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09-02 投稿


unbranched 发音

英:[['?n'brɑ:nt?t]]  美:[[?n'brɑ:nt?t]]

英:  美:

unbranched 中文意思翻译



unbranched 短语词组

1、unbranched meaning ─── 不可分割的意义

2、unbranched starch ─── 无支链淀粉

3、unbranched duct ─── 无分支管道

4、unbranched isomer ─── 无支链异构体

5、unbranched alcohol ─── 不含支链的酒精

6、unbranched antler ─── 无枝鹿角

7、unbranched alkane ─── 无支链烷烃

unbranched 相似词语短语

1、unbranded ─── adj.未打上烙印的;无物主的

2、unbreached ─── 未损坏

3、branched ─── adj.分枝的;枝状的;有枝的;v.分叉;扩展(branch的过去分词);长出树枝

4、untrenched ─── 未经审判

5、unblenched ─── adj.不气馁的;不退缩的

6、unbraced ─── adj.放松,不加撑的;v.放松(unbrace的过去分词)

7、unbreeched ─── 未损坏

8、rebranched ─── 长出副枝;二次分枝

9、unstanched ─── 未分支

unbranched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Amylose The water-soluble fraction of STARCH. It is an unbranched bolymer of glucose units. ─── 直链淀粉:用热水溶解淀粉时,可以溶解的那部分淀粉,称为直链淀粉,它不分枝。

2、Polymers may consist of long chains of unbranched or Branched monomers or may be cross-linked networks of monomers in two or three dimensions. ─── 聚合物可能包含由无支链的或有支链的单体组成的长链,也可能是单体连接的耳维或三维网状结构。

3、Inflorescences terminal or axillary, sometimes ramiflorous, [branched or] unbranched, male flowers 1-3 per bract, female 1 per bract. ─── 花序顶生或腋生,有时具枝花,[分枝或]不分枝,雄花每苞片1-3,雌花每苞片1。

4、and the third type of conidia are in oval shape, and are produced in chains on the unbranched conidiophores. ─── 而第三种产孢形态,孢子为卵圆形,成链著生于不分枝之分生孢子柄上。

5、6. commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium. ─── 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(兰色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。收藏指正

6、Herbs annual, biennial, or perennial, usually erect, unbranched, most parts stellate pubescent, sometimes mixed with long simple hairs. ─── 一年生,二年生,或多年生的,通常直立,不分枝,大多数部分具星状短柔毛,有时与长单毛混生。

7、Herbs, perennial, rhizomatous, 50-90 cm tall, usually unbranched, minutely hirsute, glandular. ─── 多年生草本,根状茎,50-90厘米高,通常不分枝,微小的具粗毛,具腺。

8、Heparan sulfates (HS) are long, unbranched, negatively charged polysaccharides that are bound to core proteins. ─── 硫酸乙酰肝素(HS)是一种结合在核心蛋白上的带负电荷的长直链多糖。

9、Stems erect or spreading, branched basally or unbranched. ─── 茎直立或开展,分枝或。

10、any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves ─── 苏铁科热带植物;长有蕨类叶片,树干无枝

11、Stems unbranched, short, not forming a tuber below ground. ─── 不分枝的茎,短,在地下面不成立一块茎。

12、any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees,shrubs,or woody vines of the family Palmae(or Arecaceae),characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation ─── 任一种棕榈科(或槟榔科)的各种主要的热带常绿树、灌木或木质藤本植物,特点为有无分支的树干,其顶端集生羽状或掌状的树叶,并带有明显的平行叶脉

13、Stems unbranched or sometimes branched. ─── 茎不分枝或者有时分枝。

14、A tree with an unbranched trunk looks like a pillar. ─── 树干上没有分支的树看起来像根柱子。

15、The inner portion of a starch granule, consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched, linear, or spiral structure. ─── 淀粉糖淀粉颗粒的内部成分,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖

16、the inner portion of a starch granule,consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched,linear,or spiral structure ─── 淀粉糖,淀粉颗粒的内部成分,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖

17、a tree with an unbranched trunk. ─── 树干上没有分支的树。

18、There are unbranched plants with flowers sessile at nodes of the main stem that do not form lateral spikelike inflorescences. ─── 有不分枝的植株在主茎的节上有无梗的花,不形成侧的穗状的花序。

