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09-02 投稿


premolar 发音


英:  美:

premolar 中文意思翻译



premolar 网络释义

n. 前磨牙;前臼齿adj. 前磨牙的;前臼齿的

premolar 词性/词形变化,premolar变形


premolar 短语词组

1、premolar crown prep ─── 前磨牙冠预备

2、premolar teeth ─── [医] 前磨牙, 双尖牙, 前臼齿

3、premolar tooth ─── 前臼齿

4、premolar analogy theory ─── [医] 前磨牙相似论

5、premolar dog ─── 前磨牙犬

6、premolar crown ─── 前磨牙冠

7、premolar function ─── 前磨牙功能

8、premolar ash ─── 前磨牙灰

9、premolar 13 ─── 前磨牙13

premolar 相似词语短语

1、premolds ─── 预兆

2、premolars ─── n.小臼齿(premolar的复数);前齿;[解剖]前臼齿

3、premodern ─── adj.前现代的

4、premolded ─── 制塑的

5、gremolata ─── 意大利调味料

6、areolar ─── adj.细隙的,小区的

7、premoral ─── 口前

8、premold ─── 煤

9、premolt ─── 前臼齿

premolar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Premolar;post-core crown;stress analysis;three-dimensional finite element; ─── 前磨牙;桩核冠;应力分析;三维有限元;

2、This 40-year-old male suffered from inconvenience when eating due to the absence of the lower right first molar and second premolar. ─── 本文报告一位40岁的男性病例,主诉右下后方缺牙导致吃东西不便。

3、In a developing human jaw, different homeobox genes are activated in different areas, guiding each tooth bud down a pathway to become a molar, premolar, canine or incisor. ─── 在发育中的人类颌部,不同的同源匣基因会在不同的位置活化,引导各个牙胚变成臼齿、前臼齿、犬齿或门齿。

4、The experimental research of the wallop of crown remover to the abument tooth and the full crown of premolar ─── 拆冠器对双尖牙全冠及基牙冲击力实验研究

5、Methods: 76 old people of 218 premolar teeth with wedge-shaped defect were divided into two groups randomly: the teeth were prepared in the first group but not in the second group. ─── 方法:选择相邻的前磨牙楔状缺损患者76例218颗患牙,随机分为2组,第一组修复前预备洞型;第二组修复前不预备洞型。

6、After treatment the changes of dental arch width in first and second premolar region were larger than that of cuspid and first molar regions. ─── 上颌第一、二双尖牙间各自宽度较尖牙间、一磨牙间宽度增加显著。

7、Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the root canal system of maxillary first premolar. ─── 目的观察离体上颌第一前磨牙根管解剖结构。

8、Methods Left mandible(without the second premolar and the first molar)was used for specimen. ─── 方法对缺失的下颌骨进行固定桥修复。

9、The restoration of premolar residual crown with pivot core casting crown ─── 桩核铸造冠修复前磨牙残冠

10、Setup of finite element model of maxillary premolar with different designed MOD cavities and primary analysis of stress distribution ─── 不同洞型嵌体有限元模型的建立及应力分布初步探讨

11、Maxillary left second premolar tooth ─── 上颌左第二前磨牙

12、Absence of more than two first premolars or absence of a first and a second premolar. ─── 缺少超过两个第一前臼齿或者一个第一和一个第二前臼齿。

13、Three-dimensional finite element analysis the stress of the normal mandibular premolar under various degree of periodontal support ─── 不同高度牙周支持组织的下颌前磨牙三维有限元应力分析

14、Maxillary premolar ─── 前磨牙

15、hyperhidrosis and(premature)canities premolar aplasia ─── 前磨牙发育不全, 多汗和(早年)灰发症

16、Effect of True and Hypothetical Premolar Extraction on Bolton Index ─── 实际与模拟拔除前磨牙对Bolton指数的影响研究

17、Maxillary right second premolar tooth ─── 上颌右第二前磨牙

18、maxillary first premolar ─── 上颌第一前磨牙

19、Methods Buccal fat pad was used to repair the deficiency of the tissue on the palate,cheeks,premolar district and the oral cavity maxillary sinus fistula. ─── 方法应用带蒂颊脂垫修复腭部、颊部、磨牙区的组织缺损,以及用于修复口腔上颌窦瘘。

