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09-02 投稿



comprehensibility 发音

英:[?kɑ?mpr??hens??b?l?ti]  美:[?k?mpr??hens??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

comprehensibility 中文意思翻译



comprehensibility 短语词组

1、comprehensibility versus intelligibility ─── 可理解性与 ─── 可理解性

2、comprehensibility definitions ─── 可理解性定义

3、comprehensibility define ─── 可理解性定义

4、comprehensibility mean ─── 可理解性

5、comprehensibility concept ─── 可理解性概念

6、comprehensibility in sentence ─── 句子的可理解性

comprehensibility 词性/词形变化,comprehensibility变形

副词: comprehendingly |动词过去分词: comprehended |形容词: comprehendible |动词现在分词: comprehending |动词第三人称单数: comprehends |动词过去式: comprehended |

comprehensibility 同义词

understandability | accountability |clarity

comprehensibility 反义词


comprehensibility 相似词语短语

1、reprehensibility ─── 应受谴责性

2、compressibility ─── n.压缩性;压缩系数;压缩率

3、comprehensively ─── adv.包括地;包括一切地;完全地;彻底地;全面地

4、compensability ─── n.可以补偿性

5、comprehensibly ─── adv.使能理解地;好了解地

6、incomprehensibility ─── n.不可理解;不可知性;不可思议

7、comprehensible ─── adj.可理解的

8、comprehensivising ─── 综合

9、apprehensibility ─── n.能理解

comprehensibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ─── 这世界永恒的谜题,是它的可解。

2、Method of CPD is applied to comprehen sively evaluate primary energy in th is paper,the evaluation result without any subjectivity is s atisfying and can be referred. ─── 本文将CPD法应用于一次能源的综合评价,以排除人为的主观任意性,可取得满意的结果,该评价结果可提供有关参考。

3、This definition focuses on the formal qualities of an expression, its degree of comprehensibility and the subject's communicative intent. ─── 这一定义集中在表达的正式质量,复杂程度以及主体的交流意向。

4、As a nonlinear method, the fuzzy rule-based pattern recognition has good comprehensibility, but has not been applied to the multiple classifier fusion. ─── 而基于模糊规则的模式识别方法是一类可理解性好的非线性方法,但迄今为止还没有被应用于多分类器融合问题中。

5、Gerwick The leading authority in the field offers a unique and comprehens. ─── Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Second Edition 责任人: Ben C.

6、“The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is its comprehensibility,” he once said. ─── 他曾经说过“最让人不可以理解的事情,是宇宙居然是可以理解的。

7、Its accuracy and comprehensibility depend on how concisely the learning algorithm can summarize this structure.The non-predictive parts of a decision tree should be eliminated or pruned. ─── 它潜在的预测能力以及它的可理解性的大小,很大程度上取决于学习算法是否能够简洁地概括了这个结构。

8、A comprehens've report of agronomic management practices for control yield loss of continueus and alternate-year soybean cropping ─── 控制重迎茬大豆减产农艺措施的研究

9、Key words: comprehensibility, creativity and designability; independence design; ability of creative;, electrionic information's experiment ─── 作者简介:周先春(1974-),男,安徽庐江人,南京信息工程大学电子工程系讲师。工学硕士。

10、Nowadays, dreary old comprehensibility is still very much around. ─── 如今,乏味直白的名称依然随处可见。

11、the comprehensibility of evidences extracted from collected data; ─── 从已收集数据中提取的证据的可理解性;

12、They are the principle of suitable literal meaning and the principle of habitual use and easy comprehensibility. ─── 本文著重分析其中的两项原则,即“字义贴切的原则”和“习用易晓的原则”。

13、o 原文:The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ─── 这个世界最玄妙之处就是它居然是可被理解的。

14、Meanwhile, a rule pruning procedure based on information gain is designed for improving the comprehensibility of classification rule mined. ─── 同时,还采用了基于信息增益的规则剪枝策略。

15、The Group for the Comprehens; ve DeveloPment of Havana ─── 哈瓦那综合开发集团

16、The essential characteristics of children’s moral acquisition are unconsciousness and implicitness.It also has the characteristics of transferability, comprehensibility and independence. ─── 儿童道德习得的本质特征是无意识性和内隐性,同时还具备可迁移性、可理解性和独立性的特征。