19、procurrent rays Small, unsegmented and unbranched rays located along the dorsal and ventral edges of the posterior region of the caudal peduncle. ─── 前倾的鳍条沿著尾柄后面区域的背与腹缘上,小的、不分段的与不分枝的鳍条。

20、Inflorescences axillary, unbranched, usually bisexual, sometimes unisexual, female flowers few, proximal, male flowers distal. ─── 花序腋生,不分枝,通常两性,有时单性,雌花很少,下部,雄花在上部。

21、Commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium. ─── 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(兰色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。

22、Any of several small South American deer of the genus Mazama, having short, unbranched horns. ─── 南美小鹿一种南美洲短角鹿属小鹿,有短且无分枝的鹿角

23、Stems to 35 cm tall, unbranched, fine bristly, glabrescent. ─── 35厘米高的茎可达,不分枝,罚具刚毛款,。

24、Inflorescences unbranched, 5-7 cm, yellowish brown tomentulose. ─── 花序不分枝,5-7厘米,具淡黄棕色微绒毛。

25、any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves. ─── 苏铁科热带植物;长有蕨类叶片,树干无枝。

26、Paraphysis (pl. paraphyses) A sterile unbranched (usually) multicelluer hair found in large numbers between the reproductive organs of certain algae and bryophytes. ─── 侧丝:指不育的无分支(通常)的多细胞丝状体,在某些藻类和苔藓类植物的生殖器官中可大量发现。

27、There are unbranched plants with flowers sessile at nodes of the main stem that do not form lateral spike like inflorescences. ─── 有不分枝的植株在主茎的节上有无梗的花,不形成侧的穗状的花序。

28、Stems single or numerous, basally unbranched or few branched, 16-55 cm, densely retrorse puberulent at apex, sparsely puberulent or glabrate basally. ─── 基部,茎单一或多数不分枝或很少分枝,厘米,浓密反折被微柔毛在先端,基部脱毛的疏生微柔毛或。

29、An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated, unbranched axis, as in the lily of the valley. ─── 总状花序一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合

30、tendrils biforked or sometimes unbranched. ─── 卷须分叉的或有时不分枝。

31、Stems numerous, diffuse or ascending 15-45 cm tall, puberulent basally, slightly viscid, unbranched or branched. ─── 茎多数,铺散或上升15-45厘米高,基部被微柔毛,稍黏,不分枝的或分枝。

32、Shrubs or subshrubs, covered with stellate and dendroid hairs in combination with simple (unbranched), uniseriate hairs.Leaves alternate, solitary or in fascicles, petiolate to subsessile; ─── 灌木或亚灌木,为星状和树枝状毛与单毛联合所覆盖(不分枝),单列毛。

33、Plants dioecious.Rhizome yellowish orange to brown, unbranched or branched from base, surface coarsely tessellated and with stellate warts; ─── 植株雌雄异株根状茎淡黄橙到棕色,不分枝或分枝自基部,棋盘格和具星状的瘤的粗表面;

34、What happens to the unbranched glucose residues in amylopectin during the methylation and hydrolysis procedure? ─── 在甲基化和水解过程中不分支的葡萄糖残基会发生什么变化?

35、Mitochondria are usually long, tubular in shape with branched or unbranched cristae. ─── 线粒体长管状,具多个不分枝或分枝的脊。

36、Tendrils unbranched or bifurcate, sometimes racemosely branched. ─── 卷须不分枝或者二叉,有时分枝。

37、Stems 15--45 cm tall, glabrous, unbranched or apically branched. ─── 茎15-45厘米高,无毛,不分枝的或顶部分枝。

38、unbranched heads ─── 不分枝穗

39、Inflorescence axillary, unbranched, male flowers 2 or 3 per bract. ─── 花序腋生,不分枝,每苞片雄花2或3。

40、Stems erect, 10-20 cm tall, unbranched, rigid, lanate. ─── 茎直立,10-20厘米高,不分枝,硬质,具绵状毛。

41、Pistil composed of 3 carpels; ovary 1-loculed; placentae parietal, bilamellate, lamellae branched or unbranched. ─── 由3心皮组成的雌蕊;子房1室;侧膜胎座,有两片,副花冠裂片分开或不分开。

42、Inflorescences axillary, unbranched, usually bisexual, sometimes unisexual, female flowers few, proximal, male flowers distal. ─── 花序腋生,不分枝,通常两性,有时单性,雌花很少,下部,雄花在上部。