20、One miniscrew of experiment group was placed with intentional root contact with upper third premolar, and 1 of control group was placed without root contact at the contralateral side. ─── 对照组植入迷你骨钉1支于对侧同样部位,但使迷你骨钉不与牙齿牙根接触。并拔除上颚两侧第二小臼齿。

21、premolar clasp ─── 前磨牙卡环

22、Mandibular right first premolar tooth ─── 下颌右第一前磨牙

23、Effects of different premolar extraction on lower third molar eruption ─── 下颌前磨牙拔除对第三磨牙萌出的影响

24、based on the location, shape and function, people can be divided into incisor teeth (incisors), canine (canine), pre-molar (premolar), and molars (teeth) of the four types. ─── 根据位置、功能和形状,人的牙齿可以分为门齿(切牙)、犬齿(尖牙)、前臼齿(前磨牙)和臼齿(磨牙)四个类型。

25、Investigation of Root Canal Curvature of Human Maxillary First Premolar in Buccolingual Directions ─── 上颌第一前磨牙根管颊舌向弯曲情况的研究

26、Methods Micro-CT was used to scan the intact maxillary first premolar. ─── 方法用M icro-CT对选取的完整上颌第一前磨牙进行扫描,将获得的CT影像通过M im ics8.1软件进行拟合,初步形成模型。

27、This tooth was positioned inferior to the second premolar successor and a supernumerary tooth superior to the second premolar. ─── 这牙的定位是低于第二小臼齿继承和一个编外牙齿优于第二前磨牙。

28、Methods With zinc oxide eugenol cement and gutta-percha point,this therapy was used in treatment of labial teeth and bicuspid premolar abscess in 75 teeth of 56 cases. ─── 方法采用氧化锌丁香油酚粘固剂及牙胶尖,对56例患者75颗根尖周脓肿进行一次性前牙及双尖牙根尖脓肿根管治疗法。

29、Objective: To analyze the effect of the change of the tapers on the stress and the distribution on the root canal wall resulting from after the root canal preparation on maxillary first premolar. ─── 摘要目的:分析上颌第一前磨牙根管预备后锥度变化对根管壁应力及其分布的影响。

30、Keywords mandibular premolar;root canal morphology; ─── 下颌前磨牙;根管解剖;

31、And a miniscrew is placed in the contralateral 4th premolar lingual side as comparison group of soft tissue irritation. ─── 同时在对侧第四小臼齿之舌侧置入一支迷你骨钉,作为对软组织刺激程度的对照组。

32、Mandibular right second premolar tooth ─── 下颌右第二前磨牙

33、Last premolar of upper jaw, first molar of lower jaw. ─── 上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。

34、Premolar extraction ─── 前磨牙拔除

35、Three-dimensional finite element analysis of models of mandibular premolar restored with post crown at various angles ─── 下颌前磨牙不同角度桩核冠的三维有限元应力分析

36、premolar analogy theory ─── [医] 前磨牙相似论

37、Keywords Dental operative microscope;Mandibular premolar;Anatomical aberration;Retreatment; ─── 根管显微镜;下颌前磨牙;解剖形态变异;根管再处理;

38、Completely repaired the up - premolar teeth of longitudinal fracture ─── 全冠修复纵裂的上前牙

39、Method: Eight male adult dogs underwent extraction of the mand ible third、 fourth premolar and first molar. ─── 方法:8只成年雄性杂种狗,拔除双侧下颌第三、前磨牙和第一磨牙。

40、The study of CGRP-Immunoreactive nerve fibers in dental pulp-dentine complex of human premolar. ─── 人前磨牙牙髓牙本质复合体中CGRP阳性神经纤维的研究。

41、Research advancements about the root and root canal morphology of maxillary first premolar ─── 上颌第一前磨牙牙根及根管形态的研究进展

