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09-02 投稿



epidemical 发音

英:[?ep??dem?k?l]  美:[?ep??dem?k?l]

英:  美:

epidemical 中文意思翻译



epidemical 相似词语短语

1、epitomical ─── 缩影

2、epidemics ─── n.流行病;蔓延(epidemic的复数);时疫

3、epileptical ─── 癫痫的

4、epideictical ─── 流行病

5、epidemically ─── v.流行性地

6、epidermoidal ─── 表皮样

7、endemical ─── 地方性的

8、epidemicity ─── 流行性

9、epidemic ─── adj.流行的;传染性的;n.传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行

epidemical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods:We adopted Epidemical Field Investigation method to study it. ─── 方法:采用流行病学现场调查方法。

2、Keywords cerebrovascular disorders;epidem iologic factors;cross-sectional studies; ─── 脑血管意外;流行病学因素;横断面研究;

3、Current Epidemical Characteristic and Treatment Strategies to the Duck's Diseases ─── 当前鸭病的流行特点及防制对策

4、Objective To understand the situation of TB infection in southern army and its epidemical characters and thus provide useful reference for TB prevention. ─── 目的了解南方部队结核病发病情况,探讨其流行规律,为预防提供参考依据。

5、OBJECTIVE To discuss the epidemical character and the cause of an outbreak of water-born bacillary dysentery. ─── 目的通过对一起水源性细菌性痢疾爆发疫情的流行病学调查分析,探讨疫情发生的原因。

6、An epidemical investigation on the posttraumatic stress disorder among police officers ─── 警务人员创伤后应激障碍的流行病学调查

7、Methods The historical anti-malaria and epidemical data in Jiangsu Province during the past 30 years were collected and analyzed. ─── 方法回顾性收集近30年来全省疟防工作历史资料和疫情资料,进行分析和研究。结果1973年全省报告疟疾6216128例,发病率1136.34/万。

8、Scholars in TCM and historians have devoted themselves to the study of epidemical history,made considerable achievement for resent years. ─── 近年中医界和历史学界致力于鼠疫流行史的研究,成绩卓著。

9、Analysis on a Species Mechanics Epidemical Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate ─── 一类具有非线性接触率的种群力学流行病模型分析

10、OBJECTIVE To discuss the epidemical character and the cause of an outbreak of water-born bacillary dysentery. ─── 目的通过对一起水源性细菌性痢疾爆发疫情的流行病学调查分析,探讨疫情发生的原因。

11、Objective To learn the epidemical status of malaria in Weixi county and provide scientific evidence for the establishement of malaria control measure. ─── 摘要目的了解维西县疟疾流行情况,为制定防治措施提供依据。

12、The Usage of Air-condition in the SARS Epidemical period ─── 综合性医院预防传染性非典型肺炎空调应用的探讨

13、epidemical characteristics ─── 流行特点

14、In Chapter 4, we consider SIR epidemical models with continuous and impulsive vaccinations, the incidence is bilinear.The reproduction numbers have been obtained for those models. ─── 在第四章, 考虑了具有连续预防接种和脉冲预防接种的SIR流行病模型,分别获 得了它们各自的基本再生数。

15、Keywords hepatitis B;epidemical report;quality; ─── 关键词乙型肝炎;疫情报告;质量;

16、Epidemical prevention and hospital infection management ─── 医院内传染病防控与医院感染管理

17、Two times epidemiological investigation were made to acquire the rules and characters of the incidence and morbidity of rickets and the epidemical factors of rickets in spring and autumn 1987 in Dali county. ─── 为了解大荔县婴幼儿佝偻病发、患病规律及有关的流行因素,于1987年春、秋进行了两次流行病学调查。

18、Objective To study the morbidity rate,epidemical distribution,clinical symptoms and treatment of the cases bitten by red imported fire ants(RIFA),and to provide the scientific evidence for disease control and prevention. ─── 目的了解吴川市Z村被红火蚁咬伤病例的患病率、三间分布、临床表现及其治疗情况,为预防控制提供科学依据。

19、Epidemical character ─── 流行特征

20、SARS epidemical region means the region that has original cases, and has transmission of SARS, not include those established input cased; and transmission of that input cases. ─── 答:非典型肺炎流行区是指有原发非典型肺炎病例,并造成传播的地区,不包括已明确为输入性病例,并由该输入性病例造成一定传播的地区。

21、The approach of Epidemical Field Research was applied. ─── 采用现场流行病学调查方法。

22、Objective To understand epidemical situation of Gnathostoma spinigerum in Wuhua county of Guangdong province. ─── 目的了解广东省五华县棘颚口线虫的流行情况。