43、Stems erect or ascending, 30-60 cm, base purplish, leafless, unbranched. ─── 茎直立或上升,30-60厘米,基部略带紫色,无叶,不分枝。

44、in fishes with branched caudal rays, the count includes the branched rays plus the uppermost and the lowermost rays which are unbranched. ─── 在具有分枝的尾部鳍条的鱼中,计数包括分支鳍条加上最上面的与最下面的不分枝鳍条。

45、With a single unbranched stem terminating in a flower. ─── 单一不分枝的茎终止于花。

46、Racemes axillary, solitary or sometimes several in a fascicle, unbranched or branched; ─── 总状花序腋生,有时单生或数个在一束簇,或分枝;

47、6. asphodel having erect smooth unbranched stem either flexuous or straight. ─── 一种具有光滑的、无分枝的、或弯曲或直立茎干的日光兰属植物。

48、Stems erect, branched basally or unbranched. ─── 茎直立,分枝或。

49、Plants found at higher elevations are shorter, often unbranched, have a less serrate leaf margin, and a shorter peduncle. ─── 在高海拔的植株,为短的,通常不分枝,有较少的有锯齿叶缘和短花序梗。

50、Stems erect, usually unbranched. ─── 茎直立,通常不分枝。

51、Leaves short petiolate, blade lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate. Inflorescences unbranched, racemose. Corolla white. ─── 叶短叶柄,叶片到长圆状披针形。花序不分枝,总状。花冠白色

52、Tendril unbranched or bifurcate. Inflorescence usually a polychasium. Seeds elliptic, obovoid-elliptic, or obtriangular, surface smooth, corrugated, or with strumose protuberance or ribs. ─── 卷须不分枝或二叉。通常的花序一多歧聚伞花序。种子椭圆形,倒卵球形椭圆形,或倒三角形的,平滑的表面,具皱褶,或具瘤状的突起或肋。

53、And there are some unbranched or less branching stone cells in it. ─── 有少分枝或不分枝的石细胞,其细胞长轴与表皮垂直。

54、Inflorescences unbranched, 2-10 cm, dull yellow tomentulose. ─── 花序不分枝,2-10厘米,具黯淡黄色微绒毛。

55、Taproot yellowish-brown, elongate-terete, unbranched. ─── 直根黄棕色,拉长圆柱状,不分枝。

56、Which is why Dr Zheng was stunned to find on Tianyulong confuciusi what are conservatively described in her paper as “long, singular and unbranched filamentous integumentary structures”. ─── 而这就是为什么郑博士在发现孔子天宇龙的时候感到迷茫的原因,在她的报告中保守地描述到"长的,单一而未分叉的丝状结构"。

57、Heparan sulfates (HS) are long, unbranched, negatiely charged polysaccharides that are bound to core proteins. ─── 硫酸乙酰肝素(HS)是一种结合在核心蛋白上的带负电荷的长直链多糖。

58、unbranched dicarboxylic acid ─── 直链二羧酸

59、Stems erect or suberect, taller, unbranched or few branched; leaves more than 10 mm, simple to pinnatisect. ─── 茎直立或近直立,更高,不分枝的或很少分枝;叶超过10毫米,对羽状全裂单。(5

60、Designating an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms. ─── 正(链)的指定脂肪族碳氢化合物含有一直且无分枝的碳原子链

61、Tendrils may be branched, or unbranched, and may have terminal adhesive disks, as in the Virginia creeper. ─── 卷须可能具有分枝,也可能无分枝,末端还会有吸盘,例如五叶地锦。

62、an inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated,unbranched axis,as in the lily of the valley ─── 总状花序,一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合

63、Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae(or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation. ─── 棕榈科植物棕榈科(或槟榔科)的各种主要的热带常绿树、灌木或木质藤本植物,特点为有无分支的树干,其顶端集生羽状或掌状的树叶,并带有明显的平行叶脉

64、Stems several, cespitose, erect or ascending, unbranched, densely yellow hispid, short strigose. ─── 茎数个,丛生,直立或上升,不分枝,浓密黄具糙硬毛,短。

65、Trees, small, to unbranched treelets, 3-10 m tall, andromonoecious. ─── 乔木,小,到不分枝的小乔木,3-10米高,雄花两性花同株。

