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09-02 投稿


chancellery 发音

英:['t?ɑ?ns(?)l(?)r?; -sl?r?]  美:['t??ns?l?ri]

英:  美:

chancellery 中文意思翻译



chancellery 网络释义

n. 大臣;大使馆;总理之职

chancellery 短语词组

1、chancellery def ─── 总理府

2、chancellery office ─── 总理府办公室

3、chancellery wiki ─── 总理府维基

4、chancellery garden ─── 总理府花园

5、chancellery berlin ─── 柏林总理府

6、chancellery house ─── 总理府

7、chancellery palace ─── 总理府

chancellery 词性/词形变化,chancellery变形


chancellery 相似词语短语

1、chancellor ─── n.总理(德、奥等的);(英)大臣;校长(美国某些大学的);(英)大法官;(美)首席法官;n.(Chancellor)人名;(英)钱塞勒

2、channeller ─── n.[机]凿沟机

3、canceller ─── n.[计]消除器;补偿设备

4、chancellory ─── 大臣(或大法官、总理、首相等)的头衔(或职位)

5、cancellers ─── n.[计]消除器;补偿设备

6、channellers ─── n.[机]凿沟机

7、chancellors ─── 大臣;校长;总理(chancellor的复数)

8、chancelleries ─── n.大臣;大使馆;总理之职

9、cancelled ─── v.取消;作废;解约(cancel的过去分词);adj.取消的

chancellery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The allegation, dubbed the “dinner-for-Jo” affair by Ms Merkel's rivals, has been vigorously denied by the chancellery. ─── 默克尔坚决否认了被其竞选对手称为“约瑟夫晚宴”事件的指控。

2、The chancellery is already in ruins ─── 总理府已成一片瓦砾。

3、A day, he sees beauty of watch sb go away of a chancellery, the belle goes far, that chancellery still turns round to stare again and again. ─── 一天,他看见一个大臣目送美女,美女走远了,那大臣还频频回头注视。

4、He is a former head of the chancellery. ─── 他是总理府前任首席官员。

5、On a chilly October evening in her austere chancellery, Angela Merkel placed a confidential call to Rome to help save the euro. ─── 今年10月一个寒冷的晚上,默克尔(AngelaMerkel)在她简朴的总理官邸给罗马打了一个保密电话,为的是拯救欧元。

6、A German official confirmed that Mr.Ackermann proposed guests' names to the chancellery. ─── 一名德国官员证实,阿克曼向默克尔提交了宾客名单。

7、6 The CSU's lost clout may be more obvious under Mr.Huber, who spurned a chance to head Ms Merkel's chancellery in 2005. ─── 基社盟的衰退可能在2005年放弃成为默克尔政府首席部长的哈伯先生身上表现得更加明显。

8、This day, a chancellery says to king, he discovered very the place that makes a person comfortable. ─── 这一天,一位大臣对国王说,他发现了一个很让人舒适的地方。

9、A king has clean hobby, he most fear oneself sole touchs clay, command chancellery then, the road whole country uses cloth to enclothe. ─── 一位国王有洁癖,他最害怕自己的鞋底沾上泥土,于是命令大臣,把整个国家的道路都用布覆盖上。

10、No matter this individual is an emperor old, chancellery of princes and dukes, house distinguisheds family, famous still talent goes. ─── 虽然说“自古美女出江南”这句话何时出自何人之口。

11、Shortly before noon on Monday, January 30, 1933, Hitler drove over to the Chancellery for an interview with Hindenburg that was to prove fateful for himself, for Germany and for the rest of the world. ─── 1933年1月30日,星期一,午前不久,希特勒驱车前往总理府晋见兴登堡,这次晋见对他本人、对德国、对整个世界来说,后来都证明是一件命运攸关的事情。

12、When she took over the chancellery last November, many observers expected her to be a German version of Margaret Thatcher (minus the threatening handbag), and knock the economy back into shape. ─── 当她在去年11月接任总理,许多观察家预计,她会是个德国版的撒切尔夫人(但不带吓人的手提包),并将着手重振经济。

13、The remains of the chancellery and the Adlon Hotel up the Wilhelmstrasse were burning ─── 总理府和威廉街上的阿德隆饭店的断墙残垣还在燃烧之中。

14、" this chancellery is busy ask: "Adult how do you know she has effort? ─── 这位大臣忙问道:“大人您怎么知道她有力气呢?”

