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09-02 投稿



exorcising 发音


英:  美:

exorcising 中文意思翻译



exorcising 词性/词形变化,exorcising变形

动词过去分词: exorcised |动词过去式: exorcised |动词第三人称单数: exorcises |动词现在分词: exorcising |名词: exorciser |

exorcising 相似词语短语

1、amortising ─── vt.分期偿还;摊还(债券等);把…转让给教会永久管理

2、dorising ─── 多辛

3、ebonising ─── 使成乌木色,使象乌木

4、exoticizing ─── 外化

5、eroticising ─── 色情

6、exoticising ─── 异国情调

7、excising ─── v.对(货物)课以消费税;(手术)切除(器官、组织等);(从文本、乐曲中)删去(某一部分)(excise的现在分词)

8、exorcizing ─── vt.除怪,驱邪

9、exercising ─── n.行使;锻炼;运动健身;v.运动;运用(exercise的ing形式);练习

exorcising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper, starting with primitive stock-rasing, hunting,exorcising and cult, reveals its cultural connotations. ─── 文章从原始牧业文化、狩猎文化、巫傩文化和崇拜心理学等方面揭示了其文化内涵。

2、8 month at 8:00 on the 22nd at home Huichuan area real estate development company that held real exorcising ceremony officially began, the reporters to the identity of the buyer to inspect the venue. ─── 8月22日上午8点,位于汇川区的这家房地产开发公司举行的楼盘驱邪仪式正式开始,记者以买主的身份得以进场观摩。

3、The exorcising dance of Nanfeng manifests the allusion by using body language without any librettoes. ─── 南丰傩舞没有任何唱词,自始至终完全靠肢体语言表达寓意。

4、In traditional Chinese culture, Ox stands for hardworking and kindness,It also means exorcising and good luck. ─── 牛,在中国传统文化中是勤劳善良的象征,有镇妖灭邪、吉祥如意之寓。

5、Best for exorcising negative influences, breaking bad habits, losing weight and getting rid of people whose influence is not beneficial in your life. ─── 最好的傩负面影响,打破坏习惯,减肥和摆脱人的影响,不利于您的生活中。

6、This paper, starting with primitive stock-rasing, hunting, exorcising and cult, reveals its cultural connotations. ─── 文章从原始牧业文化、狩猎文化、巫傩文化和崇拜心理学等方面揭示了其文化内涵。

7、In much magic, bronze mirrors of exorcising capacity is the strongest. ─── 在重多法宝中,铜镜的驱邪能力是最强的。

8、A formula used in exorcising. ─── 祛邪用的咒语

9、In Chinese culture, peach wood is kind of auspicious wood which can resist evil influence, so it is frequently used in exorcising ceremonies. Its g...... ─── 桃者,五木之精也,故压伏邪气者也。桃木质密细腻,木体清香,亦名“仙木”、“降龙木”、“鬼怵木”,自古就有“镇宅辟邪、驱邪纳福”之说,更是健康长寿、吉祥平安的象征。

10、At the same time, they read formula used in exorcising. ─── 这矛盾双方的相互消长,使人类文化以不同的形式打上了它的烙印。

11、Passing on of Exorcising Opera in Western Hunan and Its Social Property ─── 湘西傩堂戏的传承与社会属性

12、Certainly, much of Mrs Thatcher's prime ministership, particularly the retaking of the Falklands in 1982, was an essay in exorcising the demons of Suez. ─── 确实,在任首相的撒切尔夫人领导下,特别是1982年重新夺回福克兰群岛,多少驱散了苏伊士运河综合症这个幽灵的一些影响。

13、Three months after his death, his dream was fulfilled: the Senate ratified American membership in the U.N., thus exorcising Wilson's ghost. ─── 死后三个月,他的梦想实现了,议会正式批准美国加入联合国,从此驱除了威尔逊的鬼魂。

14、We're better than Asclepius at healing people and exorcising demons. ─── 我们比医学之神还厉害,更会治人驱邪。