42、A bicuspid tooth,especially a premolar. ─── 两尖齿两尖齿,尤指前磨齿

43、Standardized maxillary premolar crowns were fabricated with five different alloys and one Zircoina ceramic. ─── 另将五种合金与二氧化锆制作标准上颚骨前臼齿牙冠。

44、Cconstructing three-dimensional finite element models of mandibular second premolar restored with post crown at various angles ─── 不同角度桩核冠三维有限元模型的建立

45、Study on anatomy of apical foramen and morphology of root canal of maxillary first premolar ─── 上颌第一前磨牙根管形态和根尖孔的解剖研究

46、Methods The method use elastic resin for labial and buccal base plate and the clasps of incisor and premolar,using casting framework for molar and lingual side,38 cases was restorded. ─── 方法:采用弹性树脂作唇颊侧基托及前牙、前磨牙的卡环,后牙及舌侧采用铸造支架,制作修复体38件。

47、posterior surface of premolar and molar ─── 前磨牙及磨牙后面

48、Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the stress of the mandible premolar under loading on its traumatic occlusal spots. ─── 下颌前磨牙创伤咬合点加载的三维有限元应力分析。

49、We inserted the Mount Vernon dentures digitally on top of the mandible, as they would have sat in Washington's mouth, and adjusted the bone's curve and the location and height of the premolar to fit. ─── 我们把维农山假牙以数位方法放到下颔上,比照它在华盛顿口中应有的样子,再调整骨骼的曲线以及前臼齿的位置及高度,使它们互相配合。

50、Keywords Maxillary first premolar Crown circumference Buccolingnal diameter Mesiodistal diameter; ─── 上颌第一双尖牙;牙冠周径;颊舌径;近远中径;

51、Keywords Root canals;Maxillary premolar;Curvature; ─── 根管;前磨牙;弯曲;

52、Plaintiff was a 60ish homemaker who was referred to the defendant endodontist because of continued sensitiity following crown placement on a lower premolar tooth. ─── 原告是一位60多岁的家庭主妇,下颚第二双尖牙做了烤瓷冠修复后发生持续的过敏现象,从而被转诊到了被告----一位根管治疗专科牙医诊所。

53、First mandibular premolar ─── 下颌第一前磨牙

54、premolar aplasia, hyperhidrosis, premature canities ─── 前臼齿发育不良-多汗-早年白发综合征, PHC综合征

55、Keywords premolar;wedge-shaped defect;occlusal attrition;crown length;crown-root ratio; ─── 前磨牙;楔状缺损;(牙合)面磨损;冠长;冠根比;

56、Adults have eight premolar teeth, two next to each canine tooth in the upper and lower jaw. Their job is to chew and grind up food. ─── 成人长有八颗前臼齿,分别位于上下颚犬齿后端,他们主要负责咀嚼与研磨食物的工作。

57、Keywords Premolar Canal isthmus Incidence; ─── 前磨牙;根管峡部;发生率;

58、premolar aplasia, hyperhidrosis, (premature)canities, book syndrome ─── 布克(氏)综合征:前磨牙发育不全, 多汗及早年灰发症

59、10.Unlimited amalgam (silver) filings for posterior teeth due to decay.Posterior teeth means premolar &molar. ─── 无限次因蛀牙而导致的后牙银粉补牙,后牙指犬齿以后的牙齿。

60、premolar teeth ─── 前磨牙前臼齿槽牙

61、Carnassial: Last premolar of upper jaw, first molar of lower jaw. ─── 裂齿:上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。

62、This article presents a 13-year-old female patient with an impacted maxillary second premolar which is incomplete root formation.The impacted tooth was surgically repositioned to normal occlusion. ─── 本文报告一位13岁女性患者利用手术移位的方式将牙根尖尚未发育完全的上颚第二小臼齿直接移到正常的咬合位置。

63、The clinical diagnosis is a fusion of premolars.Review of literatures, only one case of fusion of premolar had been reported. ─── 文献回顾,只有一病例曾经报告,所以提出一下头第一及第二小臼齿的双连齿的病例报告。