15、chancellery (chancellory) ─── 大使官邸

16、The office or department of a chancellor; a chancellery. ─── 大臣部门中的全体工作人员。

17、A chancellery just is the thinking oneself turns to kingly foot from the road after, extremely big difficult problem be readily solved. ─── 后一个大臣只不过是把自己的思维从路转到国王的脚上,天大的难题便迎刃而解了。

18、Speer had flown into the besieged capital on the night of April 23, landing in a cub plane on the eastern end of the East-West Axis--the broad avenue which led through the Tiergarten--at the Brandenburg Gate, a block from the Chancellery. ─── 斯佩尔是在4月23日晚上坐了一架小飞机到被围的首都来的,飞机降落在离总理府只有一条街远的勃兰登堡门附近,那是在横贯动物园的东西轴心大街的东头。

19、9 see joke: Some chancellery, love publishs opinion on public affairs, displease king, obtain capital crime. ─── 9看笑话: 某大臣,爱发表言论,得罪国王,获死罪。


21、Our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism, fell for Germany this afternoon in his operational headquarters in the Reich Chancellery. ─── 我们的元首阿道夫 - 希特勒同布尔什维主义战斗到最后一息,今天下午在帝国总理府的作战大本营里为祖国牺牲了。

22、“I should invite about 30 friends from Germany and abroad with whom I would like to spend an evening in the chancellery. ─── 我应该邀请德国及海外大约30位朋友,一起在总理府度过一个晚上。

23、Secretary administers, very glad, want chancellery to take him immediately. ─── 大臣一听,十分兴奋,要大臣马上就带他去。

24、They were now not far from the Wilhelmstrasse and the chancellery ─── 他们离威廉街和总理府已经不远了。

25、Beijing has hotly denied recent reports in Western media that Chinese hackers penetrated systems in the Pentagon and in the chancellery and key ministries of German leader Angela Merkel. ─── 北京强烈否认西方媒体最近的有关报道,即中国黑客侵入五角大楼系统以及大使馆和德国领导人默克尔的重要部委的系统。

26、From a window in the Kaiserhof, Goebbels, Roehm and other Nazi chiefs kept an anxious watch on the door of the Chancellery, where the Fuehrer would shortly be coming out. ─── 戈培尔、罗姆和纳粹党的其他头子在凯撒霍夫饭店的窗口,焦急地翘望着总理府的大门,他们的元首不久就要从这扇大门里出来。

27、Goering sent for Hans Lammers, the State Secretary of the Reich Chancellery, who was in Berchtesgaden, for legal advice and also fetched from his safe a copy of the Fuehrer's decree of June 29, 1941. ─── 戈林把呆在伯希斯特加登的总理府国务秘书汉斯 - 拉麦斯召来,征求他在法律上的意见; 他又从保险柜里拿出元首在1941年6月29日发布的命令的一个稿本。

28、The "tour" starts above ground with images of the old Reich's Chancellery and Winter Garden. ─── “虚拟之旅”开始于地面之上老德国总理府和冬园的图景。

29、It was only a few steps from his quarters to the cellar of the New Reich Chancellery, where the model of his architectural plans for Linz was displayed. ─── 从他的寝室只要几步就能走到充当新帝国总理办公室的地窖,在那里陈列着他为林茨做的建筑规划的模型。

30、"My paternal adviser of the past few months, Fried-rich Luschen, had arrived at the Chancellery." ─── 最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。

31、"The chancellery has provided contradictory and incomplete answers, " she said. ─── 她表示:“默克尔提供了前后矛盾且不完整的答案。”

32、Brought back to the Chancellery, he was stripped of his S.S. rank of Obergruppenfuehrer and placed under arrest ─── 他被押回总理府,革除了党卫队的大队长官衔,拘留起来。

33、Its job was to guard Hitler and his official residence in the Reich Chancellery. ─── 它的任务是保护在帝国总理府的希特勒和他的官邸。

34、The Minister's face lit up, visible to all in the light of the flames from the chancellery across the Wilhelmsplatz ─── 部长面色忽然开朗,在威廉广场对面的总理府的火光照映下,人人都看得很清楚。

