 土地和沼泽的清理,为了农民能从世界市场得到更多利润或是为了国际公司可以建立新的工厂。

83、Only the brave and strong manage to eke out a living in such a dangerous monster-ridden swamp and Harbormen are tougher than standard folk, maintaining a certain pride in their adversity. ─── 在一片如此危险的怪物横生的沼泽里,只有依靠勇气和力量才能挣扎求存,在这样逆境里,无疑因此而自豪的海湾人比其他种族更强韧。

84、5、Why are you wasting the only we eke nd your boyfriend is in town on a big party? ─── 为什么你要浪费你男友在这儿仅有的周末去参加一个大派对呢?

85、He was eking out an existence on a few dollars a day. ─── 他靠一天几美元勉强维持着生计。

86、4 home yuan in profits in 1000, could barely eke out an existence; ─── 4家实现利润在1000元左右,仅能勉强度日;

87、The bunching up of much of the world's biodiversity along the equatorial regions contrasts with the rapid drop-off in organisms that eke out a living in more temperate and polar regions. ─── 世界上多数的生物歧异性在赤道地带绽放,相对地,在气候较温和的地区或极地,生物种类稀少的简直像苟延残喘。

88、But areas where yields are falling because of climate change include sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where the victims are small farmers eking out an already meagre living. ─── 但是包括撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲以及南亚的地区却因为气候的变化导致农作物的减产。而这些受灾者都是竭力维持本已贫乏生计的小农。

89、eke out butter with margarine ─── 以人造奶油补足 (不够的) 奶油

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