23、Analysis on epidemical characteristics of isolated systolic hypertension in Guangdong ─── 广东省居民单纯收缩期高血压流行病学特征分析

24、Epidemical Regulations and Synthesis Intervention Measures for Transmission of HIV from Mother to Infant ─── 艾滋病母婴传播的流行规律及综合干预措施

25、However, due to the conventional view and some implemental difficulty, there has been little research and epidemical investigation on iatrogenic injury. ─── 但是,鉴于某些传统观念和操作问题,有关医源性伤害的流行病学调查和研究甚少。

26、Keywords Cervix neoplasms;HLA-A2 antigen;Alleles;Epidem iology;molecular;Case-control studies; ─── 宫颈肿瘤;HLA-A2抗原;等位基因;流行病学;分子;病例对照研究;

27、epidemical report ─── 疫情报告

28、In this paper, a discrete stage-structured epidemical model is proposed and studied. ─── 本文主要讨论了离散的阶段结构传染病模型。

29、Objective To study the present situation and epidemical characters of overindulged behaviors among preschool children in Shenzhen City, and to provide evidence for the intervention measures. ─── 摘要目的研究深圳市学龄前儿童溺爱行为现况及其流行特征,为采取相应的干预措施提供依据。

30、Method Through the surveillance of serology,behavior and epidemiology to analyze the epidemical characteristic and bring forward measures to prevent and control AIDS. ─── 方法通过血清学监测、行为学监测和流行病学调查,分析该地区艾滋病流行特征,提出防制措施。

31、In this paper, a discrete stage-structured epidemical model is proposed and studied. ─── 本文主要讨论了离散的阶段结构传染病模型。

32、In this paper,the author uses descriptive-study methods to study epidemical character of STD from 2001 to 2005 years in east district,Panzhihua city and to provide science basis for making strategies. ─── 本文采用描述性流行病学研究方法,以进一步掌握攀枝花市东区性传播疾病的流行特征,为制定防治对策提供科学依据。

33、Objective: In order to control or decrease the incidence of burn, it summarized the basic epidemical characteristics and analyzed the common causes of burn. ─── 总结烧伤流行病学的基本特征,分析常见的原因,并指出相应的防范措施,以控制、减少烧伤的发生。

34、Objective:The epidemical features of rice-field pattern leptospirosis in different valleys of Henan province were studied so that the corresponding preventive method were draw up. ─── 目的:分析比较河南省不同流域稻田型钩端螺旋体病流行特征的异同,为制订相应的预防措施提供依据。

35、Objective To investigate the epidemical range, the distribution features and the state of endemic arsenism in Ying County. ─── 目的查清应县地方性砷中毒病区的流行范围、分布特征和危害程度。

36、Conclusion The epidemical influenza virus in Chenzhou in 2006 was A(H1N1) subtype and B subtype no A(H3N2) was found. ─── 结论2006年湖南省郴州市流感流行株为A(H1N1)亚型,有B型存在,未检测出A(H3N2)亚型。

37、OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemical characteristics of A(H1N1) influenza cases in hospital. ─── 目的分析甲型H1N1流感(简称甲流)住院病人的临床流行病学特征。

38、The Serum Epidemical Survey on SwinePseudorabiesby Micro Neutralization Test ─── 应用微量中和试验进行猪伪狂犬病血清学调查

39、Port Surveillance of Epidemical Cerebrospinal Meningitis ─── 流行性脑脊髓膜炎的口岸监测

40、Keywords severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS);epidem iology;clinical features;serum antibody; ─── 严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS);流行病学;临床特点;血清抗体;

41、The New Epidemical Characteristics and Diagnosis of Chicken Pox ─── 鸡痘流行新待点及其防治

42、The main contents of hygiene education have been related to the dissemination of hygiene information, the research and prevention of epidem... ─── 其主要内容涉及普及卫生知识、研究和预防传染病、倡导民族健康运动等方面。

43、Epidemical pattern ─── 发生规律

44、Epidemical encephalitis virus B type ─── 流行性乙型脑炎

45、Results In the recent years, the epidemical intensity of mumps and the number of patients were remarkably reduce. ─── 结果近几年来,流行性腮腺炎流行的周期性和季节性已不明显;

46、Epidemical Study on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder of ─── 岁儿童注意缺陷障碍流行病学调查研究