64、Maxillary right first premolar tooth ─── 上颌右第一前磨牙

65、Aesthetic evaluation of gingival line and crown shape of first premolar instead of canine in unilateral maxilla ─── 上颌单侧第一前磨牙代替尖牙龈缘线和牙齿形态的美学研究

66、Keywords maxillary first premolar;tooth measurement;root canal;morphology; ─── 上颌第一前磨牙;牙体测量;根管;形态;

67、Clinical trial of resin-bonded fixed partial denture incorporating an attachment used to replace single anterior or premolar teeth ─── 微型固位钉式无冠粘结固定义齿的临床应用研究

68、The comparison of periapical films in bisecting angle technique and in distant paralleling technique on evaluation of premolar tooth length ─── 前磨牙根尖片分角投照与平行投照牙齿长度的对比研究

69、This appliance provides 50 gm force to intrude the lower 4th premolar. ─── 利用此装置施予50克力量将第四小臼齿下压。

70、ELIMINATING FAULTS : All deviations in relation to the correct scissor bite. Absence of one incisor or one canine, a third premolar or a fourth premolar or of one molar. ─── 严重失格:所有形式的不正确咬合。缺一个门齿或犬齿,第三前臼齿或第四前臼齿或一个臼齿。任何明显显现身体或动作畸形的狗,都视为严重失格。

71、Three dimensional finite element stress analysis in the vertical fractured first premolar after bonding and replantation ─── 上颌第一前磨牙纵折黏结的应力分析

72、A Study on the Microvasculature Changes in the Periodontal Ligament Incident to Intrusive Force on Cat Permanent Premolar ─── 压低猫前磨牙牙周膜微循环变化的实验研究

73、Objective the aim of this study was to investigate the root canal system of maxillary first premolar . ─── 目的观察离体上颌第一前磨牙根管解剖结构。

74、premolar tooth ─── 前臼齿

75、But Longgupo also yielded a mystery jaw fragment, including the fourth premolar and the first molar. ─── 但龙骨坡还发现了一件神秘的下颌残片,包括第四前臼齿和第一臼齿。

76、Deciduous premolar tooth ─── 乳前磨牙

77、Keywords First mandibular premolar;Wedge-shaped defects;Three-dimensional finite element model; ─── 下颌第一前磨牙;楔状缺损;三维有限元模型;

78、Clinical study of single-visit root canal therapy in treatment of periapical abscess of labial teeth and bicuspid premolar ─── 前牙及双尖牙根尖周脓肿根管治疗术一次法的临床研究

79、Keywords Premolar;Morphology of root canal;Apical foramen;Anatomy; ─── 关键词前磨牙;根管形态;根尖孔;解剖;

80、Keywords tooth;premolar;root canal;root canal system; ─── 关键词牙;前磨牙;牙髓腔;根管;根管系统;

81、Mandibular premolar ─── 下颌前磨牙

82、This 40-year-old male suffered from inconvenience when eating due to the absence of the lower right first molar and second premolar. ─── 本文报告一位40岁的男性病例,主诉右下后方缺牙导致吃东西不便。

83、Mandibular left first premolar tooth ─── 下颌左第一前磨牙

84、METHODS:128 cases of 236 premolar teeth with dental wdge-shaped defects were randomly divided into two groups-one group restored by FX and the other group restored by light cure resin. ─── 方法:选择前磨牙楔形缺损的患者128例236个患牙进行修复治疗,将患牙随机分为两组,一组用FX修复,另一组用光固化复合树脂修复,经6个月、1年、2年观察,比较修复的成功率。

85、Keywords The first maxillary premolar;Pulp chamber;RVG; ─── 上颌第一前磨牙;髓腔形态;RVG;

86、Mandibular left second premolar tooth ─── 下颌左第二前磨牙

87、premolar aplasia ─── 前臼齿发育不良

88、Maxillary left first premolar tooth ─── 上颌左第一前磨牙

89、A tooth adapted FOR tearing apart flesh, especially one of the last upper premolar or first lower molar teeth in carnivorous mammals. ─── 裂齿,食肉齿适合于撕裂肉的牙齿,尤指食肉哺乳动物最后上前臼齿之一或第一个下臼齿

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