66、The results showed that there were four types of laticifers in Jatropha curcas, i.e. articulated anastomosing and nonanastomosing laticifers, non-articulated branched and unbranched laticifers. ─── 结果表明,麻疯树中存在有节连接和非连接乳汁管、无节分枝和不分枝乳汁管;

67、Stems unbranched, suberect or flexuous, retrorse fine pubescent, ca. 55 cm tall, leafy toward apex, base prostrate, rooting from nodes. ─── 不分枝,近直立的茎或,反折细短柔毛,约厘米高,多叶向先端,基部匍匐,节上生根。

68、Culms unbranched. ─── 秆不分枝。

69、Inflorescences racemose, main rachis unbranched, densely flowered, suberect or ascending, nearly as long as or slightly longer than petioles, pilose; ─── 总状的花序,不分枝的主轴,花密集,近直立或上升的,近等长或稍长于叶柄,具柔毛;

70、Stems branched basally or unbranched. ─── 基部的茎分枝或者不分枝。

71、Cauline leaves 2-6; fruiting pedicels filiform, lowermost often recurved; abaxial surface of basal leaves with forked or 4-rayed stellate trichomes with unbranched rays. ─── 茎生叶2-6;果梗丝状,最下的通常下弯;背面基生叶具分叉或星状毛具4伞辐不分枝伞辐。(56

72、Stems 1 to several, erect, unbranched, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. ─── 茎1到数个,直立,,无毛或疏生短柔毛。

73、annual branches usually geminate at apex of branchlets, unbranched, light green or yellow-green, 1-2 cm, with 3 or 4 internodes. ─── 通常一年生枝成对在先端小枝,不分枝,淡绿或黄色绿色,1-2厘米,具3或4。

74、Stems often single or 2 or 3, unbranched. ─── 茎通常单个的或2或3,不分枝。

75、Stem scapoid, unbranched or few branched, with few leaves or leafless. ─── 茎花葶状,不分枝的或很少分枝,具很少叶或无叶。

76、small South American deer with unbranched antlers. ─── 南美洲角不分叉的小鹿。

77、"because the chains may be unbranched or Branched and the monosaccharides may be of one, two, or occasionally more kinds, polysaccharides can be categorized in various ways. ─── 鉴于有的带有支链,有的不带支链,单醣也可能为不同种类,因此有多种不同方式对多醣进行分类。

78、An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated, unbranched axis, as in the lily of the valley. ─── 总状花序一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合

79、Stems erect or ascending, unbranched. ─── 茎直立或上升,不分枝。

80、branches unbranched, flexuous, smooth, lower binate, each bearing 1 or 2 spikelets, lateral spikelets on pedicels ca. 1 cm or more long. ─── 不分枝的分枝,曲折,平滑,低,每一个着生1或2,侧小穗或更多在花梗约1厘米上长。

81、Stems in clusters, unbranched or with a few branches, slender, terete, 1-1.5 mm thick, glabrous. ─── 簇生茎,不分枝或具几分枝,纤细,圆柱状,1-1.5毫米粗,无毛。

82、Stems densely clustered, many branched from base, 1-1.5 mm thick, upper parts mostly unbranched, glabrous or minutely puberulent. ─── 茎密被簇生,多分枝自基部,1-1.5毫米厚,多数不分枝的上半部分,无毛或稍被微柔毛。

83、unbranched molecule ─── 无支链分子

84、The typical growth form is an evergreen tree with unbranched trund and a crown of large spirally arranged leaves at the apex. ─── 特点是树干多不分枝,大型叶丛生于树干顶部。

85、rudimentary ray A simple fin ray usually an unbranched, unsegmented soft ray, often too small or obscure to include in counts. ─── 退化的鳍条一种简单的鳍条,通常是不分枝且不分节的软条,时常是太小或不显著的包括在计数中。

86、Stems single or clustered, 3-4 mm thick, mostly unbranched, glabrous. ─── 茎单个或丛生,粗的3-4毫米,多数不分枝,无毛。

87、The inner portion of a starch granule, consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched, linear, or spiral structure. ─── 淀粉糖淀粉颗粒的内部成分,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖

88、Stems 1-5, unbranched, creeping for a short distance then ascending. ─── 茎1-5,不分枝,适合一那时上升的短距离匍匐。

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