47、Epidemical disease ─── 传染病

48、Since the discovery of filovirus family(including Marburg and Ebola viruses) over forty years has gone,yet its natural epidemical history remains unclear. ─── 丝状病毒(包括马尔堡与埃波拉病毒)被发现已有40余年,对其自然流行病学尚不清楚。


50、The clinical or anatomical characters of SMDS were also discussed.Conclusion These data will contribute to the late epidemical study. ─── 结论此项研究为下一步进行SMDS的流行病学研究积累了初步资料。

51、Conclusion: Combining clinic diagnosis, epidemical data and experimental results, we suspected the pathogen causing food poisoning is botulium B. ─── 结论:综合临床诊断,流行病学调查资料和实验诊断结果,推断此次食物中毒的病因为自制豆酱中的B型肉毒毒素。

52、epidemical model ─── 流行病模型

53、High-effect moisturizing essence, aloe extract, collagen, HA and amino acid, etc, it immediately penetrates through cell membrane to strengthen cellular activity and seal epidemical hydration. ─── 多重保湿成份共同作用,瞬间渗透肌肤,快速补充肌肤水份,大幅度提升肌肤细胞滋润度;

54、Objective To analyze the epidemical characteristics of the antituberculosis drug-induced liver injury. ─── 目的分析抗结核药物诱导的肝损伤的临床情况。

55、Epidemical status ─── 流行现状

56、The epidemical trend and influential factors of infectious diseases, non-in-fective diseases and accidental injury of next century are discribed and the strategy of disease control is showed here. ─── 阐述了21世纪初我国传染病、非传染病及意外伤害的流行趋势及其影响因素并提出控制疾病流行的对策。

57、OBJECTIVE To explore the administration measures of air condition usage in SARS epidemical period. ─── 目的研究传染性非典型肺炎流行期间综合性医院空调设施的管理。

58、Recent epidemical study indicates that the incidence of AD in some populations is substantially influenced by the gene polymorphisms of the inflammation mediators. ─── 近来流行病学研究显示炎症介质的基因多态性可以影响阿尔茨海默病在人群中的发病率。

59、Epidemical study on essential hypertension among the officials in Changchun ─── 长春市公务员原发性高血压流行病学研究

60、Conclusion The epidemical influenza virus in Chenzhou in 2006 was A(H1N1) subtype and B subtype no A(H3N2) was found. ─── 结论2006年湖南省郴州市流感流行株为A(H1N1)亚型,有B型存在,未检测出A(H3N2)亚型。

61、Analytical Report of Occupational Protection for Water-Conservancy Staff in Schistosomiasis Epidemical Regions ─── 血吸虫病疫区水利职工的职业保护分析

62、epidemical models ─── 传染病模型

63、Studies on the epidemical regularity and prediction technology of grape downy mildew disease in Eastern Helan Mountain ─── 贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄霜霉病流行规律及测报技术

64、Based on the detailed records on the four plague epidemics of Kunming in the Qing dynasty, there are similar epidemical characteristics, viz. ─── 清代昆明有详细记载的四次鼠疫流行,表现出相同的流行特征:发生时间较周边地区晚、城区和郊区皆有严重流行、人口死亡严重。

65、Case-Control Study on Awareness Rate of Related Knowledge about AIDS'Transmission Routes in Prevalent Epidemical Area ─── 艾滋病流行地区传播途径知晓率的调查分析

66、Keywords epidemical model;basic reproduction number;equilibrium;global stability; ─── 流行病模型;基本再生数;平衡点;全局渐近稳定性;

67、OBJECTIVE To explore the administration measures of air condition usage in SARS epidemical period. ─── 目的研究传染性非典型肺炎流行期间综合性医院空调设施的管理。

68、A Comparative Study on Epidemical Features of Rice Field Pattern Leptospirosis in Different Valleys in Henan Province ─── 河南省不同流域稻田型钩端螺旋体病流行特征的比较分析

69、2 Epidemical study of CFS With the development of the society and the severity of competition, the amount of CFS has been increased. In western countries CFS has been one of the five most important reasons to go to hospitals. ─── 2 慢性疲劳综合征的流行病学研究 随着社会的发展,竞争的日趋激烈, CFS的患病人数在迅速增加,在西方国家CFS是人们前往医院就诊的五大原因之一。

70、epidemical situation ─── 流行情况

71、The epidemical current of animal schistosomiasis and must take control measures in Dalizhou ─── 大理州家畜血吸虫病流行现状及应采取的防治措施

72、Scholars in TCM and historians have devoted themselves to the study of epidemical history, made considerable achievement for resent years. ─── 近年中医界和历史学界致力于鼠疫流行史的研究,成绩卓著。

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