35、33. Below too did not believe in suicide and felt that there was no longer any useful employment in the Chancellery shelter. ─── 贝罗也不相信自杀,他感到在总理府的地下避弹室里已再没有什么有用的事可做。

36、Entered palace, cai blame adult follows chancellery people sitting to talk about a period of time, addiction came up, want to chew areca, call sitar Nuo to guess an areca bag to be taken. ─── 进了王宫,蔡尤大人跟大臣们坐着聊了一阵子,瘾头上来了,想嚼槟榔,便叫西他诺猜把槟榔包拿来。

37、When chancellery people after understanding a situation, think way in succession, give an idea, some serves delicacies of every kind, some serves curious jewelry, some still serves a belle. ─── 当大臣们了解了情况后,纷纷想办法、出主意,有的送上山珍海味,有的送上稀奇珍宝,有的还送上美女。

38、N-S DIV-JIN: Chancellery (an executive agency in the central government's top echelon) ─── 门下省

39、When she took over the chancellery last November, many observers expected her to be a German version of Margaret Thatcher (minus the threatening handbag),and knock the economy back into shape. ─── 去年十一月,默克尔接任德国总理,观察家们期待其成为德国版的马格利特.萨切尔(但要扔掉那个危险的手提包),同时也希望她能重塑德国经济。

40、Some found their way into the very departments charged with defending democracy, others into the highest reaches of the state, even the chancellery. ─── 这些人认为西德过于物质化了,这令他们感到十分羞耻,或认为西德对于纳粹过去的罪恶表现的过分宽容了。

41、department of a chancellor; a chancellery. ─── 大臣部门中的全体工作人员。

42、the office or department of a chancellor; a chancellery ─── 大臣的官署或办事处;总理公署

43、Mr. Weber declined to comment to reporters as he left the Chancellery in Berlin. ─── 韦伯离开总理府时,谢绝对此事向记者发表评论。

44、on the pedestal, two volumes are rising: one of Chancellery and another of Institute offices. ─── 在基座之上,两个体量映入眼帘:一个是大臣官署,另一个是学院办公室。

45、They agreed upon a memorial which they left at the Chancellery. ─── 他们一致同意拟订了一份意见书,送到总理府。

46、If Mrs Merkel is forced to rely on opposition votes to enact the most important law of her chancellery she will be weakened. ─── 如果默克尔最终需要借助在野党投票来通过她首相任期内最重要的法案她的地位将受到动摇。

47、Chancellery shakes shake one's head, tell king, must want to just can go the following day, king does not have method, be forced to await anxiously. ─── 大臣摇摇头,告诉国王,必须要第二天才能去,国王没有办法,只好焦虑地等待。第二天一早,大臣帮国王预备好了行装,带了很多的水上路了。

48、Germany's chancellery computer systems were reported to have been attacked by Chinese hackers. ─── 德国也表示,总理府电脑系统遭到了中国黑客的攻击。

49、He has slashed a fifth of the posts in his own chancellery, he says proudly. ─── 他使国家公共开支减少了将近百分之12,也是自己在总理职务方面的开支降低了五分之一。

50、Chancellery people say for fun: "We also are tasted today honour the areca that the madam does, most propbably taste is good!Most propbably taste is good!! ─── 大臣们开玩笑说:“今天咱们也都尝尝尊夫人做的槟榔,想必味道不错!”

51、The Reception Hall, built in1936 in the garden of the Old Reich's Chancellery, is what could be seen above ground. ─── 图片2、1936建于的接待大厅,从当时的总理府庭院看到的景观。

52、Praji, himself from an influential Core World founding family, was appointed to the CMoI early in Palpatine's chancellery. ─── 普拉吉自己来自核心世界一个很有影响力的开国家族。帕尔帕廷上台后没多久,普拉吉就被调进科洛桑入境部。

53、The 10 managers have hired a truck to carry the mock ticket, nine feet by 18 feet, and bearing a cartoon face of Schroeder, from Hamburg to his chancellery in Berlin on Wednesday. ─── 据当地媒体报道,这10人雇了一列火车运把这张车票送到柏林。车票长9英尺高8英尺,上面印着一个卡通施罗德的头像,旁边印着一句口号:“德国的前途就如施罗德的旅程”。

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