15、It is feasible to adapt the traditional folk art of the exorcising dance into a series of exorcising exercise which possesses modern and traditional cultural meaning. ─── 把传统民间艺术傩舞改编成具有现代气息而又具有传统文化韵味的系列傩操是切实可行的。

16、At the early staged Gain Dynasty, the Shantai &Exorcising Open was performed at all festivities and ceremonies welcoming Chinese ambassadors. ─── 摘要鲜王朝前期,在各种庆典及迎接中国使臣的仪式上都要举行盛大的山台傩礼。

17、It is not difficult to find the similar predicable when we start to analyse the comparison of characteristics and action's structure between exorcising dance and gymnastics. ─── 就傩舞和健美操的特征和动作结构进行比较,不难发现,两者具有十分相近似的属性。

18、If necessary, consult Erik Keller's table of frequently underestimated cost items ( "Exorcising The Ghosts Of Legacy Software, " July 2006). ─── 如果有必要,参考一下ErikKeller的常被低估的开销项目列表(《为留软件妖除魔》,2006年7月)。

19、This mental imagery rehearsal by exorcising the fear and finally dispel the nightmare. ─── 这样的心理想象练习可以驱逐恐惧,最终消除噩梦。

20、The exorcising dance possesses the characteristics of game, body building, the culture of martical art and typical vigor belonging to the attribute of PE culture. ─── 摘要傩舞具有游戏性、健身性、武文化特色以及典型动力特点等体育文化属性。

21、He then becomes his assistant in exorcising ghosts and demons when he grows up. ─── 抚育之馀,更传之驱邪杀鬼之术。

22、According to Buddhism,sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits. ─── 在佛家看来,它更有驱邪避祟的功能。

23、When the prefecture minister was observing the Exorcising Ritual,he would,dressed in his court robe,stand on the eastern terrace. ─── 与乡里人饮酒,拄拐杖的老人退出后,才得出来。乡里迎神驱鬼时,穿着朝服站在祖庙东面的台阶上。

24、It is a sacred animal revered by man and it has the magical power exorcising the invisible ghost and ward evils. ─── 世人深信“虎”视神圣的动物,它有着神奇的力量同时能够驱走一切无形的妖魔鬼怪。

25、In Chinese culture, peach wood is kind of auspicious wood which can resist evil influence, so it is frequently used in exorcising ceremonies. ─── 辞源:“古时刻桃木人,立于户中以避邪”;

26、“To be honest,” Mr Putin said to laughter, perhaps exorcising his pique over the WTO failure, “we certainly wouldn't want to have the kind of democracy that exists in Iraq”. ─── “说实话,”普金说,可能为了驱散他对未能加入世贸组织的不满,他笑了笑,说,“我们肯定不要伊拉克那样的民主。”

27、In the Nuo ceremony, Shamans, wearing masks, perform exorcising plays. ─── 在仪式中,巫师要戴上面具,装扮成神和鬼,表演驱鬼、祈福的戏剧。

28、exorcising dance ─── 傩舞

29、I can magnify but never lessen my problems by ignoring, evading or exorcising them. ─── 我可以将问题放大,却绝不会为缩小问题而忽视、逃避或求助神灵。

30、The act, practice, or ceremony of exorcising. ─── 驱邪祛邪的行为、做法或仪式

31、I can magnify but never lessen my problems by ignoring, evading or exorcising them. ─── 我可以将问题放大,却绝不会为缩小问题而忽视、逃避或求助神灵。

32、Shantai & Exorcising Opera ─── 山台傩札

33、Beijing used the old door god is the Qinshubao and Tang dynasty murals King Tak 2 spaces, a white faces, a leader, exorcising the demon is their specialty. ─── 老北京的门神用的是唐朝的秦叔宝和尉迟敬德二位,一个白脸儿,一个黑脸,驱邪捉妖是他们的拿手好戏。

34、Draw villagers considered to be a European-style incidents of abuse recently invited Master exorcising, make a throw into confusion. ─── 有村民认为是欧式影楼惹的祸,最近请来法师驱邪,闹攘一时。

35、Exorcising Opera ─── 戏剧

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