17、The Exploration for Raising the Comprehensibility of the Signal and System Design Experiments ─── 提高信号与系统课程设计综合性的初步探索

18、Language comprehensibility is the base for all the studies. ─── 以语言理解为基础的研究报告。

19、Einstein mused, "The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility, " and "the fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle. " ─── 爱因斯坦语重心长地说过:“世间永恒的神秘在于它的可了解性。”“可以了解这一事实本身就是一个奇迹。”

20、the content of assessment is narrow, neglecting the comprehensibility of the whole assessment; ─── 评价内容狭窄,忽视评价的全面性与综合性;

21、Chapter Three gives a further exploration from extralinguistic aspect, including language style and culture.The discussion emphasizes the comprehensibility of GWR content to the target readers. ─── 第三章进一步探讨语外因素,主要集中在语言风格及文化因素两个方面,希望在提高了翻译表达的准确性的基础上,保证报告的内容为读者正确理解。

22、eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ─── 世界的永恒之谜就是它是可以理解的。

23、The European aerospace association's effort began a year earlier when the Association of European Airlines asked aircraft manufacturers to improve the comprehensibility of maintenance manuals. ─── 当欧洲航空公司协会(AssociationofEuropeanAirlines)要求飞机制造商们提高维修手册的可理解性后,欧洲航空航天和国防工业协会在一年后启动了上述工作。

24、free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression. ─── 很方便容易理解;清楚地表达。

25、Brief Analysis of the Factors Adversely Affecting english Listening Comprehen sion and Ways and Means to cope with Them ─── 浅析影响英语听力的因素与对策

26、Nonlinear methods perform well in the multiple classifier fusion.However, the nonlinear methods used for the multiple classifier fusion have poor comprehensibility. ─── 用非线性方法解决多分类器融合问题能够取得比较高的识别率, 但是,当前被应用在多分类器融合领域中的非线性方法可理解性较差,给使用者带来一定的困难。

27、The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. ─── 其可理解性是这个世界永远的谜。

28、The characteristics and the smelting functions of direct reduction iron (DRI) in EAF have been comprehen sively reviewed and discussed in this paper. ─── 对直接还原铁 (DRI)性能及其在电弧炉冶炼的特性作了较全面的论述。

29、Supplement one sentence more, person of different comprehensibility ranks, the efficiency of practising the acrobatic skill is different too.Do not study cleverly fast!6. ─── 再补充一句,不同悟性级别的人,修炼武功的效率也不同.并非越聪明学的越快!

30、With high comprehensibility, the article involves many theories.Some new opinions are published in different scientific serials, and some are under consideration. ─── 文中涉及的理论较多,综合性强,其中一些新的思路已在各类学术杂志上发表,有的尚在研究之中。

31、welcome to call Yueqing Jufengyuan hotel.Jufengyuan hotel is a comprehensibility hotel.It is Located at Liushi town,which is the capital of Electric of China. ─── 铃音内容参考: 欢迎您致电乐(yue)清市聚丰园大酒店, 聚丰园大酒店座落在中国电器之都----柳市镇,是一家综合性的知名酒店.

32、Open-minded, high comprehensibility; being adaptive to corporate culture, and able to constantly learn. ─── 思维开放,领悟力强,能够迅速融入公司文化,并且不断学习和掌握先进的理念和方法;

33、The results show that the students' innovation ability and comprehensibility to the researching problems are enhanced after they completed the original experimental unit. ─── 教学实践表明,创新性实验课程可以把课堂的理论教学与实践教学有机地结合起来,有助于培养学生的创新意识,提高学生的综合分析和动手解决问题的能力。

34、The questionnaire was reviewed by physicians and experts in medical errors and was then pretested for length and comprehensibility . ─── 该调查表经过医师和医疗差错专家的审查,并就调查表的长度和可理解力进行了预调查。

35、2 It is sane that a man knows the limitation of his comprehensibility, beyond which he is not able to understand. ─── 当一个人知道自己能力的极限,知道超出这个范围,就无法理解是理智的。

36、So its important to strengthen the comprehensibility and treatment of critical digestive system desease. ─── 由此可见加强队消化系统危重病急症的认识与救治是十分重要的。

37、Modern Western philosophy and aethetics are confined to epistemological tradition and emphasize the meaning of aesthetic comprehens... ─── 西方美学的认识论传统导致重视审美理解而忽视审美同情,中国美学偏向审美同情,二者可以互补。

38、Comprehensibility of virtual power breaks the abstract opposition between tradition and historigraphy, between history and historical knowledge. ─── 德性力量的可理解性消解了传统与历史学、历史与历史知识之间的抽象对立。

39、The questionnaire was reviewed by physicians and experts in medical errors and was then pretested for length and comprehensibility. ─── 该调查表经过医师和医疗差错专家的审查,并就调查表的长度和可理解力进行了预调查。

40、This definition focuses on the formal qualities of an expression, its degree of comprehensibility and the subject's communicative intent. ─── 这一定义集中在表达的正式质量,复杂程度以及主体的交流意向。

41、Teaching means is stale and poem teaching is short of comprehensibility and agility.Teachers are content with one mouth and one pen, and then choke back students’ go-headiest and creativity. ─── 教学方法陈旧,缺乏综合性和灵活性,教师满足于一张嘴一支笔,抑制了学生的主动性和创造性。

42、Conclusion. The Moroccan ersion of the RMDQ has good comprehensibility internal consistency, reliability, and alidity for the ealuation of Moroccan-speaking patients with LBP. ─── 结论:在评估伴有下腰痛的摩洛哥语系患者时,RMDQ的摩洛哥版本有良好的可理解性、内部一致性、可靠性及实用性。

43、Open-minded, high comprehensibility; being adaptive to corporate culture, and able to constantly learn. ─── 思维开放,领悟力强,能够迅速融入公司文化,并且不断学习和掌握先进的理念和方法;

44、Meantime, “multifunctional energy storage type cleaner and sprayer” are portable tools with strong comprehensibility, and their application functions may be extended more widely. ─── 与此同时,“多功能储能式清洗器、喷雾器”系便携式综合性较强的器具,它的使用功能还可进行更广泛的扩展应用。

45、Both fluency and comprehensibility of students' oral development enhanced tremendously after the training. ─── 培训后,大学生口语的流利度和可理解性都有了显著的提高。

46、An Understanding to Strengthen the Comprehensibility of Liberal Arts Teaching in Junior Middle School ─── 对加强初中文科教学综合性的认识

47、2 It is sane that a man knows the limitation of his comprehensibility, beyond which he is not able to understand. This limitation is also the domain of human‘s knowledge. ─── 当一个人知道自己能力的极限,知道超出这个范围,就无法理解是理智的。而这个范围,也就是人类知识所能到达的极限。

48、For reducing the errors in logic judge and improving clarification of program and comprehensibility of code, the state machine is adopted in the window switching. ─── 在界面的软件实现时,采用了状态机,有效地减少了逻辑判断的遗漏,提高了软件流程的清晰性和代码的可读性;

49、Graphical symbols - Test methods for judged comprehensibility and for comprehension. ─── 图形符号.用于判断和理解的试验方法

50、Improved comprehensibility of product labels and safety data sheets should translate into improved employee safety. ─── 改进理解的产品标签和安全数据表应转化为提高员工的安全。

51、That is a good job. How you made the picture posted? It would be helpful if we can post pics since linguistic discritpion is limited both by comprehensibility and expression. ─── 八字节用文字叙述,够呛的吧?而且还有可能讲得很高深,听得很不懂.反之图片三秒就搞定了

52、The need for greater comprehensibility of hi-tech products is seen in the currently popular use of a transparent housing that at least allows the user to see what’s inside a mechanized product. ─── 但是问题在于,最简单设计和制造一千件工业产品的方法,便是利用机器的特质和优点,而这方法并不需要配合使用者的需求。

53、Nowadays,dreary old comprehensibility is still very much around. ─── 如今,令人生厌的容易理解的老派作品还是很多。

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